How will they rule ??!

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My neighbor and good friend always voted Democrat. He was always more of an old school Dem, but he absolutely hated Trump and was jaded by watching all the negative News coverage throughout his presidency. Outside of that you would have thought he was a Republican based on his actions and other beliefs. He told me the other day he can't see himself voting Democrat anymore. Even his wife is saying the same now. He's still a never Trumper though, but He's taken a liking to Desantis.

That's the compromise a ton of Americans would make. Right or wrong, trump carries a ton of baggage and will cause many voters to just stay home.

Don't get me wrong, he still can and probably should win. But someone like desantis would walk. I know I talk often about the creepy similarities of the shadowy people pushing these policies all the way back to the Carter admin but it would be extremely cyclical to see a desantis come in and beat down Biden like Reagan did to Carter. Then have desantis put us on such a track that it's another 35 years before their nonsense sees the light of day. Or better yet, maybe whomever they are finally died off and we can be rid of it forever
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This stuff never ceases to crack me up. Suber liberal coffee company parrots all the liberal talking points. Workers decide to unionize at a location. Said location closes it's doors to avoid the consequences.

Lmao as always, there is very little actual support out there for liberal nonsense. It's mostly just stuff people say until they have to walk the walk.


That's the compromise a ton of Americans would make. Right or wrong, trump carries a ton of baggage and will cause many voters to just stay home.

Don't get me wrong, he still can and probably should win. But someone like desantis would walk. I know I talk often about the creepy similarities of the shadowy people pushing these policies all the way back to the Carter admin but it would be extremely cyclical to see a desantis come in and beat down Biden like Reagan did to Carter. Then have desantis put us on such a track that it's another 35 years before their nonsense sees the light of day. Or better yet, maybe whomever they are finally died off and we can be rid of it forever
Trump won due to blue collar workers in the rust belt. A Republican hadn’t won some of those States for 30 years. He did that because he focused on jobs and the crisis that had caused that, globalization.

The Democrats will absolutely push Desantis as an old school Republican. They aren’t scared of Desantis, they’re scared of Trump. If they truly believed Trump wouldn’t win they’d be pushing him as the nominee and not Desantis, whom I do like.
“It was after what happened to George Floyd that I began to wrestle with my having bought into systemic racism in ways I was never aware of,” Kauffman told the LA Times. “That was really the moment that I began to examine the ways I had participated. I knew then I needed to course-correct.”

“I’ve learned a lot in the last 20 years,” Kauffman said in a Zoom interview with the publication. “Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy. It’s painful looking at yourself in the mirror. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago.”

The real crime, in my opinion, was that that show was painfully unfunny.
“It was after what happened to George Floyd that I began to wrestle with my having bought into systemic racism in ways I was never aware of,” Kauffman told the LA Times. “That was really the moment that I began to examine the ways I had participated. I knew then I needed to course-correct.”

“I’ve learned a lot in the last 20 years,” Kauffman said in a Zoom interview with the publication. “Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy. It’s painful looking at yourself in the mirror. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago.”

The real crime, in my opinion, was that that show was painfully unfunny.
It's been a proven that you can stand some in a corner and tell them to bark like a dog, do this long enough and they actually believe they are a dog. Weak submissive minded people are what's wrong with our country today, too lazy to even think for themselves, it's easier to let someone do it for them. Thats the Dem liberal stronghold they have on today's youth.
“It was after what happened to George Floyd that I began to wrestle with my having bought into systemic racism in ways I was never aware of,” Kauffman told the LA Times. “That was really the moment that I began to examine the ways I had participated. I knew then I needed to course-correct.”

“I’ve learned a lot in the last 20 years,” Kauffman said in a Zoom interview with the publication. “Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy. It’s painful looking at yourself in the mirror. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago.”

The real crime, in my opinion, was that that show was painfully unfunny.
"Pledges" ... amber (sh1t) heard splained to us what that means.

To prove how compassionate i am, i pledge 100 trillion. Suck that you soul less lefties.
“It was after what happened to George Floyd that I began to wrestle with my having bought into systemic racism in ways I was never aware of,” Kauffman told the LA Times. “That was really the moment that I began to examine the ways I had participated. I knew then I needed to course-correct.”

“I’ve learned a lot in the last 20 years,” Kauffman said in a Zoom interview with the publication. “Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy. It’s painful looking at yourself in the mirror. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago.”

The real crime, in my opinion, was that that show was painfully unfunny.
That’s the liberal way. Throw $ around and make yourself feel better.

Kind of like the purchasing of Indulgences from the Catholic church in the Middle Ages.
What the heck will all of these Trump hating losers and the media do if Trump were to surprise everyone and decide not to run? He is all they have. It's incredible how the Dems control all levers of power right now in Washington (minus the SCOTUS) and all these clowns can talk about is Trump. It's almost unfathomable how one man owns a large portion of their minds 24/7. Then again, they know how much of a failure their party and Biden have been so its nothing more than creating a diversion from reality.
“It was after what happened to George Floyd that I began to wrestle with my having bought into systemic racism in ways I was never aware of,” Kauffman told the LA Times. “That was really the moment that I began to examine the ways I had participated. I knew then I needed to course-correct.”

“I’ve learned a lot in the last 20 years,” Kauffman said in a Zoom interview with the publication. “Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy. It’s painful looking at yourself in the mirror. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago.”

