How will they rule ??!

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I'd like to know why any of us are held accountable for this crap? It's a BS crutch to lean on while instilling a victim mentality to a group of people. I also enjoy it when slavery is portrayed as our invention and ignoring the fact that these people were already enslaved by their own people over there and the crazy part is, I think every African American would prefer to be in this country over anywhere else. why is it that whites are the only ones apparently held accountable but others are given a pass? Because every day in the news we get to hear how evil white people are and how they're "the boogeyman" out to get the minorities all while ignoring that stats show it's the opposite.

According to the DOJ , 85% of interracial crime is *drumroll* black on white. Amazing, huh? Yet the only time you see racial motives attached to anything is if there's an inclusion of white people and they're seen as the guilty perp. However, race is never attached to the crime when it's the other way around. Funny how that works.
You established you were racist a long time ago. You can save your energy for something else.

Whitey would never intentionally wipe out an indigenous people and then force them to live on the worst land possible in a giant country. Whitey would never sail to a foreign land and buy and sell the natives as farm equipment. Whitey would never detain Japanese-Americans in internment camps. Whitey would never make laws that made it illegal for people of color to use the same restroom or drink from the same fountain as whites. And whitey would never drive around in a sleeveless shirt and camo hat in his white trash mobile with a losing nation's redneck ass flag flying out of the back of it.

You must be racist.

Heritage. Not hate.

Whitey is gangsta .
Yep. Each killing is goddamned hilarious.

The problem is less about too many guns and more about the effing morons who have such a gun lust in this society. Even worse are the dipshits who feel the need to encourage those deranged idiots by claiming that the "libs are going to take away all of their guns" when people make any efforts to limit access to assault rifles.
Civilians can not buy assault weapons/rifles and have not been able to since I think around 1986. Some weapons that resembled assault rifles were banned in 94 but after 10 years the ban was lifted when gun deaths did not go down. The mischaracterization of these rifles was a political move to appease many anti-gun advocates and was admitted after the vote to ban these weapons was through.
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No one is condoning murder in the name of anything.

Who do you think is responsible for the instability of these worlds you mention? We want them unstable and we will continue to keep them unstable as long as it benefits us. Dullest mind haha ok.
You need to read the post that I was responding to and if you did, you are lost. Also, These instabilities of these worlds you speak of, history much? They have been fighting for thousands of years. I am pretty sure we were not a nation yet so, you lose that argument by a couple thousand years. But, go ahead and blame whitey if you must. Weak minded people need some one to blame for it to make sense.
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I don't understand why people like my cousin who a) is white b) lives in the whitest state in the nation and c) went to almost all-white private schools her entire life seem to think white people are the problem for everything and advocate this fact by linking articles on Facebook about it all day.

Because white privilege exists. Institutional racism also exists. I'm a white guy who acknowledges it. But, I also don't give a shit about being white. I'm not proud of it. I'm not embarrassed by it. Two white people banged and made me. Nothing more.

If you spend a lot of time listening to conservative media pundits who play the "Poor, ole whitey. He has it sooooooooooo bad," card, you'll believe U.S. whites are at some sort of disadvantage, which is hilarious if you ask me.
No one is condoning murder in the name of anything.

Who do you think is responsible for the instability of these worlds you mention? We want them unstable and we will continue to keep them unstable as long as it benefits us. Dullest mind haha ok
This is actually what other human beings think. Whites are the only source of human evil in the 20,000+ years we've existed in our current state.

Our education system has failed.
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What do you suppose we do to make up for that? Jerk you off or something? I don't understand how a non racist Caucasian, growing up in the 2010s is expected to be held accountable for things that happened before our grandparents were born.

I was just pointing out the white race has done a lot of bad stuff over the years. The last one happened this year. All those rebel flag waving jackasses would enjoy nothing more than living in the 1950s where being a white man meant you held ALL the cards and lived above teh womens and separately from teh coloreds. They won't admit it because public racism is no longer cool. That's for private, right Donald Sterling?

