How will they rule ??!

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Can’t you still defend yourself with a lesser gun than these killing machines being used? I’m not taking away your right to defend yourself.
What is a lesser gun? Would that lesser gun still be capable of killing? So would it also be a killing machine in your little mind? 2nd amendment wasn't about hunting rifles. There are 1000's of laws on the books and they just passed a new one. It's AR's now but you'll want Glocks and other semiauto guns next... then pump shotguns and 6 shooters... and on and on.

Your type wants more and more until all violence is gone from the US. That ain't happening. I'd rather be able to defend myself than to be stuck outside a school waiting for the cops to decide whether or not they are going in or have some druggie on a subway just punch and stab people. We have mentally ill people running our country and teaching our kids and we wonder why our kids are so fvcked up.

None of this happened when I was a kid. I could say you're evil if you don't want to go back to the way things used to be so we could be safe and have guns....
We’ve got a serious mental issue in this country, and it has nothing to do with a gun.
Sick of hearing that weak excuse. We will NEVER get rid of mental illness. These guns are turning our country into a giant dumpster fire.
Can't go anywhere anymore without worrying about my kids/grandkids getting mowed down.
Sick of hearing that weak excuse. We will NEVER get rid of mental illness. These guns are turning our country into a giant dumpster fire.
Can't go anywhere anymore without worrying about my kids/grandkids getting mowed down.
Sam, You and the kids should just stay in, hunker down and watch the Jan 6th hearings with the tens of other people watching it. It’s Thunder Dome out here. You’d never make it.
While I don't condone unwarranted police shootings, we cannot divorce the police shooting from the antecedent intentional reckless behavior of the criminal who is shot. Look at the Akron shooting:
  1. Tried to flee police instead of stopping his vehicle;
  2. Discharged a gun while being chased by the police;
  3. After a 7 minute chase, slowed down and tried to jump out and run away wearing a ski mask.
  4. Officers attempted to taser, but were unsuccessful
  5. Turned toward officers during the chase and made a motion toward his waist area.
Yet there are protests, will surely be a lawsuit, lots of media scrutiny of the police, etc. because he was "shot in the back." The police are being held to an extremely strict standard, while the criminal's actions that led to him being shot are not scrutinized or even taken into consideration.

You won't stop your vehicle for police, you lead them on a chase, you discharge a gun while being chased by police, you put on a ski mask and jump out of the vehicle and continue running, you make a motion that makes police believe you are reaching for something after discharging a gun earlier--ding!-ding!-ding!--they have cause.
Lesson of the day from the wise Sammy's dad, when liberals shoot people it is not important to find out which political party they belong to.

Newsweek is doing their best to tie him to Trump. You have stupid people like we have in this thread who will read that and be convinced. Nobody that looks like that dork votes Republican. Everything's a lie.
Oh he's a Trump buddy....tons of pictures of the clown 🤡 at Trump rallies and draped in a Trump flag.
Bottom line doesn't really matter. These f'ing AR15s need to be banned.

Sick of hearing that weak excuse. We will NEVER get rid of mental illness. These guns are turning our country into a giant dumpster fire.
Can't go anywhere anymore without worrying about my kids/grandkids getting mowed down.
Mental illness is rampant and getting worse. That’s what happens when you can’t call a spade a spade and the doctors’ only treatment of said spade is to drug it until it doesn’t know it’s a spade.

Also, how do you propose getting all the guns from criminals that do all the shooting?

If you really want to feel bad, read the comment section. People are defending a sexual pleasure class for kids as young as 9 because its.... "separated by age".... 9yo!!!!
Part 1

My first reaction looking at that tweet is one of disgust that they would be showing sex toys/talking about pleasure to 9 year olds but being that I don't trust anything that I see w/o doing research I had a feeling what that tweet is trying to convey is false with the intent to push a narrative.

The tweet makes it seem like sexual pleasure is being taught to 9 to 18 year olds and each age group is split into groups.

However, if you look at the actual post you'll see the quote:

"Workshops are divided by age and topics will vary for developmental appropriateness"

keyword is developmental appropriateness

meaning the images used by the tweet shared by HMT are misleading used to generate outrage

Part 2

Not wanting to be biased I searched for stories pertaining to this class and found several on conservative media sources, see below.

Below is a quote from the article itself

"The class for 9- to 12-year-olds is an introduction to topics related to relationships, puberty, bodies, and sexuality. We focus on what makes healthy vs. unhealthy friendships and romantic relationships, the science of how puberty works, consent and personal boundaries, defining 'sex,' and discussing why people may or may not choose to engage in sexual activities," she told Rantz. "This course includes understanding the basics of sexual anatomy, including the names and function of body parts related to reproduction and pleasure. We also cover the basics of biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation."

