How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This is interesting. It looks like we can thank the Amish/Mennonites for the Trump victory. They showed up big in PA and OH and I suspect lots of other states as well. I saw an article on Snopes that called it a hoax but I used to be Mennonite and my Facebook is full of friends and relatives who voted for him. This article was apparently written pre election and it has a post election update. The "more than 3 million" in the city of Columbus doesn't ring true, but they were a big factor for sure. I've also never heard of the AAB and don't know if there is such a thing.
I can't believe the Amish were aware of how big of a deal Hillary's emails are.
It wasn't the emails so much as the spirit cookin' they couldn't abide. Amish folk take that spirit/satan stuff real serious like.
This shit is gonna take off in the coming weeks. Sacrifices to satanic gods?
Actually, it probably won't. MSM will be too busy sharing videos of Trump voters accosting innocent liberals.
Pretty sure he was just joking... insinuating that the Amish are not versed in the digital world of technology. Which is funny.
Oh, ok. I missed that. It used to be that they would not vote. But apparently a lot of them are starting to now. I know that they have significant numbers, especially in Ohio and Pa and there are also lots of them in Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, etc. If they can be motivated to vote it can certainly play a big factor. And as close as PA was it probably put him over the top assuming they did vote in good numbers.
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It's been said before, but if nothing else, hopefully this election serves as a wakeup call to both parties. I mean the right (of which I'm a member), actually lost their own primary. How does that even happen? Once the left decides to quit throwing a tantrum, and the post-coital glow fades from the right, hopefully they can both reevaluate exactly what the hell they're doing.

Actually listening to the people would be the best place to start. Assuming you know what someone wants, or worse, what's best for them, is a good way to get your ass handed to you.

My hope for the next election, regardless of who's running, is that it's viewed as more of a win/win for the American people, rather than a lose/lose.
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she couldn't stop crying . . . doesn't sound like somebody who has ANY business being POTUS. If you can't control your emotions stay home and cook something

Ed Klein: Hillary Couldn't Stop Crying, Told Friend She Blames Comey and Obama For Loss

Yeah, just like the left. Blame everyone but yourself. The fact that she was given the nominee, that she wasn't indicted, that the press protected her & decided to go into a one-sided nuclear attack mode on Trump gave her about as much of an advantage as you could get.

It's the equivalent of a Duke bracket compared to a 2011 Kentucky regional bracket.
This shit is gonna take off in the coming weeks. Sacrifices to satanic gods?
Actually, it probably won't. MSM will be too busy sharing videos of Trump voters accosting innocent liberals.

It would be beautiful if it really did catch on and the truth got out, but like you said, MSM won't let that happen. I just get this feeling that we are so close to taking the country back from the POLITICAL elite, but will someone not see that dream achieved. Busting the lid off of the cult that her an others are a part of would surely wake a lot of people up and start the demise.
It's been said before, but if nothing else, hopefully this election serves as a wakeup call to both parties. I mean the right (of which I'm a member), actually lost their own primary. How does that even happen? Once the left decides to quit throwing a tantrum, and the post-coital glow fades from the right, hopefully they can both reevaluate exactly what the hell they're doing.

Actually listening to the people would be the best place to start. Assuming you know what someone wants, or worse, what's best for them, is a good way to get your ass handed to you.

My hope for the next election, regardless of who's running, is that it's viewed as more of a win/win for the American people, rather than a lose/lose.
I think both parties have now been fundamentally changed. The post-1963 coalitions are splintering and orienting themselves around new issues. Trump had already smashed the GOP over the past year and the massive upset Tuesday night served to upend the traditional Democratic leadership hierarchy.

I mean, the de facto leader of the Dems is now a guy who wasn't even a Democrat until he decided to run for POTUS.

It's now going to be a metropolitan, multiethnic party versus a rural, working persons party. Groups that should be nervous:
-- Wall Street Republicans
-- Union boss Democrats
-- Religious right Republicans

Could the above still find a party willing to take bullets for them? Possibly. But their priorities and strategic positioning have clearly been downgraded.

We're now walking thru the entryway of the Seventh Party System, IMO.

EDIT -- A fourth group that doesn't have a clear spot in either party anymore: anybody in favor of free trade.
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Again, I've yet to go to a convenient store for coffee and be met with a white, uneducated, working-class male screaming at every customer as they leave that "That's MY cracka in the WH now! Whatchu Gunna Do? That's MY cracka in the WH now!" Over and over like I did in 2008.

So, if i had to pick....
Why is Obama your cracka?
This was obviously the Dem talking point of the day as I heard it repeated over and over again on CNN as I watched their Hillary Clinton Memorial service last night. Even saw two different CNN pundits talk about how one county could have changed Michigan to Hillary if they had just voted in the same numbers they voted for Obama. Well...they didn't.
yeah, they did that after the Kerry loss - "see, if this one county in Ohio had gone blue, Kerry would have won!" From there, it's an easy leap to make the argument that some sort of fraud is the reason they lost. All in the name of de-legitimizing the winner - once you've done that, any statement or claim is fair game.
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Had forgotten about Harry Reid changing the judicial nominee rules....need to send that hombre a thank you note.
yep. One thing I'd forgotten - at the time, McConnel's move to deny a vote to Obama's choice for the Supreme Court seemed risky - but he's come out of it smelling like a rose. That name will be withdrawn, and a presumably better and more conservative choice will be seated.

