How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
On the surface, just another joke. But think about it....there's a lot of truth to this.

Kaine appealed to the middle (who Clinton had already tacked towards) and *might* have nudged VA a bit closer to her. That's it. It didn't reassure or fire up the Sanders voters, whom (in hindsight) she needed desperately; the Jill Stein vote alone would've put her over the top in Wisconsin.

LOL - the notion that ego-maniac Hillary Clinton would be willing to go into History with another WOMAN's help is just about the most hilarious thing I've ever read, Jam. Thanks for that.
Melania has failed horribly already. Her cause of concern - cyber bullying. Smh. Was hoping something titty related.

I'll be honest. I don't trust her. And his smarmy lookin' kids kinda bother me too.

Just my opinion. The only two people I think are authentic is Trump and his 10 yr old boy who looks like he has chronic depression.
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Was done to get him to step down from the dnc so dws could have his job. it's all in the emails
Must've missed that among all the conversations about boiling babies in chicken broth or whatever it was.

LOL - the notion that ego-maniac Hillary Clinton would be willing to go into History with another WOMAN's help is just about the most hilarious thing I've ever read, Jam. Thanks for that.
Aaaaaaand you misread my post. Yet again.
The fact that the dems cheated in every way they could get away with (and then some) and still lost is hilarious and scary as hell at the same time.
I'll be honest. I don't trust her. And his smarmy lookin' kids kinda bother me too.

Just my opinion. The only two people I think are authentic is Trump and his 10 yr old boy who looks like he has chronic depression.
That boy reminds me of the kid in "The Toy."

Wonder if he has a pet negro.
LIke how some of these people said, "I'm moving to Canada".

First off, no you're not. No.No. No. You can't just "move" to Canada. They have tighter Immigration than the U.S.

So no, you stupid democrat plebs, You can't just move to Canada.

Yes, you can . . . don't listen to a damn thing Willy says. He's being irrational. If you want to move to Canada because Trump won they have a special process in place. Willy just doesn't know about this. So just sell all your personal belongings. It is very inexpensive to live in Canada and their social programs will take good care of you. Never have to worry about inflation or anything like that. Believe me, I work there a lot - Manitoba mostly, but other Provinces time to time. Chances are very good that each of you has everything you need right now to begin a new life in Canada if you can just make it to the border with your automobile, regardless of it's current condition, and mention to your friendly Canadian Border Services Agent that you did not vote for Donald Trump. This should qualify you for entry on the basis of political asylum, not too differently than when a cold war Soviet pilot landed his Mig in Japan and defected to the west (coincidentally, he now lives in North Dakota, which is sort of like Canada . . . if you've been to Manitoba, that is). Happy Trails!
Yes, you can . . . don't listen to a damn thing Willy says. He's being irrational. If you want to move to Canada because Trump won they have a special process in place. Willy just doesn't know about this. So just sell all your personal belongings. It is very inexpensive to live in Canada and their social programs will take good care of you. Never have to worry about inflation or anything like that. Believe me, I work there a lot - Manitoba mostly, but other Provinces time to time. Chances are very good that each of you has everything you need right now to begin a new life in Canada if you can just make it to the border with your automobile, regardless of it's current condition, and mention to your friendly Canadian Border Services Agent that you did not vote for Donald Trump. This should qualify you for entry on the basis of political asylum, not too differently than when a cold war Soviet pilot landed his Mig in Japan and defected to the west (coincidentally, he now lives in North Dakota, which is sort of like Canada . . . if you've been to Manitoba, that is). Happy Trails!
Link? Or are you just making up nonsense, per usual?

what if the sample size increased? Specifically, let's say it just doubled. Maybe not as theatrically. But in sort of an elimination sense, but virtue of your silent endorsement on one hand, and recent surgical analysis on the other?
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I see talk of Reagan redux.

Much as I'd like to believe it, the obstacles are significant.

We had a 25% debt-GDP ratio back then, which gave Reagan some flexibility. Now we stand at 78%.

Ideally you'd like to see growth first, and then take on debt to leverage that growth.

Not sure where the growth comes from without leveraging first, and this is where Obama made many of his mistakes.
The left suddenly gets "morals" when a Republican is in charge. Pretty funny.

They have no morals. They are snobby, smug elitist white people who think they are better than everyone else. They use their crusades for the disenfranchised to help validate that smug, elitist role. It's a self feeding beast.

Awful human beings.
Always easier to post drive-by critiques of other posters rather than taking a stuff.
That is my stand. Must have missed your 8 years of vetting BO advisors. I will digress and appease though...Trump has angered the Pals with his clear increase of support over the present admin, pointing to one advisor as a concern of anti-semitism does not resonate. There is far more influential anti-semitism in our liberal academia elites that at one conservative website.
As I said before, the left has now given more scrutiny to Trump's picks than they gave all of Obama's combined.

This is the same group who pre (and post) election has been yelling about how dumb, racist and bigoted half the country is.

So forgive me for not putting a whole lot of faith in the opinions of the left when it comes to judging people.

When I hear, "this guy is an anti-Semite" coming from the left, given the way the entire campaign went, my only reaction is, "God not this shit again. Have they not learned their lesson?"
And also as I said before, this is exactly why Trump was nowhere near as dangerous as Clinton.

Clinton could dig up Hitler and put him in her cabinet and we would have heard less cries about anti-Semitism from the left than we do today.

Scrutiny from "journalists" is healthy. The problem is most of these people who want to be journalists forfeited that title over the past 8 years. So their hypocrisy will be met with laughter.
Rahm Emanuel spent his first year or two dogcussing reps and bullying two ungodly shitty pieces of legislature down everyone's throats.
I actually considered calling Bannon "a right-wing Rahm" earlier ITT but then I realized Rahm had actually held office. Both made a ton of money with those "well-heeled" (*wink*) friends of theirs on Wall Street before they decided to cast themselves as Men of The People, though.
That is my stand. Must have missed your 8 years of vetting BO advisors. I will digress and appease though...Trump has angered the Pals with his clear increase of support over the present admin, pointing to one advisor as a concern of anti-semitism does not resonate. There is far more influential anti-semitism in our liberal academia elites that at one conservative website.
Almost certain that I've criticized Holder's inflammatory rhetoric on here more than once.

Van Jones is a hack, but not a particularly effective one (and, IMO, he's not that bright compared to those who occupied similar posts). He was never as close to POTUS' ear as Bannon will be.

Jarrett is the other one that comes to mind, so congrats to The Donald on setting the bar nice and low right from the get-go.
Almost certain that I've criticized Holder's inflammatory rhetoric on here more than once.

Van Jones is a hack, but not a particularly effective one (and, IMO, he's not that bright compared to those who occupied similar posts). He was never as close to POTUS' ear as Bannon will be.

Jarrett is the other one that comes to mind, so congrats to The Donald on setting the bar nice and low right from the get-go.

Amazing that Citibank recommended Holder, Jones, and Jarrett to be Obama advisors

Oh, here's the link that proves it.
I actually considered calling Bannon "a right-wing Rahm" earlier ITT but then I realized Rahm had actually held office. Both made a ton of money with those "well-heeled" (*wink*) friends of theirs on Wall Street before they decided to cast themselves as Men of The People, though.
Bannon as CoS would have been more of a caution but Priebus is pretty measured and a solid choice there. Between he and Pence I think they will keep the aggressiveness down.