And our grandparents were probably alive in 1963 unless you're younger than 10. Can't ignore history. (That's what my redneck relatives proudly spouted as they waved their white trash flags all over facebook and their trucks.)
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You need to read the post that I was responding to and if you did, you are lost. Also, These instabilities of these worlds you speak of, history much? They have been fighting for thousands of years. I am pretty sure we were not a nation yet so, you lose that argument by a couple thousand years. But, go ahead and blame whitey if you must. Weak minded people need some one to blame for it to make sense.
We'll I'm not one of your redneck relatives and have never wished I'll on anyone based on the color of their skin, so why do I have to told that I am privileged, and that everything I have accomplished in life is largely attributed to the fact that I am white, when in fact, any American could have potentially walked the same path I did, to get where I am, and hope to be in the future?
I was just pointing out the white race has done a lot of bad stuff over the years. The last one happened this year. All those rebel flag waving jackasses would enjoy nothing more than living in the 1950s where being a white man meant you held ALL the cards and lived above teh womens and separately from teh coloreds. They won't admit it because public racism is no longer cool. That's for private, right Donald Sterling?

And our grandparents were probably alive in 1963 unless you're younger than 10. Can't ignore history. (That's what my redneck relatives proudly spouted as they waved their white trash flags all over facebook and their trucks.)
What is the point in pointing it out other than to fan the flames of hatred and or somehow try to justify killing two innocent people who were not involved in the atrocities of the past. By the way, there are a lot of poor people in this country and poverty knows no color. There are a lot of poor white people out there as well as any other color. I guess they just don't count.
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Because white privilege exists. Institutional racism also exists. I'm a white guy who acknowledges it. But, I also don't give a shit about being white. I'm not proud of it. I'm not embarrassed by it. Two white people banged and made me. Nothing more.

If you spend a lot of time listening to conservative media pundits who play the "Poor, ole whitey. He has it sooooooooooo bad," card, you'll believe U.S. whites are at some sort of disadvantage, which is hilarious if you ask me.

But here's the thing. Whites are by no means the most racist despite what the media and our schools tell us. What's happening right now is our system continues to tell the black community and our college kids that the white man is the reason for all of your failures and a crutch to lean on and personal responsibility doesn't exist (a guy like Ben Carson shatters this BS).

You laugh at whites claiming to have it so bad as if nothing happens to them but what I want explained is if whites are "so racist" then why is it that despite only being 13% of the population, blacks are responsible for 85% of the interracial crime (black on white) in this country and 50-60% of all murders. If whites are so racist then why do the numbers show the complete opposite in terms of violent crime? But we sure love focusing on our Mike Browns and Freddy Grays.

The truth of the matter is our educators and media love promoting this victim BS and evil white boogeyman narrative and they always will.
But here's the thing. Whites are by no means the most racist despite what the media and our schools tell us. What's happening right now is our system continues to tell the black community and our college kids that the white man is the reason for all of your failures and a crutch to lean on and personal responsibility doesn't exist (a guy like Ben Carson shatters this BS).

You laugh at whites claiming to have it so bad as if nothing happens to them but what I want explained is if whites are "so racist" then why is it that despite only being 13% of the population, blacks are responsible for 85% of the interracial crime (black on white) in this country and 50-60% of all murders. If whites are so racist then why do the numbers show the complete opposite in terms of violent crime? But we sure love focusing on our Mike Browns and Freddy Grays.

The truth of the matter is our educators and media love promoting this victim BS and evil white boogeyman narrative and they always will.
Don't forget the fact that whites being the majority in numbers, did help vote in a president of color who would have never been president if whites were the racist we are being portrayed as. That being said, I am not oblivious to the fact that racism is still a problem in this country. In fact, since Obama has been president, I feel we have regressed a little and Obama is in part (a large part) to blame. He and his administration have fanned the flames of racism almost from day one and, racism has been reversed in many ways in this country.
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Yeah, that's what's gonna kill Paul's chances. He'll have to take lobby dollars in order to hang with the snakes.
If the donald were to become president would he make it a law that anyone from Indian descent must provide papers proving they are legal? If so all subways maybe in trouble since I have yet to see a subway or a mom and pops gas station not owned my someone from Indian descent.

