ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Everyone needs to see this.
Better hurry. Every time .gov starts squawking about gun bans...gun sales go through the roof.Between the baby formula shortage that hits home and makes me realize I can’t completely insulate myself from government incompetence like I did during Covid, and the new wave of lefties calling for gun bands, I may go out and buy a couple more guns this weekend.
Thinking an AR-15 and a hunting rifle. I’ve never hunted but feel like I should be prepared for the coming Biden adult food shortage.
Would a .30-06 make the most sense?
His whole argument is just lefty talking points. If not, wait til he sees how few deaths that rifles actually account for. Next he’ll be coming for handguns when he reads them.I appreciate your effort. I hope you are discussing in good faith.
Anyone can say on here they own one. Do you have a history of offering common sense proposals?
With all due respect: The rest of your post is bullsh1t. Stupid leftie talking points with zero factual basis behind it.
Right now, I can go buy a pack of cigarettes from a dozen places within a 5 minute walk and walk home with them. The closest gun shop is miles away. And IF i wanted to buy a gun, i will have to wait 3 days. I know that is true because i have done it three times. From different dealers.
So, the statement is factually NOT TRUE.
Also, which kills more people? Let me help you, man. According to your CDC, "Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year."
Are you saying that guns cause more than 20% of all deaths? That is an absolutely rediculous claim.
Question 1 ... is there any law, making it illegal to kill someone? How about with a gun? Killing people is the problem. If the crazies never killed someone, with a gun or not, then no one would care what they have. If the bad guys broke one law to murder innocents, then why wont they break 2? The utter lack of factual logic is amazing.
Question 2 ... what do "gun free zones" mean? They result in places in which NO ONE can defend themselves. Crazy. The irony is ppl "feel" safe in a "gun -free" zone and the opposite is the truth.
Here is a compromise, lets see if you take it ... how about we have a mandatory class in high school about gun safety. And teach people how to use guns responsibly? Would you consider that?
Let's see how long before he loses his twitter acct or YT acct.
Everyone on the left, please hold your breath until it happens.
Blast from the past.You wanted Trump to keep us there for eternity? wtf is wrong with you brain dead sheep. Trump had already made a deal with the Taliban for us to leave and them to takeover. Pompeo went and sat down with their leaders and Trump invited them to Camp David. Man yall got some really ****ing short term memory issues.
Mr. double chin looks like he could just eat the NRA. He should push himself away from the table instead of push for violence in America.
As his testicles dry up and fall off. Gavin: " That's ok, I am a democrat, I don't need them anyway".
He's a democrat which is synonymous with attention whore, drama queen (no kings in that party), and hypochondria. No dion, Jameslie, platnidumb, Sammy and other liberals here. You are thinking Kleptomania (which also applies to dems check out smash and grab videos). Hypochondria is the preoccupation with being sick all of the time for attention by having every new strain of whatever.Again? How many times has he had it?
I appreciate your effort. I hope you are discussing in good faith.
Anyone can say on here they own one. Do you have a history of offering common sense proposals?
With all due respect: The rest of your post is bullsh1t. Stupid leftie talking points with zero factual basis behind it.
Right now, I can go buy a pack of cigarettes from a dozen places within a 5 minute walk and walk home with them. The closest gun shop is miles away. And IF i wanted to buy a gun, i will have to wait 3 days. I know that is true because i have done it three times. From different dealers.
So, the statement is factually NOT TRUE.
Also, which kills more people? Let me help you, man. According to your CDC, "Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year."
Are you saying that guns cause more than 20% of all deaths? That is an absolutely rediculous claim.
Question 1 ... is there any law, making it illegal to kill someone? How about with a gun? Killing people is the problem. If the crazies never killed someone, with a gun or not, then no one would care what they have. If the bad guys broke one law to murder innocents, then why wont they break 2? The utter lack of factual logic is amazing.
Question 2 ... what do "gun free zones" mean? They result in places in which NO ONE can defend themselves. Crazy. The irony is ppl "feel" safe in a "gun -free" zone and the opposite is the truth.
Here is a compromise, lets see if you take it ... how about we have a mandatory class in high school about gun safety. And teach people how to use guns responsibly? Would you consider that?
And he continues to pull away from the field. He’s like the Secretariat of terrible Presidents.
“At what point, then, should one resist? When one's belt is taken away? When one is ordered to face into a corner? When one crosses the threshold of one's home?
An arrest consists of a series of incidental irrelevancies, of a multitude of things that do not matter, and there seems no point in arguing about one of them individually...
and yet all these incidental irrelevancies taken together implacably constitute the arrest.”
Why, for example, is it still acceptable to profess the philosophy of a Communist or, if not that, to at least admire the work of Marx?
Why is it still acceptable to regard the Marxist doctrine as essentially accurate in its diagnosis of the hypothetical evils of the free-market, democratic West; to still consider that doctrine “progressive,” and fit for the compassionate and proper thinking person?
Twenty-five million dead through internal repression in the Soviet Union.
Sixty million dead in Mao’s China. The horrors of Cambodia’s Killing Fields, with their two million corpses.
. No political experiment has ever been tried so widely, with so many disparate people, in so many different countries and failed so absolutely and so catastrophically.
Is it mere ignorance that allows today’s Marxists to flaunt their continued allegiance – to present it as compassion and care?
Or is it instead, envy of the successful, in near-infinite proportions?
