How will they rule ??!

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Had forgotten about Harry Reid changing the judicial nominee rules....need to send that hombre a thank you note.
This. Nothing can encapsulate the evil and manipulative nature of the left more than trying to streamline SCOTUS picks in order to gain stronghold on a 1-party gov't.

And nothing is more fulfilling than seeing the left's best-laid plans used against them in picking cabinet members and SCOTUS justices. Can't laugh hard enough at this.
The left was supposed to be the defenders of truth, but I am not so sure anymore. Its an American right to protest, and so I am somewhat torn, but I also think, where were you? The election is the main time to have your voice heard, make choices. Its ok to be upset, but you regroup, realign, figure out what youre doing wrong. Trump won fair and square, and probably against a stacked deck. He is not the devil people make him out to be. I dont care for him, but its the will of the people, and we owe him that much to let him govern.

America has spoken.

There will be a day when race no longer matters, or sex, or whatever, and I go back and forth to where we are. Many are claiming its because HRC was a woman, and people are racist. While obviously some are, I still think the majority of hard working americans (not just white) were tired of being told how bad they are. Working America pays for everybody. We have created an entitlement country and the hardworking people are tired of having to pay for everyone else. This election was not just about electing Trump, but rejecting Clinton. Its not people were racist, they are tired of losing jobs, paying more for healthcare, seeing others abuse the system. You fix those things, you will get elected. Pretty simple really. Hard working Americans are being bled dry from every angle, whether it be corporate america, or the government, the bleeding has to stop. As a democracy, the will of the people can change and move mountains, and I am very humbled by that. It makes me proud and love America because of that.

The deomcrats clung too hard to the message of SJW and other movements. While some of the movements are needed, it sucks being told how shitty you are by someone who has never worked a day in their lives (rich or poor) and that you owe more, especially when you are working 12 hour days just to make ends meet. I can see why Trumpers are so happy. Lets see how it plays out.

I voted for Obama first election, Romney in the second. I never thought Obama was as terrible as many of you thought, but the things that keep me awake at night are this:

Anyway, be the change you want to see. The protests are good in the regard in that it gets people off the couch, and they exercise a fundamental American right, but its a day late and a dollar short. We are an amazing nation and I personally love how great it is and I love that we have differences.
The left was supposed to be the defenders of truth, but I am not so sure anymore. Its an American right to protest, and so I am somewhat torn, but I also think, where were you? The election is the main time to have your voice heard, make choices. Its ok to be upset, but you regroup, realign, figure out what youre doing wrong. Trump won fair and square, and probably against a stacked deck. He is not the devil people make him out to be. I dont care for him, but its the will of the people, and we owe him that much to let him govern.

America has spoken.

There will be a day when race no longer matters, or sex, or whatever, and I go back and forth to where we are. Many are claiming its because HRC was a woman, and people are racist. While obviously some are, I still think the majority of hard working americans (not just white) were tired of being told how bad they are. Working America pays for everybody. We have created an entitlement country and the hardworking people are tired of having to pay for everyone else. This election was not just about electing Trump, but rejecting Clinton. Its not people were racist, they are tired of losing jobs, paying more for healthcare, seeing others abuse the system. You fix those things, you will get elected. Pretty simple really. Hard working Americans are being bled dry from every angle, whether it be corporate america, or the government, the bleeding has to stop. As a democracy, the will of the people can change and move mountains, and I am very humbled by that. It makes me proud and love America because of that.

The deomcrats clung too hard to the message of SJW and other movements. While some of the movements are needed, it sucks being told how shitty you are by someone who has never worked a day in their lives (rich or poor) and that you owe more, especially when you are working 12 hour days just to make ends meet. I can see why Trumpers are so happy. Lets see how it plays out.

I voted for Obama first election, Romney in the second. I never thought Obama was as terrible as many of you thought, but the things that keep me awake at night are this:

Anyway, be the change you want to see. The protests are good in the regard in that it gets people off the couch, and they exercise a fundamental American right, but its a day late and a dollar short. We are an amazing nation and I personally love how great it is and I love that we have differences.

I do give credit where it's due ... ..............................,,,, Good post
Looking back, I think a lot of the dissension started with the following. It's one thing to disagree with someone else, it's another to shove their opinion back in their face and tell them to F'off. The following ACA postscript certainly got my attention and was not forgotten as I considered the actions made by Obama, his administration and subsequently Hillary and her team.

