How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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It’s both. Only one side is willing to do something about both issues and it’s not your side. You’re not budging on guns unfortunately and I guarantee you’re not willing to fund the massive mental health problem that I agree we have as well. Just saying it’s a mental health problem doesn’t make it go away either, you have to fund it. Thoughts and prayers don’t put the victims back together either, so spare us those too.
It is not both. Guns have been in society for decades, hell hundreds of years, and this kind of crap did not happen until the eighties, and not regularly until around twenty years ago.

In the eighties, mental health facilities were shuttered so that the government could save money. Why? Because Jimmy Carter F'ed up inflation and the country had to perform a bit of austerity to get out from under his screw up. Since the almighty defense budget couldn't be touched, health care paid the price.

Now, big pharma controls mental health. SSRIs are at best a bandaid for someone who is suffering from mental health, and at worst is pure poison, They have been shown to disrupt the dopamine production in the brain as well as harming receptors. Guess what happens when there is to much dopamine. Schizophrenia, sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies occur. Look it up.

Benzos are pure poison. Their connection to ammyloid plaques and alzheimer's is well documented, as is their addictive properties. You think meth is bad? Get involved with a benzo addict and get back to me. You do not kick a benzo habit, ever.

Both of the above have become the go to for prescriptions in the US. Doctors hand that shit out like candy to kids and adults. Can't sit still in school, here have some legal meth in the form of Adderall. Feeling a bit stressed because you made shitty life choices, here, have some xanax.

Big pharma has created generations of psychos, schizos, and sociopaths all hopelessly addicted their products. Why don't you go F with them for awhile instead of trying to strip rights away from law abiding citizens?
It’s both. Only one side is willing to do something about both issues and it’s not your side. You’re not budging on guns unfortunately and I guarantee you’re not willing to fund the massive mental health problem that I agree we have as well. Just saying it’s a mental health problem doesn’t make it go away either, you have to fund it. Thoughts and prayers don’t put the victims back together either, so spare us those too.
Once again, groomer, you are fos. Youre side is creating this mess ... and on purpose. Either help us fix it, or stfu and get the f out of the way.
I guess someone has had enough of this crap.


Was talking w a kid that does oil changes. Said he moved here from Kali because of politics. I said, just dont bring their nonsense here. He said no way!
When I was talking to my pool boy he said the same thing. No way he votes blue. He took the job cleaning pools on a temporary basis awaiting the arrival of his father. They will open a small business then.

He also told me the homeless get preferred treatment from the local government in Portland. They are everywhere and most people just accept them as something to live with. He is convinced they have no desire to change their lifestyle or get off the streets. Most have serious mental issues. When they commit crimes or steal from shops and stores nothing is done about it. So he left.
It is not both. Guns have been in society for decades, hell hundreds of years, and this kind of crap did not happen until the eighties, and not regularly until around twenty years ago.

In the eighties, mental health facilities were shuttered so that the government could save money. Why? Because Jimmy Carter F'ed up inflation and the country had to perform a bit of austerity to get out from under his screw up. Since the almighty defense budget couldn't be touched, health care paid the price.

Now, big pharma controls mental health. SSRIs are at best a bandaid for someone who is suffering from mental health, and at worst is pure poison, They have been shown to disrupt the dopamine production in the brain as well as harming receptors. Guess what happens when there is to much dopamine. Schizophrenia, sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies occur. Look it up.

Benzos are pure poison. Their connection to ammyloid plaques and alzheimer's is well documented, as is their addictive properties. You think meth is bad? Get involved with a benzo addict and get back to me. You do not kick a benzo habit, ever.

Both of the above have become the go to for prescriptions in the US. Doctors hand that shit out like candy to kids and adults. Can't sit still in school, here have some legal meth in the form of Adderall. Feeling a bit stressed because you made shitty life choices, here, have some xanax.