The Gulag ArchipelagoOr something akin to hatred for mankind itself? How much proof do we need?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag ArchipelagoThe whole system of oppression ... was based on keeping malcontents apart, preventing them from reading each other's eyes and discovering how many of them there were; instilling it into all of them, even into the most dissatisfied, that no one was dissatisfied except for a few doomed individuals, blindly vicious and spiritually bankrupt.
Well, politicals -- had now become "gangsters."
We have to condemn publicly the very idea that some people have the right to repress others.
In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future.
When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag ArchipelagoIt is for this reason ....Young people are acquiring the conviction that foul deeds are never punished on earth, that they always bring prosperity.
It is going to be uncomfortable, horrible, to live in such a country!
Okay. So, you concede point number 1. And how stupid your trash talking point was. Good. You are also not calling for more laws against smoking. Interesting.While tobacco may kill more people than guns, nothing kills more children than guns.
Firearms overtook auto accidents as the leading cause of death in children
The change occurred in 2020, researchers say. Overall firearm-related deaths increased 13.5% between 2019 and 2020, but such fatalities for those 1 to 19 years old jumped nearly
Also states with restrictive gun laws have the least gun violence on average. That's right. Where are more people murdered with guns? In the states with the easiest access to guns. Your state of Florida actually has fairly restrictive gun laws because of past Democratic leadership so you're an outlier among "red" states.
Strictest Gun Laws by State 2024
Gun control works to stop gun violence. These are facts supported by data. For instance people bag on Chicago as a violent city, but Atlanta has a higher murder rate 18/100,000 vs 12/100,000. Birmingham, AL has almost 5 times as many murders per capita as Chicago at nearly 53/100,000. So the criticism Republicans often have of Chicago is fair, but they need to turn an eye toward their own cities as well. This article lays out gun violence by state and all of the top states have the most lax gun laws and highest rates of gun ownership.
Gun Deaths per Capita by State 2024
So tell me why tougher access to guns won't work? Or admit it will work and you just don't want to do it. It's fine to admit that easy gun access is a right I want to protect and that right is worth the gun murder problem our country has. It's not ok to pretend like lax gun laws are not a problem and don't make these murders and mass shootings more likely, because all the evidence says they do.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag ArchipelagoTruth, it seems, is always bashful, easily reduced to silence by the too blatant encroachment of falsehood.
I'll take a shot in the dark. No actually, I won't in the dark or light either.Was talking with my M.D. nephew yesterday. Was telling me about a procedure he did the other day on a healthy 36 yr old guy who had a bad stroke. Said the number of stroke victims has skyrocketed in people under 50.
Also, he's had two doctor friends, early 50s, who have died in the last two months.
Any ideas why? He has one.
A few days ago George Floyd celebrated two years of being "drug free". He broke an addiction that is difficult to break. I will drink to that and give him props.
Says the guy with the arms of a 6 year old girl.
False, abortion kills more children than guns by far.While tobacco may kill more people than guns, nothing kills more children than guns.
Firearms overtook auto accidents as the leading cause of death in children
The change occurred in 2020, researchers say. Overall firearm-related deaths increased 13.5% between 2019 and 2020, but such fatalities for those 1 to 19 years old jumped nearly
Also states with restrictive gun laws have the least gun violence on average. That's right. Where are more people murdered with guns? In the states with the easiest access to guns. Your state of Florida actually has fairly restrictive gun laws because of past Democratic leadership so you're an outlier among "red" states.
Strictest Gun Laws by State 2024
Gun control works to stop gun violence. These are facts supported by data. For instance people bag on Chicago as a violent city, but Atlanta has a higher murder rate 18/100,000 vs 12/100,000. Birmingham, AL has almost 5 times as many murders per capita as Chicago at nearly 53/100,000. So the criticism Republicans often have of Chicago is fair, but they need to turn an eye toward their own cities as well. This article lays out gun violence by state and all of the top states have the most lax gun laws and highest rates of gun ownership.
Gun Deaths per Capita by State 2024
So tell me why tougher access to guns won't work? Or admit it will work and you just don't want to do it. It's fine to admit that easy gun access is a right I want to protect and that right is worth the gun murder problem our country has. It's not ok to pretend like lax gun laws are not a problem and don't make these murders and mass shootings more likely, because all the evidence says they do.
We need less like the Detroit Tigers.We need more managers (and b'ball coaches) like Tony.
(don't follow baseball like I used to....didn't know that Tony was still in the game.)
White Sox's Tony La Russa calls Giants' Gabe Kapler's national anthem protest 'not appropriate'
White Sox manager Tony La Russa disagrees with Giants manager Gabe Kapler's decision to protest the national anthem in the aftermath of a mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas on
Baseball has gone off of the rails. Just when I think I might want to follow the sport again another one goes WOKE.We need less like the Detroit Tigers.
Detroit Tigers Donating Proceeds To Fund Transgender Surgeries For Children | The Gateway Pundit | by Michael Robison
The Major League Baseball team is now directly helping to fund gender transition surgeries and therapies for minor
They saw groups like BLM and Antifa can do it without any fear so they followed that pattern. Any violence against a conservative is condoned by the United States government and violence by the left is rewarded.Leftists calling for violence is now common. Violence against gun owners, against politicians, against judges, against property owners, against pro-life people. These aren’t fringe people, these are so-called mainstream voices.
Give up your guns at your peril.
He seems happy.
Lyin Ted got on his knees and sucked trumps little pecker real good. He is now tied with O'Rourke and begged daddy trump to come save him.