How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yea? So how many illegal votes would you agree to?

Also, what happened to that lumber package, lol
Just saw that Jill Stein is more than halfway to her fundraising goal of 3 million, in an attempt to force a recount in 3 states.

I'm not sure what money has to do with it. I don't think you can just show up with a check and you get a recount. Am I wrong?
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I am sure if she has raised 3M the govt will gladly recount the votes to give her the same results.

Furthermore, I assume 3M is a cost figure govt may tell people it takes when considering a recount.........again assuming it's realistically less and they can profit on it.

Anyway, good luck to all the recount activists that strongly suggested Trump was an idiot for questioning our democracy and its voting systems.

Too deep? Ok sorry, just really enjoy people in their natural state.
I am sure if she has raised 3M the govt will gladly recount the votes to give her the same results.

Furthermore, I assume 3M is a cost figure govt may tell people it takes when considering a recount.........again assuming it's realistically less and they can profit on it.

Anyway, good luck to all the recount activists that strongly suggested Trump was an idiot for questioning our democracy and its voting systems.

Too deep? Ok sorry, just really enjoy people in their natural state.
The one old boy called it accurately earlier. It's our turn. How we lead is how how our country goes.
I bet that bitch is with the UN right now just scheming. F that. She really needs to be got, bc like Trump, Obama, and Hillary have all said, she's going to continue her great work for the world. *rolleyes*.
I've never seen so much analysis of cabinet picks. Besides Sec of State have those picks ever been more than "hey we're buds / you're popular / you gave me money, how about secretary of ______"?

Welp. Mainstream Media is in two primary places. California and New York. I think you can figure if from there.

How did we let these two states speak for the rest of the other 48? Personally, they can get bent for all I care.
I am thankful for the left and their polarization of our nation. What that Sanders lady said was very racist yet we hear crickets from MSM. Keep going left. Hillary was not near as far left as Booker. How about Booker Ellison in 20?
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I oftentimes struggle with what I see of Muslim extremists in the media versus my own personal interactions with a number of Muslim friends. And we talk about this topic on the regular. The following clip really hit home.

A sliver of humility from David Brooks at the NYT

Those of us in the opinion class have been complaining that Trump voters are post-truth, that they don’t have a respect for expertise. Well, the experts created a school system that doesn’t produce skilled graduates. The experts designed Obamacare exchanges that are failing. Maybe those of us in the professional class need to win back some credibility the old-fashioned way, with effective reform.

There will be plenty of time to be disgusted with Trump’s bigotry, narcissism and incompetence. It’s tempting to get so caught up in his outrage du jour that you never have to do any self-examination. But let’s be honest: It wouldn’t kill us Trump critics to take a break from our never-ending umbrage to engage in a little listening.
Last night I am accidentally watching ABC news and I see 2 news stories back to back.

1st Story
Cop shot in head by citizen at Wayne State.

2nd Story
15 year old kid killed by 62 year old man.

One was is being called a hate crime. Guess which one?

Race is never mentioned unless a white guy did it. The media never mentions if someone is black, Muslim or an illegal. They will simply say "man" or "suspect."

It's pretty ridiculous how we just allow this nonsense. Can anyone point to the media labeling a black on white crime a "hate crime." Amazingly, we "don't know" the motives when a white person is killed but we automatically know racism is behind a cop killing a black criminal.
Excellent, excellent article about how Trump's son in law Jared Kushner spearheaded and unconventional digital approach to the campaign, and beat silicon valley at their own digital game. And did it with half the funds.

Long read. But definitely worth it.
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Race is never mentioned unless a white guy did it. The media never mentions if someone is black, Muslim or an illegal. They will simply say "man" or "suspect."

It's pretty ridiculous how we just allow this nonsense. Can anyone point to the media labeling a black on white crime a "hate crime." Amazingly, we "don't know" the motives when a white person is killed but we automatically know racism is behind a cop killing a black criminal.


Cop killer was black, cop white. No mention of hate crime.

15 year old black kid minding his own business was chased down by old white racist guy and shot in stomach twice. Being called a hate crime because old man said he was defending himself and did not regret killing the nice young man.
The guy just doesn't quit working.

1,400 good jobs are hanging in the balance because of the regularity environment this Company must work under with our current system. I believe they made their intentions to move in early 2016 and to have this take affect in 2017. Indiana has a very strong Association of Manufacturerers. Not sure why they haven't been raising hell about this. Perhaps they have, but just not getting the press for fear of hurting the administration's image.
Lmao. Nope. It was straight from his playbook. Just totally different views. Same e-world.

He used google. Just like Obama did. He controlled the media.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone except white people.