By the way, don't expect the media or the Dems to remember what Reid did......
yep. One thing I'd forgotten - at the time, McConnel's move to deny a vote to Obama's choice for the Supreme Court seemed risky - but he's come out of it smelling like a rose. That name will be withdrawn, and a presumably better and more conservative choice will be seated.

By the way, don't expect the media or the Dems to remember what Reid did......

McConnel's been in office long enough, about time he got something right. That doesn't negate years of absolute nothing from him though.
I think both parties have now been fundamentally changed.

We're now walking thru the entryway of the Seventh Party System, IMO.

I can go along with that.

I think the majority of sensible, working class Americans are probably a little left of center socially and a little right of center fiscally, but I could be wrong. Wouldn't surprise me at all if that doesn't perfectly describe a Trump presidency when it's all said and done.

The problem has seemed to be both parties have to dive head first off the deep end one way or the other to get themselves elected. When one side does it, the other is forced to do it as a counter measure.
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she couldn't stop crying . . . doesn't sound like somebody who has ANY business being POTUS. If you can't control your emotions stay home and cook something

Ed Klein: Hillary Couldn't Stop Crying, Told Friend She Blames Comey and Obama For Loss
Just more proof that she's guilty to me. Says right there in that article that Hillary expected Obama to abuse his power & stop Comey, any means necessary.
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I can go along with that.

I think the majority of sensible, working class Americans are probably a little left of center socially and a little right of center fiscally, but I could be wrong. Wouldn't surprise me at all if that doesn't perfectly describe a Trump presidency when it's all said and done.

The problem has seemed to be both parties have to dive head first off the deep end one way or the other to get themselves elected. When one side does it, the other is forced to do it as a counter measure.
I think you're accurate in that assessment, which is why I think the religious right is going to have significantly less influence now. Trump isn't going to die on that hill.

This really was a perfect storm to destroy both parties at once. Remarkable, in hindsight.
This was obviously the Dem talking point of the day as I heard it repeated over and over again on CNN as I watched their Hillary Clinton Memorial service last night. Even saw two different CNN pundits talk about how one county could have changed Michigan to Hillary if they had just voted in the same numbers they voted for Obama. Well...they didn't.

Interesting graphic, for clarification--I don't believe this is based on voting results, simply population concentration. Half of the population of the United States lives in the area highlighted in blue.

Why do you hate democracy? [smoke]
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I think both parties have now been fundamentally changed. The post-1963 coalitions are splintering and orienting themselves around new issues. Trump had already smashed the GOP over the past year and the massive upset Tuesday night served to upend the traditional Democratic leadership hierarchy.

I mean, the de facto leader of the Dems is now a guy who wasn't even a Democrat until he decided to run for POTUS.

It's now going to be a metropolitan, multiethnic party versus a rural, working persons party. Groups that should be nervous:
-- Wall Street Republicans
-- Union boss Democrats
-- Religious right Republicans

Could the above still find a party willing to take bullets for them? Possibly. But their priorities and strategic positioning have clearly been downgraded.

We're now walking thru the entryway of the Seventh Party System, IMO.

EDIT -- A fourth group that doesn't have a clear spot in either party anymore: anybody in favor of free trade.
yep, going to be interesting to see how this evolves, what coalitions come together over the next generation. As I said yesterday, I think there's a decent chance Trump disappoints those middle/lower working class whites who feel abandoned and have watched their jobs leave. Even if he's true to the cause - what can he do on the individual level to a guy who worked at the plant and the plant is now gone? I heard a leftist leaning talking head last night say that "well, now there's been realignment and the upper Midwest rust belt is Red." Like what happened after desegregation in the 1960s South. Hold on sister, maybe this is a one time thing - not sure that Repubs can now count on winning Pennsylvania going forward. and that's just one piece of it all.....
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yep, going to be interesting to see how this evolves, what coalitions come together over the next generation. As I said yesterday, I think there's a decent chance Trump disappoints those middle/lower working class whites who feel abandoned and have watched their jobs leave. Even if he's true to the cause - what can he do on the individual level to a guy who worked at the plant and the plant is now gone? I heard a leftist leaning talking head last night say that "well, now there's been realignment and the upper Midwest rust belt is Red." Like what happened after desegregation in the 1960s South. Hold on sister, maybe this is a one time thing - not sure that Repubs can now count on winning Pennsylvania going forward. and that's just one piece of it all.....
The two questions I keep throwing around in my head:

(1) Who is Trump more likely to stab in the back: The 50M voters that put him in power, or the GOP leadership whom he's never clearly liked/supported at any point in his life?

(2) Which is more likely: Trump has *actually* changed his mind on the social issues he'd held his entire adult life, Trump *actually* is a [fill in the blank]ist, Trump *actually* wants to blow up the federal budget, and 49% of the country *actually* was fooled into voting for a demagogic autocrat....or it was all just campaign bluster designed to get him in office and stake out starting positions for the forthcoming bargains?

