How will they rule ??!

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Jill Stein, JILL STEIN. I mean GIVE ME A BREAK. Anybody with a thimble full of brains can see that Stein & the green party isn't behind this. They've got absolutely nothing what so ever to gain. I mean a 6 year old can see that the Clintons & the democrat party is behind this recount. They are going to try & steal the election just like they tried to do back in 2000. Remember there was 9 people counting the votes in those 3 counties in Florida. 8 of those 9 people were democrats. Now how's that for being fair & balanced ? Democrats have no morals, they have no scruples, they are totally immune from shame. Anything to try & discredit Donald Trump these low down, filthy, bastards will do. If they try this Florida crap by cherry picking certain counties in these 3 states for a recount, where the vast majority of the people doing the counting are democrats. This could get ugly real fast.
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I totally went down the Trump = John Titor time traveler rabbit hole today. Trump probably isn't Titor, but holy shit some of the stuff the guy said in 1998 / 2001 seems very prescient.

Some weird things from my rabbit hole:
He talked about how shitty industrial ag food was. Nobody cared in 2000, now you can't go to Netflix without seeing a dozen documentaries telling you to avoid the grocery.
He said Russia would be the ally of the American people in WW3. Heresy in 2000, under a Trump Presidency?
He predicted the decentralization of media and entertainment where everyone would make their own shows . . . 5 years before Youtube.
He said the US would be in Civil war (basically between cities and non-cities), the Middle East would explode, and those would lead to WW3.
He also gave a bunch of dates that have passed that didn't come to fruition.

Can that shit possibly be real? Alex Jones was right about everything else, and 2016 has been a mind ****. Please federally legalize weed so I can cope.
If you haven't watched the untold truth of US history on Netflix I'd encourage you do so.

It would explain why regardless of the "red scare" American politics has and why we are almost always on the Russians side except for the small battles tearing back and forth over the world.

Just now getting to the part where they dig deep into all the secretive American support to the nazis in WW2 while allying with Russia.

It's a very solid overview and while it leans left because of Oliver Stone, it also shows how the democrats have really destroyed our politics.
If you haven't watched the untold truth of US history on Netflix I'd encourage you do so.

It would explain why regardless of the "red scare" American politics has and why we are almost always on the Russians side except for the small battles tearing back and forth over the world.

Just now getting to the part where they dig deep into all the secretive American support to the nazis in WW2 while allying with Russia.

It's a very solid overview and while it leans left because of Oliver Stone, it also shows how the democrats have really destroyed our politics.

What have Democrats not destroyed?
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Well a lot of their best leaders got killed in the 60's so it is hard to not treat them like the irresponsible little brother you still love.

We can't all see it the same way, and conservatives have certainly not been innocent either.
Some guy on CNN perfectly mocked the "Trump won" crowd by saying "well a piano didn't fall on his head so I guess he won" which is perfect. Saturday morning cartoon level. That's where we're at.


Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with the greatest honor I present to you our 45th President of the United States of America, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton!

Hillary will win

Hillary will be the first woman President. She'll do a fine job as long as health is permitting. JFK was a walking health wreck, after all.
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A 3rd party candidate wanting a recount has to be the one of the most bizarre things thats happened in political election history.

Its fishy as hell. A few weeks ago Stein practically was endorsing Trump, now she wants to help Hillary win with several recounts in different states? Wtf?
A front for George Soros and others more than likely.
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I don't think Soros would be the kind to throw good money after bad. But the Clintons on the other hand, well, it's not their money so they can throw it anywhere they like.
You have to be retarded (basically a Democrat) to think Stein is doing this on her own and for her gain. This has Clinton and Soros all over it.

It is also in states that had a wider gap than some states that Hillary won but no recount there.

Democrats are pure evil.
Nothing is going to come of this. Pennsylvania went to Trump by almost 70K votes, all 3 would have to be flipped. Trump can demand recounts in NH and Minnesota, which were razor thin. What a waste of time.
It's times like these that make me wonder WTF the media isn't telling us. Using this BS story that will rule up both sides against each other is bound to be covering up some Real news!
This recount stuff is awesome. Only going to confirm she lost & he won, and the left spends millions now that they will need in 2018 defending 20+ Senate seats in an off year.
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Looks like Clinton's health is due to Kuru. Something she acquired from eating human meat. This is no joke.

Will be interesting how Obama handles this, does he go all in with praise and completely alienate Cuban American voters on behalf of future Democrats? Or does he play it safe? Does he give a shit about the future of "his" party?

His actions, on the surface seemingly irrelevant, could be a deciding factor in a close election someday in the next 8-12 years.
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