How will they rule ??!

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No shit man. Trump is a dumb ass.

Where ya been lately? Like the Dem candidates are any better?

I'm not enamored by the Democratic candidates either. There are a couple of Republican candidates that show promise but they are being buried by the crazy leanings of Republican radicals/idiots.
So the people that disagree with President Obama and his policies are crazies. Has he done one thing in his time in office to at least try and unite this Country?
not only black & full of rage about racism, but also gay apparently per his manifesto/suicide note. just shut all of facebook down for a 72 hour cooling off period to prevent millions from posting awful reaction stuff.
Yep. The narcissism in our society is crazy worth social media a big factor in that. Everyone has a platform now and are obsessed with themselves.

It's kind of sad. Take a look at your Facebook, and I bet 90% of your "friends" just post about themselves in some way shape or form. What was once used as a means to connect with people has turned into a "look at me!" platform, filled with narcissistic posts and 1-ups. People delete politically posters or those types that have to comment on everything (Like Aunt Gertrude?) ... Not me, If your Facebook is filled with self-affirming garbage? Delete.
Facebook has become a scourge and not alot of 'social' activity going on beyond liking something, which is just pushing a button. It's nice to keep up with friends from all over since I've lived in about 10 different cities but it's gotten obnoxious. I don't need 100 pics of your kids first day of school or to know every single thing you've done all day. About all I do these days is post pics
It appears the reporter glanced over at the shooter briefly before he opens fire. How the two ladies didn't see the gun is beyond me, because it seemed he waved it around for 30 seconds before firing. I suppose they were so dialed in for live TV they just didn't notice.

Also, you could hear him whisper "b1tch" just before opening fire.

Yeah, I don't know how she didn't see him holding the gun. But he didn't start shooting right away because the camera wasn't on her at the time. When the cameraman turned the camera back to the reporter, he started shooting.

Pure evil. Disgusting.
^ But how many of us would be able to quickly process that there's a guy holding a gun that you used to work with and is waiting. Unless you expect that, you're probably not super quick to comprehend what is happening. It's also one of the main reasons why eyewitness testimony is faulty.

Gotta love this being used to further a "race war" by the media.
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^ But how many of us would be able to quickly process that there's a guy holding a gun that you used to work with and is waiting. Unless you expect that, you're probably not super quick to comprehend what is happening. It's also one of the main reasons why eyewitness testimony is faulty.

Gotta love this being turned into a racial thing with some of the media BTW.

It was at the crack of dawn, there was no one else around. He was less than 10ft away. Somebody pointing a gun in your direction should probably get your attention.

Not that the result would have probably been much different...
Moderator: "In one of his first acts as commander-in-chief, President Obama signed an executive order banning enhanced interrogation techniques in fighting terror. As President, would you bring back waterboarding?"

Carson: "You know, what we do in order to get the information that we need is our business, and I wouldn't necessarily be broadcasting to everybody what we're going to do. You know, we've gotten into this mindset of fighting politically correct war. There is no such thing as a politically correct war. The Left of course will say 'Carson doesn't believe in the Geneva Convention'; Carson doesn't believe in fighting stupid wars. And what we have to remember is we want to utilize the tremendous intellect that we have in the military to win wars."

WWJD, Dr Carson? WWJD?
Whether you are for more gun control laws or not, can we please let the bodies make it to the morgue, before we start politicizing stuff like this?

I'm with you. Can we at least wait until the next gun crime before we discuss this??? I'm sure we'll have another here in a month or so and then we can discuss it!

Plus, this shooting was less about guns than it was racism, Go-Pros and social media narcissism. It was really another gunless shooting that had nothing to do with guns. I hate even calling it a shooting. It was more an act of human-on-human violence. Calling it a shooting isn't right.
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36 Retired Admirals and Generals sign an open letter supporting the proposed Iran Nuclear agreement:

"We, the undersigned retired military officers, support the agreement as the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons," the letter declared. "Military action would be less effective than the deal, assuming it is fully implemented. If the Iranians cheat, our advanced technology, intelligence and the inspections will reveal it, and U.S. military options remain on the table. And if the deal is rejected by America, the Iranians could have a nuclear weapon within a year. The choice is that stark."

Members of congress who are voting against the deal should explain for the record why they think they know more than the 36 retired Admirals and Generals and the Twenty-nine of the nation’s top scientists — including Nobel laureates, veteran makers of nuclear arms and former White House science advisers, all of whom support the deal.

