How will they rule ??!

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I promised to stop. I yelled fire and no one was injured. So, I did not meet harm.
And you won't be prosecuted for it. In fact, it's not the speech you are prosecuted for when you falsely yell fire in a theater. It's the ensuing damage your speech caused that will get you prosecuted.

For instance, Christopher Hitchens once started a speech by yelling fire to prove this very point
A theater is private property. I also don't have the right to walk into your home and yell in your face. Not complex at all. Maybe to some, but not those with synapses that fire more than once a day
Under what circumstance would it not be speech?
And you won't be prosecuted for it. In fact, it's not the speech you are prosecuted for when you falsely yell fire in a theater. It's the ensuing damage your speech caused that will get you prosecuted.

For instance, Christopher Hitchens once started a speech by yelling fire to prove this very point

So if someone burns a flag and I lash out beyond my control can I blame the guy who burned the flag?

-I want Patreaus as SOS.
Do we make sure all flag burners are US citizens? If not, could be hate speech - no? Interpreted as an attack on national origin?
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Fwiw, I've seen reports that now claim the trump tweet is fake. It's possible it's been deleted, but does appear likely a fake from what I've read. Who knows.

Liberal walks into a seafood restaurant:

"I hate seafood. It's so cruel to the aquatic creatures. I demand you stop serving seafood this instant!"

Owner: "but you walked into a seafood restaurant. There are 100s of other non seafood options. Can't you just go to one of those?"

That's basically what's going on with liberals view of america. They want this country to be entirely totally different; rather than just go somewhere that matches what they're looking for.

The other funny thing - who wants to bet this exact restaurant scenario actually occurred more than a few times across the country?
You don't "own" the dollar. The government gives it to you for use in making transactions. The value it represents is yours, but not the physical piece of paper/cotton mixture.

hmm . . . no . . . a more correct statement is that the purpose of currency is to serve as legal tender for the settling of debts, public and private. For example, as soon as you put a head of lettuce in your grocery basket you have a debt to settle, and so on.

But you are correct about "ownership", from a theoretical and virtuous standpoint. The only thing that individuals "own" is the value of their own existence, and what they can produce from that existence in exchange . . . for example: in exchange for that any sovereign issuer of a "currency" . . . to be used for the settling of debts. As an individual "holds" more of what belongs to that issuer, he retains sole possession, increased value, his individual existence. At least that's how it's supposed to be . . . again, from a theoretical and virtuous standpoint.
Regarding the student on Tucker's show that burned his school's American flag, he is not within his first amendment right. He did not own the flag that he burned, the University did. He stole it, then burned it. That's petty theft & destruction of private property.
The problem is Bernie that they aren't aborting enough, and they need your taxes to pay for it.

Transy is a slick little bastard with his baby steps for that gotcha moment. Nice work.

Now understand this, I don't give two shits about the act or the dangers. I'm stereotyping that they are losers and plain and simple I'd prefer they go somewhere they don't feel the need to burn the nations flag.

The issue is other countries have actual immigration laws that are abided by but not us. And yes I know I'm stereotyping again but I feel like if your illegal, taking advantage of our system and burning our flag because we elected Donald Trump then F you!

That's my freedom to do so. Their flag burning breeds hate just like they say Trumps words do......F them!

I know that doesn't sound like an opened minded way to be but it's beyond stupid at this point.

As far as are rights go, again we can disagree. You earn your right to keep your rights every day. The more out of line you get and cross the law the more rights and freedoms you lose.

I'm very calculated and I do not see to it that it's our country's best interest to allow such stupid asinine nonsense just because you need to throw a temper tantrum.

You do though so [thumb2]
I pushed the like button repeatedly on this one but to no avail, I think I will just go somewhere and burn some other countries flags starting with Mexico's.
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How does letting trailer trash reproduce like rabbits help the US?
Trailer trash AKA welfare recipients, you should want them to breed like rabbits. After all 95% of them votes democrat. Take away the trailer trash vote & your democrat party would go out of business.
I pushed the like button repeatedly on this one but to no avail, I think I will just go somewhere and burn some other countries flags starting with Mexico's.
How far do you think a bunch of white kids would get, protesting Mexico in a Mexican city, waving the US flag?

I hate liberals!!
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Surely someone as dumb as a lawyer could understand that a fire is not speech.

I favor no flag protections.

I think it's considered "symbolic speech" by the Supreme Court.

