How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Funniest thing about these protests is these people actually believe their 5-10k people out in the streets, acting like morons, is a revolution. They fail to realize the real revolution passed them by. It happened Tuesday night, peacefully, at the ballot box.
Damn right! Just sit back and enjoy their misery. Have sex doggy style tonight so the spouse can watch the protest with you.
Still 4.3M ballots being processed in CA and nearly a million more in WA.

Her eventual margin will be....significant.
Yikes! And Machado is too fat huh?
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Gentlemen, I ain't gonna lie. I voted for The Donald during early voting thinking he had little chance of winning. I voted Kerry in '04, McCain in '08 and Romney in '12. When I crashed out Tuesday evening, I was fully expecting a Clinton win and completely fine with it.

Trump was my first winning presidential vote since Reagan back in 1980. He won on my 55th birthday, Nov 9. Helluva surprise. I am still shaking my GD head. Biggest political upset of my lifetime.
However, AP analyst Michael McDonald, who teaches political science at the University of Florida and runs the United States Elections Project, an election statistics website, says he is skeptical that Trump won Wisconsin, as the AP projected. If that state flips for Clinton and she wins the other toss-up states, she and Trump could be in a tie at 269 votes each.

Ya Mo be there.
Rick Scott being mentioned for HHS.

Rick Touching Scott. The former CEO who oversaw such extensive Medicare fraud that his company was slapped with the largest fine in US history.

Largest fine in US history? Really? Read that on an SJW's twitter post? Larger than Enron? How much larger? Exaggerate much? Or just lie?

Read link. These people are pathetic.

However, AP analyst Michael McDonald, who teaches political science at the University of Florida and runs the United States Elections Project, an election statistics website, says he is skeptical that Trump won Wisconsin, as the AP projected. If that state flips for Clinton and she wins the other toss-up states, she and Trump could be in a tie at 269 votes each.
It could very well happen. I'll accept the outcome and not bitch. Besides, ragging on Hillary is much more fun. (insert evil laugh) hehehehe.
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Just saw the trump protest make its way down 4th Street, then main street Louisville. Made up of most all white SJWs.

They marched their selves down a safe, white part of town with police escort. Why not have it on the west end of town? Odd. Considering trump voters are the racists, supposedly
Just saw the trump protest make its way down 4th Street, then main street Louisville. Made up of most all white SJWs.

They marched their selves down a safe, white part of town with police escort. Why not have it on the west end of town? Odd. Considering trump voters are the racists, supposedly
"Can we dance with your dates?"
Largest fine in US history? Really? Read that on an SJW's twitter post? Larger than Enron? How much larger? Exaggerate much? Or just lie?
US DOJ, if you want a primary source

Scott has mentioned the (in total) $1.7B in fraud settlements during past campaigns. This isn't some unknown trivia fact.

Read link. These people are pathetic.

However, AP analyst Michael McDonald, who teaches political science at the University of Florida and runs the United States Elections Project, an election statistics website, says he is skeptical that Trump won Wisconsin, as the AP projected. If that state flips for Clinton and she wins the other toss-up states, she and Trump could be in a tie at 269 votes each.
Not sure it matters anymore. She would have to have Arizona in that scenario & it's done.
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US DOJ, if you want a primary source

Scott has mentioned the (in total) $1.7B in fraud settlements during past campaigns. This isn't some unknown trivia fact.

No, it is not . . but even that tally would have to increase before it would reach among the largest corporate fines in US History. Not going to cause you any embarrassment on this. Col.-HCA was fined significantly in what became the "largest fraud settlement" in US history, but that is scarcely the same thing as the largest fine in US history. My strong belief is that your are aware of this, aware of the importance of the difference in these terms, but floated it out there that way anyhow . . . expecting nobody to notice.

scant figures for the wording you used . . . "largest fine in US history" . . . good grief, Jam . . . BP environmental fine alone damn near 20B, dude.
It could very well happen. I'll accept the outcome and not bitch. Besides, ragging on Hillary is much more fun. (insert evil laugh) hehehehe.

Not sure it matters anymore. She would have to have Arizona in that scenario & it's done.

She lost those states...if you recount and cheat...she wins those. As pointed out, he is at 270 with Arizona minus those states.

The guys point was over turning vote in multiple states Trump won.
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Still 4.3M ballots being processed in CA and nearly a million more in WA.

Her eventual margin will be....significant.

Just re-enforces what already knew. Thank effing goodness that we have the EC. Or the West coast and some shitty NYers would pretty decide the election.
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Had to be in OTR tonight. Even though very well gentrified, very glad that Tensing verdict didn't come down.

Didn't wan't to be the white yuppie in a suit getting his car in the middle of a riot.
They sent us home at 3:30. The establishment is freakin' out over this.
No, it is not . . but even that tally would have to increase before it would reach among the largest corporate fines in US History. Not going to cause you any embarrassment on this. Col.-HCA was fined significantly in what became the "largest fraud settlement" in US history, but that is scarcely the same thing as the largest fine in US history. My strong belief is that your are aware of this, aware of the importance of the difference in these terms, but floated it out there that way anyhow . . . expecting nobody to notice.

scant figures for the wording you used . . . "largest fine in US history" . . . good grief, Jam . . . BP environmental fine alone damn near 20B, dude.
BP (and Enron, for that matter) happened years after the HCA case and none of this digression on your part makes any difference in what BBI and I were discussing: putting Rick Scott in charge of HHS would look awful.
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I've been coming to these boards forever. No idea how I never saw this political thread. I was wondering why no one was talking about Trump here. I went back and read/relived election night with you guys. A great night for America. The tears of these liberals is great. Now lock her ass up.
Yeah, amazing. Trump pretty much proved that money doesn't matter

I spoke with a few Latino colleagues over the past day. Many here in Texas, and from what I understand, many in FL, simply broke for Trump. All want change, and could not connect with Hillary. Remember, Texas is now over 50% Latino. A few said to me they wanted real hope and change. I read the same about Cuban-Americans outside south FL

I spoke with a few Latino colleagues over the past day. Many here in Texas, and from what I understand, many in FL, simply broke for Trump. All want change, and could not connect with Hillary. Remember, Texas is now over 50% Latino. A few said to me they wanted real hope and change. I read the same about Cuban-Americans outside south FL

Yeah, I think shits about to get real.

No sense why we can't create millions of jobs