How will they rule ??!

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Here is Carlson destroying another college kid. This kid was challenged more in three minutes by Carlson than by his college professors during his entire college career. But you'll see that they're totally brainwashed little sheep. They only know talking point memorization and never get challenged.

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Okay Political Thread, let's talk some politics for real.

Supreme Court - My view is that Obama was absolutely sure that Hillary would win, and therefore didn't push the issue more. The guy he nominated was liberal, but more centrist than he and the dems would have preferred. So they were banking for the love child of Kagan and Sotomayor to be nominated by Hillary and that would be that.

Talk about your all-time backfires. So what do you do now? Shouldn't Obama nominate a true centrist immediately and fight tooth and nail to get a vote in the Senate? Yeah, you wouldn't be getting what you wanted, but it unquestionably would block a conservative. For the record - I'm so glad the Dems made this monumental mistake. But I also believe that they had a point when they said the senate should hold hearings on Obama's nominee. It's just how things should work. Thoughts?
Okay Political Thread, let's talk some politics for real.

Supreme Court - My view is that Obama was absolutely sure that Hillary would win, and therefore didn't push the issue more. The guy he nominated was liberal, but more centrist than he and the dems would have preferred. So they were banking for the love child of Kagan and Sotomayor to be nominated by Hillary and that would be that.

Talk about your all-time backfires. So what do you do now? Shouldn't Obama nominate a true centrist immediately and fight tooth and nail to get a vote in the Senate? Yeah, you wouldn't be getting what you wanted, but it unquestionably would block a conservative. For the record - I'm so glad the Dems made this monumental mistake. But I also believe that they had a point when they said the senate should hold hearings on Obama's nominee. It's just how things should work. Thoughts?

They absolutely had a point. He shouldve just been voted down. No vote at all is embarrassing and ridiculous. He wasn't even a bad choice to begin with. Mitch was bailed out by an unlikely Trump victory. Otherwise it would be a nightmare nomination by hillary.

That said, it's too late now. Obama can do nothing. Whoever he puts up should be voted down immediately.
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A President Trump will get the next pick. President Obama has made his last Supreme Court pick that went nowhere thanks to Mitch McConnell.
I wish people would also stop acting like the popular vote meant something. If the popular vote meant something, it would literally change everything. Not only from a campaigning perspective, but more importantly from a voting perspective. Republicans in blue states might actually vote. So shut up, it doesn't matter.
LOL. Democrats tried to rig the election and now yelling for unfair election. Talk about the ultimate gas lighting.

You lost. Give up. Trump is going to be your president for at least 4 years and there isn't a GD thing you can do it about it. No amount of Soros hedgefund is going to save you. You got beat. Get over it you insufferable group of cry babies
Okay Political Thread, let's talk some politics for real.

Supreme Court - My view is that Obama was absolutely sure that Hillary would win, and therefore didn't push the issue more. The guy he nominated was liberal, but more centrist than he and the dems would have preferred. So they were banking for the love child of Kagan and Sotomayor to be nominated by Hillary and that would be that.

Talk about your all-time backfires. So what do you do now? Shouldn't Obama nominate a true centrist immediately and fight tooth and nail to get a vote in the Senate? Yeah, you wouldn't be getting what you wanted, but it unquestionably would block a conservative. For the record - I'm so glad the Dems made this monumental mistake. But I also believe that they had a point when they said the senate should hold hearings on Obama's nominee. It's just how things should work. Thoughts?

They absolutely had a point. He shouldve just been voted down. No vote at all is embarrassing and ridiculous. He wasn't even a bad choice to begin with. Mitch was bailed out by an unlikely Trump victory. Otherwise it would be a nightmare nomination by hillary.

That said, it's too late now. Obama can do nothing. Whoever he puts up should be voted down immediately.

Pretty sure it's standard procedure for lame duck president to not pick Supreme Court. Obummer shouldn't have even nominated anyone. That said, seen a lot of polls where Supreme Court was voters main reason for picking trump. McConnell may have put trump over the edge in some tight states.
Pretty sure it's standard procedure for lame duck president to not pick Supreme Court. Obummer shouldn't have even nominated anyone. That said, seen a lot of polls where Supreme Court was voters main reason for picking trump. McConnell may have put trump over the edge in some tight states.

Yes but they should've just voted him down. Their job is to confirm or not. Not to just do nothing.

Would've had the same effect, while following correct procedure, and not setting a dangerous precedent.
Yes but they should've just voted him down. Their job is to confirm or not. Not to just do nothing.

Would've had the same effect, while following correct procedure, and not setting a dangerous precedent.
I agree that they should have went ahead and had hearings and voted. 100%

But I am not sure there are not precedents for what they did.

I know V.P. Biden came out later and said his words were taken out of context. I just realized I really suck at understanding that "context" to a politician basically is driven by the wind.
I agree that they should have went ahead and had hearings and voted. 100%

But I am not sure there are not precedents for what they did.

I know V.P. Biden came out later and said his words were taken out of context. I just realized I really suck at understanding that "context" to a politician basically is driven by the wind.

There's wasn't precedent for what they did, until they did it. It's like eos, it cuts both ways. Everyone's cheering when it's something you agree with. But it sets precedent for someone you don't agree with to do the exact same thing.
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Yet refuse to demand anything of hillary or Obama while they're both tied to the grouls responsible for the violent protesting.

At this point, this point is irrelevant as Obama and Hilliary are done.

Accept the MSM for what they are and forget about it
Yes but they should've just voted him down. Their job is to confirm or not. Not to just do nothing.

Would've had the same effect, while following correct procedure, and not setting a dangerous precedent.

The precedent would be for obama not to nominate. The ONLY reason he did so was so he could say "see look even if I nominate a middle guy these republicans block everything just like they have done for 8 years"
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The precedent would be for obama not to nominate. The ONLY reason he did so was so he could say "see look even if I nominate a middle guy these republicans block everything just like they have done for 8 years"

And he would've been exactly right. Show up, vote him down. Do your job. Then, he can whine all he wants (because he would've no matter what). But at least he wouldn't have a legit complaint.
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It doesn't matter if they voted him down or didn't vote at all. The end result would have been the same.

Oh, and by the way, let's not forget what their "job" actually is. Represent the people of their respective states. I believe it was made apparent that the vast majority of states did not want O'bama to choose the next SCOTUS judge. The people have spoken.
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When did O'bama transition from lame ass to lame duck? Had to be a couple of years ago, right?
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It doesn't matter if they voted him down or didn't vote at all. The end result would have been the same.

Oh, and by the way, let's not forget what their "job" actually is. Represent the people of their respective states. I believe it was made apparent that the vast majority of states did not want O'bama to choose the next SCOTUS judge. The people have spoken.

Exactly. Which is even more reason they should have voted him down and been done with it.