Big pharma has created generations of psychos, schizos, and sociopaths all hopelessly addicted their products. Why don't you go F with them for awhile instead of trying to strip rights away from law abiding citizens?
So you’re cool with regulation and heavy oversight of the pharmaceutical industry? Supposed to hear that from your side. Good because I agree. Question: if there’s a generation of “psychos, schizos, etc.”, why does it make sense to allow for these weapons to be made available to the public?
Once again, groomer, you are fos. Youre side is creating this mess ... and on purpose. Either help us fix it, or stfu and get the f out of the way.
Again, I hope you get the help you need. Other than being mad, how do you propose we fix this issue?
It’s both. Only one side is willing to do something about both issues and it’s not your side. You’re not budging on guns unfortunately and I guarantee you’re not willing to fund the massive mental health problem that I agree we have as well. Just saying it’s a mental health problem doesn’t make it go away either, you have to fund it. Thoughts and prayers don’t put the victims back together either, so spare us those too.
We’ll offer thoughts and prayers whenever, wherever, and to whoever we want to. That’s the great thing about America. Weasels like you don’t get to command us to do (or not do) something.
DeSantis doesn’t have the name recognition to win a general election at this point. The nominee must carry the rust belt states to win. Doesn’t mean he can’t get to that point in the next two years but he is not popular nationally as some of you imagine
Curious how, without name recognition outside the South, that he marginally bested Trump in NH - 1000 miles away - in a Pub poll preference a few weeks back. Please help.
The UN article is satire. Why it is on the UN website as opposed to the Onion is baffling. However, the utter disregard that the American pajama class had towards the impact lockdowns had against the hungry people in developing nations is no satire. And these were also the same people who insisted, "we're all in this together" as if the whole world had the luxury to watch Netflix while being able to "work" from home and get paid.
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I hope it stays like that at this point in time. Florida needs him more than America. We have a chance to totally strip Democrats down here from power. His re-election as our governor will go a long way in doing that.
I get that he's done wonders in FL. I just think the country is such bad shape that it can't afford to wait for another 4 years for him. Besides, he can still help FL from DC. Besides my personal Trump grievances, he's so toxic to so many he risks a Dim winning way more the RD does. JMO.
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We’ll offer thoughts and prayers whenever, wherever, and to whoever we want to. That’s the great thing about America. Weasels like you don’t get to command us to do (or not do) something.
And when you want to do something that actually works, let us know. In the mean time, offering "thoughts and prayers" while unwilling to do anything else is meaningless. It allows you to feel good about yourself while actually doing jack shit.
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Raffensberger is in on it, damn son. I just laid out how he lied about the machines being connected to the internet, and agreed to a closed door audit without impartial auditors and coincidentally had to quarantine for 2 weeks. Why the hell do you think GA just removed the his position from future elections?

What was the entire statement around that quote? They have the entire call, why not release it all? Are you forgetting there were hours of witness testimony in GA prior to this call?
Raffensberger is going to lose in Nov, but he’ll get a sweet gig abd probably a multimillion dollar book deal as payment for his services from Democrats.
What's hilarious, or well actually not, is that he thinks Jan6 and this nut job kid are big stories for Nov. He's so out of reality that he can't see how bad the inflation and gas prices are going to affect voting. He thinks his side is winning on this stuff when in reality... nobody cares. I saw a poll that only 6% of Americans had abortion as their most important issue facing the country. 68% said inflation....

Just let him fantasize.
It’s both. Only one side is willing to do something about both issues and it’s not your side. You’re not budging on guns unfortunately and I guarantee you’re not willing to fund the massive mental health problem that I agree we have as well. Just saying it’s a mental health problem doesn’t make it go away either, you have to fund it. Thoughts and prayers don’t put the victims back together either, so spare us those too.
I would have no problem with as much funding as necessary to help ease the mental health crisis. It is at or has already passed a breaking point. The problem is the federal government would f$&k it up just like everything else. We would see half those funds go to gender studies and racial equity training.
You guys spent the last few days calling him Antifa when it’s obvious the kid is just crazy, so don’t try to sound smart. Dude blows 7 people to pieces and the first thing we all do is try to figure out which POS he voted for. Who cares? I’m guilty in the past of it too but we’ve gotta stop jumping to that. He threatened to kill his family and was still able to buy whatever killing machine it was that he used. That’s the bigger problem that’s never going to be fixed. You guys can tell me what kind of gun that was I’m sure, I really don’t know. All I know is they said he bought it legally. All I know is the doctor that helped with the carnage said the people were “blown up”. Zero reason something like that should be in a civilians hands, let alone a crazy person like this kid. But we’ve all accepted that getting demolished at a 4th of July parade is ok at this point. It’s just the cost of “freedom”. Or in case you think you can defend yourself against the government and their $750 billion cache of weapons. Morons. In case you haven’t seen it, this is the cost of your “freedom” of these weapons being so easily accessible. Lost her mom and left her there to keep running from his bullets. Unreal.
He was linked to antifa groups. When one of those nutjobs on twitter said they needed to attack the suburbs instead of the cities... He liked that post. I get that our fbi is refusing to admit antifa exist. But if we aren't going to start prosecuting this group as the terrorist org it is then I don't want to hear shit out of anyone on new laws. Once again we have a kid that was known to law enforcement that they let just keep running around. "we need new laws"... Enforce the gotdayum laws on the books first. Prove you care about preventing violence before you take away my right to defend myself. Because if you don't then it seems you just want to create a bigger victim class.

