How will they rule ??!

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The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. You claim fraud, you provide sources.

Trump nominated judges and even the SC said there's no fraud. Occam's Razor, Trump is just a sore loser claiming fraud when he loses. Again, he did the same to Cruz in the Iowa caucus.
So you didn't watch the video.... They go to addresses of absentee voters. That is proof of fraud. The question is if it's enough to make a difference. The problem is they claim there is no proof so they won't look.... Its a self fulfilling loop of bs.
Guaranteed you are the dufus in your homemade bunker filled with 50 years of canned goods, 50 AR15s sitting alone on 50 acres.
Some of us actually enjoy going out to church, movies, stores, parades, concerts, school plays, and sporting events without worrying about getting mowed down.
If you don't think this is a problem or issue in America, you are part of the problem.
It's a big problem. But you oppose locking up the mental cases till they get effective treatment, you oppose stop & frisk, you oppose DA's that prosecute & convict, you oppose judges that hand down stiff sentences.
Should've been a rule 12 motion filed. That would pin them down on legal theory and facts. Plus this would reset the issue as the correct one and for e the judge to go on record with the (incorrect) path the case must now travel if it moves forward.

Then a motion to exclude under 702/daubert/kumho tire. That would've fleshed out their expert testimony prior to a substantive hearing. That gives you a much better chance at contesting on cross and prepping your own expert (which should've been already retained considering this is no surprise).

Once their testimony is pinned down, then you have a better chance at filing a clearer exclusion under 401, 402, and 403. At the very least you're putting away more pressure on the trial judge by competently building your record for appeal.

Dcs office is constantly caught flatfooted, always outmaneuvered, over matched, and never frame or narrow the issue. That's one big reason he's lost almost every single hearing vs Andy since he took over. It's sickening to watch
What he said!

Wait, what the hell did he just say anyway?

Seriously though, I appreciate the insight.
Why can't the RF law stop it? That they didn't use it is the problem imo. Seems lawsuits are acomin' b/c they didn't.
You don't get it. They don't want to stop it. They want confiscation. They will use RF laws only against law abiding citizens. Over and over it's been shown they won't prosecute crazy people but they will run a normal/legal person through the ringer for years. They don't want to be bothered by actual dangerous people who are crazy... They'd rather approach people like us who are law abiding and won't give them trouble.
So you didn't watch the video.... They go to addresses of absentee voters. That is proof of fraud. The question is if it's enough to make a difference. The problem is they claim there is no proof so they won't look.... Its a self fulfilling loop of bs.
I went to where you said but didn't realize how long it was. I'll review it in a few hrs after work. Hard to go back and forth between this and work.
You have had much luck with Daubert motions in state court?

I don’t see a federal judge excluding her testimony in an injunction hearing over a Daubert motion, let alone a state court. The judge is going to let it in because he (Perry in this case, I believe) knows his decision is going to be appealed and he does not want it coming back because he excluded evidence the court of appeals says should be in. That gives the plaintiff a different argument on appeal that is not the central argument for the court.

Because the plaintiff has the burden of proving likelihood of success, a Rule 12(b)(6) motion is encompassed in the process. Have they stated a winning claim? The judge is going to give a hearing to develop a record. He is going to let the doc testify.

I am not sure a Rule 12 motion in this instance is going to benefit the defense. Arguing Daubert when you probably don’t have a lot of disclosed info on what the doc’s opinions, if any, will be is a tough haul. Sounded like a lot of her testimony was factual, anyway. I doubt you limit her testimony thru a Daubert motion in this instance.
Damn it, now I am really lost.
Define success. I specifically said in my post the strategy behind filing them. It wasn't because they would be granted. It's to pin them down on their case and proof; and pin down the judge in prep for appeal. It's a higher level strategy that's obviously well beyond Cameron and his office.

12b6 only applies to federal court. This is state so the subsection of 12 is different.

I specifically like this portion of testimony. Of course it's shocking on its face they're admitting to the murder of exponentially higher percentage of black babies...but the other part is it seems way outside the original pleading.

The original argument was it violates a woman's equal protection and right to privacy under the state constitution. Unless it wasn't reported, this gets into socioeconomic and even racial equal protection. Two totally different issues. That's why you pin them down early, to prevent their shotgun approach
I don’t know who is on Camron’s team or anything about their strategy, other than what was in the tweet you offered (notes about direct and cross of one witness). So, I am not sure you are offering a higher level of strategy.

