How will they rule ??!

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So Matt Jones commented on his show today that Steve Bannon is a racist point blank. I know a lot of people on the left don't care for Bannon but I never heard anybody outright call him a racist without any doubt so I searched Google trying to find any evidence to back up his claims. I came away with nothing. This was a Harry Reid move on Matt's part and it's what's contributing to the divide in our country. Disappointed in Matt to say the least.
Re: Jones- He's coming closer and closer to overplaying his hand. If he keeps it up, the time might be ripe for a UK grad, Kentucky born and bred, individual to compete against him.

Personally, I'd love nothing more than to send that smarmy Duke grad to the dustbin of history.
What do you get when you cross a liberal & a pig ?

Nothing, there are some things even a pig wont do
Obama just said our most dangerous & immediate threat is "Isil". Russia wasn't mentioned whatsoever when talking about national security.

Didn't they just spend the last six months assuring us all that Russia was now the greatest threat in the history of mankind? Pretty sad the fear mongering & red scare tactics they tried to use. Even sadder is the fact that the media & half the country fell for it.

Thankfully Putin is a smart man, knew exactly what they were trying to do & didn't really take offense to any of it b/c their rhetoric could have actually made matters much, much worse.
So Matt Jones commented on his show today that Steve Bannon is a racist point blank. I know a lot of people on the left don't care for Bannon but I never heard anybody outright call him a racist without any doubt so I searched Google trying to find any evidence to back up his claims. I came away with nothing. This was a Harry Reid move on Matt's part and it's what's contributing to the divide in our country. Disappointed in Matt to say the least.

Uber-dem Matt is butt-hurt over the election and is just spouting the liberal line. Its funny about six months ago Jones formed a political group to help stem the Republican gains in Kentucky state politics. Fast forward to the election and the GOP goes from having 47 out of 100 seats in the state legislature to 64 and complete control of state politics. Jones should stick to sports commentary and give up on politics because he sucks at it.
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Obama just said our most dangerous & immediate threat is "Isil". Russia wasn't mentioned whatsoever when talking about national security.

Didn't they just spend the last six months assuring us all that Russia was now the greatest threat in the history of mankind? Pretty sad the fear mongering & red scare tactics they tried to use. Even sadder is the fact that the media & half the country fell for it.

Thankfully Putin is a smart man, knew exactly what they were trying to do & didn't really take offense to any of it b/c their rhetoric could have actually made matters much, much worse.
Russia has been the boogeyman that the Obama administration has parroted since he took office. That, along with them siding with the Syrian Government (you know, that state America and Israel tried to Balkanize like they have ~5 other Middle Eastern states by funding rebel terrorist movements in them?) made Russia the perfect target for Obama.

I am very interested in how we handle Syria and the Russian relationship in the Trump era.
Obama just said our most dangerous & immediate threat is "Isil". Russia wasn't mentioned whatsoever when talking about national security.

Didn't they just spend the last six months assuring us all that Russia was now the greatest threat in the history of mankind? Pretty sad the fear mongering & red scare tactics they tried to use. Even sadder is the fact that the media & half the country fell for it.

Thankfully Putin is a smart man, knew exactly what they were trying to do & didn't really take offense to any of it b/c their rhetoric could have actually made matters much, much worse.
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hey Obama, nobody gives a shit about your thoughts on Trump.

Signed, the American people on November 8th.

Eat shit and pack your bags.

I was just thinking the same thing. lol

I like how they want him to comment on Trump's appointments.

Like Trump gives a shit.
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Obama is either just FOS or is beyond delusional. His remarks during this press conference are laughable. Guess what, Trump is the next POTUS because of you. How about that for a legacy. What is going to be even better is when he does a good job and proves yet again how much of a joke of a President you really were.
Uber-dem Matt is butt-hurt over the election and is just spouting the liberal line. Its funny about six months ago Jones formed a political group to help stem the Republican gains in Kentucky state politics. Fast forward to the election and the GOP goes from having 47 out of 100 seats in the state legislature to 64 and complete control of state politics. Jones should stick to sports commentary and give up on politics because he sucks at it.

