How will they rule ??!

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They probably had to sedate the bitch.

The fact she couldn't come out and address the people in attendance should show all of us we dodged one helluva bullet.
She was obsessed for power, the presidency had been the driver behind EVERY decision she made for at least the last 16 years, and probably a lot longer.
Shitpost #26,598

How long will it take before dems try to impeach Trump for some phony BS? You know its coming, and they are already planning it.

Within his first year or 2?
How long will it take before dems try to impeach Trump for some phony BS? You know its coming, and they are already planning it.

Within his first year or 2?

Probably 1/21/17

I hear this talk about Obama being do helpful with the transmission, and the Clinton's are great people, via trump, and Donald has no idea what he's supposed to do as president, who he's supposed to hire...

It's a gd trap. He's going to unknowingly overstep his bounds before he becomes president and Barry will pre-impeach him.
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Trump has dealt with the worst snakes in the grass most of his life. Everything he is saying right now in public about Clinton, Obama, etc is just for show. Behind the scenes he knows exactly what scumbags they really are.
My old university president sent this out to students on campus (this is just the top half).

Dear Campus Community,

Our recent national election has created significant anxieties and uncertainties among some members of our community. Even in these early days we can anticipate changes in policies that might disadvantage or threaten the security of some of our students, faculty and staff. We will be prepared.

Violence targeted at undocumented, Muslim, Jewish, underrepresented, and LGBTQ+ students has surfaced on campuses across the country. This is intolerable. We will be watchful and vigorous in ensuring safety for all.

Way to put stock into hoaxes and portray your Republicans on campus as dangers. BTW, this same bitch sent out emails after the Paris and San Barnardino attacks about how much she values Muslims on campus and all of that.
I don't have much trouble believing Hillary might be, shall we say, emotionally volatile. Secret Service Agent rumors, etc. But I wouldn't rely on anything the Kincannon guy says. 3 minutes with Google tells me he's everything the hysterical left is shrieking about right now.
[laughing] If the msm haven't learned their lesson yet, they never will. Might as well continue to treat them & everything they report as the opinionated, tabloid hacks they are.

One of CNN's headlines from today: What does the alt-right do now that 'God Emporer' Trump won?

Even if what they are trying to say about Bannon is remotely true, no one will take them seriously. After their behavior over the last year & headlines such as above, their "reporting" will continue to fall on deaf ears.

If you spend 5 minutes on, you'd see the phrase "God-Emperor" in reference to Trump probably 5-10 times. It's a ubiquitous phrase on that subreddit and on 4chan, which are noted alt-right hangouts. Also ubiquitous is self-references as "deplorables" and other stuff that probably doesn't make sense to older people, but makes perfect sense to the communities themselves.

What was Obama's rationale behind removing the bust of Churchill? That's an honest question, it's effing Winston Churchill!

Although, he did STRONGLY oppose socialism and Communism....hmm.

There were 2 Churchill busts in the White House at one time. One was on loan from Tony Blair to GW Bush for the term of GW's presidency, which GW put in the Oval Office. That was sent back . The other sits outside the Treaty Room, where it has been since it was acquired in the 1960s.

FFS, I'd like to think that a message board discussion about busts would be NSFW and interesting...
I don't have much trouble believing Hillary might be, shall we say, emotionally volatile. Secret Service Agent rumors, etc. But I wouldn't rely on anything the Kincannon guy says. 3 minutes with Google tells me he's everything the hysterical left is shrieking about right now.

Agreed on both points. After reading your post, l looked him up. Yikes.

Edit: here's a gem that sorta reminds me of certain posters on this site overreacting to Ebola: "The protocol for a positive Ebola test should be immediate humane execution and sanitization of the whole area. That will save lives."
Tell me about this racist Breitbart guy. I want answers. To as why some people believe that, and what's it's based on.

I thought Breitbart was pretty pussy/liberal, imo. I read them a lot. They were in with the White House e-world, fwtw. I mean, google worshiped them, so they are not *that* conservative at all. Just pure junk. They don't stand for anything. Smart of trump to team up with stupid e-news people to feed shit to his 28milliok twitter followers!!! OMG.

