The SCOTUS didn’t take any right away. They followed the Constitution, that is the opposite of being radical, they gave up power. All they did was rule that they didn’t have the authority to force States to do something, it’s up to the State legislatures and ultimately the people to decide whether abortion is legal in their state.
What you’re really upset about is that with this ruling they are getting out of the judicial legislating business. Our elected leaders have used this to avoid voting on tough laws that might get them voted out.
Take DACA for instance, it’s not even a law, yet the SCOTUS covered the Congress’s ass by stating a President couldn’t remove it! To this day Congress still hasn’t worked on it, and the border is a mess.
States did the same with their abortion laws. It’s easy to approve a total ban on abortion when Roe was in place, because the law didn’t do anything, it was just paper. I suspect you’ll see States rewrite them, either way we’ll find out the populations true feelings on abortion.