Ha, I see your piddly 3 dozen retired military men and raise you 200 retired Generals and Admirals urging Congress to Reject Iran Nuke Deal
Or he sees no use to fake outrage at waterboarding while flying drones across the ME.
The Gov was calling for gun control before they properly identified the correct former employee...and Vox had tweeted 2-3 gun graphs.
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Or he sees no use to fake outrage at waterboarding while flying drones across the ME.
Uh no. He thinks there's no ethical imperative to resist the temptation to commit premeditated torture. That's both unacceptable and unpopular in this country. Even rank and file republicans are uncomfortable with it.

Collateral damage from air strikes, while awful, is not analogous. Comparing the two is like saying our use of a nuke against Japan gives Iran latitude to eradicate Israel. It's a false equivalency.
Moderator: "In one of his first acts as commander-in-chief, President Obama signed an executive order banning enhanced interrogation techniques in fighting terror. As President, would you bring back waterboarding?"

Carson: "You know, what we do in order to get the information that we need is our business, and I wouldn't necessarily be broadcasting to everybody what we're going to do. You know, we've gotten into this mindset of fighting politically correct war. There is no such thing as a politically correct war. The Left of course will say 'Carson doesn't believe in the Geneva Convention'; Carson doesn't believe in fighting stupid wars. And what we have to remember is we want to utilize the tremendous intellect that we have in the military to win wars."

WWJD, Dr Carson? WWJD?

Well, Jesus wouldn't fight in wars, He was here to save humanity in an eternal sense. I'm not really a fan of enhanced interrogation myself, but I've also never been responsible for protecting the people of an entire nation either. Walking a mile in somebody else's shoes comes to mind. I'm not cut out for it.
Here is the shooter:


So Detective Haley from The Wire killed those people?
It is a false equivalency to those that convince themselves it is. Whatever helps you support one and denounce the other.

Situation A: Know terrorist is at a home in Yemen, send Seal team in, capture and take him to a site and waterboard him for 3-4 days and then put him in a cell.
Situation B: Know terrorist is at a home in Yemen, bomb home via drone killing him and family.

Premeditated torture, bad. Premeditated murder, ok. It's a stupid coping system that has been instilled.

BTW, as for unpopular, we are the only country in the world that the majority supports drones.
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Looked like a pretty common hand gun. However, I am no expert on hand guns. Not sure what kind of laws could have prevented it unless you are in favor of really, really tightening the screws.

Drx......can you tell what kind it was? Or give a good guesstimate?
It is a false equivalency to those that convince themselves it is. Whatever helps you support one and denounce the other.

Situation A: Know terrorist is at a home in Yemen, send Seal team in, capture and take him to a site and waterboard him for 3-4 days and then put him in a cell.
Situation B: Know terrorist is at a home in Yemen, bomb home via drone killing him and family.

Premeditated torture, bad. Premeditated murder, ok. It's a stupid coping system that has been instilled.

BTW, as for unpopular, we are the only country in the world that the majority supports drones.

The whole argument is a slippery slope. Truman dropping the bomb. Would Jesus do it? Did it save lives? Apples vs oranges. Jesus wasn't president of a country during a world war in a fallen world. His purpose was on an entirely different plane.
I think you meant the jesus argument for jamo, I want no part of that angle. I am just approaching it from a consistency, non-hypocritical, non-myopic, warisshitty angle.
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I don't know how or what
Looked like a pretty common hand gun. However, I am no expert on hand guns. Not sure what kind of laws could have prevented it unless you are in favor of really, really tightening the screws.

Drx......can you tell what kind it was? Or give a good guesstimate?
He could have taken a beer bottle full of gas and set them on fire. A crazy person will find a way. But that's not going to stop the anti gun crowd from spewing their nonsense.
It is a false equivalency to those that convince themselves it is. Whatever helps you support one and denounce the other.

Situation A: Know terrorist is at a home in Yemen, send Seal team in, capture and take him to a site and waterboard him for 3-4 days and then put him in a cell.
Situation B: Know terrorist is at a home in Yemen, bomb home via drone killing him and family.

Premeditated torture, bad. Premeditated murder, ok. It's a stupid coping system that has been instilled.

BTW, as for unpopular, we are the only country in the world that the majority supports drones.

Not only that, but the drone killing nets 0 intelligence.

For whatever reason, Obama and his supporters think we're in some sort of congeniality contest where the goal is to be popular rather than to win. We're worried about being world popularity, while the enemy cuts off the heads on youtube of anyone it captures.

If we need to waterboard people to get intelligence, do it. Iirc it isnt even physically damaging, its just psychological. Plus I dont think stateless terrorists are even protected under the geneva convention.

If theres a situation where we need to drop a bomb that will desolate our enemy and save tens of thousands of US lives to end a war; you drop it. Our enemies would.
I assume it was probably a 9mm. He did say he etched the names of the South Carolina church victims on the hollow points.

He could have walked up there with a pressure cooker full of nails. He was intent to kill those people, gun or no gun.
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