How will they rule ??!

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The guy killing himself, although a coward, did the country a favor by ridding it of another human piece of shit.
I hope he suffered tremendously before he fell out, and I am confident that he will burn in the eternal fires of hell.
I have no problem with a background check, think its a good idea. The problem is that if somebody hasn't been documented as a violent offender or mentally unstable, they will slip through the cracks. And that's just legally acquiring a gun, let alone off the black market.
So because X% of the high risk buyers would slip through, we shouldn't try to prevent the other Y%?
What don't you get?

I don't understand why people like my cousin who a) is white b) lives in the whitest state in the nation and c) went to almost all-white private schools her entire life seem to think white people are the problem for everything and advocate this fact by linking articles on Facebook about it all day.
I don't know how or what
He could have taken a beer bottle full of gas and set them on fire. A crazy person will find a way. But that's not going to stop the anti gun crowd from spewing their nonsense.
Yeah, I guess gun laws saying all guns are illegal to the public would stop them dead in their tracks. After all, look how strict laws have stopped the drug flow, drunk driving, corruption, etc....yep, that will teach them.
It's hilarious. I have a good laugh every time. In fact, I can't stop giggling right now. Shootings have nothing to do with guns, you stupid libs! Guy could've used a car to run over them. Wanna outlaw cars, idiots?????
How about those laws outlawing drugs. I mean, they are working for the people who obey the law right?
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Exactly. Wish they'd just shut up. Stupid libs acting like guns have to do with all the shootings in this country.

There should be more guns. Make'm like those RedBike things in Libtowns where you can just rent a gat for a day. That's what I say.
You can convey your point without the vitriol and name calling. It is possible.
To be fair, cigarettes kill their users.

To be fair, Big Tobacco doesn't have congress by the nuts.

To be fair, there's a massive education effort underway to help reduce the amount of tobacco-related deaths.

Hearts are the most common killer in the U.S. Are you gonna outlaw hearts!?
I don't have one according to my wife so....I am already compliant.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I don't understand why people like my cousin who a) is white b) lives in the whitest state in the nation and c) went to almost all-white private schools her entire life seem to think white people are the problem for everything and advocate this fact by linking articles on Facebook about it all day.

Have you been to college lately? It's literally just constant brainwashing of this crap. I had to go back and take a few classes last semester and a couple of my classes was just constant "blame whitey/blame Christians" for everything. I kid you not. Some of the stuff was so outlandish too.

For instance, one professor in this California university claimed the cartoon image of the devil was racist. This same professor allowed a Muslim student to come in and try and recruit people to come to their 'Islam Awareness week' event too. Then began to pander to any non white student about any controversial topic.

Kids eat this crap up and are easily brainwashed so we get a ton of self loathing white kids as a result. I also, enjoy how passionate these social warriors are about groups of people they don't even live near but love getting on their soapbox about the evils of whitey.
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I don't understand why people like my cousin who a) is white b) lives in the whitest state in the nation and c) went to almost all-white private schools her entire life seem to think white people are the problem for everything and advocate this fact by linking articles on Facebook about it all day.
Historically we are the problem for most things. Sounds like she went to good schools.
Soon to be spouted by blacklivesmatter - The shooter was a victim of white supremacy, therefore, justified.

You'd be amazed at some of the apologists I've heard today. I kid you not, I heard a girl say today, "Well, maybe there was some merit to what he said?"

Yes. That totally makes it okay to murder two people and film it.
All the bitching back and forth about background checks, do we know if one actually was performed?

He stated in his psychofesto he put a down payment on a gun two days after the Roof shooting, I would say by the phrase "down payment" he was in some form of retail store that likely ran a background check and apparently passed him.

(Ir)regardless, how's about we get an answer to that before anyone strokes out in here about background checks? The speed of light in which everyone including Paddockers start going bananas without holding all facts is pretty unsavory when something so horrific happens like this. ME ME ME MY OPINION FACEBOOKS TWITTER HASHTAG CANDY CRUSH is just so effing played at this point.


Just be nice if everything slowed down a bit, even 24 hours God forbid. You know, grieve and respect the victims, try to sift through conflicting info, get to actual facts. Ne'er happen, doh.

Heart goes out to those two and the third lady, just feel sick about them.
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So he claims the reporter made a racist comment but he shoots the cameraman and someone they interviewed who he never met . You can't claim it's because of her comments and shoot innocent people as well , the shooter is racist and don't bother claiming he was crazy because that was dismissed for Roof in liue of being a racist .
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I served 4 years in the Army with people of all races where not a one of them were ever treated unfairly or discriminated against. All of us were like a family everywhere I went. I come home and use my GI Bill, go to college, and am now forced to accept that my white privilege has oppressed all of my non Caucasian peers. It is being ingrained into young Americans to blame white people for our white privilege.

It is completely irresponsible to arm teens-25 year olds with the sentiment that they should blame someone for the color of their skin, and to teach them that they are victims. Then not expect them to act with violence against innocent people.
Historically we are the problem for most things. Sounds like she went to good schools.


Whitey would never intentionally wipe out an indigenous people and then force them to live on the worst land possible in a giant country. Whitey would never sail to a foreign land and buy and sell the natives as farm equipment. Whitey would never detain Japanese-Americans in internment camps. Whitey would never make laws that made it illegal for people of color to use the same restroom or drink from the same fountain as whites. And whitey would never drive around in a sleeveless shirt and camo hat in his white trash mobile with a losing nation's redneck ass flag flying out of the back of it.

