How will they rule ??!

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Serial killers are forbidden avatars now. Sigh. We live in a censorship society unfortunately.

3 numbers? hahaha

I'd hate to see what a license plate does to you.

Serial killers are forbidden??? Seriously??? Who the hell makes these calls?

Yeah those three numbers creep me out a bit when used together. No I'm not one of those that if my total at the store comes to 6.66 I have to buy something else. I was mostly just kidding around. I'm just to looking for creepy faces and seeing Willy4UK beside it...gonna take some getting used to.

You should ask if they allow pictures of pedophiles, if so, you could always you Bill or Hillary.
Serial killers are forbidden avatars now. Sigh. We live in a censorship society unfortunately.

3 numbers? hahaha

I'd hate to see what a license plate does to you.
Were you asked to change your last avatar because that pansy on Rafters complained?
So for or against the new overtime rule?

Let me guess, you are against it.
I am against. It will do more harm that good.

We are looking to adjust up those that are close to the cutoff. Those that are much lower will be converted to hourly and work a straight 40 hour work week.
In corporations 36-42K is entry level so the 47K covered most people after 1-2 promotions. That's fair. You can not start entry level on salary and give them OT because it sets a bad precedent. If that was the case might as well give them hourly pay.

I actually got caught up in a situation like that at ResCare where I was hired on in the Tax dept and when we outsourced the work my pay carried over to treasury. Well treasury was run different and I was making more than my manager because in the tax dept your contract was 42K over 2080 hours but for tax time OT kicked in. Well at $20 an hour plus OT I was solid, but Treasury filled their positions through temp services and started them at $12 an hour........

Once my manager realized why her labor budget was through the roof she cut me back to salary. At 4pm I left regardless if my job was done.......and needless to say we butted heads. The treasury position was more of a monthly deadline for reporting spot but man she was livid after cutting my OT that I wouldn't stay and she had to regardless.

Once I accepted a position elsewhere she tried to tell me sorry it was just business.......I laughed and in front several people she kissed up to explained her business just hurt her dept by bringing it down instead of fighting for a higher salary using me as her reason.

They scattered like rats knowing damn well what had happened.

Anyway, the point is 47K after a promotion or 2 is a perfect OT point in today's world.

I don't follow your logic at all. Someone with a base of $42k working a bunch of OT is going to make more than your "promoted" guy at $47k. How is that fair? You work the entry level job and work OT without getting paid with hopes that you get those promotion. Otherwise, why would you accept a promotion just past the threshold to get paid less?

Sure, accountants making OT are going to get paid more during tax season. The running joke in the accounting industry is that during tax time, the interns are the highest paid employees in the company. But it sure isn't that way the other 9 months of the year.
Serial killers are forbidden??? Seriously??? Who the hell makes these calls?

Yeah those three numbers creep me out a bit when used together. No I'm not one of those that if my total at the store comes to 6.66 I have to buy something else. I was mostly just kidding around. I'm just to looking for creepy faces and seeing Willy4UK beside it...gonna take some getting used to.

You should ask if they allow pictures of pedophiles, if so, you could always you Bill or Hillary.

Looks like my times running short these days. Certain strings are being pulled to bully me off this site.
I got a stern a warning and a post deletion for saying something about Barnfart and saying someone spoke with an arrogant mouth. No names. Just criticism.

Posts within ten posts of mine were calling people idiots., a pansy, dumba** , uneducated fans that need to stop being fans. Etc etc etc.
they all remained. It's almost like twitter is running this board.
I got a stern a warning and a post deletion for saying something about Barnfart and saying someone spoke with an arrogant mouth. No names. Just criticism.

Posts within ten posts of mine were calling people idiots., a pansy, dumba** , uneducated fans that need to stop being fans. Etc etc etc.
they all remained. It's almost like twitter is running this board.

Which is funny. Actually not funny. But Twitter allows Muslim Brotherhood to have an account, but say anything about the Clinton Foundation's pedophilia and it gets zapped. Shows you what kind of messed up world we live in.

No one to defend us Phatty.

That thread got nuked because rivals fans whined and cried to the Mods about an Avatar causing emotional damage. Mods getting played and don't even know it.
The media and SJW's have scared the snowflakes into thinking that with Trump we are going to see some sort of Hitler like dictatorship coming to our great land. My niece (in college at an SEC school) told me that she is seriously looking into moving to places like Canada or Ireland since she is scared that 'rights' will be taken away by the GOP controlled federal govt. Simply unreal what they are being told and what they are believing.
I don't care what Robert DeNiro does based on the election. Or any other celebrity whining and crying how their precious little world is affected by a new administration. They were childish rants before the election, and nothing more than "look at me I'm really important" narcissist whining after the election. STFU already and go back to your multi-gazillionairre Hollywood bubble.
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I was just giving you are hard time about your pic, I wasn't crying or asking you to change it. Although the one you got up now looks like he eats small children from breakfast, and I don't mean in the Hillary or Bill kinda way either.
That's some pu$$y a$$ bullshit! If they kick you off this forum then I'll gladly go spend my time and money somewhere else. Ignorant liberal pu$$ies!
bwahaha...what money do you spend on here? Please tell us about all the tens of dollars you've spent on this site.
But wait, how can that be? I mean, he's a sexist. The next thing you know he will pick a black man to lead the HUD...
Wow, what a diverse cabinet. Republicans always have that token they throw out to try to prove they are so righteous now. While throwing women and minorities under the bus.
Dang, buddy was playing soccer last night. Well, they were up 5-0. They wear black jerseys. A guy wanting to get in the game said, "hey, black subs matters."

Ref was black. Immediately walked off the field. Team had to forfeit game, cost them first place and money for next year. Ref said they were being racist.

I dont get it. They werent making fun of blacks, they werent making fun of BLM, 2 guys on the team are black, the guy who made the joke has a black girlfriend.

I am just not sure what reality I am living in anymore. If someone advocates Whites being the master race, and poor blacks need to go back to Africa, that is some racist shit. But just making a joke like that isnt.
So the liberal media branded the nationalist populist movement as alt-right and now they are affiliating it with white supremacy. There using everything in the book to stomp out any resistant to their global overlords.
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looks like things may get interesting... would not surprise me to see the corrupt Republicans stealing elections. Their work in gerrymandering and voter suppression is stellar.

I've seen several libs touting this article. It's nothing more than click bait to pay the bills.

Hillary underperformed in areas with electronic voting? Guess what - she underperformed in nearly every precinct, except urban ones; regardless of voting methods.

What's more, exit polls quickly showed Trump was far outperforming expectations with several groups of people (blacks, hispanics, women, educated) than anyone ever dreamed.

It all adds up to a beat down. A landslide.

Decades from now, Hillary and obama will be the answers to some trivia questions. And Obamas time in office will look like an 8 year void.

But congrats on clicking their story, and sharing it. Without lemmings like you, they couldn't pay their bills.
Btw, she even surfaced?

Part of the deal with DT saying HE wouldn't pursue her was that she stfu and gtfo. That's not the best interest of justice at all, but it's the right move for him starting out the presidency.

I would think everything stays open on her and her peeps and they keep their nose clean from here out. She effs up or field offices find concrete wrongdoing, he roasts her. If not, he leaves her be. Don't necessarily agree with that in the slightest, but I think that's what's happened.