How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Oh good, just another thing Trump can get rid of as soon as he takes office.

Not if it's passed as a treaty, which is supposedly the case. Then it requires all parties to agree to release us.

These fools on MSNBC talking about the "white power" racist movement. GTFO.

So immediately after electing a black president to two terms, we apparently became racists again, according to libs. I see they're gearing up for midterms already
Any idea how much the Saudi's will have to start paying for U.S. protection? Perhaps we can start paying our troops a higher wage and take better care of our veterans.
Bush said no during the Gulf war. We are not mercenaries he said.
Not if it's passed as a treaty, which is supposedly the case. Then it requires all parties to agree to release us.

So immediately after electing a black president to two terms, we apparently became racists again, according to libs. I see they're gearing up for midterms already

Yeah she said that the racism wouldn't allow whites to vote for a black man, followed by a woman...whatever the eff that means.
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I wonder who these racist morons will rally against 20 or so years from now when whites become the minority. They need some one to hate. Nazi's anyone?
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post I noticed a few min ago on yahoo political pg. . . . from "Grits" . . . he's got 462 replies

I'am a black American male and I will tell you; a lot of black Americans were not sold on Clinton. She pandered for our vote, but was too obvious about what she was doing. A lot of pundits would be surprised about the fact that black Americans are not quite liberal. If you look at carefully, especially amongst middle class and upper class black areas, we are more conservative than liberal. Look at Savannah, GA. It is a mostly black and heavily Democractic city, yet have elected a white Republican mayor. The pundits and political think tank are going to say the black Americans did not come out to vote. But we did; we just did not vote for Clinton.
In the end, I believe these results are because one issue: and that is Affordable Health Care Act (AHC, aka ObamaCare). It was a bad piece of legislation. Over the last two years, every and Novemeber we have seen our health insurance premiums sky rocket; drug costs are out of control; and many people, while signed on the ObamaCare market place, cannot find an insurance carrier. In an around-a-bout way the law also restricts the number of hours a person can work. (Any person working more than 32 hours a week must be provided with coverage). So what has happen is while people are finding jobs, most of them are finding parts jobs or having to work two jobs and still have no coverage.

. . . replies include this one from "Dr. Glo"

I am a black women with a phd degree. There was never a minute that I considered voting for Hillary. Obama did nothing for blacks but talk and Hillary would have been the same way. I think Obama was the worse presidents for blacks that there has ever been. Whatever Trump does, it has to be better. It could not get any worse. Like the writer said, middle and upper class blacks do not vote for something they do not believe in just because it has the name democrat in it.
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Let'em protest. They're all in liberal cities. Less production getting done. Traffic being blocked. Shitting on themselves.[roll]
I will help finish your thought...

The Truth: The Donald follows a 2 term Potus who has added more people to the welfare line than any other President, and grew the National Debt larger than all other President'said combined.
Spending money creates debt. Ask The Donald after all the various infrastructure he proposed. What a concept? The GOP should fall right in line with that strategy.
The best thing Trump can do for these clowns is be the best damn POTUS since Reagan and then some. He has a chance to turn the tables for the GOP. Truly help the inner cities, get people jobs, help college students get jobs, etc. That is the best thing he can do for them. Prove that they are dead wrong about him.
Final election result: Trump: 306 Clinton: 232

that's an ass-whipping. the media can troll along with "declaring" Arizona and Michigan at their own pace all they want but it doesn't matter. Those election boards will be licking the stamps and sending results to their electorates soon enough. Those ARE the results. None of you need depend on some television channel to let you know it.

Hildagarde: 59,814,018
The Donald: 59,611,678