How will they rule ??!

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Stupid is saying nothing can be done to stop the daily slaughter of children by AR15s in America.
Do not believe he said do nothing, DA. You have to setup strawmen bc that is all you can handle.

You do not want to do the things that need to be done to stop mental illness. You are part of the problem, this sick "me first" society.

Does your church support the murder of innocent ppl? Or does it feed your rape and incest fears?
When he says he won't concede a lost election and honor the peaceful transfer of power....Yeah that's really dangerous.
You know what else is dangerous? Stealing a GD election!
You guys act like the 2020 election was perfectly normal, it wasn’t. Never before in the history on our nation had we voted in such an insecure manner. It was a joke, and you’re suggesting we should all just accept the bullshit that took place and move in! Fu*k that, the Country is in a deepening rut because the people and groups that have controlled the Country for decades didn’t want to lose their power, and you’re just fine with it.
It’s a hearing on Plaintiff’s motion for injunctive relief. According to the reporter, the judge denied every objection regarding testimony. The plaintiff still must prove likelihood of success. I am assuming that plaintiff put her on the stand to prove irreparable harm.

Should've been a rule 12 motion filed. That would pin them down on legal theory and facts. Plus this would reset the issue as the correct one and for e the judge to go on record with the (incorrect) path the case must now travel if it moves forward.

Then a motion to exclude under 702/daubert/kumho tire. That would've fleshed out their expert testimony prior to a substantive hearing. That gives you a much better chance at contesting on cross and prepping your own expert (which should've been already retained considering this is no surprise).

Once their testimony is pinned down, then you have a better chance at filing a clearer exclusion under 401, 402, and 403. At the very least you're putting away more pressure on the trial judge by competently building your record for appeal.

Dcs office is constantly caught flatfooted, always outmaneuvered, over matched, and never frame or narrow the issue. That's one big reason he's lost almost every single hearing vs Andy since he took over. It's sickening to watch
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while France laughs at the stupid Germans.
No surprise that the Dem candidates for Senate and Governor aren't/didn't show up at Biden's event in Ohio today, but it's the reason he's in Cleveland that I'm interested in. So, I guess, if you're a union worker/retiree and you lose/lost money in investments (stock market) the government will come riding to the rescue and reimburse your losses? And the rest of the investors who take a bath in Joe's economy (stock market)....well.....tough.

'The president will showcase the launch of a program – created under his American Rescue Plan that passed through Congress last year – which the White House says will allow roughly two to three million workers and retirees who faced pension cuts because of investment losses to obtain the benefits they were set to receive in their retirement.'
Sick of hearing that weak excuse. We will NEVER get rid of mental illness. These guns are turning our country into a giant dumpster fire.
Can't go anywhere anymore without worrying about my kids/grandkids getting mowed down.
Sick of hearing YOUR weak excuse, we will NEVER get rid of guns. These mentally ill mass shooters are turning our country into a giant dumpster fire.
Can't go anywhere anymore without worrying about my kids/grandkids getting mowed down.
What percentage of women do you think work in bullshit jobs like this and no doubt get paid more than men?

Very high percentage will not. This is another part of the problem, these ppl have no idea about reality.

Or i could pretend to do a bunch of research AND tell you that i (and i alone) can offer objective analysis. (See, usrubes cannot think objectively! We just do what the man tells us.)
No surprise that the Dem candidates for Senate and Governor aren't/didn't show up at Biden's event in Ohio today, but it's the reason he's in Cleveland that I'm interested in. So, I guess, if you're a union worker/retiree and you lose/lost money in investments (stock market) the government will come riding to the rescue and reimburse your losses? And the rest of the investors who take a bath in Joe's economy (stock market)....well.....tough.

'The president will showcase the launch of a program – created under his American Rescue Plan that passed through Congress last year – which the White House says will allow roughly two to three million workers and retirees who faced pension cuts because of investment losses to obtain the benefits they were set to receive in their retirement.'
Dems don't even care about Union workers anymore. They only actually help government unions. They have killed the auto industry, energy, steel, trucking... basically everything that was union and sweat during their job.
How many of you knew Karl Marx’ real name is Moses Mordecai Levy ?

Interesting indeed.