Pretty good question. I could deal without subway because their bologna blows and Jared Fogle is a sicko perv, but I need my bodegas.
But here's the thing. Whites are by no means the most racist despite what the media and our schools tell us. What's happening right now is our system continues to tell the black community and our college kids that the white man is the reason for all of your failures and a crutch to lean on and personal responsibility doesn't exist (a guy like Ben Carson shatters this BS).

You laugh at whites claiming to have it so bad as if nothing happens to them but what I want explained is if whites are "so racist" then why is it that despite only being 13% of the population, blacks are responsible for 85% of the interracial crime (black on white) in this country and 50-60% of all murders. If whites are so racist then why do the numbers show the complete opposite in terms of violent crime? But we sure love focusing on our Mike Browns and Freddy Grays.

The truth of the matter is our educators and media love promoting this victim BS and evil white boogeyman narrative and they always will.

Why are you on such a race crusade? Seemingly one in every three posts you make is about race, usually "mean ole media not being fair to whitey." Why do you care? Are you a white pride guy or something? You seriously seem to have a problem with black people/black culture. I don't know if it's from upbringing or personal experience. Just seems like a strange cause to take up. I won't label you racist, but you're teetering on the line.

There's no way to officially quantify which race is the most racist. That's your opinion. (And mine is: Honks McGoo wins racism. Until black people make laws forcing us whites to go to separate schools, eat in separate restaurants, pass "literacy" tests to vote, etc., we should probably STFU about most racist.)

The crime numbers are skewed because most violent crime has more to do with socio-economic status than race. People in poor communities commit more crimes. There's more black folks in poor communities. That's the way it is because of a combo of failed government (oftentimes liberal) policies, institutional racism and lack of viable opportunities to improve one's situation unless you can shoot a basketball, catch a football or make music.
Ok but, your post was a bit misleading since Trump does not want his endorsement. Who cares who endorses if you decline or disagree with them. And, in the CNN article Duke said he did not endorse Trump because of his Jewish views so, it seems you were trying to mislead.
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This is the pot calling the kettle black. Your view is the view you are being brainwashed to believe and you stand on it religiously. At least you're consistently bad.
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This is the pot calling the kettle black. Your view is the view you are being brainwashed to believe and you stand on it religiously. At least your consistently bad.

You are looking for ... you're consistently bad.

How am I being brainwashed?

Not religious.( Check)
Don't watch cable news (Check)
Don't engage in partisan politics (Check)

Please enlighten me as to my brainwashing. Is it because I want all humans to be on equal footing?; or want to live in a world where I don't have to follow someone else's BS religion in the form of legislation? Is it because I tend to show more empathy towards marginalized people while sending a big middle finger to the establishment?

I do apologize for my tone in the quoted post. But you basically called the guy stupid for not wanting to live in the Bible belt. You might or might not know what it's like to see the world completely differently than those around you, but I understand where he's coming from. I feel like I live with a bunch of people who pine for the good ole days of 50 years ago. I find it disgusting.
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Ok but, your post was a bit misleading since Trump does not want his endorsement. Who cares who endorses if you decline or disagree with them. And, in the CNN article Duke said he did not endorse Trump because of his Jewish views so, it seems you were trying to mislead.

I just thought it was funny that an old KKK dude halfway endorsed Trump.

Nah. I said "half-hearted" in my original post, which means to me "kind of, but not really"

Don't read too much into my posts about politics. I like to stir the pot with red-teamers and blue-teamers alike. :chairshot:
You are looking for ... you're consistently bad.

How am I being brainwashed?

Not religious.( Check)
Don't watch cable news (Check)
Don't engage in partisan politics (Check)

Please enlighten me as to my brainwashing. Is it because I want all humans to be on equal footing?; or want to live in a world where I don't have to follow someone else's BS religion in the form of legislation? Is it because I tend to show more empathy towards marginalized people while sending a big middle finger to the establishment?

