How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Wow. At first, I was thinking. How can this kid vote? Then the mom says votes Trump at school.
Damn, nothing like getting shamed. I hope she goes to jail and I hope that a white Trump supporting family raises her kids
what the hell is up with this calexit thing? i feel like i'm taking crazy pills. have people really lost it in this country???

They can always just go back to being part of Mexico. Last time I was at the border in San Ysidro the illegals were going through the swiss cheese fence at will.
When one of my daughter's buddies sat in my backseat as I drove them to archery practice and told me that Trump was going to ship all the black people back to Africa, I knew there was going to be a problem.
I hate that state with pure distain. So please let them leave.

this is a good idea. We should let them leave. Very serious. Under the follow rough procedure, with lot's of fill-in's along the way, but the remainder of our country would benefit politically and economically:

1. They leave and we remove 100% of all federal military resources
2. We shut off the Colorado River Aqueduct
3. They begin to die
4. They beg
5. We say . . . hmm, you guys had the world's 7th biggest economy, why not just pay us lot's of money for water instead? Besides, we really like the restored lake level at Lake Meade . . . looks nice.
6. they say . . . no, no, no . . . we're sorry, we want to come back
7. We say, hmm, no thanks. We'll see how this works for a while. Looks like a lot of your illegals are leaving on their own, and beings you are now struggling for survival, you will have to do something about that southern border on your own.
8. They say, yeah, maybe so . . . can you help us pay for that?
9. We say . . . oh no, we're too busy working to keep your illegals from working their way in over here, not to mention all of your thirsty, dying Californians filling up our campgrounds and hotels all over the damn place. Starting to piss us off.
10. They say, what can we do for you?
11. We say, we're running low on lemons, limes, avocados . . . San Joaquin Valley items
12. They say, all of our migrant farm workers have gone back to mexico . . . besides, not enough water to irrigate.
13. We say, we can turn "some" water back on, but maybe you could get some of those lazy people out of Compton to move into the valley and get their @sses to work?
14. They say, how can we do that? They are rioting non stop, burning everything, angry, haven't had a decent bath in weeks. Our national guard refuses to enter.
15. We say, LMFAO!
GrubHub is pretty awful, and that statement is based entirely on their sh*tty business.
Anyone who'd ever say Michelle Obama is in the same stratosphere as Melania Trump is goddam blind. Or a gay man.

Only thing worried about with Melania is she grew up outside the United States like Obama, so she may hate the country too.

No way. When you get out of a communist country, a lot of folks have great appreciation. My friend escaped Czechoslovakia back in the 80s. She's more patriotic than anyone I've ever met. She celebrates her citizenshiip birthday every year.

She's the opposite of a-holes today who come here and don't want to be American.
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this is a good idea. We should let them leave. Very serious. Under the follow rough procedure, with lot's of fill-in's along the way, but the remainder of our country would benefit politically and economically:

1. They leave and we remove 100% of all federal military resources
2. We shut off the Colorado River Aqueduct
3. They begin to die
4. They beg
5. We say . . . hmm, you guys had the world's 7th biggest economy, why not just pay us lot's of money for water instead? Besides, we really like the restored lake level at Lake Meade . . . looks nice.
6. they say . . . no, no, no . . . we're sorry, we want to come back
7. We say, hmm, no thanks. We'll see how this works for a while. Looks like a lot of your illegals are leaving on their own, and beings you are now struggling for survival, you will have to do something about that southern border on your own.
8. They say, yeah, maybe so . . . can you help us pay for that?
9. We say . . . oh no, we're too busy working to keep your illegals from working their way in over here, not to mention all of your thirsty, dying Californians filling up our campgrounds and hotels all over the damn place. Starting to piss us off.
10. They say, what can we do for you?
11. We say, we're running low on lemons, limes, avocados . . . San Joaquin Valley items
12. They say, all of our migrant farm workers have gone back to mexico . . . besides, not enough water to irrigate.
13. We say, we can turn "some" water back on, but maybe you could get some of those lazy people out of Compton to move into the valley and get their @sses to work?
14. They say, how can we do that? They are rioting non stop, burning everything, angry, haven't had a decent bath in weeks. Our national guard refuses to enter.
15. We say, LMFAO!