EDIT: I don’t know what pre-hearing motions were discussed. The court won’t listen long to a Daubert motion attempting to restrict the testimony of an abortion doctor testifying about the practice of performing abortions. Relevance would probably be the better objection. A trial judge hearing testimony without a jury is not about to sustain many objections.

Not knowing which 12.02 motion you are suggesting (I made my guess), I cannot really assess that strategy. Equal protection and privacy clause probably are going to the Court of Appeals. I don’t think you are boxing anyone in with Rule 12 motion practice.
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Who knows. Really who cares. The point is that these nutcases should never be able to get a hold of a weapon like that.
Ok, I am gonna bite.

Why don't we try this first? Let's take guns away from criminals before we take them away from law abiding non-criminals.

Should be easy shouldn't it? Of the US population, there has to be less criminals than law abiding non criminals, right? Let's see the efficient and thorough US government take away guns from criminals first, and if they do that, we can talk about taking any kind of gun away from the rest of us.
So you’re cool with regulation and heavy oversight of the pharmaceutical industry? Supposed to hear that from your side. Good because I agree. Question: if there’s a generation of “psychos, schizos, etc.”, why does it make sense to allow for these weapons to be made available to the public?
To your question, it is my right to own an AR, or an AK, or a .50cal. I won't give up that right any more than I would allow someone to strip me of my right to free speech. Ever.

You are aware that when this spate of school shootings started there was a draconian assault weapons ban in place, right? Didn't seem to help much.

Aye, now I have a couple question for you. What president made insulin more affordable and put forth a plan to reduce drug prices for all Americans even though it put a huge target on his back?

What president did away with all of that on his first day in office and actually strengthened pharm's position?
Ok, I am gonna bite.

Why don't we try this first? Let's take guns away from criminals before we take them away from law abiding non-criminals.

Should be easy shouldn't it? Of the US population, there has to be less criminals than law abiding non criminals, right? Let's see the efficient and thorough US government take away guns from criminals first, and if they do that, we can talk about taking any kind of gun away from the rest of us.
So why not let those that have them already keep them....but stop the sale of the dang things going forward?
I'm ok with gun buybacks but agree we don't wanna take guns away from existing gun owners short of red flag situations.
It's a big problem. But you oppose locking up the mental cases till they get effective treatment, you oppose stop & frisk, you oppose DA's that prosecute & convict, you oppose judges that hand down stiff sentences.
You couldn't be more wrong about me regarding crime.
I'm for harsher sentences....
Mandatory 10-15 year firearms sentences even if not used....
More prisons and longer terms....
More cops on the street....
The death penalty.....
Stop and frisk with probable cause....
Vote out weak azz judges.....
You can't cure crazy.....
Which is why we have to ban those weapons of war.
So you didn't watch the video.... They go to addresses of absentee voters. That is proof of fraud. The question is if it's enough to make a difference. The problem is they claim there is no proof so they won't look.... Its a self fulfilling loop of bs.
He wont, it might upset his closed minded, not biased, worldview. Another part of the problem is we show evidence of malfeasance after evidence of malfeasance and these DAs only make excuses. Because these children got the result they wanted AND they will look no further. If the roles were reversed there would be RIOTS everywhere. And these dipshits would excuse them.

Imagine if biden had a comfortable lead in 5 battleground states and they all stopped counting at roughly the same time, and in the morning they all announced for trump. Imagine how violent the streets would be. They would be more dangerous than shithole cOuntries like somalia.
Ok, I am gonna bite.

Why don't we try this first? Let's take guns away from criminals before we take them away from law abiding non-criminals.

Should be easy shouldn't it? Of the US population, there has to be less criminals than law abiding non criminals, right? Let's see the efficient and thorough US government take away guns from criminals first, and if they do that, we can talk about taking any kind of gun away from the rest of us.
Here is a prediction of the lefties response to this:
If we stop arresting people, then there are no criminals. Duh ...
So you didn't watch the video.... They go to addresses of absentee voters. That is proof of fraud. The question is if it's enough to make a difference. The problem is they claim there is no proof so they won't look.... Its a self fulfilling loop of bs.

I watched some of the video, namely what you said to watch.

