How will they rule ??!

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Again....nobody is forcing you to get a vaccine. You can always refuse it and sit out a one day rally.
No comparison to being forced by the government to carry your rapist's baby for 9 months, pay your doctor/hospital bills, then have to decide to spend the rest of your life as a parent to the rapist's baby or give it up for adoption.
Lifetime commitment vs skipping a one day rally. No comparison whatsoever. None
Again....nobody is forcing you to get a vaccine. You can always refuse it and sit out a one day rally.
No comparison to being forced by the government to carry your rapist's baby for 9 months, pay your doctor/hospital bills, then have to decide to spend the rest of your life as a parent to the rapist's baby or give it up for adoption.
Lifetime commitment vs skipping a one day rally. No comparison whatsoever. None
Yes they are.

No comparison to murdering an innocent child.

Really getting sick of your one-trick, debunked argument so ill end w this ... you should really stop doing the things youre doing. That is BY FAR the nicest i can say it.

You are okay with killing 99,914 babies so you can keep killing your 86. Youre not good w math. But if you were, you wouldnt be a lefty.
Lmao, you still are conflating two separate issues. Not surprising. Just complete ignorance. It amazes me how you compare slavery to abortion constitutionally. It’s quite baffling.

The only activist judges are liberals SCOTUS. It’s insanity that you think scotus judges that rule on the constitution are activists. The insanity that you leftards have developed into. God have mercy on your satanic soul
I disagree. I do not hope God has mercy on him. I hope He punishes those like shinsplints and pedojameslie justly. And i fully acknowledge He has a better vantage point and i accept His decision.
Nothing more activist than judges throwing out 50 years of precedent and removing a right half the population has had for the last half century.
Nothing more activist than doing something the Supreme Court has never done in it's existence....removing a previously granted right.
This Supreme Court is the most activist is US history.
FFS, do you not understand the relationship between courts in the US?

Precedent has been reversed consistently throughout history. Plessy v. Ferguson was precedent and was reversed. Was that SC an activist court, or did it merely correct an obviously flawed decision which was based on a faulty reading of the constitution?

Roe was not as obviously flawed as Plessy, but it was indeed flawed in that it created a constitutional “right” out of whole cloth where none existed either expressly or implicitly in the constitution, and imposed that on every state while denying elected state legislatures any recourse to pass any legislation that would not comply with Roe, even if the majority of the citizens in a state desired such legislation. So that being the case perhaps the Roe court was the activist one?

Here there is plenty of recourse for any state to counter Dobbs.....because it expressly limits its reach to the issue of abortion only and specifically reserves the ability of any state legislature to pass any abortion law that it wishes. All it says is that states are no longer prevented from legislating contra now a state can ban abortion or preserve it for however long into the gestation it wants.

In other words preserving for the states the issue of rights not enumerated in the constitution. As has been done for 240 years.

Roe was painfully tortured legal reasoning which by the way over the years has been admitted by more than a few liberal legal constitutional scholars. OTOH, Dobbs is a very well reasoned and limited effect decision which does not overreach like Roe, rather, every significant holding in it is on plainly obvious and solid constitutional ground.
FFS, do you not understand the relationship between courts in the US?

Precedent has been reversed consistently throughout history. Plessy v. Ferguson was precedent and was reversed. Was that SC an activist court, or did it merely correct an obviously flawed decision which was based on a faulty reading of the constitution?

Roe was not as obviously flawed as Plessy, but it was indeed flawed in that it created a constitutional “right” out of whole cloth where none existed either expressly or implicitly in the constitution, and imposed that on every state while denying elected state legislatures any recourse to pass any legislation that would not comply with Roe, even if the majority of the citizens in a state desired such legislation. So that being the case perhaps the Roe court was the activist one?

Here there is plenty of recourse for any state to counter Dobbs.....because it expressly limits its reach to the issue of abortion only and specifically reserves the ability of any state legislature to pass any abortion law that it wishes. All it says is that states are no longer prevented from legislating contra now a state can ban abortion or preserve it for however long into the gestation it wants.

