How will they rule ??!

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Being reported that he is a disgruntled employee of the news station the reporters worked for.
My god....this is absolutely terrible. Cannot even begin to imagine how those families must feel - having that video out there forever just makes it 100X worse.
I thought so too. Then it was reported that Ramos' daughter works for Hillary Clinton. Of course this isnt being reported by the MSM. If true, I dont blame Trump for kicking him out.

The Megyn Kelly remarks were understandable at first, considering she definitely targeted him in some questions. Even then, it was risky. But continuing that feud is totally uncalled for.

Why am I not surprised.....
A lot of people don't know this but news anchors and reporters are among the most stalked and have the most insane lunatics send them mail and messages who feel they have some connection with them through their TV.

If it was a disgruntled employee , it's terrifying to know you worked with some psycho beside you
Reporting now that it is not the guy they thought. They just talked to the guy they reported as the killer on the phone. Gotta love the news. Run with any story you think might be true to be first. Ridiculous. I WANT MY NEWS AND I WANT IT NOW. (even if it is wrong)
Doesn't sound like that is the guy so far. Great job on another botched investigation, internet detectives!
^ That's because if you're not the first to report it, it becomes "dead news." That is why we get an insane amount of incorrect info because everyone is desperate for clicks and hits.

They rarely print the retraction though.
Lots to like in this post.

Trump may have signaled the beginning of the end for him with his handling of the Jorge Ramos situation.
I thought his exchanges with Romos made him look pretty good. First of all, he showed he wouldn't back down to an obnoxious opponent. Then he invites the guy back in after he calmed down, and devoted a majority of the press conference addressing Ramos questions. It even ended on a somewhat of a conciliatory note.

Only if you want Trump to fail I can see where you might think he came across badly.
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why? I'm sure most people posting in this thread have seen worse at some point.

JMO but it's insanely screwed up to watch video of someone stalking people right before murdering them, that stuff always was worse than just video of a tradgedy/ murder/ whatever. I have the same deal about that photo that serial killer took right when he cornered a teenage girl and murdered her.
Well there is your murder 1 case.

How the freak did they not notice him waving a gun in their faces????

His facebook video is still up.
The first video is on in case anyone want to feel nauseous. Jesus, this is really crazy. Some people in this world.
I'm not going to watch the video of the actual shooting, but the video where it's just him walking up, breathing heavily and pointing the gun at them was unbelievably chilling and unnerving
If they are going to track this douchebag down they need to bring in the Calvary. May I suggest Alan cutler