How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I've been telling you all CNN is great TV. Don't watch it for real info, instead think of it as a slapstick comedy.

They do have some responsibility and a few have touched on it, but they have so many idiots they only want to call out others for their exact same actions.

Don Lemon who escaped TV last night should be awesome tonight.
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Unfortunately, the left are the fascist they claim the right is. According to them you must conform to their ideas or they will demonstrate or riot, or throw a tantrum until you comply.
No way, man. Lose instant credibility. Now is the time to use their actions against them and come out looking all presidential and shit.

You know... act like a real GD President and address the issue head-on.

true . . . but the funny thing is that even mild protests (i.e.. town hall meetings, which never included "protests" in this sense but more just aggravated complaints) after Obama was elected were often responded to with aggressive behavior, which resulted in improved credibility for Obama's agenda. some great irony there, huh? turncoat Arlen Specter says "hi"
I agree. I have no clue. But he'll let them walk around until they get bored that nobody is paying attention and they hopefully go home.

I HATE trying to type on this dang phone. Makes me sound like an even bigger idiot than I actually am. But hopefully you guys are smart enough to figure out I meant ... hell. Not he'll.
A lot of douchbags on the streets tonight. Watch out decent Americans
I've been telling you all CNN is great TV. Don't watch it for real info, instead think of it as a slapstick comedy.

They do have some responsibility and a few have touched on it, but they have so many idiots they only want to call out others for their exact same actions.

Don Lemon who escaped TV last night should be awesome tonight.
I took your advice, krazykats. Very entertaining. Makes our victory all the more satisfying.
You're right of course.

Except you didn't work 11 hours today.

Says who? I showed up early at 615am so that I could run materials in my personal truck for 3 different jobs where Mexicans called me last night after hours. They needed it to finish projects and get to the next job before the weekend. So even though I was up til 2am I sucked it up for the people I feel like I work for that help me and my clients.

I didn't get home until about 5pm so while it wasn't 11 hours on the dot I don't punch a clock.

But thanks though for reminding me I shouldn't stay up late again tonight, which I will and still make it to work another 9-10 hours tomorrow because I'm an adult with responsibilities that my govt doesn't have to help with.
No way, man. Lose instant credibility. Now is the time to use their actions against them and come out looking all presidential and shit.

You know... act like a real GD President and address the issue head-on.

Nah. These people are not right in the head.

He can do that with normal people.
Hildagarde: 59,814,018
The Donald: 59,611,678

say it just one more time for the whole class . . . there is no such thing as a popular vote in a national election in US politics. It does not exist any more than do unicorns and pots of gold at the ends of rainbows. If it did, candidates and political parties would campaign throughout the election process in an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MANNER, and those IRRELEVANT NUMBERS YOU HAVE POSTED . . . would now be different . . . much different.

Now, let's see what you have learned . .

True or False: there is no such thing as a popular vote in a national election in US politics
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Unfortunately, the left are the fascist they claim the right is. According to them you must conform to their ideas or they will demonstrate or riot, or throw a tantrum until you comply.
Man, more and more of this I see. The have become the mirror image to what they protest. I consider myself on the left, but the left had a chance. They nominated a person who effectively was destroying what makes this country great: choice or freedom of choice. That was the left's fault. The policies back fired. People are tired of being told how bad they are for just wanting to work hard, make money, stake out a claim for their family. People arent at home rubbing their hands together and planning how to kill mexicans and blacks (minus heisman). They want equality, but our country is based off hard work. The harder you work, the more you should get ahead. And each day, these people come and believe they are entitled to the blood sweat and tears you and I provide.

The vote was the place to make change. This is a democracy, you vote for change, not take it by force. That is being a nazi. In democracies, you have winners and losers. Its ok to lose. There is a next time.

Just a sad state where the country is right now. Trump isnt the devil. Infact, he is probably more liberal than most cons would like. But people are tired of being made to feel bad for just existing.
interesting time with y'all here - appreciate the comments. Yes, I was up until 4:30 this morning too, waiting, watching, reading.

For the nasty comments about the coal miners being up and maybe getting to go back to work, or the ones who were simply jobless- how about this: did it occur to you that there are other shifts?
Yes it did but coal miners want their axed mining jobs back last I heard. Nasty? Seriously? I thought you voted Trump?
Rachel Maddow losing her mind live right now, crying, comparing Electing Trump to the mistaken launch of a nuclear missile. Making zero sense. Incoherent. This is epic. I've never seen anything like this from a "professional" journalist.

