How will they rule ??!

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The moral of this story may turn out to be, be careful when you report a psycho co-worker to HR.
Spoiler is a screengrab from one of the videos
My stance on racial issues. You can't have your cake and eat it to. We as a society laugh at guys like Eddie Murphy, dave chappelle, Richard Pryor, Chris rock etc when they make black and white jokes. Then you have Michael Richards from Seinfeld trying to find shock value by using the N- word

Personally, I think some people take jokes too personal, or comments made too personal when in reality it was never meant as a sign of disrespect.

Somehow this will be all obamas fault or donald trump pick your poison
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Jesus wish I would of not watched that. Is our world getting more awful or do we just have instant unfiltered access to the awfulness that has been out there. Just terrible.
Thank you guys for tipping us off on some of these videos. I saw the live feed the news station aired, but not the others. Do not need to see anything else.
Jesus wish I would of not watched that. Is our world getting more awful or do we just have instant unfiltered access to the awfulness that has been out there. Just terrible.

I believe that's the case. Without the Internet, we all would've thought "wow, that's terrible," then moved on with our lives. Now we can jump on the Internet and watch the news footage, read the killer's and victims' Twitter/Facebook accounts, watch the actual shooting, etc.
I, for one, am glad he killed himself. At least the family knows he's gone instead of having to wait two years for a trial like in the Colorado theater shooting case.
Watched the video he posted. Possibly the most disturbing thing I've ever watched.

In other news, the same desk anchor that was on the air this morning when it happened is doing the wdbj noon broadcast right now. #nervesofsteel
Pretty damn sad that cats illustrated gave me more insight and the latest news when the big networks did not.
Was on his page while he was tweeting and initially uploaded the vids. Thought maybe it was the wrong guy at first since he was actively tweeting...until the vids popped up. Completely disturbed right now. Hope they save him so they can execute him later.
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I believe that's the case. Without the Internet, we all would've thought "wow, that's terrible," then moved on with our lives. Now we can jump on the Internet and watch the news footage, read the killer's and victims' Twitter/Facebook accounts, watch the actual shooting, etc.

20 years ago we got news two, maybe 3, times a day and we got it from local sources with possibly one national news broadcast that was largely discussing war, politics, and things like that rather than crimes. So, we were kind of isolated with most crimes. Now, anyone can be a source of news. Due to this, we get news constantly and stories we might not have gotten 20 years ago are now prominent stories because we can pass them around so easily with facebook, twitter, etc.

When you think about how many people can now break news it is amazing that the big network news outlets can even keep up, not that they do keep up most of the time, but still.
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So what do the videos show exactly? I don't have the heart/stomach to actually watch them.
So what do the videos show exactly? I don't have the heart/stomach to actually watch them.

It was his first person perspective, he had the pistol in one hand and filming with his phone in the other. You can see them filming the news cast as he approaches, he walks up near them for a moment, then raises the gun and starts shooting. The female newscaster tries to run after already being shot, then the footage stops.
So what do the videos show exactly? I don't have the heart/stomach to actually watch them.

Imagine playing Goldeneye 007 or another first person shooter and walking up to a news reporter who is oblivious to the situation and opening fire.

That but real.
sadly I suspect this will become the new sensation....gopro filming horrible crimes or acts of depravity
Ramos daughter works for Hillary, his boss/owner of Univision has said repeatedly how happy he will be when Hillary is elected President
Oh God, so you see him actually shoot the reporter?? How horrible.

He shoots her twice in the body, and then she starts to run. As she's running I think he shoots her another time in the back as she's running away. Video cuts off at that point.
Wow that guy held a grudge for a long time considering he was fired from the station 2 years ago. Will be interesting to see what his fax says, if they ever release it.
It appears the reporter glanced over at the shooter briefly before he opens fire. How the two ladies didn't see the gun is beyond me, because it seemed he waved it around for 30 seconds before firing. I suppose they were so dialed in for live TV they just didn't notice.

Also, you could hear him whisper "b1tch" just before opening fire.
I just read that this sack of filth had a reputation of trying to construe everything into racial or offensive before finally getting fired and escorted out of the building...TWO YEARS AGO!
Wow that guy held a grudge for a long time considering he was fired from the station 2 years ago. Will be interesting to see what his fax says, if they ever release it.
I wouldn't give this POS the satisfaction of letting his letter be read. I am sure that is exactly what he wants. I would shred it immediately.
Wow. This guy had more than hate, he has some mental issues. Both the reporter and the cameraman were engaged to people at the station. Today was to be the cameraman's last day working there too.
This was very disturbing to say the least. There is really no solace that the victims and their families can receive from this senseless act of being a coward. He seems to always blamed others for his short comings to receive some type of attention. Now he will get all of the unwarranted attention he wants and does not even deserve that.