In other words preserving for the states the issue of rights not enumerated in the constitution. As has been done for 240 years.

Roe was painfully tortured legal reasoning which by the way over the years has been admitted by more than a few liberal legal constitutional scholars. OTOH, Dobbs is a very well reasoned and limited effect decision which does not overreach like Roe, rather, every significant holding in it is on plainly obvious and solid constitutional ground. completely missed the point of what makes this ruling unprecedented.
Plessy v Ferguson said existing racially based laws were ok and maintained that current segregation was legal.... Nothing changed. No rights were removed no rights were added.
This abortion ruling immediately removed rights that women had been given and maintained for the last 50 years.
First time in history a US Supreme Court ruled that previously granted rights were now taken away.
Radical as hell activist judges. completely missed the point of what makes this ruling unprecedented.
Plessy v Ferguson said existing racially based laws were ok and maintained that current segregation was legal.... Nothing changed. No rights were removed no rights were added.
This abortion ruling immediately removed rights that women had been given and maintained for the last 50 years.
First time in history a US Supreme Court ruled that previously granted rights were now taken away.
Radical as hell activist judges.
The SCOTUS didn’t take any right away. They followed the Constitution, that is the opposite of being radical, they gave up power. All they did was rule that they didn’t have the authority to force States to do something, it’s up to the State legislatures and ultimately the people to decide whether abortion is legal in their state.

What you’re really upset about is that with this ruling they are getting out of the judicial legislating business. Our elected leaders have used this to avoid voting on tough laws that might get them voted out.

Take DACA for instance, it’s not even a law, yet the SCOTUS covered the Congress’s ass by stating a President couldn’t remove it! To this day Congress still hasn’t worked on it, and the border is a mess.

States did the same with their abortion laws. It’s easy to approve a total ban on abortion when Roe was in place, because the law didn’t do anything, it was just paper. I suspect you’ll see States rewrite them, either way we’ll find out the populations true feelings on abortion.
Not surprisingly, you completely missed my point. I was making the point that this Supreme Court took an issue previous courts would have helped decide at a national level and kicked it back to the states. I never said B vs B of Education was kicked back to the states....That Supreme Court in 1954 did what it should have done unlike this collection of far right clowns.
My initial point was that this activist Supreme Court took away previously granted rights (the right to an abortion) for the first time in US history. It has NEVER happened before.
I brought up the fact that placing human rights like slavery, civil rights, marriage rights and bodily autonomy in state's hands NEVER ends well.
If we had left those rights up to the states with no federal government involvement we could still have slavery, segregated schools, and no interracial marriage today.
Racism and persecution of individual liberties is much more likely at state level without federal intervention.
This is the mind set that (1) does not understand the role of the Court and the concepts of federalism and separation of powers or (2) does not care about those founding principles, so he advocates for a judicial oligarchy when it serves his political desires.

That is why we have three politically liberal judges on the Court that don’t mind an end-results driven judiciary. Of course; doing what he suggest would justify the Court making abortion illegal in all of the United States.
Saying we're in a recession is racist

CNN should turn to Glenn Loury, Thomas Sowell, Roland Fryer and others to give us economist perspectives if they exclude because of race.
she is way to busy
FlashPoint had on as a guest the guy from True The Vote. Showed a video that hasn't been shown yet. Was a drop box in Lawrenceville, Ga. at the gov't building/election offices. With cell phone tracking technology they showed where just a couple of hundred people (on the day in question) actually went up to the box to drop in ballots. Took them over a year to get the video (state of Ga wouldn't hand it over) and the daily voting totals (handwritten vote totals with numbers scratched out...chain of custody). In one day, the total showed 2000 ballots dropped...yet the phone tech and video only showed a couple hundred people dropping off ballots. Video show people droppying 5, 10 or more ballots. If the great majority of these 'dropped' ballots were for Biden...this one day at one drop box would have been 9% of the total that Trump lost the state by. And of course these boxes were all over the Atlanta metro area.