You must be racist.

Heritage. Not hate.
You're right, we should be more like North Korea or Iran...both places your side wants to wipe off the map. We should be more like them? Yeah the justice system is slow but I'd rather we get it right than off someone who turns out to be innocent. Obviously not in this case today.
We need not be like them but, we do need to get to the point and make the punishment fit the crime. All to often, we look for the reason for the crime and then try to play the sympathy card. Wrong is wrong, especially in violent crimes.

Whitey would never intentionally wipe out an indigenous people and then force them to live on the worst land possible in a giant country. Whitey would never sail to a foreign land and buy and sell the natives as farm equipment. Whitey would never detain Japanese-Americans in internment camps. Whitey would never make laws that made it illegal for people of color to use the same restroom or drink from the same fountain as whites. And whitey would never drive around in a sleeveless shirt and camo hat in his white trash mobile with a losing nation's redneck ass flag flying out of the back of it.

You must be racist.

Heritage. Not hate.

What do you suppose we do to make up for that? Jerk you off or something? I don't understand how a non racist Caucasian, growing up in the 2010s is expected to be held accountable for things that happened before our grandparents were born.
Interesting how MSNBC is covering this, the other stations are saturated with this story. Chris Matthews covered it for 15 minutes and then went to a discussion on trump. Remember their week long non stop coverage of the white shooter at a black church? A gay black shooter doesn't mesh with their agenda.
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Whitey would never intentionally wipe out an indigenous people and then force them to live on the worst land possible in a giant country. Whitey would never sail to a foreign land and buy and sell the natives as farm equipment. Whitey would never detain Japanese-Americans in internment camps. Whitey would never make laws that made it illegal for people of color to use the same restroom or drink from the same fountain as whites. And whitey would never drive around in a sleeveless shirt and camo hat in his white trash mobile with a losing nation's redneck ass flag flying out of the back of it.

You must be racist.

Heritage. Not hate.
No, because if they did all of that, it would be a good reason to kill someone who was not even alive or involved in those crimes. Yeah, all of those wrongs combined with racial hatred would make it ok to kill whitey.
What do you suppose we do to make up for that? Jerk you off or something? I don't understand how a non racist Caucasian, growing up in the 2010s is expected to be held accountable for things that happened before our grandparents were born.

I'd like to know why any of us are held accountable for this crap? It's a BS crutch to lean on while instilling a victim mentality to a group of people. I also enjoy it when slavery is portrayed as our invention and ignoring the fact that these people were already enslaved by their own people over there and the crazy part is, I think every African American would prefer to be in this country over anywhere else. why is it that whites are the only ones apparently held accountable but others are given a pass? Because every day in the news we get to hear how evil white people are and how they're "the boogeyman" out to get the minorities all while ignoring that stats show it's the opposite.

According to the DOJ , 85% of interracial crime is *drumroll* black on white. Amazing, huh? Yet the only time you see racial motives attached to anything is if there's an inclusion of white people and they're seen as the guilty perp. However, race is never attached to the crime when it's the other way around. Funny how that works.
Historically we are the problem for most things. Sounds like she went to good schools.

Always a genocide going on in Africa...How many did Mao kill?...North Korea might be the worst place on Earth...Middle East is nothing but repressive regimes and people susceptible to the most mind numbing propaganda ever. The idea white people are the sole or worst problem on this earth, current or historically, is something only the dullest mind would put forward.
Have you been to college lately? It's literally just constant brainwashing of this crap. I had to go back and take a few classes last semester and a couple of my classes was just constant "blame whitey/blame Christians" for everything. I kid you not. Some of the stuff was so outlandish too.

For instance, one professor in this California university claimed the cartoon image of the devil was racist. This same professor allowed a Muslim student to come in and try and recruit people to come to their 'Islam Awareness week' event too. Then began to pander to any non white student about any controversial topic.

Kids eat this crap up and are easily brainwashed so we get a ton of self loathing white kids as a result. I also, enjoy how passionate these social warriors are about groups of people they don't even live near but love getting on their soapbox about the evils of whitey.
This couldn't be closer to the truth. I went to school for a social science and it basically devolved into a white guilt hivemind. If you voice your opinion that just so happens to disagree with "white people, Anglo-Europeans especially, are the sole cause of evil in the world" you'll basically be cast as a racist and become a pariah in both your program and socially among your peers.

While I don't really give a shit about the religion argument in this, there is an apologetic stance taken to Islam especially, and that I also disagree with.
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No, because if they did all of that, it would be a good reason to kill someone who was not even alive or involved in those crimes. Yeah, all of those wrongs combined with racial hatred would make it ok to kill whitey.
No one is condoning murder in the name of anything.
Always a genocide going on in Africa...How many did Mao kill?...North Korea might be the worst place on Earth...Middle East is nothing but repressive regimes and people susceptible to the most mind numbing propaganda ever. The idea white people are the sole or worst problem on this earth, current or historically, is something only the dullest mind would put forward.
Who do you think is responsible for the instability of these worlds you mention? We want them unstable and we will continue to keep them unstable as long as it benefits us. Dullest mind haha ok.