This shows the stupidity of those people. They do not even have their own water. Good luck.

It is being painted as an elitist white leftist movement. Ultimately it's strength is anti- Anglo and reunion with Mexico.
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Oh Huma, your tears are so delicious. Pictured today at the Clinton campaign headquarters.

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This shows the stupidity of those people. They do not even have their own water. Good luck.

It is being painted as an elitist white leftist movement. Ultimately it's strength is anti- Anglo and reunion with Mexico.

well . . . it is more likely that WE would be too stupid to actually make it that hard on them. But the fact of the matter is, California is already consuming >20% water from the Colorado river than they are entitled. More to the point, they consume > 50% hydroelectric consumption - Hoover. That consumption relates to the Lake Havasu levels necessary to supply the aqueduct. There are absolutely at the mercy, any time that game wants to be played.
Remember when Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992. And Hillary said I'm not some little stand by my man housewife that stays home & bakes cookies ? ....Well Hillary your husbands coattail has taken you as far as it's ever going to take you. So I guess you need to go ahead & bake you some cookies. And while you're at it iron Bills' shirt. Unless you want to start practicing law again & defend you some more child rapists.
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I want these hoodlums to keep right on protesting. Why ? Well us conseratives already know what these crazy lefties are all about. We know that they are borderline savages. We have always knowed this. I mean shitting in the streets. BUT by them protesting & acting the way they are. This will let the other voters see what they are all about. The more they protest. The more it hurts the democrate party in the long run. Much more of this & there wont be a democrate party left. So keep at it.
It's time for this country to admit that we have a bunch of racist white people

Only, they are not in the Deep South. They are in cities like Berkeley. These people think black people are too stupid to get an ID, they are too African t have internet access, too damn poor to be able to get to the DMV.
Yes we have racists. Just not who you think.
You are 100% right. I've said the same thing for years. If i was black, I would be insulted & embarrassed by how the democrated party treats blacks.
Remember when Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992. And Hillary said I'm not some little stand by my man housewife that stays home & bakes cookies ? ....Well Hillary your husbands coattail has taken you as far as it's ever going to take you. So I guess you need to go ahead & bake you some cookies. And while you're at it iron Bills' shirt. Unless you want to start practicing law again & defend you some more child rapists.

Bill Clinton - f'k tard that he is - ain't dumb enough to eat anything that crazy wench might cook
Has there ever been a more despicable Senator than Harry Reid in our lifetime? His retirement can't come soon enough.
nope MM saying he wanted BO is be a one term president was the first thing a human has ever said about any other human per key sources
Pence now lead man on Trump's transition team. Christie is still involved just not in the lead position. Shine coming out the Christie star a little bit?
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He certainly is. I watched Fox all night for the election and he got slapped around on there by everyone at one point or another. He came off with such stupid shit that I fully expected him to say Hawaii might capsize if we elected Trump.

He has always been like that. He acted the same way when we won the house and senate in 2014.

This is why people like him can touch off. You're so GD blind all the time and refuse to acknowledge any faults and think no one else matters. It'd be like our fans in 2008 thinking we were going to the Final Four and that if you disagreed with us, then you were a racist hater and then act shocked that you were wrong and instead of self reflection, you double down and freak out on everyone else.
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Trying to find evidence of any "professional protesters" in these post election events.

For the record, I condemn the senseless destruction and violence that erupted in a few protests. Dummies will be dummies. I just can't find any evidence of offering payment for walking through down towns. Also seems rather difficult given the short turnaround time. Of course, I may be wrong, have been in the past, will be in the future.