How will they rule ??!

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Not sure how that's much different than what you posted earlier IMHO.
Downtown Austin tonight for business and heard a ton of sirens, they stopped and then chants of protesters marching below my hotel window. A couple of hundred with signs chanting against Trump. From what I could tell, nothing serious, nothing violent. But interesting to see in person even if it was small. Police cars blocking side streets in front and following behind seemingly leaving them alone.

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I can understand 19 year old dumbasses getting arrested

But anyone over the age of 30, should be neutered/spayed if they are dumb enough to get booked in what is probably the lost lax enforcement of the law.
**a Jew was using antisemitism to advance Breitbart's narratives. It's a Breitbart thing, not a Horwitz thing.

This isn't something new. Bannon has been reviled for years because of this type of stuff. He whips up the masses using whatever means necessary, which is what makes his position in the Oval Office so concerning.

I think you have made a good point. And I won't disagree. But I will say this: welcome to a tiny example of the large world we've been living in for the past 8 years. obama has staffed the oval office almost routinely with individuals "so concerning" for one reason or another, including those who can be strongly suspected of anti-Semitism, and that's been almost been the least of it. It's almost refreshing, in fact it is, to know that the future oval office's current top (I'll even use this word) "calamity" is an avant-garde editor instead of (as just the easiest to convey example) persons appointed to lead our department of education who, by virtue of their own published works, by virtue of their own established organizations, deliberately intend to promote homosexuality to children beginning at age 5. So just know that the greater crisis has nothing to do with who is yet to be in those positions, but persons who have been, and still are.
Drain the swamp meant something else. Muslim ban meant something else. The wall meant something else. Mass deportations meant something else... WTF?

This statement leads to the basic reason everyone is discussing and trying to put answers to how Donald Trump could have won this election.

Does drain the swamp means something other than your interpretation?? Yes... Let's look at the rest of your statement.

Muslim Ban: President Trump announced today that henceforth no Muslim or anyone with known ties to any Muslims will be allowed to travel, visit, work or take up residency within the borders of the USA. Will let you know if and when there is any change to this new law.

Build the Wall: Tomorrow Pres. Trump will travel to just outside of Tijuana where the USA meets Mexico and the Pacific Ocean and will drive a 5 foot spike in the ground. He will then travel to just outside Brownsville where the USA meets Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico and drive another 5 foot stake in the ground. With a dedication he will direct that all available government resources as necessary will begin to construct a continuous wall between the two placed stakes today.

Mass Deportation: President Trump signed into law today the formation of a two million strong Federal Immigration Police Division. Their directive will be to go from state to state, county to county, City to city and town to town to search out all "Undocumented Immigrants" for the purpose of detaining then removal to designated transfer areas for deportation back to their country of origin. Special emphasis will be put on checking immigrants from Latin America, South America and all Middle Eastern areas. Please understand they will be going from house to house, searching at places of work, all churches or any other place where the Undocumented maybe found.

OK, ok now before you say lol no one said that I offer for you to at least consider this, that those poor children out protesting come very very close to believing in just what I wrote above.......They are the product of being exposed to the education bias of the progressive movement since they were literally in the first grade and the media. I feel sorry for them because I believe they actually believe these kind of things are going to happen and they are scared. You only have to look at the progressive's to find blame for this because it has literally scared the f___ out of them. I find this deplorable on so many levels.

They have been told from early on that the conservatives/old white folks are the bad people. Not only bad but the purest form of evil. If you let them control things not only will you live a terrible life but in your lifetime you will see them destroy this beautiful blue marble we call Earth into a fiery mass of gas.

Only the Progressive can save you and lead you into utopia that we have planned for you.
Too far-fetched?????

The answer to why Trump and not Hillary is President is not that complicated. The Progressive's because of their arrogance and intellectually ignorance tried to move their cause ahead, too fast, too quick, too soon and too much. They missed that there was a large segment of America that was waiting for an opportunity to slow/stop the Progressive movement and took it. It's that simple.......

Progressives you've got to change how you operate in so many ways if you want to get to your end socialist revolution that your elites want for this country. Personally I wish you no luck in that endeavor and hope you continue with your current strategy.

Finally a heads-up for the Progressives, be working on how you are going to spin the up coming huge economic upturn and growth as it is coming.
A comparison of the interview of President Elect Obama 2008 to Trump's interview with 60 minutes on Sunday and the difference in tone and type of questions.


When people start to question Trump's cabinet, remember, Obama couldn't even choose his own cabinet. It was picked by Citi Bank.

How about that. You're the most powerful leader in the world and a Big Bank got to choose your cabinet. Anti-Trumpers can lick my GD MF'ing half-shaven scrotum.
Downtown Austin tonight for business and heard a ton of sirens, they stopped and then chants of protesters marching below my hotel window. A couple of hundred with signs chanting against Trump. From what I could tell, nothing serious, nothing violent. But interesting to see in person even if it was small. Police cars blocking side streets in front and following behind seemingly leaving them alone.

Welcome. Yeah, demonstrations out here are almost always boring. The Longhorn football team and Charlie Strong's hot-seat are more more important.
60 minute interview lady. They pull her off Hillary's tit long enough to ask The Donald biased angled questions. I'm sooooo sure that same atmosphere would've happened with Hillary, right?

