It is not both. Guns have been in society for decades, hell hundreds of years, and this kind of crap did not happen until the eighties, and not regularly until around twenty years ago.It’s both. Only one side is willing to do something about both issues and it’s not your side. You’re not budging on guns unfortunately and I guarantee you’re not willing to fund the massive mental health problem that I agree we have as well. Just saying it’s a mental health problem doesn’t make it go away either, you have to fund it. Thoughts and prayers don’t put the victims back together either, so spare us those too.
In the eighties, mental health facilities were shuttered so that the government could save money. Why? Because Jimmy Carter F'ed up inflation and the country had to perform a bit of austerity to get out from under his screw up. Since the almighty defense budget couldn't be touched, health care paid the price.
Now, big pharma controls mental health. SSRIs are at best a bandaid for someone who is suffering from mental health, and at worst is pure poison, They have been shown to disrupt the dopamine production in the brain as well as harming receptors. Guess what happens when there is to much dopamine. Schizophrenia, sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies occur. Look it up.
Benzos are pure poison. Their connection to ammyloid plaques and alzheimer's is well documented, as is their addictive properties. You think meth is bad? Get involved with a benzo addict and get back to me. You do not kick a benzo habit, ever.
Both of the above have become the go to for prescriptions in the US. Doctors hand that shit out like candy to kids and adults. Can't sit still in school, here have some legal meth in the form of Adderall. Feeling a bit stressed because you made shitty life choices, here, have some xanax.
Big pharma has created generations of psychos, schizos, and sociopaths all hopelessly addicted their products. Why don't you go F with them for awhile instead of trying to strip rights away from law abiding citizens?