How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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When did I speak in absolutes? Do you even know what that means? In my post I never said he is or isn't going to do something. You made that up.

And I'm not worried b/c I'm not a drama queen & I understand how our government works. Trump isn't going to be able to go all madman & do whatever he damn well pleases. Sack up & stop believeing the Clinton propaganda you've been fed.

Yes I know what it means. Its not my fault if you cant see that you are doing the same thing you accused me of.

And I know how this Government works. In case you missed it....... you know your whole rallying cry against the democrats and all. The way this government works lead us to the shape we are in right now. The man wont be able to push any crazy agendas across. But it doesnt stop him from saying racist things and sparking conflicts we dont need.. it doesnt stop him from saying sexist things and starting unrest in our country.
I think this election exposed how brain dead liberals are. You claim your for the little guy and corporations are evil....yet your nominee was a crony capitalist, tied to banks, who loves intervening in foreign lands causing chaos and war. The Republicans were actually the ones who raged against the machine. People are tired of an ever expanding government, and regulation. People are sick of Democrats telling them they can't live without government and putting ceilings on people instead of creating opportunity and getting the hell out of the way. liberals proved how misguided they are with dem propaganda and face value policy based on feelings.

republicans also stand for fiscal responsbility, something for which trump decidedly does not practice. lets not mix metaphors by comparing party ideals to the candidates that were pushed forth. a majority of democrats and republicans are responsible members of society.
I don't get why an above ground pipeline is so horrible. Plumbing from 100 years ago is still working in my house without an issue. This isn't the ocean.. it's not nuclear energy. It's an easy to fix pipeline. I'm not even sure how it affects wildlife.. the deer can just walk under it.

I've also heard that almost all pipe breaks are orchestrated.

We all agree that money should be spent to ensure the pipelines is well under control. No cutting corners.. but after that? Who gives AF?
Dirt people who will fight this in the courts.
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Yes I know what it means. Its not my fault if you cant see that you are doing the same thing you accused me of.

And I know how this Government works. In case you missed it....... you know your whole rallying cry against the democrats and all. The way this government works lead us to the shape we are in right now. The man wont be able to push any crazy agendas across. But it doesnt stop him from saying racist things and sparking conflicts we dont need.. it doesnt stop him from saying sexist things and starting unrest in our country.

You mean like:

"fcking jew bastard!"


"I love this quote. It's from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Ghandi, do you still go to the gas station?"

"I am adamantly against illegal immigrants"

speaking of Obama "A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee"

"all lives matter"

"illegal aliens"

"colored peoples time"

had experience dealing with wild men (Native Americans) when they "get off the reservation"

You talking about that kind of racist stuff?
Yes I know what it means. Its not my fault if you cant see that you are doing the same thing you accused me of.
No, I'm not. Never once did I claim he will or will not do anything, far from it. I just said I'm not worried about it either way. See the difference? Besides, why would I be worried? I voted for Trump. Exactly what I wanted to happen happened. If I was worried that much, I would've never voted for him.

But it doesnt stop him from saying racist things and sparking conflicts we dont need.. it doesnt stop him from saying sexist things and starting unrest in our country.

Are you in a coma? Have you not turned on the TV or visited a single social media site today? Everything you're accussing Trump of maybe, possibly, one day saying, the Democrats, liberals & MSM have been doing & saying since 4 a.m. this morning, so spare me the self righteous bs.
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I'm conflicted on term limits.

On the one hand, I think people should be able to elect who they want. If that person is elected perpetually, so be it.

Then I look at retards in this country who continuously elect people like Reid and Pelosi, and I think term limits are great.

I also reside in a state that has reelected McConnell continuously, and the people everywhere else in the country probably feel the same way about me as I do about CA and NV (although I sure as shit did not vote for McConnell).

So while I think people should be able to elect who they want, for the most part, American's really are too goddam stupid to be trusted with a vote.
I don't get why an above ground pipeline is so horrible. Plumbing from 100 years ago is still working in my house without an issue. This isn't the ocean.. it's not nuclear energy. It's an easy to fix pipeline. I'm not even sure how it affects wildlife.. the deer can just walk under it.

I've also heard that almost all pipe breaks are orchestrated.

We all agree that money should be spent to ensure the pipelines is well under control. No cutting corners.. but after that? Who gives AF?

simple illustration on this Wiki page depicting incomplete portion.
Folks like Pelosi, Mitch, Graham, and many others cannot be gone soon enough. So McCain decides he needs to die in his Senate seat. Power does some crazy things to people. My Lord, when I get into my 60's all I will think about is telling work to go F itself and go all Rich Brooks on retirement.
Then I look at retards in this country who continuously elect people like Reid and Pelosi, and I think term limits are great.

NEVER!! underestimate the quantity and quality of refills available from California 5th congressional district
No, I'm not. Never once did I claim he will or will not do anything, far from it. I just said I'm not worried about it either way. See the difference?

Are you in a coma? Have you not turned on the TV or visited a single social media site today? Everything you're accussing Trump of maybe, possibly, one day saying, the Democrats, liberals & MSM have been doing it since 4 a.m. this morning, so spare me the bs.

I havent been watching but if they are..... thats horrible of them too. We dont need that at all and its a disgrace.

Its people with an agenda trying to start a push for democrats to win in 4 years. Its disgusting that both sides do it. It hurts our nation.
Yes I know what it means. Its not my fault if you cant see that you are doing the same thing you accused me of.

And I know how this Government works. In case you missed it....... you know your whole rallying cry against the democrats and all. The way this government works lead us to the shape we are in right now. The man wont be able to push any crazy agendas across. But it doesnt stop him from saying racist things and sparking conflicts we dont need.. it doesnt stop him from saying sexist things and starting unrest in our country.

Cry a damn river. You are in denial about what this election was about
I havent been watching but if they are....

Of course they are or I would have never said it. Its the same narrative they've been pushing for a year, but now that Trump has won they've really ramped it up.

According to the Democrats, MSM, & liberal sjw's, Trump winning is the fault of "white America", so "white America" is their enemy.

Anyone who voted Trump is being labeled today as a racist cracker, who wants to deport all immigrants, kill all Muslims, put all blacks back in chains & rape all women.

That's been the narrative most of the day. And it's not just coming from nut jobs on the Internet. MSM & Democrat politicians are also throwing it out there.
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LM f'kng @SS off at the media . . . ALL of the media . . . making excuses today with statements like . . . "there really was a hidden Trump voter" . . . hidden where? Just happened to be hidden in the polling data of those states where it mattered most, not in the data of those states where it was conclusive either way? And never was the Trump voter hidden, at no time and rarely at any place, particularly at any place where Trump WENT . . . as he entered those critical states, decorated with their flawed data, and spoke in the presence of thousands of Trump supporters - out in the wide @ss open - time and time again, for everyone to see, and see they did, and fear they did, and so flaw the data they did.

Must be a great way to mark a year and a few months of one's life . . . the troves of those persons, the "flawers", experts at actual hiding . . . for the purpose of being able to say that 'once, in the prime of my life, I did the best I could to f'k something up, and failed.'
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The level of irony cannot be overstated surrounding stories of Canada's immigration website crashing during the election, ostensibly due to Libs seeking to flee the USA and a Trump presidency.

Since when do the Libs subscribe to the notion of seeking legal citizenship when moving to another country?
Not to mention their blatant racism. Why do you think they didn't crash the website for Mexico?