How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
African-Americans voting overwhelmingly and almost uniformly (93%) for an African-American presidential candidate who is running against a Caucasian opponent = acceptable, candidate is a promoter of race relation progress and unity.

A majority of Caucasians (58%) voting in favor of one Caucasian presidential candidate running against another Caucasian opponent=unacceptable, "whitelash," candidate is setting race relations back decades and promoting divisiveness.

Just WTF. No clue how to start bridging a divide against such double standards and hypocrisy.
#TeamKellyanne when it comes to chief of staff. Reince was en route to selling pencils out of a cup; Conway has earned the job.
Just heard today that PA was mainly her deal. Said she was obsessed with it & just had that feeling. Made sure she stayed on top Trump about campaigning there & didn't let it get lost in the shuffle. Good instincts. Paid off in the end.
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It's depressing seeing the stupidity of these college students. Makes me wonder how much hope there is for the future of our country.
Idiots out in the streets burning American flags, calling Trump & all his supporters every ist & ism in the book, hanging effigies of Trump, throwing rocks at police, five were shot in Seattle, all the while chanting "love trumps hate".
Idiots out in the streets burning American flags, calling Trump & all his supporters every ist & ism in the book, hanging effigies of Trump, throwing rocks at police, five were shot in Seattle, all the while chanting "love trumps hate".
I know right? And what the hell are we supposed to do with these fools? U can't reason with them and under Obama's administration they got reinforcements for their behavior from the commander in chief. Maybe not directly, but his constant jumping to conclusions about guilty officers and exaggerating social issues in general along with the media reinforcing their erroneous beliefs basically made them feel justified. Trump won't do that but the damage has already been done. And they hate Trump so much that there doesn't seem to be any way to reach them.
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African-Americans voting overwhelmingly and almost uniformly (93%) for an African-American presidential candidate who is running against a Caucasian opponent = acceptable, candidate is a promoter of race relation progress and unity.

A majority of Caucasians (58%) voting in favor of one Caucasian presidential candidate running against another Caucasian opponent=unacceptable, "whitelash," candidate is setting race relations back decades and promoting divisiveness.

Just WTF. No clue how to start bridging a divide against such double standards and hypocrisy.
It only shows how ignorant many of these people on the left are. Left up to the left, this country would not be a democracy anymore. They deserve a government that will oppress them because, that is what they are pining for. Wish we could give that to them. All of these idiots would have to work because those types of governments would force them too.
African-Americans voting overwhelmingly and almost uniformly (93%) for an African-American presidential candidate who is running against a Caucasian opponent = acceptable, candidate is a promoter of race relation progress and unity.

A majority of Caucasians (58%) voting in favor of one Caucasian presidential candidate running against another Caucasian opponent=unacceptable, "whitelash," candidate is setting race relations back decades and promoting divisiveness.

Just WTF. No clue how to start bridging a divide against such double standards and hypocrisy.
Yep, prevailing double standards + hypocrisy = very rich, indeed.
Saw her on Don Lemon. Some fat heifer, about 20 years old. Nothing serious, but funny as all get out.

Here's another one just as funny. I'm dyin' right now.

hahahhaa, that chode.

Mark my words. He'll hit a woman in the face with his fists. This guy may appear to be Capt. America, but underneath it all. He's just another loose screw of the system. One that makes "mistakes" when he gets angry. Will hit and beat a woman with the snapping of his emotions.
Hildagarde: 59,814,018
The Donald: 59,611,678

This was obviously the Dem talking point of the day as I heard it repeated over and over again on CNN as I watched their Hillary Clinton Memorial service last night. Even saw two different CNN pundits talk about how one county could have changed Michigan to Hillary if they had just voted in the same numbers they voted for Obama. Well...they didn't.

Interesting graphic, for clarification--I don't believe this is based on voting results, simply population concentration. Half of the population of the United States lives in the area highlighted in blue.

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Has Donald ever not been around hot tits? What a man.

Wow that map. Talk about an ass whipping.

Just think about how much money was spent by the Clinton's, donors, foreign nations, how many people died, and then LOL.
This was obviously the Dem talking point of the day as I heard it repeated over and over again on CNN as I watched their Hillary Clinton Memorial service last night. Even saw two different CNN pundits talk about how one county could have changed Michigan to Hillary if they had just voted in the same numbers they voted for Obama. Well...they didn't.

Interesting graphic,


That is not this year but it conveys the proper message.
We should have a Ray Tensing verdict in the very near term. Anything less than murder and I'm sure Soros will have the BLM employees rioting in the streets of Cincinnati.
Our new Punk Rock President......

If you’re a Hillary Clinton voter, or a member of the average media outlet, observing the Trump phenomenon to you was like watching Frank Sinatra in the 1970s: has-been, used-up, going through the motions appealing to a rapidly disappearing demographic, relying entirely on crusty oldies like “My Way.”

Yet the version of “My Way” Trump actually represented was the one gargled by Sid Vicious, the short-lived Sex Pistol, over the closing credits of “Goodfellas” — crude, sneering, shocking, postmodern. None of us could believe what Trump was doing — because no one had ever seen anyone do it that way before.