Best news I've heard all day.
Spending money creates debt. Ask The Donald after all the various infrastructure he proposed. What a concept? The GOP should fall right in line with that strategy.
Until he adds to the debt, Obama was the point. Simple liberal deflection, blame someone else who had nothing to do with it. Point? Weak ass response by you. Lack of intelligent response. Not surprising.
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Because this is the product of what happens when schools say "everyone is special" mentality. They've never experienced real life loss. Everybody is a winner doesn't work when you have winners or losers.

these kids are growing up in a society now where we don't keep score, everyone gets a trophy. everyone is supposed to be equally special. so when they don't get what they want, they throw a fit.
yea, well she was plus 5 mill in New York and California. so you want 2 states to essentially decide your presidency every time out. aside from the 2 most liberal states in the union, the other 48 it was a landslide.
You had better spell it out better for him, he is an uneducated democrat.
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Tehran (AFP) - Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said Wednesday there was "no possibility" of its nuclear deal with world powers being overturned by US president-elect Donald Trump
these kids are growing up in a society now where we don't keep score, everyone gets a trophy. everyone is supposed to be equally special. so when they don't get what they want, they throw a fit.

Exactly man.

For most young voters this is the first passionate matter they get to play a part as an adult. Put all the energy in the world for something that you feel passionate about only to have a man who they hate, suck their souls out. And they have emotional rage because they've never lost something that matters
yea, well she was plus 5 mill in New York and California. so you want 2 states to essentially decide your presidency every time out. aside from the 2 most liberal states in the union, the other 48 it was a landslide.
My president is Donald Trump. I simply didn't support him but will be among the first independents to acknowledge a job well done. Let's see what happens.

Yet he lost his home state by 21%. Reagan won his home state, the most liberal state, California, by 17%.
Media talking heads are saying "there is a great divide in the country". Yet, how can this be when Barack Obama was elected because he would "bring the country together"? Why is it that after 2 terms of an African American presidency we are MORE divided than ever?

Barry touched on that during his speech today. How he worked so hard to unify this country after it was in such horrible shape, trump is receiving a country that's in great shape, we must work hard to make sure we don't become divided, etc.
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Liberals are whining little babies who have done nothing for this country that expect everything to be giving to them. Come to me libs, I will stick a boot up your butt and you will thank me for it. Similar to Mexico building a wall.
Liberals are whining little babies who have done nothing for this country that expect everything to be giving to them. Come to me libs, I will stick a boot up your butt and you will thank me for it. Similar to Mexico building a wall.

You do know that was Trump's clever, savvy business move, right?

This guy's post explains it so well.

"Of course they won't (Mexico paying). Getting Mexico to pay for the wall was never about getting Mexico to pay for the wall.

Getting Mexico to pay for the wall was about talking past the sale. If Trump had said "I'm gonna build a wall" everyone would have been arguing about building a wall. If Trump says "I'm gonna build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it", then we wind up arguing about who's gonna pay for it, already presupposing it's gonna be built.

Then when Trump eventually manages to strike a deal whereby America pays for the wall, in exchange for certain forms of cooperation from Mexico, the Mexicans can feel like they got something."
Exactly man.

For most young voters this is the first passionate matter they get to play a part as an adult. Put all the energy in the world for something that you feel passionate about only to have a man who they hate, suck their souls out. And they have emotional rage because they've never lost something that matters
They have never been told no.
Holy moly this thread moved like lightning today. If i missed anything important, let me know

@krazykats, did you find out the troop number? Alternatively, I could call somebody at the Bluegrass Council office and have them put it towards the troop's summer camp fees or something like that
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Media talking heads are saying "there is a great divide in the country". Yet, how can this be when Barack Obama was elected because he would "bring the country together"? Why is it that after 2 terms of an African American presidency we are MORE divided than ever?
You didn't hear? The country only became divided a year ago & it's all b/c of Trump's rhetoric.
Real world shit. When you hit 18. Shit starts getting real.
My 10 year old daughter saw a video of a teenage girl giving her mother a hard time, she (my daughter) turned to her mother and said "that would not work with daddy being here, in one day she would be doing as she was told," made me laugh.
My president is Donald Trump. I simply didn't support him but will be among the first independents to acknowledge a job well done. Let's see what happens.

Yet he lost his home state by 21%. Reagan won his home state, the most liberal state, California, by 17%.
Excellent point. I looked it up on HuffPo and it turns out that 36 years ago, California had the same demographics and mindset as New York does in 2016. You obviously have an astute understanding of the political landscape.