"Woodward quotes Cantor as telling Rahm, “You really could’ve gotten some of our support. You just refused to listen to what we were saying.” The bill was pretty much free of Republican input. Rahm, writes Woodward, responded to such Republican complaints with, “We have the votes. **** ’em.” Cantor boasts that Obama (and Rahm) did the Republicans a favor: “…he had unified and energized the losers.”
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Conway and Steve Bannon stabilized the campaign and took it to the next level.
Shows Trump has very good instincts when he hired those two. Media ridiculed him about it and they turned out to save his campaign. Spent nothing compared to her and won.

Take out CA and NY and he pretty much kicked her ass.
...While obviously some are, I still think the majority of hard working americans (not just white) were tired of being told how bad they are. Working America pays for everybody. We have created an entitlement country and the hardworking people are tired of having to pay for everyone else. This election was not just about electing Trump, but rejecting Clinton. Its not people were racist, they are tired of losing jobs, paying more for healthcare, seeing others abuse the system. You fix those things, you will get elected. Pretty simple really. Hard working Americans are being bled dry from every angle, whether it be corporate america, or the government, the bleeding has to stop. As a democracy, the will of the people can change and move mountains, and I am very humbled by that. It makes me proud and love America because of that

Well said. I'd say this pretty much sums up a large chunk of the silent majority. You fix those things, or at least promise to try, and you'll get elected.
The left was supposed to be the defenders of truth, but I am not so sure anymore. Its an American right to protest, and so I am somewhat torn, but I also think, where were you? The election is the main time to have your voice heard, make choices. Its ok to be upset, but you regroup, realign, figure out what youre doing wrong. Trump won fair and square, and probably against a stacked deck. He is not the devil people make him out to be. I dont care for him, but its the will of the people, and we owe him that much to let him govern.

America has spoken.

There will be a day when race no longer matters, or sex, or whatever, and I go back and forth to where we are. Many are claiming its because HRC was a woman, and people are racist. While obviously some are, I still think the majority of hard working americans (not just white) were tired of being told how bad they are. Working America pays for everybody. We have created an entitlement country and the hardworking people are tired of having to pay for everyone else. This election was not just about electing Trump, but rejecting Clinton. Its not people were racist, they are tired of losing jobs, paying more for healthcare, seeing others abuse the system. You fix those things, you will get elected. Pretty simple really. Hard working Americans are being bled dry from every angle, whether it be corporate america, or the government, the bleeding has to stop. As a democracy, the will of the people can change and move mountains, and I am very humbled by that. It makes me proud and love America because of that.

The deomcrats clung too hard to the message of SJW and other movements. While some of the movements are needed, it sucks being told how shitty you are by someone who has never worked a day in their lives (rich or poor) and that you owe more, especially when you are working 12 hour days just to make ends meet. I can see why Trumpers are so happy. Lets see how it plays out.

I voted for Obama first election, Romney in the second. I never thought Obama was as terrible as many of you thought, but the things that keep me awake at night are this:

Anyway, be the change you want to see. The protests are good in the regard in that it gets people off the couch, and they exercise a fundamental American right, but its a day late and a dollar short. We are an amazing nation and I personally love how great it is and I love that we have differences.
Best post I have read in a long time. Thank you.
And then, we have creative political humor.....

The left was supposed to be the defenders of truth, but I am not so sure anymore. Its an American right to protest, and so I am somewhat torn, but I also think, where were you? The election is the main time to have your voice heard, make choices. Its ok to be upset, but you regroup, realign, figure out what youre doing wrong. Trump won fair and square, and probably against a stacked deck. He is not the devil people make him out to be. I dont care for him, but its the will of the people, and we owe him that much to let him govern.

America has spoken.

There will be a day when race no longer matters, or sex, or whatever, and I go back and forth to where we are. Many are claiming its because HRC was a woman, and people are racist. While obviously some are, I still think the majority of hard working americans (not just white) were tired of being told how bad they are. Working America pays for everybody. We have created an entitlement country and the hardworking people are tired of having to pay for everyone else. This election was not just about electing Trump, but rejecting Clinton. Its not people were racist, they are tired of losing jobs, paying more for healthcare, seeing others abuse the system. You fix those things, you will get elected. Pretty simple really. Hard working Americans are being bled dry from every angle, whether it be corporate america, or the government, the bleeding has to stop. As a democracy, the will of the people can change and move mountains, and I am very humbled by that. It makes me proud and love America because of that.

The deomcrats clung too hard to the message of SJW and other movements. While some of the movements are needed, it sucks being told how shitty you are by someone who has never worked a day in their lives (rich or poor) and that you owe more, especially when you are working 12 hour days just to make ends meet. I can see why Trumpers are so happy. Lets see how it plays out.

I voted for Obama first election, Romney in the second. I never thought Obama was as terrible as many of you thought, but the things that keep me awake at night are this:

Anyway, be the change you want to see. The protests are good in the regard in that it gets people off the couch, and they exercise a fundamental American right, but its a day late and a dollar short. We are an amazing nation and I personally love how great it is and I love that we have differences.

