How will they rule ??!

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One important area our President-elect should address immediately is his social media hair trigger. My statement comes from experience because I am quite guilty of the same. Sometimes I spout off without thinking on message boards or reacting to posts on Facebook. Quick reactions on Twitter are not a good thing.

I've been watching liberals fawn over Obama's consistent smart @ss mouth for 8 years. You want to give Trump an electronic gag order election + day 3.
Still doesn't change how many years of absolutely nothing. The blind squirrel gambled and got lucky. Thank you for that Mitch, but **** off for they years of complete ineptitude.

McConnell first became the top Republican in the Senate in 2007 yet he was still the MINORITY LEADER. Hard to get a lot done when Harry Reid controlled the agenda and even harder when Obama became President. In 2015, McConnell became MAJORITY LEADER but President Obama still held veto power over anything that the Senate passes. Given those circumstances, I don't know what you expected.

I will give you four accomplishments as examples of his leadership in addition to blocking Obama's judges. 1.) Two new bridges across the Ohio River have been built in Jefferson County in large part to McConnell's efforts. 2.) The Fiscal Cliff deal that he negotiated with Joe Biden was a huge accomplishment. Without that deal, tax rates would have gone back to the much higher Clinton rates. That deal ensured the Bush tax cuts for the middle class were made permanent (rates still went up on the top 5% of earners). 3.) McConnell was also partially responsible for the sequester which forced Obama to cut spending increases. He was roasted by the media for this but he stood up for fiscal sanity. 4.) McConnell has worked tirelessly for years to turn the Kentucky Legislature from Blue to Red. That has finally happened as of this past election.

I am willing to cut him some more slack to see what we can get done with him as Majority Leader, GOP control of the House and Trump as President.
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Anyone who'd ever say Michelle Obama is in the same stratosphere as Melania Trump is goddam blind. Or a gay man.

Only thing worried about with Melania is she grew up outside the United States like Obama, so she may hate the country too.
I've been watching liberals fawn over Obama's consistent smart @ss mouth for 8 years. You want to give Trump an electronic gag order election + day 3.
No, not at all. I'm saying his tweets need not be so spontaneous or caustically reactive to various events. Aggressiveness, in my opinion, is sometimes virtuous.
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Anyone who'd ever say Michelle Obama is in the same stratosphere as Melania Trump is goddam blind. Or a gay man.

Only thing worried about with Melania is she grew up outside the United States like Obama, so she may hate the country too.

Hell, she is more invested in this country than most. She only spent years and years trying to become a citizen.
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It's time for this country to admit that we have a bunch of racist white people

Only, they are not in the Deep South. They are in cities like Berkeley. These people think black people are too stupid to get an ID, they are too African t have internet access, too damn poor to be able to get to the DMV.
Yes we have racists. Just not who you think.

... Stunning.
Those shoulders were born for drilling QB's in the backfield...

EDIT: made this same comment in a FB post and some chick told me "if you worked out, you could have shoulders like that, too!" Burn!

Not fair that I have to work out and MO gets them naturally... :(
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Trump pivoting hard left now. His true bearing. Watching him roll out one big New York Liberal big spending big government program after another while spitting in the face of the right wingers will be a tremendous joy to behold.

First up will be massive infrastructure spending that the Republicans shot down under Obama. Trump already on the phone with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and I love it.

When Trump was with the liberals yesterday he looked so comfortable and in his element (because frankly those are the folks he's always socialized with and contributed to) contrasted against him looking like he was going to puke when he was with Mitch and that little weasel Paul Ryan.

Trump was a liberal democrat his entire life until he decided to hustle the dumb gullible Republicans and I so look forward to that becoming clear over the next few months.
Proof that the left will never get it^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Z lives in the bubble that has no transparency.
Proof that the left will never get it^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Z lives in the bubble that has no transparency.

I love that he hustled the Right. What about the left then? They seem to think he's the furthest thing from being a Dem.

If the Right bought into his lies, then so did the Left.. they go hand in hand.
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@Willy4UK I know you like to gamble on the penny stocks.

Two of Trumps's closest economic advisors, Carl Icahn and John Paulson, are heavily invested in Fannie and Freddie. I've mentioned them to you before. Both have gone up about 75% since he was elected. If they were not in conservatorship they would be trading for around $100 per share. They are currently around $3 per share. They could possibly go to 0 but that seems minimized now.
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True. Tuesday was the death of Obama's legacy.

Put some nuts on a turd and you can call it a Snickers bar.

it is her funeral, Michelle's funeral . . . figurative compliment, "looking better than ever", as if she is lying in state. Swear to frogs and toads, some of you people have never read a book in your life.
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I really, really hope once Trump gets control of Obama's drones he send's one to say high to the entire Soros family.
And violent demonstrators, Harry Reid, Nancy Piglosi, Chelsea Clinton, etc....yeah I know it would never happen but, I man can dream can't he? Locker room talk.
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what the hell is up with this calexit thing? i feel like i'm taking crazy pills. have people really lost it in this country???
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what the hell is up with this calexit thing? i feel like i'm taking crazy pills. have people really lost it in this country???

good question. Let me explain. CalExit - as in "California exit from United States" - as in Obama has been president for 8 years and the result is that the largest state in the US, which happens to hold the 7th largest world economy - is discussing independence from the other 49 states. Sounds like he has done a really great job, si?
Wtf, honestly? Hope that goes viral and that lady gets charged with something. Anything. And publicly humiliated beyond reproach.

I mean, at one point the kid cries "mommy, save me!" And at the end the sibling cries "mommy, not my brother!".....just effing awful.

Those kids have such a small chance at making it in this world due to that b*tch.
What? your missing the point, typical. You asked how he won the election if it was rigged...I stated the obvious. They calculated they didn't have to worry about past Obama voters...they figured they would do what they were told. They didn't realize many of his voters would not support her.
Never knew The Donald winning meant you could redefine the word "rigged" since before Tuesday it carried with it a strong message of illegality. That's quite the perk! [roll]
Wtf, honestly? Hope that goes viral and that lady gets charged with something. Anything. And publicly humiliated beyond reproach.

I mean, at one point the kid cries "mommy, save me!" And at the end the sibling cries "mommy, not my brother!".....just effing awful.

Those kids have such a small chance at making it in this world due to that b*tch.
In ALL fairness, this came up on my FB feed and it links to Michelle Obama's 2020 campaign page. This video is pinned to the top of that page with a stern message condemning this mindset and actions, calling for reports to be made so that the mother could be dealt with anad the kids helped- along with a message of tolerance and unity for the new admin by her. I was pretty impressed, actually.
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