For a non politician, Trump learned politics pretty damn quick, huh? Beat the Clinton's and now he's friends Obama, been on 60 minutes , probably has a reddit thing lined up.

This could be what Z has warned us about. I don't trust these clowns like Paul and all these douches. Trump won on his terms, but he's in their world now.

Still, will be mucho better than the alternative, and whatever the f we were doing the previous 8 years.
Ex wife made a claim he made antisemetic comments regarding his children attending some school because "Jews raise their kids to be whiny brats"
what would all these kids of today do if instead of crying over lost elections and running to safe spaces because someone hurt their feelings, they had to do what kids from the 50s up through the 80s in school had to do, instead of fire drills, we had incoming nuclear bomb drills where we would hide under our desks and pretend that old piece of wood would stop a nuclear blast from incinerating us? talk about a trigger. well they would probably not be a big bag of fu#@ing pu$$ies.
If you spend 5 minutes on, you'd see the phrase "God-Emperor" in reference to Trump probably 5-10 times. It's a ubiquitous phrase on that subreddit and on 4chan, which are noted alt-right hangouts. Also ubiquitous is self-references as "deplorables" and other stuff that probably doesn't make sense to older people, but makes perfect sense to the communities themselves.
AP reporting Giuliani favorite to be SOS.

Would love the pick. A guy who actually loves America being SOS unlike Killary and Kerry.

Hopefully this means Gowdy will be AG.
I'm jet-lagged AF...
So we all in agreement with Hillary winning tomorrow night yet? Surely Willy has finally seen the light...

Prolls had to get back on another plane for a week.

Wonder what happened to CatBC from back in the day? Prolly on the plane with Albs and Fuzz and Dee and that guy burned hot for a minute.

Donald Trump won the election....just in case you guys are getting spotty LTE in the Swiss Alps...
AP reporting Giuliani favorite to be SOS.

Would love the pick. A guy who actually loves America being SOS unlike Killary and Kerry.

Hopefully this means Gowdy will be AG.

Gowdy will not leave his seat.......he may take over as speaker but he will not leave his seat for a possible 4 yr stint as AG.
Wonder what happened to CatBC from back in the day? ...
CatBC! How could I have forgotten that dude?! All anger and hostility at whitey. Like cardkilla with a lethal dose of roid rage. Fairly easy money he's got multiple kills since Tuesday.
If you spend 5 minutes on, you'd see the phrase "God-Emperor" in reference to Trump probably 5-10 times. It's a ubiquitous phrase on that subreddit and on 4chan, which are noted alt-right hangouts. Also ubiquitous is self-references as "deplorables" and other stuff that probably doesn't make sense to older people, but makes perfect sense to the communities themselves.

There were 2 Churchill busts in the White House at one time. One was on loan from Tony Blair to GW Bush for the term of GW's presidency, which GW put in the Oval Office. That was sent back . The other sits outside the Treaty Room, where it has been since it was acquired in the 1960s.

FFS, I'd like to think that a message board discussion about busts would be NSFW and interesting...

So Great Britain wanted the loaner back, and now their sending another loaner? Or did Obama decide it was time to send it back?

Story could be completely accurate, but it seems a bit contrived.
I effing hate the media. I seriously hate you all. Legal immigrants I know are worried about being deported. Nobody is against legal immigration. NOBODY IS IN FAVOR OF TEARING FAMILIES APART. If Trump announced a door to door campaign to rip mothers from their babies, NOBODY WOULD SUPPORT IT, and a lot of the police and military would refuse to comply. It would spark legit violent protests, with every undocumented person in the streets at the same time.

I don't know what he's going to do, but to paint him as some monster that could do anything, is literally to the point of terrorism. I hope to God Trump, Obama, or some random protester doesn't get killed in the next 2 months.
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Prolls had to get back on another plane for a week.

Wonder what happened to CatBC from back in the day? Prolly on the plane with Albs and Fuzz and Dee and that guy burned hot for a minute.

Donald Trump won the election....just in case you guys are getting spotty LTE in the Swiss Alps...
Did Albany come on here any time after the election? He promised he would come on here and eat crow if she lost.
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