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What if your local government decided it was just going to ignore those laws about breaking and entering, and the stated reason they were going to do so was because those who committed B&E were a minority and it was the "right" thing to do--but the obvious subtextual reason was to gain the vote of that minority in the next election.

Gets me stirred up to hear that illegal aliens now live in "fear" due to Trump's election. They shouldn't have been able to receive safe refuge here to begin with.
Man, MSNBC was off the f*cking chain last night. Shit, those protest would be considered a peace march compared to their ridiculousness.

Yall touched on Maddow, but Lawrence O'Donnel was waaaaaaaaaaay worse. Said Obama was by far the most "noble" president we've ever had, but that bar isn't set very high anyway. Proceeded to rattle off about 10 of our greatest presidents, said they were all slave owning racists who attempted genocide against native Americans (this includes Lincoln). Then said Trump will be just another racist to hold that office.

There was more - including how Obama never had any scandals and how he is such an "honest and decent" man. Of course, there were no opposing guests to challenge this ridiculousness.

Typically this kind of shit would infuriate me. But, I'm so damn happy Hillary lost that I can't help but laugh at them all.
^ The left is throwing a temper tantrum. This will last a few days or weeks and then they will start the blame game. After that, they will try to obstruct Trump and then start working toward the 2018 elections. Its the circle of life in politics.
^ The left is throwing a temper tantrum. This will last a few days or weeks and then they will start the blame game. After that, they will try to obstruct Trump and then start working toward the 2018 elections. Its the circle of life in politics.

That's why this is far from over. Those that came out to vote against HRC or for Trump will have to do it again and again in any and all elections. This should be a huge wake-up call to start voting local and hold ALL those that serve the people accountable.
We as a nation should have NEVER gotten to this point, but we became to infatuated with our big houses, sporting events, etc...and assumed out politician were working for us. Time for America to take a much greater interest in U.S. politics and avoid the next curve to the cliff we could drive off of.
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Things I learned on twitter this morning:

Anthony weiner ain't in jail, he's at a fancy sex rehab place is TN where he does tai chai, rides horses, acupuncture, and other stuff like that. Sad.

I mean, he was committing sexual crimes against minors, correct? Maybe I didn't hear that stuff right. I assumed he was in custody of some sort.

Also, some poor guy and his dog were attacked by manhattan protestors. They first hit his dog on the head with a glass bottle, dog collapses, then they jumped both him and the animal with more glass bottles and kicks. His dog looked F'd up, but said things would be alright.
If you looked at the Election map. Trump pretty much took almost ever rural county in America. It was a sea of red across America. This election was about rural America versus urban America. Urban America is ultra liberal. This is a notion I never really thought about but it's true.

In my opinion it's a travesty that so many rural voices got squashed in Virginia. Almost he whole state was red except for two to three counties surrounding D.C. and it flipped the entire state The electoral vote needs to be divided by congressional district like what Maine does so more people are heard.
WHat a great party image... Jobless, aimless young adults, whose most useful skill is inserting the f-word into every protest chant, constantly roaming the streets just looking for things to cry about.

You know, if we can avoid the loss of life, you give these reprobates enough rope, they'll discredit their own party better than the right ever could.
Also, some poor guy and his dog were attacked by manhattan protestors. They first hit his dog on the head with a glass bottle, dog collapses, then they jumped both him and the animal with more glass bottles and kicks. His dog looked F'd up, but said things would be alright.

Seeing Chris "Let's expand the Patriot Act and spy on every single American" Christie on the list is almost as infuriating as picturing Madame President Clinton.


Yeah, I hope he doesn't but Christie in that high of a position. He would actually be wise to keep some distance with the bridge-gate fiasco, plus as you mentioned his comments about the Patriot Act.
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I don't know who's worse. The complainers or the gloaters.
Again, I've yet to go to a convenient store for coffee and be met with a white, uneducated, working-class male screaming at every customer as they leave that "That's MY cracka in the WH now! Whatchu Gunna Do? That's MY cracka in the WH now!" Over and over like I did in 2008.

So, if i had to pick....
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This is interesting. It looks like we can thank the Amish/Mennonites for the Trump victory. They showed up big in PA and OH and I suspect lots of other states as well. I saw an article on Snopes that called it a hoax but I used to be Mennonite and my Facebook is full of friends and relatives who voted for him. This article was apparently written pre election and it has a post election update. The "more than 3 million" in the city of Columbus doesn't ring true, but they were a big factor for sure. I've also never heard of the AAB and don't know if there is such a thing.
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