"So how awesome is it know Barak Obama?"
"Hillary you are going to be an inspiration to a lot of women, what's it like to inspire a nation?"
"How great was it to hang with Beyonce and Jay Z?"
"Will the Clinton Foundation continue to be a global human savior?"
I feel quite certain that Hillary Clinton is the ONLY person the dems could have chosen to run who would have lost that election. Isn't that humorous? They cheated to make sure she was the candidate. They cheated to make sure Donald Trump was her opponent. Just another blatant example of liberal delusion.

Dems would have a dollar store where everything costs two dollars. They would have a corner store in the middle of the block. They would put screen doors on submarines. And as we saw yesterday, it does in fact take dems an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes.
60 minute interview lady. They pull her off Hillary's tit long enough to ask The Donald biased angled questions. I'm sooooo sure that same atmosphere would've happened with Hillary, right?

"So how awesome is it know Barak Obama?"
"Hillary you are going to be an inspiration to a lot of women, what's it like to inspire a nation?"
"How great was it to hang with Beyonce and Jay Z?"
"Will the Clinton Foundation continue to be a global human savior?"

Compare to Trump interview.

I feel quite certain that Hillary Clinton is the ONLY person the dems could have chosen to run who would have lost that election. Isn't that humorous? They cheated to make sure she was the candidate. They cheated to make sure Donald Trump was her opponent. Just another blatant example of liberal delusion.

Dems would have a dollar store where everything costs two dollars. They would have a corner store in the middle of the block. They would put screen doors on submarines. And as we saw yesterday, it does in fact take dems an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes.


Everyone talks about them cheating bernie but he would have absolutely been destroyed and democrats would have lost NUMEROUS loyalists.
Bill Clinton tried to get them to go after white Midwestern voters. They laughed at him. Which probably shows how far out of touch each is. The Hillary campaign for thinking white voters did not matter and Bill for thinking that bridge could be rebuilt.
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At first, I thought bernie could've won too. But seeing some of these results, he would've lost much worse. The blue collar worker crossed over in waves, and bernie would've just made that even worse with his non stop giveaways.

Look at Elliott county. The ky County had voted democrat since it's creation. Every single election. Trump won by 70%.

Trumps message was resonating in ways no one knew or could've foreseen, except him. I think the only candidate that would've beat him would've been an African American or Latino candidate. Even then I'm not sure.
At first, I thought bernie could've won too. But seeing some of these results, he would've lost much worse. The blue collar worker crossed over in waves, and bernie would've just made that even worse with his non stop giveaways.

Look at Elliott county. The ky County had voted democrat since it's creation. Every single election. Trump won by 70%.

Trumps message was resonating in ways no one knew or could've foreseen, except him. I think the only candidate that would've beat him would've been an African American or Latino candidate. Even then I'm not sure.

My biggest worry was her adding Booker to the ticket

She messed up big league with Kaine dude was more dislikable then her. trump picked a perfecrt VP
I think it's healthy that Trump's picks for his staff have already received more scrutiny from the MSM then Obama's did in total over the past 8 years.

Last night was the first episode of John Oliver I've actually watched. It really is amazing to see people so broken up over the fact they couldn't get the most corrupt politician who's ever lived into office so she could avoid criminal prosecution.
My biggest worry was her adding Booker to the ticket

She messed up big league with Kaine dude was more dislikable then her. trump picked a perfecrt VP
Once they saw they were up against Trump, they tried to take air out of the ball and play stall ball. The Kaine pick was the consummate example: She picked somebody with whom she wanted to govern, not somebody who expanded either the map or her coalition significantly.

Kaine appealed to the middle (who Clinton had already tacked towards) and *might* have nudged VA a bit closer to her. That's it. It didn't reassure or fire up the Sanders voters, whom (in hindsight) she needed desperately; the Jill Stein vote alone would've put her over the top in Wisconsin.

Joaquin Castro, Booker, etc all would've been picks that could've expanded the coalition or driven up turnout among specific groups. But the campaign didn't think they'd need such bonuses once they saw Donald win the nomination.

The post-mortem on this election will be interesting but ultimately meaningless. There's unlikely to be another Trump before the 2024 realignment and the Democrats are taking a hard turn to the left, anyways.

Yes, Kaine was picked because she wanted to govern with him. Not because he'd been promised the spot in their backroom dealings.
I must've missed whatever conspiracy theory you're invoking. Exactly what leverage did Kaine supposedly have over the Clintons that would've earned him the VP slot?
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I must've missed whatever conspiracy theory you're invoking. Exactly what leverage did Kaine supposedly have over the Clintons that would've earned him the VP slot?

Prolly in on the pedophilia. Kaine and Clintons are notorious for raping children with the Saudis. I'm not kidding either.
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Everyone talks about them cheating bernie but he would have absolutely been destroyed and democrats would have lost NUMEROUS loyalists.
But the point is they did cheat Bernie. Don't argue that, and, they evidently lost numerous loyalists anyway since several traditionally dem states voted for Donald. No one else they could have nominated would have had the political baggage she lugs around.
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  1. The Casto fellow has to have some big-time baggage
  2. Hillary didn't realize you can't knock white men; white women happen to be married to them / have them as sons and therefore care about their welfare.
  3. Good to know that while Christians, Muslims, Jehovah's witnesses are all fair game, Jamo believes any negative reference towards a Jewish guy is off limits.
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