I do apologize for my tone in the quoted post. But you basically called the guy stupid for not wanting to live in the Bible belt. You might or might not know what it's like to see the world completely differently than those around you, but I understand where he's coming from. I feel like I live with a bunch of people who pine for the good ole days of 50 years ago. I find it disgusting.
First of all, telling someone to open their eyes and look around is not calling them stupid (your word not mine). Secondly, it does no good for anyone to blame one race for the problems of today when it is a human not color problem. Thirdly, you do engage in partisan politics and it shows in your post. Don't pull a Deee on us, be who you are. Last but not least, thanks for the grammar correction ( sincerely ) even though you know what I meant. Sometimes you (general you) type faster than your brain registers.
Oh and by the way Megablue, I have seen a lot of the world and know enough to form a good opinion of it and of us (US).
1) Always find it interesting the way media reports the same act, when its differing actors. The white Charleston shooter took pics with a rebel flag, then killed black people. This resulted in an all out media blitz wanting everyone to ban the rebel flag, and remove confederate landmarks and history.

A black shooter claims he wants a race war, and revenge for Charleston. He kills 2 white people. Very, VERY few media outlets even reported the portion of his manifesto claiming his retribution was racially motivated. Noone wants to ban anything, except guns; of course.

Why the difference? Why the noticeably different narrative? I highly doubt media outlets think racially motivated murder is ok. Is white on black murder more sensational, and therefore better revenue earber? I dont know the answer.

2) Guns are inanimate objects. They cant kill anyone on their own. Anyone screaming "BAN GUNS" has been successfully manipulated by the left into repeating talking points. We dont blame cars for killing people in DUI crashes; we blame the driver. We dont blame the plane when a crazy pilot slams it into a mountain or office building; we blame the person. When someone shoots someone with a gun, we blame the gun? Why? Propaganda and advancement of an agenda. Because it doesnt happen with any other method of violence.

That said, I really dont understand why there are trade/gun show loopholes. They seem like situations where more oversight should be required, not less.
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You don't have to go to a trade/gun show to buy a gun. It is a legal transaction between two adults. I can buy or sell a gun to my neighbor and it's nobody's business but ours.

Too bad the only people that are shot aren't the people that disagree with the constitution this country was founded upon.
Let's get political! Snitching style. Nobody likes a snitch apparently. This is a double edged sword. Although frowned upon in murders and prison, cops will always lose in this battle. Television and social media call people a snitch and glorify the fact a snitch helped solve the case.

My question is why does television refer to people who Snitch as evil in media, while cops are begging for help to solve a case? The shows I watch will sometimes use the nicer term of informant, but still then the media seems to glorify the word snitch, which in no way helps anyone,

I just think labeling someone a snitch especially in prison will get you killed quick. Just curious as to your take. Snitches have their own race and its their nationality which is green or their sentenced reduced.
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We'll I'm not one of your redneck relatives and have never wished I'll on anyone based on the color of their skin, so why do I have to told that I am privileged, and that everything I have accomplished in life is largely attributed to the fact that I am white, when in fact, any American could have potentially walked the same path I did, to get where I am, and hope to be in the future?

Nobody is saying everything you accomplished is solely because you're white. Privilege means it helps to be white. Whites generally are afforded more opportunities to succeed and don't have to worry about how their actions will reflect on their race or if they're being treated unfairly because of race, and up until the past 20 or so years, a lot of it was systematic. There's a reason for affirmative action, equal opportunity/housing acts, etc.

Examples of privilege are everywhere and span from race to class to gender.

Many are so minute it's hard to notice. ("He's so well spoken,"; "He's such a good student for a black kid."; white people can usually shop without being watched or followed; U.S. history is taught from a white perspective; Whites are generally never in situations where they're the only member of their race in a large group such as a classroom setting; White people aren't first identified by their race in every conversation; White males haven't constantly been portrayed as big, dumb, scary, criminals on TV and in movies, but rather as successful, rich, and powerful.)

I base my opinion on things I've seen in my personal life, and through my education and work history.

We can agree to disagree. And don't think I was trying to belittle your accomplishments in life. You did those things on your own accord.