A lot more could be said but don’t feel like making a new account.
I didn't. I did know that he lived with a guy that was paying his bills and cheated with his wife behind his back. He also apparently had horrible hygiene and was known to stink to high heaven by the time he gained a modicum of fame. Also that he was horrible at economics.
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You know what else is dangerous? Stealing a GD election!
You guys act like the 2020 election was perfectly normal, it wasn’t. Never before in the history on our nation had we voted in such an insecure manner. It was a joke, and you’re suggesting we should all just accept the bullshit that took place and move in! Fu*k that, the Country is in a deepening rut because the people and groups that have controlled the Country for decades didn’t want to lose their power, and you’re just fine with it.
How can liberals be diabolical enough to steal the presidency but moronic enough to not get more seats in the House and Senate?

That's where the whole stolen election conspiracy falls flat.

I mean Trump said the same thing when he lost to Ted Cruz in the 2016 Iowa Caucus

"Rigged Elections" or saying an election was rigged is just another pillar of fascism

The fact ya'll keep falling for Trumps' grift is depressing as hell.
How can liberals be diabolical enough to steal the presidency but moronic enough to not get more seats in the House and Senate?

That's where the whole stolen election conspiracy falls flat.

I mean Trump said the same thing when he lost to Ted Cruz in the 2016 Iowa Caucus

"Rigged Elections" or saying an election was rigged is just another pillar of fascism

The fact ya'll keep falling for Trumps' grift is depressing as hell.
Which raises the question why ballots were marked for only Biden and not straight dem party... Almost like some idiot was thinking only about beating Trump. How did Biden get more votes in several districts than everyone else on the ballot? More votes for Biden for president than all the votes for both congressional candidates. Could it be legit? Maybe. Have we looked into it? nope... We just have to trust it was totally legit.
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Should've been a rule 12 motion filed. That would pin them down on legal theory and facts. Plus this would reset the issue as the correct one and for e the judge to go on record with the (incorrect) path the case must now travel if it moves forward.

Then a motion to exclude under 702/daubert/kumho tire. That would've fleshed out their expert testimony prior to a substantive hearing. That gives you a much better chance at contesting on cross and prepping your own expert (which should've been already retained considering this is no surprise).

Once their testimony is pinned down, then you have a better chance at filing a clearer exclusion under 401, 402, and 403. At the very least you're putting away more pressure on the trial judge by competently building your record for appeal.

Dcs office is constantly caught flatfooted, always outmaneuvered, over matched, and never frame or narrow the issue. That's one big reason he's lost almost every single hearing vs Andy since he took over. It's sickening to watch
You have had much luck with Daubert motions in state court?

I don’t see a federal judge excluding her testimony in an injunction hearing over a Daubert motion, let alone a state court. The judge is going to let it in because he (Perry in this case, I believe) knows his decision is going to be appealed and he does not want it coming back because he excluded evidence the court of appeals says should be in. That gives the plaintiff a different argument on appeal that is not the central argument for the court.

Because the plaintiff has the burden of proving likelihood of success, a Rule 12(b)(6) motion is encompassed in the process. Have they stated a winning claim? The judge is going to give a hearing to develop a record. He is going to let the doc testify.

I am not sure a Rule 12 motion in this instance is going to benefit the defense. Arguing Daubert when you probably don’t have a lot of disclosed info on what the doc’s opinions, if any, will be is a tough haul. Sounded like a lot of her testimony was factual, anyway. I doubt you limit her testimony thru a Daubert motion in this instance.
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Which raises the question why ballots were marked for only Biden and not straight dem party... Almost like some idiot was thinking only about beating Trump. How did Biden get more votes in several districts than everyone else on the ballot? More votes for Biden for president than all the votes for both congressional candidates. Could it be legit? Maybe. Have we looked into it? nope... We just have to trust it was totally legit.
Send me sources so I can read them. I'll review them after work.
Send me sources so I can read them. I'll review them after work.
Sure. How about you do some research instead of just always asking one side to show proof of, while also saying if that side is accused of something, they must show proof of innocents.

Go to about 27 minutes in. They go to addresses on absentee ballots. They just happen to be in parking lots and industrial areas a lot... If you wanna do some looking into it this is a good one. You don't even have to read.

I’ve seen this same tactic every single election cycle when the latest Republican is going against a Democrat.

Bush was the devil.

Next election
Bush isn’t so bad. Romney is the most evil ever!

Next election
Romney wasn’t a bad guy. But Trump is Hitler 2.0

Trump was dangerous but DeSantis is the most dangerous ever!!!!
Tells me they're more worried about RD than Trump.
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Excellent article from the WSJ:

I'd red this. One part I didn't get was:

"Analysts who have studied the migration attributed much of it to the pandemic’s severing of the link between geography and the workplace. Remote work allowed many workers to move to red states, not because of political preferences, but for financial and lifestyle reasons—cheaper housing, better weather, less traffic and lower taxes, the analysts said.

