How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I really don't like Michael Moore, but I'm still amazed how well he nailed that the polls were wrong in Pennsylvania, Ohio, MIchigan, etc. Trump flipped the lunch pail voter and he knew it.

You mean that former fat guy who went around America in the 2000s shaming and ridiculing rural white America with his movies, knew that Trump would win?

I'm shocked.

This would never happen given the margin of Trump's victory in the electoral college. There have been instances where a one or two electors were "unfaithful". However, you would have to have over 35 of these in order to flip the election. Also note that each party has a slate of electors for each state. If the Republican candidate wins the state, it is the Republican set of electors that get to vote. These electors are typically party insiders who are very unlikely to be unfaithful.
I think one of the biggest pains in the ass for Trump is going to be McConnell. The turtle has his own agenda and I'm sure he shit his pants when term limits cane up.
I think one of the biggest pains in the ass for Trump is going to be McConnell. The turtle has his own agenda and I'm sure he shit his pants when term limits cane up.

Say what you want about McConnell but he is the only reason that Trump gets to appoint a Supreme Ct. justice plus 100 appeals/district court judges on day one.
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It would be cool if Trump had some automated Twitter account that would tweet up to date progress on fixing this Obama mess. That's what I think of transparency. He seems like the person to keep things in the open.
You mean a transparent government? What a radical idea, I was thinking Trump should put a private server in his bathroom. Isn't that how things work?
Say what you want about McConnell but he is the only reason that Trump gets to appoint a Supreme Ct. justice on day one.

Exactly why I made that post about "past the sale" on those term limits. Trump prolly knows he isn't going to get term limits. But he wins either way. He'll get more leverage and the voters will see these Establishment Repubs for stalling Trump's agenda.
I'm reading this whole thing. It's like Neo let me out of the Matrix.
I think one of the biggest pains in the ass for Trump is going to be McConnell. The turtle has his own agenda and I'm sure he shit his pants when term limits cane up.
McConnell scream's "Freedom of speech!" anytime someone brings up term limits for congressmen. If freedom of speech were the issue we would not have term limits for the office of the President. Freedom of Speech was restricted for electing a president for a third term why cannot it not be restricted for electing congressmen. They want to keep their snouts in the money trough.
I love Rudy and thought he would have made a great President and should have been nominated in 2008. But.........something just seems a little off with him here lately. If his health is good then I say bring him aboard.
I love Rudy and thought he would have made a great President and should have been nominated in 2008. But.........something just seems a little off with him here lately. If his health is good then I say bring him aboard.

Neither he nor Christie should be AG. They can help in some other capacity. But it's a slap in the face of a Republican to shit on state's rights over marijuana after this battle. Trump will have to nip that shit in the bud. A lot of those voters smoke weed. And either one of them mess with that, they will look like big gov't.
The left are sacks of garbage. If they seriously try to hijack the inauguration, may the worst stuff imaginable happen to them.

We dealt with being the scapegoat forever. We dealt with Obama's constant failures and divisiveness and the left's refusal to enforce the law.

We saw them sign off on total disasters that we knew were a mistake only to have to watch them go up in flames while we were called "racist."

And at no point did any Republicans riot, loot, burn down neighborhoods or attack a Dem supporter. Now, after two weeks of leftist media mocking Trump for not accepting the results, they behave like this.
OMG and now this - can this really happen?

sure it can . . . just a few days ago it was being mused that electorates, following a HRC win, could conspire and throw in another name, all for the purpose of getting her down below 270 so that the 12th amendment process would "take it to the house" . . . literally. Of course, the local dem response to that was (1) she was going to have so many electoral votes that no way could such be bullied below 270 and (2) such a process would be criminal to purse, not to mention immoral to even imagine.

But now things are different, and so the pondering instead of being immoral has virtue . . . and the process instead of being criminal would, in fact, be constructive, just . . . a right thing to do. Simply, yet not simply, another example of the interwoven liberal basket of hypocrisy-irony-corruption-musing-free entertainment for me and you.

And even today . . . speaking of musings and free entertainment . . . the best of liberal posters on this board has piece-worked slowly and methodically a constructive folly of combined forward and reverse-thinking hypothesis, where it can now be concluded that this Trump win works to the complete disadvantage of all things conservative, as if by some divine authority even, and that, quite possibly, dems and liberals could not have asked for a better outcome. Just post after post, a free opportunity to roll on the floor laughing, but lost from each post of his after the next was any thought to what the current President - this disastrous construct for all time - could do with the remaining time given him.
Not a fan of Rudy or Christie being ag. Too much baggage. Too much support for the Patriot act.

They won't be, maybe advisers but not AG.

Trump may be a lot of things, but he isn't dumb.
My money would be on Gowdy for AG.
I also wouldn't be surprised to see Trump pardon Petraeus, and use him in some capacity.
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The left are sacks of garbage. If they seriously try to hijack the inauguration, may the worst stuff imaginable happen to them.

We dealt with being the scapegoat forever. We dealt with Obama's constant failures and divisiveness and the left's refusal to enforce the law.

We saw them sign off on total disasters that we knew were a mistake only to have to watch them go up in flames while we were called "racist."

And at no point did any Republicans riot, loot, burn down neighborhoods or attack a Dem supporter. Now, after two weeks of leftist media mocking Trump for not accepting the results, they behave like this.

And all because whites voted for a white man over a white woman.? Lol

Could you imagine the ish going down right now if Trump had just beaten Michelle Obama?
Not a fan of Rudy or Christie being ag. Too much baggage. Too much support for the Patriot act.
Rick Scott being mentioned for HHS.

Rick Touching Scott. The former CEO who oversaw such extensive Medicare fraud that his company was slapped with the largest fine in US history.
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Interesting bit. Apparently. One of the Pedophilia rings being focused on is Besta Pizza whose logo is a known Pedophile friendly symbol> They changed their logo. This same "pizza " place is funded by Soros and is solely tied to Podesta.

Wow. I still think it is something else. Maybe money laundering, slush fund, etc.. I just can't bring myself to believe that was all related to pedophilia.
Say what you want about McConnell but he is the only reason that Trump gets to appoint a Supreme Ct. justice plus 100 appeals/district court judges on day one.

Still doesn't change how many years of absolutely nothing. The blind squirrel gambled and got lucky. Thank you for that Mitch, but **** off for they years of complete ineptitude.