I'm guessing "the latter" for both of those....

....and I hope I'm right.
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The two questions I keep throwing around in my head:

(1) Who is Trump more likely to stab in the back: The 50M voters that put him in power, or the GOP leadership whom he's never clearly liked/supported at any point in his life?

(2) Which is more likely: Trump has *actually* changed his mind on the social issues he'd held his entire adult life, Trump *actually* is a [fill in the blank]ist, Trump *actually* wants to blow up the federal budget, and 49% of the country *actually* was fooled into voting for a demagogic autocrat....or it was all just campaign bluster designed to get him in office and stake out starting positions for the forthcoming bargains?

I'm guessing "the latter" for both of those....

....and I hope I'm right.

Let's delve into the realm of tin foil hats for a minute..I'm not saying Trump and Wikileaks have a relationship, BUT...what if your are right on both of your latter conclusions, and Wikileaks helps pave the way for Trump during his presidency. Someone Trump wants out of Washington, and wiki releases documents to make it happen?
What if Wiki sees Trump as exactly what we need, the outsider to clean thing up, but they know as well as the rest of us that he can't do it alone. So they are the saviors in the shadows?

That would be one hell of a's possible, right?
Let's delve into the realm of tin foil hats for a minute..I'm not saying Trump and Wikileaks have a relationship, BUT...what if your are right on both of your latter conclusions, and Wikileaks helps pave the way for Trump during his presidency. Someone Trump wants out of Washington, and wiki releases documents to make it happen?
What if Wiki sees Trump as exactly what we need, the outsider to clean thing up, but they know as well as the rest of us that he can't do it alone. So they are the saviors in the shadows?

That would be one hell of a's possible, right?
Direct from Wikileaks staffers:

"Why do you only seem to have information on Democrats?
If you were as Noble as you say you would believe in government accountability at all levels, not just for one party."

"To date, we have not received information on Donald Trump’s campaign, or other campaigns. If it were to be submitted now we would happily publish it. Information on how campaigns are fought is important in the moment, and after to learn lessons from. We certainly believe in accountability and transparency for the powerful. And this includes for all the campaigns in the election. We can of course only publish what we receive. If anyone has information on any of the other campaigns we urge them to submit it now before it is deleted -"

Wikileaks obtains leaks through anonymous submissions only, they then check for verification and then release when they deem them most effective in generating awareness.
The two questions I keep throwing around in my head:

(1) Who is Trump more likely to stab in the back: The 50M voters that put him in power, or the GOP leadership whom he's never clearly liked/supported at any point in his life?

(2) Which is more likely: Trump has *actually* changed his mind on the social issues he'd held his entire adult life, Trump *actually* is a [fill in the blank]ist, Trump *actually* wants to blow up the federal budget, and 49% of the country *actually* was fooled into voting for a demagogic autocrat....or it was all just campaign bluster designed to get him in office and stake out starting positions for the forthcoming bargains?

I'm guessing "the latter" for both of those....

....and I hope I'm right.

Will be interesting to see how some of these career politicians, who are so accustomed to bargaining with other career politicians, react when a shrewd business man is sitting across the table this time. Maybe I'm underestimating them and they're ready for it, or maybe they piss down their leg.
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I think you're accurate in that assessment, which is why I think the religious right is going to have significantly less influence now. Trump isn't going to die on that hill.

This really was a perfect storm to destroy both parties at once. Remarkable, in hindsight.
You have a remarkable inability to understand the dynamics of this election.

I don't think you've made one correct statement yet:

He dominated the evangelical vote; they arguably put him in office. You think he's going to walk away from that? SMH...
Will be interesting to see how some of these career politicians, who are so accustomed to bargaining with other career politicians, react when a shrewd business man is sitting across the table this time. Maybe I'm underestimating them and they're ready for it, or maybe they piss down their leg.
After seeing the precinct-by-precinct results from Tuesday, they'd be dumb to give Trump a reason to sic the electoral hounds on them. While he didn't win the popular vote, his electorate was highly, highly concentrated in R-leaning districts (so even though he got less votes than Romney, he had a much better performance in a lot of GOP strongholds).

He's got them over a barrel. Remains to be seen whether that's a good thing.
Direct from Wikileaks staffers:

"Why do you only seem to have information on Democrats?
If you were as Noble as you say you would believe in government accountability at all levels, not just for one party."

"To date, we have not received information on Donald Trump’s campaign, or other campaigns. If it were to be submitted now we would happily publish it. Information on how campaigns are fought is important in the moment, and after to learn lessons from. We certainly believe in accountability and transparency for the powerful. And this includes for all the campaigns in the election. We can of course only publish what we receive. If anyone has information on any of the other campaigns we urge them to submit it now before it is deleted -"

Wikileaks obtains leaks through anonymous submissions only, they then check for verification and then release when they deem them most effective in generating awareness.

Right, I get all that. I'm just saying wouldn't it be crazy if leaks for the career politicians in Washington started rolling in after Trump is sworn in or as needed.