There is no data on what role, if any, political preferences have played in migration decisions."

Just how is moving for lower taxes not about the politics of their former & new location????
Sure. How about you do some research instead of just always asking one side to show proof of, while also saying if that side is accused of something, they must show proof of innocents.

Go to about 27 minutes in. They go to addresses on absentee ballots. They just happen to be in parking lots and industrial areas a lot... If you wanna do some looking into it this is a good one. You don't even have to read.
The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. You claim fraud, you provide sources.

Trump nominated judges and even the SC said there's no fraud. Occam's Razor, Trump is just a sore loser claiming fraud when he loses. Again, he did the same to Cruz in the Iowa caucus.
You have had much luck with Daubert motions in state court?

I don’t see a federal judge excluding her testimony in an injunction hearing over a Daubert motion, let alone a state court. The judge is going to let it in because he (Perry in this case, I believe) knows his decision is going to be appealed and he does not want it coming back because he excluded evidence the court of appeals says should be in. That gives the plaintiff a different argument on appeal that is not the central argument for the court.

Because the plaintiff has the burden of proving likelihood of success, a Rule 12(b)(6) motion is encompassed in the process. Have they stated a winning claim? The judge is going to give a hearing to develop a record. He is going to let the doc testify.

I am not sure a Rule 12 motion in this instance is going to benefit the defense. Arguing Daubert when you probably don’t have a lot of disclosed info on what the doc’s opinions, if any, will be is a tough haul. Sounded like a lot of her testimony was factual, anyway. I doubt you limit her testimony thru a Daubert motion in this instance.

Define success. I specifically said in my post the strategy behind filing them. It wasn't because they would be granted. It's to pin them down on their case and proof; and pin down the judge in prep for appeal. It's a higher level strategy that's obviously well beyond Cameron and his office.

12b6 only applies to federal court. This is state so the subsection of 12 is different.

I specifically like this portion of testimony. Of course it's shocking on its face they're admitting to the murder of exponentially higher percentage of black babies...but the other part is it seems way outside the original pleading.

The original argument was it violates a woman's equal protection and right to privacy under the state constitution. Unless it wasn't reported, this gets into socioeconomic and even racial equal protection. Two totally different issues. That's why you pin them down early, to prevent their shotgun approach
I'd red this. One part I didn't get was:

"Analysts who have studied the migration attributed much of it to the pandemic’s severing of the link between geography and the workplace. Remote work allowed many workers to move to red states, not because of political preferences, but for financial and lifestyle reasons—cheaper housing, better weather, less traffic and lower taxes, the analysts said.

There is no data on what role, if any, political preferences have played in migration decisions."

Just how is moving for lower taxes not about the politics of their former & new location????

Exactly. Lower taxes and better public safety are absolutely political reasons.
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Sick of hearing that weak excuse. We will NEVER get rid of mental illness. These guns are turning our country into a giant dumpster fire.
Can't go anywhere anymore without worrying about my kids/grandkids getting mowed down.
Getting rid of illegal weed & fentanyl on every corner would reduce it. Getting rid of leftwing professors & teachers would stop screwing up so many young heads. Detaining those that are mental cases would reduce their impact on the rest of us.
While I don't condone unwarranted police shootings, we cannot divorce the police shooting from the antecedent intentional reckless behavior of the criminal who is shot. Look at the Akron shooting:
  1. Tried to flee police instead of stopping his vehicle;
  2. Discharged a gun while being chased by the police;
  3. After a 7 minute chase, slowed down and tried to jump out and run away wearing a ski mask.
  4. Officers attempted to taser, but were unsuccessful
  5. Turned toward officers during the chase and made a motion toward his waist area.
Yet there are protests, will surely be a lawsuit, lots of media scrutiny of the police, etc. because he was "shot in the back." The police are being held to an extremely strict standard, while the criminal's actions that led to him being shot are not scrutinized or even taken into consideration.

You won't stop your vehicle for police, you lead them on a chase, you discharge a gun while being chased by police, you put on a ski mask and jump out of the vehicle and continue running, you make a motion that makes police believe you are reaching for something after discharging a gun earlier--ding!-ding!-ding!--they have cause.
I could be wrong, but I thought he turned to face police and was initially shot in the front.