Also in talking about how they track your cell...thru apps, etc...he showed the tech that is in/on your phone. Some of you may know this, but I didn't. Dial *#06# on your cell.
This is the mind set that (1) does not understand the role of the Court and the concepts of federalism and separation of powers or (2) does not care about those founding principles, so he advocates for a judicial oligarchy when it serves his political desires.

That is why we have three politically liberal judges on the Court that don’t mind an end-results driven judiciary. Of course; doing what he suggest would justify the Court making abortion illegal in all of the United States.
You are not incorrect on your technical judiciary point....but how sad in 2022 that our country is now seen as one of the most repressive developed nations in the world.
We are looking more like a Christian theocracy oligarchy every day, especially at the state level.
That works much better for majority groups but becomes intolerable for minority groups.
Essentially, this extremist state's rights ideology is what led to the Civil War.
We really count on our judiciary to be more balanced in order to protect individual and minority rights.
This court is anything but balanced.
The SCOTUS didn’t take any right away. They followed the Constitution, that is the opposite of being radical, they gave up power. All they did was rule that they didn’t have the authority to force States to do something, it’s up to the State legislatures and ultimately the people to decide whether abortion is legal in their state.

What you’re really upset about is that with this ruling they are getting out of the judicial legislating business. Our elected leaders have used this to avoid voting on tough laws that might get them voted out.

Take DACA for instance, it’s not even a law, yet the SCOTUS covered the Congress’s ass by stating a President couldn’t remove it! To this day Congress still hasn’t worked on it, and the border is a mess.

States did the same with their abortion laws. It’s easy to approve a total ban on abortion when Roe was in place, because the law didn’t do anything, it was just paper. I suspect you’ll see States rewrite them, either way we’ll find out the populations true feelings on abortion.
You make good points at a technical level. I actually agree with you on merit.
But at the end of the day we count on judges to "judge and interpret" law. Their interpretation that Roe v Wade was not settled precedent after 50 years was pretty damn radical.......And rights WERE immediately removed from millions of women depending on where they lived.
You say they were following the Constitution, but many would argue they are completely overlooking and ignoring the Fourth Amendment which guarantees "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures".
How will the government even know about what goes on in a doctor's office between a woman and her doctor without accessing that woman's medical records? Will doctors be automatically be required to turn over all med records for pregnant women? Will men also be required to do this and if not, isn't that discrimination based on sex? How will the government know it wasn't a miscarriage vs an abortion without searching medical records? What new government agency will have to be created and paid for with tax dollars to search these medical records? How much will that cost taxpayers?
At the end of the day it is huge and costly government overreach into the private medical decisions between a woman and her doctor. And leaving it up to the states may result in laws that change every other year depending on which party is running things and who holds power. It will be chaos.
These Justices blew it.

Why have you never seen Clarence Thomas at an NBA game? As in — ever?

“Why doesn’t Clarence Thomas eat watermelon, cornbread, collards and fried chicken?”

"You aint black if you don't watch Rex Chapman play basketball!"

Clarence Thomas would last 20-30 seconds in an NBA locker room.

Blacks prone to violence stereotype or is it a white christian populist supremacist nationalist extremist shocked to see a black person in a nba lockerroom stereotype?
okay then we will stop letting old people and the military mail in their ballots. Can't have them cheating anymore. Only in person voting for everyone, no exceptions! Get your ass in state and in person or gtfo! Never mind the fact we already have 4 states that do 100% mail in voting with no issues.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...

