How will they rule ??!

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Saw a good point somewhere on we will see what the real value of HRC and BC speeches are and how much was inflated for grifting.
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I witnessed these two firsthand today.




I plan on trolling this board later.
i work in a fairly large place. quite diverse. many former legal immigrants from various parts of the world who came in and gained their citizenship the right way, the hard way. everyone of them voted, because that is one right they now have that didn't exist in this capacity where they came from. and everyone single one voted for Trump. people of color, some white. they are from various parts of the caribbean, from africa, some from eastern european countries, one vietnamese, and one australian. if course they are all now Americans. all voted for Trump. now those that didn't vote for him are angry and tried talking over me when just mentioning the election and hope I'm glad for supporting a racist. that is their only, sole argument today.
Folks like Pelosi, Mitch, Graham, and many others cannot be gone soon enough. So McCain decides he needs to die in his Senate seat. Power does some crazy things to people. My Lord, when I get into my 60's all I will think about is telling work to go F itself and go all Rich Brooks on retirement.
Strom Thurmond was in office for about 600 years. At the end he was wheeled drooling into the Senate, looking like Capt. Christopher Pike.
Regarding term limits - I think it should be that you can only serve x number of years(terms) 'consecutively'. If you want to run again in the future then fine.
No. A Certsin time in the House then bye. You can then serve in the Senate for a certain term then you are finished.
My wife's best friend is a white girl from Woodford County that they met at UK.

She now lives in San Fran is a mega feminist. She called my wife in tears today in disbelief.

HAHAHA Told me wife that she doesn't understand how Trump could be elected because she doesn't understand anything outside of her comfy little San Fran bubble.
Do people think Gingrich is smart? Still? I've never bought that one, and I didn't in the late 1990s, either (I was young (1997 grad) and hardcore conservative that wrote papers/speeches on the Contract with America). Cruz? Yup. Christie? Yup. Kasich? Yup. Romney? Yes. Ryan? Yes. Rubio? No. Jeb!? Eh. But the Gingrich smart thing? He seems to be what someone dumb thinks someone smart sounds like (heard that in the last election, and it struck me as accurate). Kerry always struck me with that vibe, too.

Edit: found a good quote from an old law professor, a conservative at NYU; we also had Epstein.

“Nobody thinks of Gingrich as a wonky type. Nobody thinks of him as someone who has serious positions, white papers, policies on a wide array of issues coming from deep knowledge and experience,” said Roderick Hills Jr., a constitutional law professor at New York University who’s active in the conservative Federalist Society. “I don’t think of him that way, and I don’t know of any professor who thinks of him that way.”

Frankly I doubt any professor thinks of anyone other than himself as smart.
People keep saying this, but you really think this? Trump has identified as a democrat most of his life.

Not demeaning, asking why you think this.
He already made a list for the SC and made it public. They are all conservative. He's not Killary or ObamallahAkbar, the Justice will come from that list.
Sounds like the SJWs and BLM have some riots planned for tonight.

I think this fed into the media relaying a message that wasn't representive of what was happening. If this happened before Trump was elected these groups would be met with serious confrontation!
Saw that Matt Jones said the Country hired a Billy Gillespie for President.
This may have been discussed here, but I admit I haven't read all the posts here since last night.

Jones is a goober, like the party he worships.
Poor Matt. Always wrong.

The country hired a John Calipari, and he's about to get sh*t right/land the plane/turn this program around.
My wife's best friend is a white girl from Woodford County that they met at UK.

She now lives in San Fran is a mega feminist. She called my wife in tears today in disbelief.

HAHAHA Told me wife that she doesn't understand how Trump could be elected because she doesn't understand anything outside of her comfy little San Fran bubble.
While underway in 1992 I took two college courses. Sociology and Criminology that were taught by a professor brought out from UC Berkley. I actually liked that tree hugging hippie a lot.

But she did throw me out of the Sociology class at least twice. :) I still got an A so it was not all bad. In her mind every bad occurrence in history was caused by white males. Every one. I cannot imagine how UC Berkley would be now.
Broken dreams and flying machines lay in pieces upon the ground.

I wish our new President great success. May his promises be delivered and the broken folks in the middle be made whole again with their jobs returned, the factories reopened, the coal mines bustling with invasive miners, and low cost high quality healthcare available to all. Our budget balanced. Taxes for all lowered. Trade deals renegotiated to our favor. Our infrastructure rebuilt. Our enemies cowered before our feet. Our allies proudly by our sides.

By his word we will have all these things and then some.

Oh, and of course Mexico will pay for that wall lest we have a "read my lips, no new taxes" moment heading into 2020 when the bill comes due for these miraculous works we have yet to behold. Most promised in his first 100 days, mind you.
If he reverses ObamallahAkbar's executive orders, repeals Obama Care, and I've us a conservative SCJ anything else will be icing on the cake.
When you look at the sum total, HCs career was pretty disastrous. History will judge Obes poorly as well, but at least he won 2 potus elections.

At any rate, doesn't really matter but good grief what a debacle of a party. Outside the aforementioned 2 potus wins they have lost or failed at literally every turn. I mean, Obamacare was in the dead of night when the people said f*ck off and elected Scott Brown to Ted Eff Kennedy's seat.

Not sure what the Democrat Party will look like in future but damn, Trump whacked them in the knees with a Jeff Gillooly collapsable baton....won't recover in this form for sometime or ever.
I like this comment

"Within 12 hours, Trump got Putin to agree to talks of a strengthened alliance, Netanyahu is excited for a stronger Israel alliance, and the markets are boosted. Not even President yet."

Also, exact Reuters title:

'Philippines' Duterte says to stop quarrels with U.S. after Trump win'

I like this comment

"Within 12 hours, Trump got Putin to agree to talks of a strengthened alliance, Netanyahu is excited for a stronger Israel alliance, and the markets are boosted. Not even President yet."

Also, exact Reuters title:

'Philippines' Duterte says to stop quarrels with U.S. after Trump win'
Nobel Peace Prize?
While underway in 1992 I took two college courses. Sociology and Criminology that were taught by a professor brought out from UC Berkley. I actually liked that tree hugging hippie a lot.

But she did throw me out of the Sociology class at least twice. :) I still got an A so it was not all bad. In her mind every bad occurrence in history was caused by white males. Every one. I cannot imagine how UC Berkley would be now.

I've read that it's pretty SJW now. Hey, tree hugging hippies are cool people. I'm sure she had the dankest budz
I like this comment

"Within 12 hours, Trump got Putin to agree to talks of a strengthened alliance, Netanyahu is excited for a stronger Israel alliance, and the markets are boosted. Not even President yet."

Also, exact Reuters title:

'Philippines' Duterte says to stop quarrels with U.S. after Trump win'
In all seriousness, he has the opportunity to *clown* Obama's presidency....