A breakdown of your quote

They go to addresses of absentee voters. That is proof of fraud.

Let's say this is true

The question is if it's enough to make a difference.

If there are instances of fraud then you're right in asking if these occurrences are enough to make a difference.

The problem is they claim there is no proof so they won't look.

The issue with this is there are can be instances of fraud but said fraud does not constitute as proof of a larger conspiracy. So when they say there is no proof they're not saying there were zero instances of fraud, they're saying it's not at such a scale that warrants a recount.

I.e. If you committed fraud in your local election the committee wouldn't do a total recount of the whole election as it wouldn't make any sense unless there were a sizable number of fraudulent ballots.

Below is a thorough breakdown of instances of voting fraud.

Now, back away from thinking about 2020 and look at the numbers below as if it's 2014 or 2106.

For example, in a study back in 2014 there were only 31 instances of fraud from 2000-2014

If you've gotten this far, good on you.

From reading the many examples above we can see voter fraud does not happen at the level it's purported by Trump or some RW media.

Taking this into account you'd ask yourself what then happened in 2020?

How did Biden win but Dem's didn't conquer the House or Senate races? This alone gives reason to think the election conspiracy is just that, a conspiracy.

This leads me to an answer below:

The simplest answer is typically the right one and that's Trump likely made it up b/c he was raised to hate losing. He was raised to view that anything below "winning" meant you're a loser.**

**it's fine to dislike losing but it's unhealthy to do it in the manner D.T. does. The whole "If you ain't first, you're last" is comedic but there are people in real life who view everything as winning and losing.

So when he lost to Ted Cruz in the Iowa Caucus you had this



Prior to the 2016 election, you had this


After winning in 2016 but losing the popular vote he tweeted this


You have 3 different periods, early 2016, election 2016, and 2020 all of which Trump spouts voter fraud.

Searching his Twitter archive you can see 607 instances of him tweeting about Fraud most of which lead up to the 2020 election.

So there's either massive voter fraud and D.T. is correct or he just shouts fraud with most of those shouts happening even before the event itself.

I.E. he's covering his bases. If he wins, there's still fraud b/c he didn't win by more BUT if he loses there's such a wide-scale fraud that's the end of democracy.

If there was fraud in 2016 he had an entire 4 years to make sure it didn't happen again. He would've been looked at as being a savior of democracy for "cracking the case" on voter fraud in the race against Cruz and subsequently Hillary.

In reality, there's no massive fraud and for a thought experiment, you should picture Biden tweeting all of this rather than Trump. What would your opinion be then?

Mine would still be that the person making those tweets is a whiny person who cannot stand losing, not because it's bad (it's not) but because his dad told him it was.

@Bill Derington wanted to tag you so you could see Trump's Tweets

@Lost In FL @warrior-cat adding ya'll because I've had convos with the two of you in the past, respect the both of ya'll but I just sit towards the left.

Those that are tagged and those that are not I want you to look at those tweets.

I want you to go through these as well as just navigate through the above archive of tweets just to see what kind of person D.T. is. Look at his 2017 to 2020 tweets and tell me if those were made by Obama or Biden if ya'll would think it's no big deal. If you end up coming to a conclusion that it would be a big deal if those two made any of those tweets then ya'll are in a land of hypocrisy.

Don't turn this into whataboutism either, the issue at hand is voter fraud not the crap that Biden is doing now or what Obama did in 2009-2016.
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That is a whole lot of killing going on at UofL.

Bergin estimates she performs around 1,200 abortions per year at EMW. She testified that about 200 patients were turned away from the clinic between the time Roe v Wade was overturned and when the emergency restraining order was granted.

Under cross examination by Maddox, Bergin was asked about the D&E or dilation and evacuation, which Maddox referred to as "dismemberment." Lawyers for the EMW clinic objected, but the judge allowed it. Bergin referred to the procedure as "tissue separation" but testified it’s the same thing.
I know many in his own party have not been happy with him for a year or more. But, just based on the latest 'scandal', it seems the Brits may have higher moral standards (doubt it in reality) than the U.S. Imagine if the same 'standards' were applied to the Biden administration. All the total immoral/amoral appointments that have been made......

'The latest scandal engulfing Johnson's office is the handling of the resignation of former Deputy Chief Whip Chris Pincher after he was accused last week of groping two men, reports CNN.'