Typical Democrat shenanigans.
You are not incorrect on your technical judiciary point....but how sad in 2022 that our country is now seen as one of the most repressive developed nations in the world.
We are looking more like a Christian theocracy oligarchy every day, especially at the state level.
That works much better for majority groups but becomes intolerable for minority groups.
Essentially, this extremist state's rights ideology is what led to the Civil War.
We really count on our judiciary to be more balanced in order to protect individual and minority rights.
This court is anything but balanced.
Again, liberals often see the court as a court of equity. It is not. It is a court of law. You desire the oligarchy, so long as you can dictate outcomes. Assuming the world is not also ignorant (and we are looking for “likes” from the world), it will see this as a democratic correction for the United States. Nothing repressive about that, regardless of how many time to say it is.
You make good points at a technical level. I actually agree with you on merit.
But at the end of the day we count on judges to "judge and interpret" law. Their interpretation that Roe v Wade was not settled precedent after 50 years was pretty damn radical.......And rights WERE immediately removed from millions of women depending on where they lived.
You say they were following the Constitution, but many would argue they are completely overlooking and ignoring the Fourth Amendment which guarantees "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures".
How will the government even know about what goes on in a doctor's office between a woman and her doctor without accessing that woman's medical records? Will doctors be automatically be required to turn over all med records for pregnant women? Will men also be required to do this and if not, isn't that discrimination based on sex? How will the government know it wasn't a miscarriage vs an abortion without searching medical records? What new government agency will have to be created and paid for with tax dollars to search these medical records? How much will that cost taxpayers?
At the end of the day it is huge and costly government overreach into the private medical decisions between a woman and her doctor. And leaving it up to the states may result in laws that change every other year depending on which party is running things and who holds power. It will be chaos.
These Justices blew it.
Your post is a post in denial. Denial of what Roe was and the fact that politically liberal scholars declared Roe anything but constitutional law when it was conceived. Politics have kept this abomination in place and created the fiction we see espoused by many today. We agree that the fact that it lasted almost 50 years is a tragedy in a Democratic Republic.

But then, Plessy v Ferguson was decided in 1896 (declaring the right of racists to have “separate but equal”). Brown v Board was decided in 1954 (Robert Bork’s take on Brown is probably a better take).

The article claims “hundreds” protested…. I wasn’t there…. It was definitely more than 8 but it wasn’t hundreds either.
And I will say this, if that's how they're going to protest, then have at it, it's their constitutional right. They may be yelling stupid, vulgar and racist things about Justice Thomas, but they aren't vandalizing, burning, looting and physically assaulting people, so as long as the protests stay like that then so be it, protest away.
Meanwhile, Tire manufacturers are celebrating, which brings me to another question.
If we are going to eliminate fossil fuels altogether, how will they be making tires? Even Electric vehicles need tires. What will be the replacement for asphalt, it has oil in it? We have to have roads to drive on.
You make good points at a technical level. I actually agree with you on merit.
But at the end of the day we count on judges to "judge and interpret" law. Their interpretation that Roe v Wade was not settled precedent after 50 years was pretty damn radical.......And rights WERE immediately removed from millions of women depending on where they lived.
You say they were following the Constitution, but many would argue they are completely overlooking and ignoring the Fourth Amendment which guarantees "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures".
How will the government even know about what goes on in a doctor's office between a woman and her doctor without accessing that woman's medical records? Will doctors be automatically be required to turn over all med records for pregnant women? Will men also be required to do this and if not, isn't that discrimination based on sex? How will the government know it wasn't a miscarriage vs an abortion without searching medical records? What new government agency will have to be created and paid for with tax dollars to search these medical records? How much will that cost taxpayers?
At the end of the day it is huge and costly government overreach into the private medical decisions between a woman and her doctor. And leaving it up to the states may result in laws that change every other year depending on which party is running things and who holds power. It will be chaos.
These Justices blew it.
How does the Govt know physicians aren’t euthanizing people, selling organs on the black market, or cutting off limbs for no reason? Drs want to keep their medical license, they generally follow the law.

It won’t be chaos, the only chaos is from the left. Hell, I’d venture to say the ruling will result in abortions being more available in rural States because State legislature will be forced to act without Roe covering for them.
* KA - BOOM *

“I’m a Democrat so I had to vote Democrat, but that’s going to change,” said the Martin County, North Carolina resident.

Ha ha. Fools.
My neighbor and good friend always voted Democrat. He was always more of an old school Dem, but he absolutely hated Trump and was jaded by watching all the negative News coverage throughout his presidency. Outside of that you would have thought he was a Republican based on his actions and other beliefs. He told me the other day he can't see himself voting Democrat anymore. Even his wife is saying the same now. He's still a never Trumper though, but He's taken a liking to Desantis.