Essentially what is covered for the 9-12 age group has nothing to do with "sexual pleasure" ** but that's what HMT's shared tweet was incorrectly trying to convey. Rather, the course focuses on teaching kids about puberty which is something that has been taught in schools for decades.

**to the extent the original tweet is trying to suggest. I can see posters here saying "the quote you use specifically mentions pleasure, therefore the course covers pleasure"

The reality of this is the class talks about the "names and function of body parts related to reproduction and pleasure" but that does not mean the course is talking about pleasure itself.

Part 3

Now after doing this research I still had the thought that teaching puberty to 9-12 years might be a tad too early but then I thought about my upbringing in the 80s/90s and realized we started to hit puberty in 5th grade through 8th so essentially a 9 to 13 age group depending on when you were born.

After realizing this I googled and found this

"The average age for girls to start puberty is 11, while for boys the average age is 12.

But it's perfectly normal for puberty to begin at any point between the ages of 8 and 13 in girls and 9 and 14 in boys."

In other words, you have the NHS saying that people hit puberty as early as 8 but as late as 14 which aligns with the 9-12 age range.

Part 4

In summation, at first the tweet seemed alarming as there are crazies on both sides but after jumping into the details one realizes the tweet was intentionally misleading.

The course in question is just teaching about puberty to the 9-12 range and that's it.

Now I don't expect this to change anyone's beliefs because most here see what they want to see but the reality is this story isn't what it's made out to be and this is confirmed by the quote from the article in the conservative paper the Washington Examiner.

Added: I haven't looked into what's covered for the other age groups but since most of the focus (on this board) seems to be on the 9-12 group I only covered that.

It's likely the controversial topic/imagery is covered in the older 16-18 group and again that would be appropriate. The difference between who we are in high school compared to say ele/middle is vast.

We essentially go from feeling shame or confusion when we hit puberty, something a class would actually help with, to slowly learning who we are by the time we are in our later high school years.

Edit: I gave an unbiased breakdown of the material shared by HMT and added sources relevant to the topics at hand. I do not expect the majority of the people here to read what I typed with an open mind, rather I expect people to see stuff that's not there and vehemently attack what was typed above. When discussing something like this it's important to not let your biases show and I'd hope there's at least one conservative on here that sees this and goes "Oh, that makes sense"

It's important to be rational and not let yourself get clouded by your emotions and biases so if you read this and feel anger, keep reading the post until you realize there's really nothing to be angry about.
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Every mass shooting recently was done by nut jobs who purchased them legally. Let's start by making that stop.
ok. You make the big-bad AR illegal. Does that automatically make the psychos decide not to shoot up a bunch of people or do they just use something else? You can ban a gun, but you won’t make people stop being insane or evil by doing that.
This may be a criminal matter and not just a political matter, so we will defer to an attorney representing Hunter Biden, as if questions directed toward the president can be answered by his son’s attorney. The president is going to let an attorney representing someone else spin this crap.

But, shame on the voters, we all knew Biden was a habitual liar.
Sam, You and the kids should just stay in, hunker down and watch the Jan 6th hearings with the tens of other people watching it. It’s Thunder Dome out here. You’d never make it.
Guaranteed you are the dufus in your homemade bunker filled with 50 years of canned goods, 50 AR15s sitting alone on 50 acres.
Some of us actually enjoy going out to church, movies, stores, parades, concerts, school plays, and sporting events without worrying about getting mowed down.
If you don't think this is a problem or issue in America, you are part of the problem.
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Oh he's a Trump buddy....tons of pictures of the clown 🤡 at Trump rallies and draped in a Trump flag.
Bottom line doesn't really matter. These f'ing AR15s need to be banned.

You're extremely stupid. That's as nice as I can be.

All his online activity that your friends at Google are scrubbing indicated he was a lefty. If you think Republicans look like that, then I don't know how to help you.
ok. You make the big-bad AR illegal. Does that automatically make the psychos decide not to shoot up a bunch of people or do they just use something else? You can ban a gun, but you won’t make people stop being insane or evil by doing that.
Again...let's start by banning those and improving background checks. If that does nothing to slow down the daily slaughter in our streets/schools etc then I will reevaluate my opinion.
By your logic we shouldn't have laws against murder, speeding, or abortion either since people find a way to do those as well.
What we are doing now sure as hell ain't working. Time to try something else.
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This is why I am so critical of Cameron and his office. Stuff like this is exactly why he loses again and again. He is allowing the other side to completely frame the issue. He did this the whole time with his covid litigation as well.

Maybe he'll still somehow win this despite his best efforts to lose; but my goodness this is terribly weak advocacy.