The real crime, in my opinion, was that that show was painfully unfunny.
She should have held a press conference with her attorney and read her statement outlining that 25 years ago until just a few days ago she suffered from white privilege disease and her struggle with it. After that all is forgiven, well after she hands over the $4 mil to BLM 🙄🍺
“It was after what happened to George Floyd that I began to wrestle with my having bought into systemic racism in ways I was never aware of,” Kauffman told the LA Times. “That was really the moment that I began to examine the ways I had participated. I knew then I needed to course-correct.”

“I’ve learned a lot in the last 20 years,” Kauffman said in a Zoom interview with the publication. “Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy. It’s painful looking at yourself in the mirror. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago.”

The real crime, in my opinion, was that that show was painfully unfunny.

Will the Good Times creator pledge to the honky fund for not having a trailer trash redneck in a lead role?
Your post is a post in denial. Denial of what Roe was and the fact that politically liberal scholars declared Roe anything but constitutional law when it was conceived. Politics have kept this abomination in place and created the fiction we see espoused by many today. We agree that the fact that it lasted almost 50 years is a tragedy in a Democratic Republic.

But then, Plessy v Ferguson was decided in 1896 (declaring the right of racists to have “separate but equal”). Brown v Board was decided in 1954 (Robert Bork’s take on Brown is probably a better take).
I don't know Bork's take on Brown v. Board, but I presume it is in line with his other attacks on race-related decisions as not being in line with the framers' original thoughts on race. And therein lies the problem with the type of dogmatic originalism we see from the conservative justices. The framers cared nothing about the rights of black people or women. If the court uses the same type of "historical" analysis they did for abortion rights in a race-related case, they could end up wiping out all sorts of decisions that no rational person would consider a problem. Originalism run amok, as it were.
“It was after what happened to George Floyd that I began to wrestle with my having bought into systemic racism in ways I was never aware of,” Kauffman told the LA Times. “That was really the moment that I began to examine the ways I had participated. I knew then I needed to course-correct.”

“I’ve learned a lot in the last 20 years,” Kauffman said in a Zoom interview with the publication. “Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy. It’s painful looking at yourself in the mirror. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago.”

The real crime, in my opinion, was that that show was painfully unfunny.

Looking forward to the friends revival episodes!

Trump won due to blue collar workers in the rust belt. A Republican hadn’t won some of those States for 30 years. He did that because he focused on jobs and the crisis that had caused that, globalization.

The Democrats will absolutely push Desantis as an old school Republican. They aren’t scared of Desantis, they’re scared of Trump. If they truly believed Trump wouldn’t win they’d be pushing him as the nominee and not Desantis, whom I do like.

Then he lost. Desantis isn't an old school Republican, not by a long shot. He has all the positives of trump with none of the baggage and none of the unnecessary quarrels that trump would start on social media.

Libs are terrified of him. They spent 24/7 for months trying to destroy him on his covid freedom. Google even completely created and gifted to a lunatic in Florida a ln entire set up to provide the "real" numbers because everyone was convinced he was lying. Of course she was a legit crazy person so eventually that all faded away.

I will absolutely vote trump and he should win. It's just going to be much harder than it could or should be. If desantis runs it's a cake walk
You are not incorrect on your technical judiciary point....but how sad in 2022 that our country is now seen as one of the most repressive developed nations in the world.
We are looking more like a Christian theocracy oligarchy every day, especially at the state level.
That works much better for majority groups but becomes intolerable for minority groups.
Essentially, this extremist state's rights ideology is what led to the Civil War.
We really count on our judiciary to be more balanced in order to protect individual and minority rights.
This court is anything but balanced.
You know, apart from the fact that some states won't provide an exception for case of rape and incest (which people of good conscience can disagree on), I believe much of the country will end up looking more like the European model when it comes to abortion, Many of the EU countries don't allow abortion past 15 weeks or at most 24 weeks.

The US, some states in particular like California, NY, etc. have the most liberal and barbaric abortion policies in the entire world. It's frankly shameful.

I expect the court to defer to the rights of the states and their elected representatives, and not cave in to who is shouting the loudest. With the Dobbs decision and the West Virginia vs EPA decision, the court is finally going in the right direction.
Again, liberals often see the court as a court of equity. It is not. It is a court of law. You desire the oligarchy, so long as you can dictate outcomes. Assuming the world is not also ignorant (and we are looking for “likes” from the world), it will see this as a democratic correction for the United States. Nothing repressive about that, regardless of how many time to say it is.
The liberal mindset in judicial reasoning is basically as follows: Confirm the desired outcome, then use whatever contorted logic is necessary to arrive at that outcome. That's where the "penumbras" and "emanations" come from.
I haven't been on this thread in a while but is there anyone left that thinks that Biden is the best choice for America?
No one thinks Biden is the best choice for America. Lots think he is better than Trump though. Do better in 2024 and Republicans will win again. The conservative platform is better for America than the liberal platform. The liberal platform is better for America than Trump. Those are the facts.
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It is my opinion that this political thread "radicalizes" the people who post here. I can't imagine that many people going about their daily lives oppose abortion in every circumstance. But people get on this thread and see other extreme views and adopt them because they think it is the expected thing to do to fit in with their "side". This happens on other social media too, on both sides of the spectrum. The result is extreme polarization.
"Everyone who posts on this board is a radical.... except for me."