Regardless of what it is considered, it speaks volumes that there's never an American flag in a protest by Democrats. It's always Mexican flags and if there is an American flag, they're burning it.

The left is anti-American in every way. They are a very dangerous group.
How far do you think a bunch of white kids would get, protesting Mexico in a Mexican city, waving the US flag?

I hate liberals!!

This is what I always get a kick out of when minorities claim to be so "scared." Gimme a break. Who's in a more dangerous situation? A white guy walking alone in a black neighborhood or a black guy walking in a white neighborhood?

Same scenario with Mexicans.

But who gets to play victim all the time? The left. Never fails.
Who's in a more dangerous situation? A white guy walking alone in a black neighborhood or a black guy walking in a white neighborhood?
I can only speak for myself, but if I ever find myself in this situation, then some serious shit must be going down & I'm on some kind of "Falling Down" postal warpath.

So my answer would have to be the neighborhood is in a more dangerous situation.
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This is what I always get a kick out of when minorities claim to be so "scared." Gimme a break. Who's in a more dangerous situation? A white guy walking alone in a black neighborhood or a black guy walking in a white neighborhood?

Same scenario with Mexicans.

But who gets to play victim all the time? The left. Never fails.

Not only that, but for all of those on the left defending flag burning as free speech, what do you think would happen if a mob of white people took to the streets, burning prophet Muhammad effigies or Mexican flags & chanting F Islam or F Mexico? Would the left still hide behind free speech or call it hate speech?
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And before you respond, it is different from cash because of the value the cash represents that can't be replaced without the physical bills.

You can't own a flag [laughing]
The Puerto Rican Day" is the 176th episode of the NBC sitcom Seinfeld. It aired on May 7, 1998, and was the 20th episode of the ninth and final season. It was the show's second-highest-rated episode of all time, with 38.8 million viewers, only behind the series finale. The episode aired one week before the two-part clip show and the two-part series finale aired. Because of controversy surrounding a scene in which Cosmo Kramer accidentally burns and then stomps on the Puerto Rican flag, NBC was forced to apologize and had it banned from airing on the network again.

Missed all this witty banter today. Put me in the group that thinks it's shitty to burn an American flag but understands the reason why it is legal.
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Also, didn't see it mentioned but the preferred method of destroying a flag that is retired or damaged is burning. Therefore, the act of burning a flag is not always a bad thing. What some of you are advocating is a censorship on the thoughts or motivations for burning a flag. I worry about a time when we will not be allowed to burn a flag. That will mean that the left has prevailed and now that the country is perfect for them, a burning flag would be a hate crime against utopia.
Well I do not care for Trump Secretary of Treasury.......but given the options and where they almost have to come from I don't think I'd ever like them.

I do like McCain standing up to the press and standing for the flag.
Also, didn't see it mentioned but the preferred method of destroying a flag that is retired or damaged is burning. Therefore, the act of burning a flag is not always a bad thing. What some of you are advocating is a censorship on the thoughts or motivations for burning a flag. I worry about a time when we will not be allowed to burn a flag. That will mean that the left has prevailed and now that the country is perfect for them, a burning flag would be a hate crime against utopia.

Retiring a flag is a moment of respect, burning and spitting and stomping on a flag in the streets of USA as a signal of disgust are totally different.

That's like me comparing getting on a knee to ask my wife to marry me to telling some skank to hit her knees and take a mouthful.......actually it's nothing like that but Willy will perk up after reading it.
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I mean, that's simply not true. The citizens of the newly founded country would have probably responded poorly to someone burning the flag, but that has no bearing on the legality of it. People respond poorly to Nazis marching down the street, but that is protected speech.

Also, in order for speech to not be protected it has to directly incite "imminent lawless action" which is not the same thing as "doing something that pisses people off." There is no "hate speech" exception to the first amendment either. Please read the summary of Brandenburg v Ohio.

Guys, this stuff is not hard. We're not even arguing preferences or opinions. These things are written and codified law/precedents and, I assumed, common knowledge
What is hard for you is the fact that your fearless leader Killary voted for a similar measure as to what Donald discussed minus taking away citizenship, which I would agree is ridiculous. If you commit treason then that is cause for citizenship revolk, but pretty sure that would be the least of their worries.
It was a 5-4 ruling. Both sides can make some good arguments...not so absurd to think you should/shouldn't be able to do it.
Maybe the SC with revisit their ruling in the next year or two when the court is 6-3. A lot of shat is about to get righted in this country.
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