It’s the plaintiff’s motion and burden. They will be given leeway to frame the issue for the motion. The judge clearly is going to let the evidence in.
Stupid is saying nothing can be done to stop the daily slaughter of children by AR15s in America.
The guy should have been arrested when he threatened to murder everyone in his family. But your buddies would have bailed him out. Be interesting to see how long it is until we find out if he was programmed or not.

So you're saying that daily a child is killed by an AR-15? Please show me that data.
You're extremely stupid. That's as nice as I can be.

All his online activity that your friends at Google are scrubbing indicated he was a lefty. If you think Republicans look like that, then I don't know how to help you.
He's in pictures at Trump rallies. He's in pictures draped in a Trump flag.
But like I already said, none of that matters at the end of the day. Those AR15s need to be banned.
Oh he's a Trump buddy....tons of pictures of the clown 🤡 at Trump rallies and draped in a Trump flag.
Bottom line doesn't really matter. These f'ing AR15s need to be banned.

I guess I have to say it again. He hated Trump. That has already been proven. Those photos are two incidences of his hate. Why did he dress up as Waldo? Answer that Sam.

That other photo is him mocking the photo of Ashli Babbit wearing the flag going into the Capitol. You truly are terrible at this.

both photos of him mocking Trump once you know why. But you don’t care. Continue on with your false narrative bill shit
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Mental illness is rampant and getting worse. That’s what happens when you can’t call a spade a spade and the doctors’ only treatment of said spade is to drug it until it doesn’t know it’s a spade.

Also, how do you propose getting all the guns from criminals that do all the shooting?

Lawlessness. This is just people joking around not even trying to hurt people.... they just don't care if they do.
It’s the plaintiff’s motion and burden. They will be given leeway to frame the issue for the motion. The judge clearly is going to let the evidence in.

You can reframe the issue via motions. None of this stuff is relevant to the actual issue at hand which is whether or not the legislature has the constitutional authority to restrict abortion. They do. It's very clear.

None of this other stuff matters except to play on the emotions of an obviously abortion friendly judiciary.

The real danger in missing the opportunity to correctly frame the issue isn't the loss at the trial court level. That's coming. We know libs choose judges they know will rule for them. The problem is it makes the appeal that much harder.

It's frustrating to watch how effective Andy's team was at doing damage to the conservative agenda while Cameron is barely a blip on the liberal radar.
Who knows. Really who cares. The point is that these nutcases should never be able to get a hold of a weapon like that.

I said you don’t care, but you keep repeating the MSM lie.
You’ll never get the guns taken away, Sam. No matter how much you whine and cry
He was probably going to the Trump rally to become your hero by shooting Trump. Have you ever seen a protester at a rally?
The last thing I want is a Trump assassination. Nothing worse than a martyr for his followers.
I don't want him sent to trial either.
I just want his people to wake up to his BS and make him an unviable candidate for the Oval Office.
I said you don’t care, but you keep repeating the MSM lie.
You’ll never get the guns taken away, Sam. No matter how much you whine and cry
I'm hopeful you are wrong about my wishes. It's happened before and was working.
You can reframe the issue via motions. None of this stuff is relevant to the actual issue at hand which is whether or not the legislature has the constitutional authority to restrict abortion. They do. It's very clear.

None of this other stuff matters except to play on the emotions of an obviously abortion friendly judiciary.

The real danger in missing the opportunity to correctly frame the issue isn't the loss at the trial court level. That's coming. We know libs choose judges they know will rule for them. The problem is it makes the appeal that much harder.

It's frustrating to watch how effective Andy's team was at doing damage to the conservative agenda while Cameron is barely a blip on the liberal radar.
It’s a hearing on Plaintiff’s motion for injunctive relief. According to the reporter, the judge denied every objection regarding testimony. The plaintiff still must prove likelihood of success. I am assuming that plaintiff put her on the stand to prove irreparable harm.
He was linked to antifa groups. When one of those nutjobs on twitter said they needed to attack the suburbs instead of the cities... He liked that post. I get that our fbi is refusing to admit antifa exist. But if we aren't going to start prosecuting this group as the terrorist org it is then I don't want to hear shit out of anyone on new laws. Once again we have a kid that was known to law enforcement that they let just keep running around. "we need new laws"... Enforce the gotdayum laws on the books first. Prove you care about preventing violence before you take away my right to defend myself. Because if you don't then it seems you just want to create a bigger victim class.
That’s one thing that’s infuriating to me, it’s obvious why this kid did this. He’s nuts, he’s a leftist and a 4th of July parade is plum target to make a point. Same as the dude that drove through to Christmas parade.
Yet, the authorities just bumble around acting like they just can’t find a motive?

Any group, no matter how awful they are will slide if they benefit Democrats. The KKK was left to do whatever they wanted as long as they were a benefit to Democrats. The moment the Dems moved on to African Americans they eliminated the KKK. Their actions were always terrible, but the Democrats needed them to maintain power.