How will they rule ??!

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It is a false equivalency to those that convince themselves it is. Whatever helps you support one and denounce the other.

Situation A: Know terrorist is at a home in Yemen, send Seal team in, capture and take him to a site and waterboard him for 3-4 days and then put him in a cell.
Situation B: Know terrorist is at a home in Yemen, bomb home via drone killing him and family.

Premeditated torture, bad. Premeditated murder, ok. It's a stupid coping system that has been instilled.

BTW, as for unpopular, we are the only country in the world that the majority supports drones.

This is a serious wtf moment from you. You think sudden death (air strike, lethal injection, etc) is the same as shoving hot iron pokers up someone's arse while they're being drawn and quartered? Yeah right.
Better than killing him and his family. But in true political fashion, let's read what we want to read.

I'm just tired of pussies. Does punishment fit the crime? Shouldn't be so complicated. That Colorado Theatre Geek - wtf was he just sentenced? That was like a year ago. Why is he even sentenced? Should be tried and shot to death within a month.
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You can get smartassy about it all you want...but in this case, the people were completely oblivious while he stalked them from 5-10 feet away (for 20-30 seconds)...a lot of things could've been used to killed the 3 attack victims.
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You can get smartassy about it all you want...but in this case, the people were completely oblivious while he stalked them from 5-10 feet away (for 20-30 seconds)...a lot of things could've been used to killed the 3 attack victims.

Could've been nun-chucks. Let's hear MSNBC try to outlaw nun-chucks.
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Man, that's a chilling pic. I don't want to watch that shit. He kind of changed the game for the sickos seeking attention before they die.
Glock. Likely .40 or .45. It was said that 13 shots were counted. A .9 can hold 17/18 rounds. I'd assume he emptied the mag.
Was the guy using a Gopro? I mean the angle of this video, that would be pretty akward to be holding the camera in the left and pistol on the right.

Doubt it was a .45, that tends to drop somebody on impact. Adrenaline or not.
There's nothing anti-gun about wanting background checks for all gun purchases and keeping them out of the hands of people who have a history of mental illness or violence. Yes, it probably wouldn't have prevented this but let's not act like it wouldn't save a life down the road. Or that doing this in any way equates to 'taking our guns' away. Unless you're a criminal or a crazy.
How do you know there was no background check? I suspect where, when and how he bought it will come out shortly. If he has no felonious background, he can get it legal. If he has not been committed and just simply fired from every damn job he had...... Was he ever treated for his anger issues or race hatred? Do we know or are we just throwing shit out there?

The idiots blaming this on gun control are well, just idiots, IMO. They have no other argument so they use this one. They don't want to think it had anything to do with race, being nuts or just hate, so it has to be the gun. Without that gun, this guy would have loved us all and still be living, right? They act like there is no gun control now, which is utter nonsense. It is merely a Liberal talking point when they don't want to research or accept the real reasons behind these senseless and vicious acts.
funny how after every single recent episode of gun violence liberals start spouting off about gun control....with this important little caveat, that no law they want passed would have stopped the gun violence that just happened

It's hilarious. I have a good laugh every time. In fact, I can't stop giggling right now. Shootings have nothing to do with guns, you stupid libs! Guy could've used a car to run over them. Wanna outlaw cars, idiots?????
How do you know there was no background check? I suspect where, when and how he bought it will come out shortly. If he has no felonious background, he can get it legal. If he has not been committed and just simply fired from every damn job he had...... Was he ever treated for his anger issues or race hatred? Do we know or are we just throwing shit out there?

The idiots blaming this on gun control are well, just idiots, IMO. They have no other argument so they use this one. They don't want to think it had anything to do with race, being nuts or just hate, so it has to be the gun. Without that gun, this guy would have loved us all and still be living, right? They act like there is no gun control now, which is utter nonsense. It is merely a Liberal talking point when they don't want to research or accept the real reasons behind these senseless and vicious acts.

Exactly. Wish they'd just shut up. Stupid libs acting like guns have to do with all the shootings in this country.

There should be more guns. Make'm like those RedBike things in Libtowns where you can just rent a gat for a day. That's what I say.
This is a serious wtf moment from you. You think sudden death (air strike, lethal injection, etc) is the same as shoving hot iron pokers up someone's arse while they're being drawn and quartered? Yeah right.
No the only WTF is people not seeing the decision process is the same only have convinced themselves that fake drowning is worse than death. It's comical to see the mindset at work. The NYT as late as Jan this year was still calling on war crimes for the Bush admin while also touting HRC who oversaw a several hundred % increase in drone strikes. You have bought the tidy hypocrisy hook line and sinker.
To be fair, cigarettes kill way more people every year than violent crime.

Good point. We should probably come up with some laws against cigarettes and curb all the cig-related death instead of focusing on something like guns.
To be fair, cigarettes kill way more people every year than violent crime.
To be fair, cigarettes kill their users.

To be fair, Big Tobacco doesn't have congress by the nuts.

To be fair, there's a massive education effort underway to help reduce the amount of tobacco-related deaths.

Hearts are the most common killer in the U.S. Are you gonna outlaw hearts!?
It's hilarious. I have a good laugh every time. In fact, I can't stop giggling right now. Shootings have nothing to do with guns, you stupid libs! Guy could've used a car to run over them. Wanna outlaw cars, idiots?????
Yep. Each killing is goddamned hilarious.

The problem is less about too many guns and more about the effing morons who have such a gun lust in this society. Even worse are the dipshits who feel the need to encourage those deranged idiots by claiming that the "libs are going to take away all of their guns" when people make any efforts to limit access to assault rifles.
Better than killing him and his family. But in true political fashion, let's read what we want to read.

