How will they rule ??!

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Instapundit reminds this morning of a Wash Post headline a few years back, quoting BO:

President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

One, goose gander. Two, the Dems are going to regret some of the stuff of the last few years that will now enable the Repubs, and they need to be reminded of that frequently.
Lol Lexington has an immigration attorney or some shit and she met with a hundred illegal aliens at the local library. She told them nobody knows what's going to happen on Jan 20th, and she advised all illegals to make plans: for your children, property, and vehicles.

Lmao WTF?

So you got these poor dumb mf'ers who showed up a the library and this "immigration lawyer", who could he telling them to get their paperwork or whatever, is instead telling them to hide their kids, duplicate their keys, da gd kremlin might deport you!! We have no idea!! Best get yo shit!!!


If you're a criminal, best get to criminalin' before da kremlin find yo ass!!

Why does all this non progressive shit happen in progressive cities? It's hilarious. Lex had 3 protests - all different subjects - in one day. What in the world is going on? Do they need new progressive leadership or what? It's clear there are serious issues in that city, and also on the very progressive campus of UK. Kind of concerning?
Almost certain that I've criticized Holder's inflammatory rhetoric on here more than once.

Van Jones is a hack, but not a particularly effective one (and, IMO, he's not that bright compared to those who occupied similar posts). He was never as close to POTUS' ear as Bannon will be.

Jarrett is the other one that comes to mind, so congrats to The Donald on setting the bar nice and low right from the get-go.
You're dumb AND uninformed. Bad combo.

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Politico perhaps wrote the most level-headed piece on Steve Bannon back in September. Read the whole thing. Good? Bad? Probably both.

A Karl Rove replacement is long overdue.
Bannon had the stones to weather a bunch of attempts by former employee Ben Shapiro to slander him after his unsubstantiated libel against Corey Lewandowski. He'll have my respect for dealing with Shapiro the best way possible: not to bother responding to his ridiculous attacks on him, Breitbart, and Lewandowski.
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Almost certain that I've criticized Holder's inflammatory rhetoric on here more than once.

Van Jones is a hack, but not a particularly effective one (and, IMO, he's not that bright compared to those who occupied similar posts). He was never as close to POTUS' ear as Bannon will be.

Jarrett is the other one that comes to mind, so congrats to The Donald on setting the bar nice and low right from the get-go.
The bar was already on the floor. I'll agree with three of your points, Van Jones is a hack, he's not that effective, he's not that bright.
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We have technology now that can scan the crowd as they enter the superbowl and alert the authorities to any bad guys trying to get in. But when it comes to voting for the president we can't even agree on the point of having an ID. We have technology that can tell us the educational level of the voters that voted for Clinton within hours of the vote being cast, but we cannot agree on showing an ID to prove we are who we say we are.
I love how terrified the left is of Steve Bannon. They are losing it over him being in Trumps administration. I like the Reince pick too, Reince was loyal and a big reason Trump won was because Reince stuck by him. JMO. Trump and Bannon will basically be running the show. Very happy about that.
Bannon is not anti semetic, that is dumb. Theres an Israel section of Breitbart FFS. I've read Breitbart for years and never have read one thing from Bannon and others that I felt was discriminating against Jews. Its just a lame attack to try to scare people about him. Hes pro America and pro Israel.
I love how terrified the left is of Steve Bannon. They are losing it over him being in Trumps administration. I like the Reince pick too, Reince was loyal and a big reason Trump won was because Reince stuck by him. JMO. Trump and Bannon will basically be running the show. Very happy about that.
Yep, the left needs a super-villain during Republican presidencies. Steve Bannon fits the bill quite nicely.
Want to know how stupid liberals are? They say one guy is anti-Semitic while openly inviting an entire culture into our country who are hell bent on killing all Jews.


Are you trying to tell me that Muslims aren't like those 17 yr old female Muslims from Malibu Hollywood High School where they are so quirky being the "cool" outsider yet so rad because her hajib is Gucci?