I’ve seen this same tactic every single election cycle when the latest Republican is going against a Democrat.

Bush was the devil.

Next election
Bush isn’t so bad. Romney is the most evil ever!

Next election
Romney wasn’t a bad guy. But Trump is Hitler 2.0

Trump was dangerous but DeSantis is the most dangerous ever!!!!
If there is one elected official that I think the leftist posters here are most like, it is Eric Swalwell. They are a bunch of Swalwells, he talks just like them...and if put on live tv, they would probably sh-t their pants just like him.

They aren't banging Chinese spies though..... Probably.
He was linked to antifa groups. When one of those nutjobs on twitter said they needed to attack the suburbs instead of the cities... He liked that post. I get that our fbi is refusing to admit antifa exist. But if we aren't going to start prosecuting this group as the terrorist org it is then I don't want to hear shit out of anyone on new laws. Once again we have a kid that was known to law enforcement that they let just keep running around. "we need new laws"... Enforce the gotdayum laws on the books first. Prove you care about preventing violence before you take away my right to defend myself. Because if you don't then it seems you just want to create a bigger victim class.
Can’t you still defend yourself with a lesser gun than these killing machines being used? I’m not taking away your right to defend yourself.
When I was talking to my pool boy he said the same thing. No way he votes blue. He took the job cleaning pools on a temporary basis awaiting the arrival of his father. They will open a small business then.

He also told me the homeless get preferred treatment from the local government in Portland. They are everywhere and most people just accept them as something to live with. He is convinced they have no desire to change their lifestyle or get off the streets. Most have serious mental issues. When they commit crimes or steal from shops and stores nothing is done about it. So he left.
Excellent article from the WSJ:

And when you want to do something that actually works, let us know. In the mean time, offering "thoughts and prayers" while unwilling to do anything else is meaningless. It allows you to feel good about yourself while actually doing jack shit.
IDGAF what you think about it. And I for damn sure don’t GAF about what lowlife imbeciles like you think ‘will work’.

Because if I have learned anything about communists like you and the dem party, it’s that whatever you all ‘think’ works, doesn’t.

And what is it you propose ‘I’ do about it? Want me going from home to home looking for those evil guns? Want me to give a sternly worded speech to the gangs who are most responsible for the gun violence? Want me to offer counseling services to those who are mentally ill? Want me to voluntarily turn my guns in to daddy government?

Idiots. The entire lot.
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If there is one elected official that I think the leftist posters here are most like, it is Eric Swalwell. They are a bunch of Swalwells, he talks just like them...and if put on live tv, they would probably sh-t their pants just like him.

What’s hilarious is that Twitter tags none of that as disinformation. Clown world.
So you’re cool with regulation and heavy oversight of the pharmaceutical industry? Supposed to hear that from your side. Good because I agree. Question: if there’s a generation of “psychos, schizos, etc.”, why does it make sense to allow for these weapons to be made available to the public?
Do you understand what a 'Right' is?
The UN article is satire. Why it is on the UN website as opposed to the Onion is baffling. However, the utter disregard that the American pajama class had towards the impact lockdowns had against the hungry people in developing nations is no satire. And these were also the same people who insisted, "we're all in this together" as if the whole world had the luxury to watch Netflix while being able to "work" from home and get paid.
Dutch farms are being shutdown. They are expecting to lose 50% of their farming and 30% of their fishing industry. Add that on to a couple places seeing drought and the war in Ukraine and it's why they are predicting up to a billion people being in famine conditions. Up to 200,000,000 could be facing starvation scenarios this fall.

If they are joking it's worse because they predicted this to happen last year and things have only gotten worse on the production side. Hell, The US is paying more farmers not to farm this year than last. The fda was paying cattle ranchers to kill their cattle instead of taking them to market. Stuff like this doesn't make any sense at all.