I'm just tired of pussies. Does punishment fit the crime? Shouldn't be so complicated. That Colorado Theatre Geek - wtf was he just sentenced? That was like a year ago. Why is he even sentenced? Should be tried and shot to death within a month.
You're right, we should be more like North Korea or Iran...both places your side wants to wipe off the map. We should be more like them? Yeah the justice system is slow but I'd rather we get it right than off someone who turns out to be innocent. Obviously not in this case today.
Yep. Each killing is goddamned hilarious.

The problem is less about too many guns and more about the effing morons who have such a gun lust in this society. Even worse are the dipshits who feel the need to encourage those deranged idiots by claiming that the "libs are going to take away all of their guns" when people make any efforts to limit access to assault rifles.

No offense dude, but you stupid liberals try to ban Chickflla's due to their owner's stance on gay marriage, so how in the hell do you think I'm going to trust you all with "common sense" gun control?
Again, you dance around the issue. How is asking someone to submit to a background check considered some 1984 style of gun control? You want to make all the welfare people submit to drug screens but don't want gun owners to be submitted to a background check? Or are ok with police stop and frisk or pull anyone over for anything at anytime and harass citizens but not ok with submitting to a background check? I know why, because the NRA told you so.
Again, you dance around the issue. How is asking someone to submit to a background check considered some 1984 style of gun control? You want to make all the welfare people submit to drug screens but don't want gun owners to be submitted to a background check? Or are ok with police stop and frisk or pull anyone over for anything at anytime and harass citizens but not ok with submitting to a background check? I know why, because the NRA told you so.

If these are your best analogies and strawmen, you should just sit this out.
I have no problem with a background check, think its a good idea. The problem is that if somebody hasn't been documented as a violent offender or mentally unstable, they will slip through the cracks. And that's just legally acquiring a gun, let alone off the black market.
I don't own a gun and certainly think there should be more checks in the process especially to deal with the huge number of mentally ill there are out there. But on the other hand if you don't recognize that these knee jerk "never let a good crisis go to waste" approaches to capitalize on tragedies is a road to nowhere then stop complaining that nothing is getting done.
No the only WTF is people not seeing the decision process is the same only have convinced themselves that fake drowning is worse than death. It's comical to see the mindset at work. The NYT as late as Jan this year was still calling on war crimes for the Bush admin while also touting HRC who oversaw a several hundred % increase in drone strikes. You have bought the tidy hypocrisy hook line and sinker.
As an aside, I don't support war crimes charges against anyone in the Bush administration based on what's public knowledge.

That being said, "collateral damage" is not and never has been considered a war crime by the international community. If the U.S. were purposely targeting civilian non-combatants without any specific terrorists in mind, then you'd have something resembling a point (since heinous targeting of non-combatants IS considered a war crime). However, there's no indication that they are doing so, so you don't have a point.

Regardless: hearing a Jesus-freak physician saying he'd let his administration use torture is flabbergasting.
I have no problem with a background check, think its a good idea. The problem is that if somebody hasn't been documented as a violent offender or mentally unstable, they will slip through the cracks. And that's just legally acquiring a gun, let alone off the black market.

Yeah, from the numbers standpoint, the biggest problem with handguns isn't the sick b*stard who goes off the reservation like fatboy did today. It's the gun violence from non-crazies who have a gun and a) get pissed,and kill someone they know or b) kill someone while they are committing another crime. So the background check thing isn't going to make that big of a difference.
As an aside, I don't support war crimes charges against anyone in the Bush administration based on what's public knowledge.

That being said, "collateral damage" is not and never has been considered a war crime by the international community. If the U.S. were purposely targeting civilian non-combatants without any specific terrorists in mind, then you'd have something resembling a point (since heinous targeting of non-combatants IS considered a war crime). However, there's no indication that they are doing so, so you don't have a point.

Regardless: hearing a Jesus-freak physician saying he'd let his administration use torture is flabbergasting.

Kinda like how those commmies blew up up MH70?
So the killer did this as a result of Charleston and said, "You want a race war you got one." So your race war is to kill two people who worked at your previous employer from two years ago?

By the way, love the spin of select groups of the media ignoring this racist. It's odd how if the tables are turned, they so easily have the victim role ready to spit out for one group and yet now, you get to hear tons of apologists like the Huff Post trash almost justifying it and claiming it's not indicative of racial actions. You cannot have it both ways. Pick one and stop shifting the platform.

It's also, odd that I haven't seen any riots today or Sharpton around? Guess we'll have to wait til our next Freddy Gray gets killed for that.
So the killer did this as a result of Charleston and said, "You want a race war you got one." So your race war is to kill two people who worked at your previous employer from two years ago?

By the way, love the spin of select groups of the media ignoring this racist. It's odd how if the tables are turned, they so easily have the victim role ready to spit out for one group and yet now, you get to hear tons of apologists like the Huff Post trash almost justifying it and claiming it's not indicative of racial actions. You cannot have it both ways. Pick one and stop shifting the platform.

It's also, odd that I haven't seen any riots today or Sharpton around? Guess we'll have to wait til our next Freddy Gray gets killed for that.

I understand your frustration with the media, but most reasonable people of all races realized that the Charleston shooter was just a deranged loner just as this guy was. The HuffPo and Breitbart are always spinning things to get a reaction and page clicks.
That being said, "collateral damage" is not and never has been considered a war crime by the international community.

Yet. Drones are newer but very unpopular globally as I stated above. The UN will address, other than studies, eventually.
Agree on Carson, and that is the nonstarter of running on a religion-dominated platform. I am just glad someone somewhat mentioned it.
Probably a combination of both. Need a little tighter controls on guns and also need to address the growing "hate whitey" sentiment out there.

This one hit a little too close to home. My family is from Virginia, and I watch a lot of news.