Are you trying to tell me that Muslims aren't like those 17 yr old female Muslims from Malibu Hollywood High School where they are so quirky being the "cool" outsider yet so rad because her hajib is Gucci?
Yep. Hard to believe isn't it? Especially when you see how understanding the Muslims are regarding women and gays.
From the Washington Post today - counter to what others are saying:

"Since the election, various people have been pushing a narrative that Gary Johnson’s candidacy hurt Hillary and helped Trump get elected. This is consistent with the narrative that some were pushing before the election to the effect that Gary Johnson’s candidacy was bad for Hillary. This doesn’t seem to have been true then, and it isn’t true now. Gary Johnson’s candidacy helped Hillary; Democrats’ efforts to delegitimize Johnson hurt Hillary; and on Election Day, if Gary Johnson hadn’t been in the race, Trump would have won by more."
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Instapundit reminds this morning of a Wash Post headline a few years back, quoting BO:

President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

One, goose gander. Two, the Dems are going to regret some of the stuff of the last few years that will now enable the Repubs, and they need to be reminded of that frequently.
That's democracy. See, now you're in the minority. It's supposed to taste like a shit taco. - Jon Stewart, 2009
You expect the left to practice what they preach or be consistent? Not going to happen.

2016 is the year of comeuppance. It was eight years of bullying and PC BS and leftism gone wild, finally given the middle finger and punched right in the nose.
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You expect the left to practice what they preach or be consistent? Not going to happen.

2016 is the year of comeuppance. It was eight years of bullying and PC BS and leftism gone wild, finally given the middle finger and punched right in the nose.
Cavs upset Warriors coming back from 3-1
Cubbies come back from 3-1
Trump is unstumpable

2016 has been the year of the upset and I couldn't be happier. I haven't been sober since the Cubs won and the election result and postmortem news coverage of it is certainly encouraging me to keep on drinking in celebration.
BTW, Trump gets 8 years to do nothing and blame it on the previous administration, amiright?

we'll see if that includes almost tripling Obama's portion of the debt without the media saying one G-dammed word about it . . . imagine Trump adding 30 trillion to the debt, reaching 50 trillion by this time in 2024, in total media silence . . . that would be equivalent.
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You expect the left to practice what they preach or be consistent? Not going to happen.

2016 is the year of comeuppance. It was eight years of bullying and PC BS and leftism gone wild, finally given the middle finger and punched right in the nose.
When you present your pussy often enough, sooner or later someone is going to grab it. -ymmot31
we'll see if that includes almost tripling Obama's portion of the debt without the media saying one G-dammed word about it . . . imagine Trump adding 30 trillion to the debt, reaching 50 trillion by this time in 2024, in total media silence . . . that would be equivalent.
Somehow I don't think that would happen. One of them would go off the chain and mention it. Wouldn't they?
Surely, someone knows a guy that's great at photoshopping the big head gifs? We need a great Trump one over Hillary. I gotta get that Nova/UNZ buzzer beater one made.
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Somehow I don't think that would happen. One of them would go off the chain and mention it. Wouldn't they?

and we should hope so, yes. I'm sure they'll start rattling off about the debt anyway sometime in late winter. Full ape-shit about it by mid spring. This new generation of Obamians haven't even heard about federal debt . . . something that hasn't even been put on their little gimme, gimme, plates . . . ever. So all that has to happen is for them to start "hearing" about it and it will be 100% Trump and Republican fault. Just wait. Predictable as the morning sun.
This new generation of Obamians haven't even heard about federal debt . . . something that hasn't even been put on their little gimme, gimme, plates . . . ever.
Wait till they get the bill for $61,000... and climbing every minute.
Just 4 years after meeting, Gwen Ifill dies of cancer that Mitt Romney gave her at the debate.

Edit, think that was 2008. I guess Trump did it.
Obama with a backhanded slap to HRC.

"I didn't win Iowa because demographics changed, I won Iowa because I spent 87 days there."
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So Matt Jones commented on his show today that Steve Bannon is a racist point blank. I know a lot of people on the left don't care for Bannon but I never heard anybody outright call him a racist without any doubt so I searched Google trying to find any evidence to back up his claims. I came away with nothing. This was a Harry Reid move on Matt's part and it's what's contributing to the divide in our country. Disappointed in Matt to say the least.