How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Please post them

I'm glad you asked for that, and since we're all grown-ups here . . . mostly . . . then perhaps we can ponder the reasonability of how it will be more practical to factually reflect on the number of illegal voters in this election at a later date. Such as the refection in this video clip below, with George Will of the Washington Post, Pulitzer prize winner, and quite possibly the most respected man in print journalism for the past quarter century.

In the clip (you can take the facts up with Mr. Will if you don't like them) he discusses, in the weeks leading up to the 2014 mid-term elections, 1.2 million votes cast in 2008 by "non-citizens". He also discusses and provides source reference for data indicating almost 7 million persons identified as "doubly registered in 28 states." Now this is, again, George Will, not exactly lightweight, in the parlance of our . . never mind . . . putting his reputation on the line with this narrative.

Also, not sure how you understand how numbers trend over time, but 1.2 million "non-citizens" in 2008 . . . what do you think that number would "encourage itself" to become, 8 years later, particularly with the recent "green light" given to the primary source by the President of the United States?

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I'm glad you asked for that, and since we're all grown-ups here . . . mostly . . . then perhaps we can ponder the reasonability of how it will be more practical to factually reflect on the number of illegal voters in this election at a later date. Such as the refection in this video clip below, with George Will of the Washington Post, Pulitzer prize winner, and quite possibly the most respected man in print journalism for the past quarter century.

In the clip (you can take the facts up with Mr. Will if you don't like them) he discusses, in the weeks leading up to the 2014 mid-term elections, 1.2 million votes cast in 2008 by "non-citizens". He also discusses and provides source reference for data indicating almost 7 million persons identified as "doubly registered in 28 states." Now this is, again, George Will, not exactly lightweight, in the parlance of our . . never mind . . . putting his reputation on the line with this narrative.

Also, not sure how you understand how numbers trend over time, but 1.2 million "non-citizens" in 2008 . . . what do you think that number would "encourage itself" to become, 8 years later, particularly with the recent "green light" given to the primary source by the President of the United States?

So have your here and now, because time injures just as must as it heals. There is no such thing as a "popular majority" in a national election, and that's just the one. Be encouraged, morons like you, to keep hanging your collective hat on it. Soon enough, you'll be picking it up and eating it. If not, somebody like George Will is going to stick it up your . . .

Thank you. You cited something I had not seen yet. I'm confused as to why you felt the need to insult me however.
Actually you are correct. I'm confused. I had seen several websites claiming 3 million illegals voted and they all sourced a single twitter feed. I asked for something else. It was provided and I was insulted in the process.

And I'm confused as to when I said anything about the popular vote counting as I was accused of.
Thank you. You cited something I had not seen yet. I'm confused as to why you felt the need to insult me however.

I'll apologize for that, and I'll edit it out too. Admit a personal weakness when I sense sensibly minded men nibbling at social innuendo when they have been served large portions of meaty political substance. in this example, that large meaty substance is our "president" and his treasonous words. Read them as he spoke to illegals: "when you vote, you are a citizen." The most powerful man in the world, our MSM and liberal population would tell us, had no affect on the 2016 election process by making that remark in formal, interview setting. But for men who take laws seriously, men who take the Constitution of the United States seriously, men who have sworn during their lives to protect it from enemies foreign and domestic, they (we) have an Absolute and Moral Right to label that "man" a domestic enemy to the US Constitution, and be intensely angry.

I do not live my life as a "nibbler". And I do not believe shock value is over-rated. So, yes - I throw out a careless insult with facts from time to time. It is never too late to make what makes this country most important, and learn to ignore what you have not been "given", and start paying attention only that which is slapping you and your children in your faces.

Millions of illegals voted and voted for Hillary Clinton. The focus of "popular vote" is pointless to begin with. However, if there is to be such a thing, then Donald Trump won it . . . among United States Citizens. Peace, and Happy Thanksgiving.
Looks like Japan knows that the MSM like CNN is full of bullshit. 100% bullshit. But it's Trump supporters with fake news!

Leftist group of Progressives in United Kingdom are fighting for the right for pedophilia.

Norway just arrested about 40 something people in a pedophilia ring. FBI. Our FBI arrested people in Norway. Told ya Anthony Weiner's comp has a lot of shit on it. Hillary Clinton raped and killed children.

The evidence is coming folks
Is "gold star family" relatively new in usage? The first time I heard it used a lot is when the Kahn's were trying to exploit the death of their son for political purposes.

Now I see a thread talking about a "gold star family" on a plane.
Ah, here it is.

The good news for Green Day is that none of their listeners heard this, because no one listens to them.
Green Day bitching about the President. Media actually proactively investigating claims against the party in power. Daily Kos being mentioned anywhere.

What year is it, guys? Am I back in middle school? Do I have an English test next Thursday? Will Jennifer let me touch her boobs on the bus?

My head is spinning, fellas.
Who could have seen this coming? Donations to the Clinton Foundation plummeted amid Hillary Clinton's failed presidential run, it has been revealed. The non-profit organization's latest tax filings show contributions fell 37 per cent to $108million - down from $172million in 2014, according to the New York Post. Donations fell as the former Secretary of State left the group in April last year shortly after announcing her run for the White House. Her departure also meant that revenue brought in from paid speeches plunged from $3.6 million in 2014 to just $357,500.

via yahoo
A “Saturday Night Live” star is blasting Donald Trump in an expletive-filled online post, after the president-elect criticized last week’s show as unfunny and “biased.”

“F—k you bitch,” comedian Pete Davidson posted on Instagram, in response to Trump’s critical tweet about “SNL.” The 23-year-old comedian — who had supported Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — wrote to his more than 400,000 Instagram followers that he’s “never been more proud.”

via TheHill
A “Saturday Night Live” star is blasting Donald Trump in an expletive-filled online post, after the president-elect criticized last week’s show as unfunny and “biased.”

“F—k you bitch,” comedian Pete Davidson posted on Instagram, in response to Trump’s critical tweet about “SNL.” The 23-year-old comedian — who had supported Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — wrote to his more than 400,000 Instagram followers that he’s “never been more proud.”

via TheHill
People still watch SNL? I stopped watching that probably 5 or 6 years ago.
I have really been enjoying the left go full tilt on the Hitler-Trump comparisons. Especially the far-left Jewish folks. I'm going through the list of things Trump has said, and he seems to be as pro-Israel, pro-Jewish as they come. It's not like Hitler was sneaky about what he was trying to do back in the day. He laid it out there pretty early on. It's pure dementia.