How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Holy moly this thread moved like lightning today. If i missed anything important, let me know

@krazykats, did you find out the troop number? Alternatively, I could call somebody at the Bluegrass Council office and have them put it towards the troop's summer camp fees or something like that

Remember. We bet that Starbucks card for $25. Remember? Remember that?

Just send your info to my email
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Willy, you'd have more than $25 waiting for you at one of Seattle's finest herbal remedy stores if you ever make it out here. No need to win a bet.
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Reactions: Willy4UK
Holy moly this thread moved like lightning today. If i missed anything important, let me know

@krazykats, did you find out the troop number? Alternatively, I could call somebody at the Bluegrass Council office and have them put it towards the troop's summer camp fees or something like that

Sorry I did not. Also I'm in no rush honestly feel bad that your so determined to pay.

We meet tomorrow night and I will figure it out then.
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Willy, you'd have more than $25 waiting for you at one of Seattle's finest herbal remedy stores if you ever make it out here. No need to win a bet.
Hey, I feel left out. Buy me a beer if I ever make it out there and I will quit crying.
Excellent point. I looked it up on HuffPo and it turns out that 36 years ago, California had the same demographics and mindset as New York does in 2016. You obviously have an astute understanding of the political landscape.
Thank you. You know, you're right. There were no Mexicans in Cali back then. Matter of fact Cortes hadn't even conquered Mexico. Very astute on your part.
Will FBI now be free to finish investigation of Clinton foundation without interference from, DOJ?
Will all those foreign countries and big banks want their money back from the Clintons now that they can not get any favors?
Will obama give Hilary and Bill blanket pardon?
Will the Clintons disappear now, or will they still be on TV constantly?
Will I ever have to hear that shrill voice of Hilary again?
Not seeing anything...

nothing to see . . . just a sample of internet bogusness aplenty we'll have to suffer for weeks to come . . . from among all those "pollsters" who are now so addicted to publicizing phony data . . . bored and fat late 20s sjw's looking for something, anything, to do that, in their useless minds (degreed in communication or some form of "web science" - no real job) . . . dovetails with the agenda once given them.
-The construction company behind Keystone Pipeline releases statement that construction plans are still in play...

-Bring steel back, manufacturing industry will follow. Pretty damned simple.
I agree. If we can build an Atlantic Coast Pipeline, why the hell not in the middle of Nebraska cornfields?
Swarm of helicopters downtown right now. Good times.

At least you had the balls to show up.

Probably someone else's... but still...
Show up where? I'm home, good sir. You couldn't pay me enough to go out in that mess right now.
Says who? I showed up early at 615am so that I could run materials in my personal truck for 3 different jobs where Mexicans called me last night after hours. They needed it to finish projects and get to the next job before the weekend. So even though I was up til 2am I sucked it up for the people I feel like I work for that help me and my clients.

I didn't get home until about 5pm so while it wasn't 11 hours on the dot I don't punch a clock.

But thanks though for reminding me I shouldn't stay up late again tonight, which I will and still make it to work another 9-10 hours tomorrow because I'm an adult with responsibilities that my govt doesn't have to help with.
Lazy deplorable! Deport them and you'll get more sleep. Then maybe you can work 32 hours out of 60 like me this week.
My job is to produce not half ass.

So what's the fix here? Trump need to give daily speeches to remind people he was only against illegal immigration and was for properly vetting Muslim immigrants to avoid terrorism?

Just not sure politicians should t concede here and admit that they took Donald's words from his time in entertainment and used them as a political ploy!

Also, finding out Trump did worse than McCain and Romney but she did 7M worse than Obama is pure comedy! I mean Christ almighty did they ever not like her!
Will obama give Hilary and Bill blanket pardon??

Leaving Bill out of the discussion, I am willing to state flatly no. Or at least, not fully. There are reasons to suspect, and frankly evidence suggests it, that Hillary Clinton has committed treason, not just "in and against" the United States, but in processes that may have been to the benefit of foreign interests, and possibly deliberately. For the life of me, I am shocked that I have no memory of reading on this message board that Hillary Clinton may be a _ _ _.

A pardon prior to being charged for an offense (pre-emptive pardon is the phrase commonly used) would be similar to what was granted to Nixon - more correctly described as an "act of clemency." One could argue these semantics for the purpose of saying that Nixon was not pardoned but that would but very silly. Same result.

Clemency for Hillary would most certainly be received in the public mind as pardon, and would rank her among the most notable pardons of all time and, frankly, would only (1) make legitimate her crimes and (2) clearly establish that AG Loretta Lynch failed miserably. Some digression there, but just more reason why Obama will not do it.

My favorite example for Hillary consideration is the Debs "partial pardon". Not sure exactly when that pardon was given, I'm sure somebody here does, Jam seems pretty savvy about these things. Debs actually ran for president while in jail during WW1 (or maybe it was after). Jailed for going beyond mere opposition to the war by organizing draft avoidance. I think he was convicted through the espionage act. Lost his citizenship, but for some token reason restored by congress sometime much later - 60s or 70s.

I don't know why the reason Debs got only a partial pardon . . . could it be for suspicion of treason? Is that is the one unforgivable thing? Other famous examples might say no, as it could be argued that all confederate soldiers committed treason, and were pardoned.

Obama has not forgotten that it was HRC that started the birther movement. the mass of dems and liberal flock-sheep can have it their way, but Obama has it is . . . he knows who pushed that snowball down the mountain. He knows who scoured the world, found that picture of him in his full muslim garb, put it on the web forever. He knows who failed to do her job well enough, so that what he did, wrong as it was, but in his mind moral and just, is now on the brink of collapse. He will not seal his legacy with this question put to him forever: did you pardon treason?
OK, gentlemen.

Round 1 was vs Bush/GOP.
Round 2 was vs Clinton.
Round 3 is going to be vs McConnell

So, February 2017: McConnell vs Trump. Who ya got?

Does Trump actually try to force some of that stuff down McConnell's throat? Does he cut out the items that will make Ryan & Co. vomit?
OK, gentlemen.

Round 1 was vs Bush/GOP.
Round 2 was vs Clinton.
Round 3 is going to be vs McConnell

So, February 2017: McConnell vs Trump. Who ya got?

Does Trump actually try to force some of that stuff down McConnell's throat? Does he cut out the items that will make Ryan & Co. vomit?

aint cut'n sh*t if Obama leaves behind any of that magic executive order ink y'all been dying Maddow's hair with.