How will they rule ??!

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Z, your version of the Liberal party is long gone. and it is obvious by the media's doubling down on the same rhetoric as the election that it is not coming back. the Liberal party that once stood for tolerance, for looking out for the poor, and the working class alike is in the rear view mirror. this party is about race bating and hate spewing. and pretty obvious about painting whites as the evil, reason for everything gone wrong in the minority world. the left have become extreme and the party of intolerance.
These two DUMBASSES and BLM did more to elect Trump than all the free airtime, Fox News, talk radio, Rush, and Sean Hannity ever dreamed of doing. They are like garlic vampire wooden stakes to the face of every white midwestern voter in the country:


Please, CNN. I know you are hellbent on destroying the United States and tossing us headlong into the global stew but can we just at least have the small victory of these two being fired in the most public way possible? All of us that are now sentenced to 4 years of dealing with Trump should at least be given this small victory. If MSNBC also dumps Al Sharpton then we may actually some day win a rust belt or midwestern state again, but in the meantime small baby steps. Please, please fire these idiots ASAP. Thank you!
Allowing rich, fat, greedy, callous, bulbous Republicans to capture white working class voters in swaths all across the midwest was the single most glaring display of the perfect melding of idiotic and incompetence I have ever witnesses.

This move at precisely the moment we should have permanently had our foot at the throats of a dying Republican Party is simply unbearable to stand.

This has to be a plot. You can't accidentally be that stupid. There had to be a ominous nefarious skulking plan to keep the country 50/50 at precisely the moment we should have been able to put the Republicans away nationally forever. They should be effectively reduced to small regional isolated pockets of poorly educated morons being manipulated by rich corporate interests. Instead they've captured the entire white middle class?

Just unbearable. I cannot comprehend what has happened. And the very same chorus of idiotic talking heads are still there on CNN and MSNBC stoking the racial hatred and division. Futher pushing the entire midwest and rust belt permanently into the hands of the Republicans. It is the hardest thing of my life to bear in watching this happen.
This picture just screams white midwestern middle class voter values, doesn't it:

Do you have any idea of how bad you have to blow it in order to allow THAT to capture the entire midwest AND rust belt? Look at that picture? The only way that happens is CNN and MSNBC's sustained idiotic race baiting that alienated voters and made them retreat into their own racial sub classes. Like when you go into prison. You must separate into white, black, latino or you will not survive. And that is EXACTLY what these idiots on CNN and MSNBC are doing. Still they are doing it. You can hear the entire midwest heaving to the right. Like the Titanic listing in its death throes.
what do expect to see in that picture? a bunch of farmers and coal miners? somehow Hillary and her contingency of unvetted muslim refugees, BLM protestors and illegals at her side was supposed to somehow inspire the middle american working class. at least Trump brought up shitty trade agreements and veterans.
I remember Al going all the way back to Twana Brawley. He is the worst of the worst. Scumbag is too nice for him. When MSNBC gave him his own show I knew we were doomed. I've been whistling past the graveyard ever since.

When the media jumped on the poor little Trayvon Martin bandwagon pimping picture of him at 13 years old in his football uniform I actually new the gig was up. I have felt it (and posted about it in here) as I knew the game was fixed. We are heading somewhere purposefully. This is not stupid. This is intentionally directed division with an end game.

We have to be intentionally breaking the United States up. Fracturing it. Preparing to split it apart for whatever purposes are behind all these things pulling the strings.
Trump's taste in decor is a combination of Moammar Khadafy and Liberace's shoe closet. Gaudy just doesn't fully do it justice. Who decorates for him, Mr. T?

man o man . . . I just hope like all heck Donald Trump lets Ivanka and Melania go wild with taxpayer money on re-decorating the White House . . . just like Jackie did . . . rich Kennedy fortune withstood . . . when she enlisted the aid of foreigners . . . Stéphane Boudin, from Paris . . . designer from, get this . . . the House of Jansen . . . oh, how we just loved Jackie Kennedy for it. Media scribes are still praising her to this day, setting the admiration standard, soon to be re-applied via "tolerance" and "composure" by virtue of their own precedence. Eat it you f'k heads.

But first things first: hire and g'dammed fumigation service. clean the place from top to stinking bottom. Street urchins have been funking up the place and needs to be made livable again. yeah, we got some decent friends comin' over.
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Will the IRS go after Sharpton for his back taxes once Trump takes office? Would like to see that happen.
How many more of you guys want to advocate Your gistapo tactics. Yes, Trump should use the power of the President to go after his enemies. Should lock up his enemies. Let his children who supposedly run his business into private meetings and get national security briefings. Trump doing exactly what you railed against Hillary for. It's laughable how tone deaf you all are. I mean if this is what you wanted why not just vote Hillary? Just tells me you guys don't know the constitution or even care about it.

This is the same guy who refused to release taxes or separate his business interests. Yet in less than 2 weeks you got his business interests in direct conflict. Got Ivanka hawking 10k bracelets from interviews. The head exploding that would happen if The Clintons did half of that would be off the charts.
if you had achieved your goal, and Hillary won, it would have been final nail finishing off selling America to foreign interest and ending our Republic.
How many times are you drama queens gonna say this? After every Democrat gets elected you buy a bunch of guns, cling to your bibles you don't read, and spout off your Soros fueled conspiracy theories. Every.single.time
How many more of you guys want to advocate Your gistapo tactics. Yes, Trump should use the power of the President to go after his enemies. Should lock up his enemies. Let his children who supposedly run his business into private meetings and get national security briefings. Trump doing exactly what you railed against Hillary for. It's laughable how tone deaf you all are. I mean if this is what you wanted why not just vote Hillary? Just tells me you guys don't know the constitution or even care about it.