I like Matt but what I don't like is for someone to make accusations against another person without proof. If Matt takes a hard left turn then he has lost any chance he'll ever have of running for office in Kentucky.
So Matt Jones commented on his show today that Steve Bannon is a racist point blank. I know a lot of people on the left don't care for Bannon but I never heard anybody outright call him a racist without any doubt so I searched Google trying to find any evidence to back up his claims. I came away with nothing. This was a Harry Reid move on Matt's part and it's what's contributing to the divide in our country. Disappointed in Matt to say the least.

White elitist democrats are the most racist and arrogant SOBs on the planet.
Did y'all see Jim Gray's concession speech? Idgaf, I perish ally wish politicians carried themselves like The wwe stars they are, and quit the pussy pandering/lying/acting.

Anyway, Gray ran a late TV spot calling Rand a "wise ass". It was hilariously redneck as hell, and I lined it. Not because it would help him win, or was clever, bc it embodied everything these liberal clowns throw a hissy fit about.

Then he gave the most smug, ungrateful concession/victory speech you'll ever hear. It was incredibly tone deaf and hilarious.
Find it interesting, and certainly telling, that on Facebook and in the news you see virtually no gloating from Trump supporters or even conservatives who voted for him. But the level of butthurt by liberals is off the charts. Whining, pissing, moaning and screaming about every thing real and imagined.

At some point, just like in the actual election, we'll see a backlash and they'll simply be told to STFU. There's a country to support and let's make the best of it. Matt Jones might want to take notice....
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Re: Jones- He's coming closer and closer to overplaying his hand. If he keeps it up, the time might be ripe for a UK grad, Kentucky born and bred, individual to compete against him.

Personally, I'd love nothing more than to send that smarmy Duke grad to the dustbin of history.

I refuse to listen to Jones. He has over played his hand. Maybe he wants to do something else. Trump won Ky by 30 and if you take the UL fanbase out, by 45 to 50. Only a moron would insult 75 percent of his listeners.
Find it interesting, and certainly telling, that on Facebook and in the news you see virtually no gloating from Trump supporters or even conservatives who voted for him. But the level of butthurt by liberals is off the charts. Whining, pissing, moaning and screaming about every thing real and imagined.

At some point, just like in the actual election, we'll see a backlash and they'll simply be told to STFU. There's a country to support and let's make the best of it. Matt Jones might want to take notice....

My cousin's wife had this line: "The sun will rise tomorrow, but the sun also rose in Nazi Germany". These people are nuts, man.
On NPR of all places they interviewed black people in St Louis about why they didn't turn up to vote against Donald Trump. Most said they didn't like him, but didn't understand why they were being told by the so-called liberal elite how racist he was. They didn't really see that at all. Goes to show why all the protesters are hipsters.
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Highschool kids get to skip school to protest Trump.

Who the hell are these idiot teachers supporting this BS.
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[laughing] If the msm haven't learned their lesson yet, they never will. Might as well continue to treat them & everything they report as the opinionated, tabloid hacks they are.

One of CNN's headlines from today: What does the alt-right do now that 'God Emporer' Trump won?

Even if what they are trying to say about Bannon is remotely true, no one will take them seriously. After their behavior over the last year & headlines such as above, their "reporting" will continue to fall on deaf ears.
Tell me about this racist Breitbart guy. I want answers. To as why some people believe that, and what's it's based on.

I thought Breitbart was pretty pussy/liberal, imo. I read them a lot. They were in with the White House e-world, fwtw. I mean, google worshiped them, so they are not *that* conservative at all. Just pure junk. They don't stand for anything. Smart of trump to team up with stupid e-news people to feed shit to his 28milliok twitter followers!!! OMG.

For a non politician, Trump learned politics pretty damn quick, huh? Beat the Clinton's and now he's friends Obama, been on 60 minutes , probably has a reddit thing lined up.

This could be what Z has warned us about. I don't trust these clowns like Paul and all these douches. Trump won on his terms, but he's in their world now.

Still, will be mucho better than the alternative, and whatever the f we were doing the previous 8 years.
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