How will they rule ??!

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forgot one
Wait , isn't the actor who plays Hamilton , or at least one or more of the main actors in the play, blac. , In open defiance of historical fact? If so, how would I the lefties feel if there was a play about MLK and Keanu Reeces was the lead?

Yeah. that's a whole other issue. Hamilton is only looking for non white actors.

Like I read from somone else.

"Would it be ok if a white person played MLK?"

No. It wouldn't be ok. I wouldn't want that to happen. The Alt-Left is a minority whose energy is only based on biology by youth. Most people know these people are frauds.
Yeah. that's a whole other issue. Hamilton is only looking for non white actors.

Like I read from somone else.

"Would it be ok if a white person played MLK?"

No. It wouldn't be ok. I wouldn't want that to happen. The Alt-Left is a minority whose energy is only based on biology by youth. Most people know these people are frauds.
Everything about the altleft, and liberalism, is fraudulent.
The head exploding that would happen if The Clintons did half of that would be off the charts.

I had so much fun with this yesterday, after being reminded of Hillary Clinton's love affair with the priceless "Kahn Canary" diamond, the entertainment quality of yet another of CardK's moronic episodes, as apparently a pissy little 10 thousand dollar bracelet in 2016 (on Ivanka's wrist, that is), just pulls his trigger (the MSM told him to be that way, yo). So, boring nights being boring nights, I thought I would dust off the "gold standard". This alone is just a few lines from her Wiki page:

Throughout her lifetime, Kennedy acquired a large collection of jewelry. Her triple-strand pearl necklace designed by American jeweler Kenneth Jay Lane became her signature piece of jewelry during her time as First Lady in the White House. Often referred to as the "berry brooch," the two-fruit cluster brooch of strawberries made of rubies with stems and leaves of diamonds, designed by French jeweler Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany & Co., was personally selected and given to her by her husband several days prior to his inauguration in January 1961.She wore Schlumberger's gold and enamel bracelets so frequently in the early and mid-1960s that the press called them "Jackie bracelets"; she also favored his white enamel and gold "banana" earrings. Kennedy wore jewelry designed by Van Cleef & Arpels throughout the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s; her sentimental favorite was the Van Cleef & Arpels wedding ring given to her by President Kennedy.

Can't imagine how her trove of jewels increased from such "modesty" after she married one of the richest men on earth.
I had so much fun with this yesterday, after being reminded of Hillary Clinton's love affair with the priceless "Kahn Canary" diamond, the entertainment quality of yet another of CardK's moronic episodes, as apparently a pissy little 10 thousand dollar bracelet in 2016 (on Ivanka's wrist, that is), just pulls his trigger (the MSM told him to be that way, yo). So, boring nights being boring nights, I thought I would dust off the "gold standard". This alone is just a few lines from her Wiki page:

Throughout her lifetime, Kennedy acquired a large collection of jewelry. Her triple-strand pearl necklace designed by American jeweler Kenneth Jay Lane became her signature piece of jewelry during her time as First Lady in the White House. Often referred to as the "berry brooch," the two-fruit cluster brooch of strawberries made of rubies with stems and leaves of diamonds, designed by French jeweler Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany & Co., was personally selected and given to her by her husband several days prior to his inauguration in January 1961.She wore Schlumberger's gold and enamel bracelets so frequently in the early and mid-1960s that the press called them "Jackie bracelets"; she also favored his white enamel and gold "banana" earrings. Kennedy wore jewelry designed by Van Cleef & Arpels throughout the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s; her sentimental favorite was the Van Cleef & Arpels wedding ring given to her by President Kennedy.

Can't imagine how her trove of jewels increased from such "modesty" after she married one of the richest men on earth.

I would bet she had the lowest IQ of any first lady. She really comes off as dumb in interviews. Cultured but dumb.
President and Vice President
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Hillary Clinton (D) 1,893,770 71.41%
Donald J. Trump (R,A) 620,285 23.39%

That is the result of Los Angeles County. A difference of 1,273,485 votes. Out of 3,143 counties in the US, take away the results of one and she loses the popular vote as well.