This is the same guy who refused to release taxes or separate his business interests. Yet in less than 2 weeks you got his business interests in direct conflict. Got Ivanka hawking 10k bracelets from interviews. The head exploding that would happen if The Clintons did half of that would be off the charts.
Gistspo tactics? Sharpton owes, it has been reported over $4 millon in back taxes. The IRS has turned a blind eye thst I am damn sure others wouldn't get.
The head exploding that would happen if The Clintons did half of that would be off the charts.

I feel sorry for you. You are the dumbest person to ever post his thoughts in public. You are unaware of the numerous times Hillary Clinton has gone out of her way to wear the famous, flawless 4.25 carat "Kahn Canary" Diamond in public, to rub in noses that the ability to do so is a symbol of her power. The value of this exquisite piece can buy so many 10 thousand dollar gold bracelets not to be imagined. Probably enough to match the equivalent value of a new super wal-mart for every shit-hole town you have ever been in which, I'm guessing, is a magnificent understatement of gold bracelets, genuine or otherwise.
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How many times are you drama queens gonna say this? After every Democrat gets elected you buy a bunch of guns, cling to your bibles you don't read, and spout off your Soros fueled conspiracy theories. Every.single.time

not just the dems you attention whore. i'm talking about all establishment washington cronies. from the Bush's to the Clintons.
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Gistspo tactics? Sharpton owes, it has been reported over $4 millon in back taxes. The IRS has turned a blind eye thst I am damn sure others wouldn't get.

Read that as black taxes

Thought. Damn that's a lot of tax money for being black
How many times are you drama queens gonna say this? After every Democrat gets elected you buy a bunch of guns, cling to your bibles you don't read, and spout off your Soros fueled conspiracy theories. Every.single.time
Soros conspiracy theories? He was paying people to
Protest against Trump at his Rallies. That's not a conspiracy theory, it is fact.
man o man . . . I just hope like all heck Donald Trump lets Ivanka and Melania go wild with taxpayer money on re-decorating the White House . . . just like Jackie did . . . rich Kennedy fortune withstood . . . when she enlisted the aid of foreigners . . . Stéphane Boudin, from Paris . . . designer from, get this . . . the House of Jansen . . . oh, how we just loved Jackie Kennedy for it. Media scribes are still praising her to this day, setting the admiration standard, soon to be re-applied via "tolerance" and "composure" by virtue of their own precedence. Eat it you f'k heads.

But first things first: hire and g'dammed fumigation service. clean the place from top to stinking bottom. Street urchins have been funking up the place and needs to be made livable again. yeah, we got some decent friends comin' over.

Considering the people they let come over there like DeRay, yeah, get that sickness out.
he said "gistapo" . . . yeah, I was confused too . . . maybe he meant two words? Like gist apo? like the essence of a fraternity organization or something? gistapo? wtf is a gistapo? 3 syllables ?
Damn should of checked the spelling first. :smiley:
The ole grammar police...can always count on that when your defense is weak.

did that to make sure you had not run off. felt bad about that tremendous whipping I had just giving you, your having just hypothesized if "the Clintons" had done "anything similar" (paraphrasing) to Ivanka's donning a piddly $10K bracelet. Good grief. So what do you think know after your education of HRC and her on again, on again with one of the most famous - rub-it-in-their-faces - diamonds known to all creation? Also, the reason that you never knew about that was because there never was any "head exploding". Intelligent people don't react the way "you people" react . . you know that now, yo.
Elizabeth Warren calling for Trump to resind his nomination of Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General. Has Trump nominated anyone the Dems like? Of course then again does it really matter?
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Elizabeth Warren calling for Trump to resind his nomination of Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General. Has Trump nominated anyone the Dems like? Of course then again does it really matter?

If the Dems like any picks that should tell you to throw that person out. They liked Paul Ryan as Speaker, which was a red flag.

Tell Dems to get bent. They don't run the show right now. They have had eight years of just total lawlessness and corruption with horrendous people running things.
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All this fighting over who Trump is nominating is helping him. I can't believe the lameness with which we as Democrats are being led. When you are reduced to counting on Chuck Schumer to save you... well we pretty much can't get any more pathetic than that.

Now is the winter of my discontent. I must reserve and savor my bitterness. Preserve it. Allow it to percolate deeply and slowly. From these ashes a new manifesto must emerge that leads the Democrats out of the wilderness of racial division and back to our roots as the true champions of the working men and women of this country.

For now, we must suffer our penance.
Anyone catch the harvy levin donald trump special?

Pretty good. its telling that almost everyone who actually knows donald trump likes and respects the guy.
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All this fighting over who Trump is nominating is helping him. I can't believe the lameness with which we as Democrats are being led. When you are reduced to counting on Chuck Schumer to save you... well we pretty much can't get any more pathetic than that.

Now is the winter of my discontent. I must reserve and savor my bitterness. Preserve it. Allow it to percolate deeply and slowly. From these ashes a new manifesto must emerge that leads the Democrats out of the wilderness of racial division and back to our roots as the true champions of the working men and women of this country.

For now, we must suffer our penance.

Dragon ball, i hate to tell you...there is no more democrat party.. its now the liberal party the handout party the whiney ass baby party

You know it deep down you can feel it
Not only will you certainly not lead them out of this hole, they will double down their efforts. just look at who they are pushing as minority leader
They are searching for rock bottom when it is all around them already. Soon they need someone like me to save them. They'll look up and shout "SAVE ME" and I'll whisper "no". /watchmen