I'll be glad when Dec. 19th gets here. Things might come to a head.
Cal was on Fox and Friends this morning. Supposedly to give advice to Trump. He said he couldn't do that but talked about how to manage a team of stars.

Guy on FF is Cal's bud.

well at least it will be another story that their fan base can cipher - down to their emotional level, regardless of merit, which is zero. Just another example of youth / young adult having been conditioned for 8 years the importance of their individual feelings, that all order and quality is violated when any of their individual feelings are violated, and precisely how embarrassing it is, how vulgar it is, their low, low intelligence.

In what is the saddest event to happen this year, we probably lost the single greatest force in trying to keep government entities from operating completely in the shadows. Republican, Democrat, independent, whoever you are, without an organization like this, we're liable to be left in the dark more than the Soviet-era Russia citizenry.
Two categories of lefty tweets/open letters/columns the last couple of days:

-I hate Trump/Pence
-Trump/Pence need to denounce hate
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For you fake news junkies, here's yet another right wing talking point proven false. All those busloads of protestors are from a conference. You guys will seriously believe anything.

Eric Tucker, a 35-year-old co-founder of a marketing company in Austin, Tex., had just about 40 Twitter followers. But his recent tweet about paid protesters being bused to demonstrations against President-elect Donald J. Trump fueled a nationwide conspiracy theory — one that Mr. Trump joined in promoting.

Mr. Tucker's post was shared at least 16,000 times on Twitter and more than 350,000 times on Facebook. The problem is that Mr. Tucker got it wrong. There were no such buses packed with paid protesters.

But that didn't matter.

While some fake news is produced purposefully by teenagers in the Balkans or entrepreneurs in the United States seeking to make money from advertising, false information can also arise from misinformed social media posts by regular people that are seized on and spread through a hyperpartisan blogosphere.

Here, The New York Times deconstructs how Mr. Tucker’s now-deleted declaration on Twitter the night after the election turned into a fake-news phenomenon. It is an example of how, in an ever-connected world where speed often takes precedence over truth, an observation by a private citizen can quickly become a talking point for a world leader, even as it is being proved false.
President and Vice President
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Hillary Clinton (D) 1,893,770 71.41%
Donald J. Trump (R,A) 620,285 23.39%

That is the result of Los Angeles County. A difference of 1,273,485 votes. Out of 3,143 counties in the US, take away the results of one and she loses the popular vote as well.

I'll be glad when Dec. 19th gets here. Things might come to a head.
Well, except you can't 'take those away' as much as you'd like to. They are part of the United States. You guys act like it was some blowout when in reality she won popular vote and he won most of these battleground states by a very slim margin. Still a divided electorate, no matter which fake maps you may use.

I'm gonna give the guy a chance because I happen to like this country and don't want to see it torn apart. That being said, his childish rants on Twitter are just unbelievable and shows a real lack of understanding of what his role is here. He doesn't quite understand what freedom of speech is. Is he going to continue to attack Americans after he gets into the Oval?
With regards to the electoral college vs. the popular vote: Much like any sporting event, the rules are established and recognized by all parties before the event takes place. In football, if a field goal counted for 6 points, we'd see a massive change in strategy and emphases on the kicking game. Same with the election---if the President were elected based on popular vote, Trump would have spent significantly more time in New York, California, Illinois, etc. and Hillary would have spent more time in Texas, Georgia, etc. We don't get to choose--after the fact---what measure we use to determine the outcome.

People need to move on with this entire line of whining and complaining---it's over.
I just trolled the Starbucks in our office bdg. Went up to the counter, ordered, she asked for the name and I said "Trump".

You could see the steam coming out her ears... it was delicious.

Order comes out, she names the drink. I walk up and ask for the name on the drink.

She says "Trump' without even looking up. I thought I heard her teeth grinding.

Damn this has been a great day!