How will they rule ??!

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I am a great writer. Nobody writes better than me. All these other writers are idiots. I'm telling you I will be the best writer that there ever has been. I write so good that you will be amazed to read it. Believe me, you have no idea of how great I will write.

Keep trying and remember what Hemingway said: The first draft of anything is shit.

Your problem seems to be that everything you write is a first draft.
I think this election exposed how brain dead liberals are. You claim your for the little guy and corporations are evil....yet your nominee was a crony capitalist, tied to banks, who loves intervening in foreign lands causing chaos and war. The Republicans were actually the ones who raged against the machine. People are tired of an ever expanding government, and regulation. People are sick of Democrats telling them they can't live without government and putting ceilings on people instead of creating opportunity and getting the hell out of the way. liberals proved how misguided they are with dem propaganda and face value policy based on feelings.
Liberals are the ultimate hypocrites.
Would love to see Newt as the Press Secretary. Doubtful he'd take that "lower" level position, but watching him skewer the press on a daily basis would be Pay-for-View worthy. Have to believe he'll find a place for Newt somewhere.
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Would love to see Newt as the Press Secretary. Doubtful he'd take that "lower" level position, but watching him skewer the press on a daily basis would be Pay-for-View worthy. Have to believe he'll find a place for Newt somewhere.
Newt will be in his cabinet. Trump said months ago that Newt will work with him if he wins. Will be interesting to see where hes put.
That's exactly what they told us about him winning, too. When are you guys going to realize you don't have a clue & stop speaking in absolutes?

You just spent months telling us all he'd never do this, never do that & not 24 hours after him actually doing it you're back, talking out of your ass again. It's you who his kidding yourself.

Ok why arent you worried at all? I mean since you are speaking in ABSOLUTES yourself that there is no reason to worry about a man known for his temper and ego. Why arent you worried at all then?

Neither choice was a good choice. In case you missed the exit polls... the vast majority of people thought this. Means there was good reason to worry no matter who got elected
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Do people think Gingrich is smart? Still? I've never bought that one, and I didn't in the late 1990s, either (I was young (1997 grad) and hardcore conservative that wrote papers/speeches on the Contract with America). Cruz? Yup. Christie? Yup. Kasich? Yup. Romney? Yes. Ryan? Yes. Rubio? No. Jeb!? Eh. But the Gingrich smart thing? He seems to be what someone dumb thinks someone smart sounds like (heard that in the last election, and it struck me as accurate). Kerry always struck me with that vibe, too.

Edit: found a good quote from an old law professor, a conservative at NYU; we also had Epstein.

“Nobody thinks of Gingrich as a wonky type. Nobody thinks of him as someone who has serious positions, white papers, policies on a wide array of issues coming from deep knowledge and experience,” said Roderick Hills Jr., a constitutional law professor at New York University who’s active in the conservative Federalist Society. “I don’t think of him that way, and I don’t know of any professor who thinks of him that way.”
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Surprised thrre hasn't been more discussion from those that favor a President being elected by popular vote vs electoral college.
I mean since you are speaking in ABSOLUTES yourself that there is no reason to worry about a man known for his temper and ego. Why arent you worried at all then?
When did I speak in absolutes? Do you even know what that means? In my post I never said he is or isn't going to do something. You made that up.

And I'm not worried b/c I'm not a drama queen & I understand how our government works. Trump isn't going to be able to go all madman & do whatever he damn well pleases. Sack up & stop believeing the Clinton propaganda you've been fed.
Do these stupid people think thAt by protesting they will change the results
Of the election? Spoiled brats

Do they think them protesting anything changes anything? They just yell and throw tantrums in a collective effort exposing that they're mentally fragile toddlers.

The left is oblivious to their hypocrisy and why they lost.

"Trump doesn't have the temperament. He won't concede to Hillary "
- Throws stuff, breaks things, destroys property, protests through the streets yelling obscenities rejecting the outcome and saying "He's not my president."

"This was a white lash. Racist whites voting for Trump."
- Blacks come out in record numbers to vote for a candidate simply because he's black in 2008 and 2012.

"If Hillary was a man, she would have won. Republicans are sexist."
- Forgets Republicans ran Sarah Palin in 2008 and she was vilified.

"Trump's divisive rhetoric causing all of this."
- Uses identity politics 24/7, ridicules white working class people as "uneducated."

"We can't let outside countries impact our election."
- Backs a candidate who is funded by Islamic nations, backed Obama who interfered in Israel's election.

"I don't feel safe now"
- Outnumbers Trump supporters on campus, follows and attacks Trump supporters, backs BLM who are quick to violence.

"America is so racist now. I can't believe this happened"
- Constantly pushes anti-white garbage to everyone and continues to cry racism oblivious to the fact of that being a driving force for their loss."
Do people think Gingrich is smart? Still? I've never bought that one, and I didn't in the late 1990s, either (I was young (1997 grad) and hardcore conservative that wrote papers/speeches on the Contract with America). Cruz? Yup. Christie? Yup. Kasich? Yup. Romney? Yes. Ryan? Yes. Rubio? No. Jeb!? Eh. But the Gingrich smart thing? He seems to be what someone dumb thinks someone smart sounds like (heard that in the last election, and it struck me as accurate). Kerry always struck me with that vibe, too.

Edit: found a good quote from an old law professor, a conservative at NYU; we also had Epstein.

“Nobody thinks of Gingrich as a wonky type. Nobody thinks of him as someone who has serious positions, white papers, policies on a wide array of issues coming from deep knowledge and experience,” said Roderick Hills Jr., a constitutional law professor at New York University who’s active in the conservative Federalist Society. “I don’t think of him that way, and I don’t know of any professor who thinks of him that way.”

Newt would skewer virtually any one of those individuals listed above in a debate. Some or all of them, including a NYU college professor might write a better white or position paper...but behind a podium...he's lethal.
Ok why arent you worried at all? I mean since you are speaking in ABSOLUTES yourself that there is no reason to worry about a man known for his temper and ego. Why arent you worried at all then?

Neither choice was a good choice. In case you missed the exit polls... the vast majority of people thought this. Means there was good reason to worry no matter who got elected

Yep. Cuz we just witnessed widespread validation of polls.

I meant to listen to Glenn Becks show today but I missed it. Bet it was hilarious.

He actually vowed to erase all trump quotes in his archives and start with a fresh slate. Still a beyotch, tho
The tears today are so delicious.

- Nearly a dozen people on Social Media admitted to crying. Like, seriously? You cried over an election which you a. know 13% about and b. have NO idea what's to come.
- About a half dozen Libs starting vicious name calling wars with people. An equal amount admitted they are deleting anyone with conservative posts (Typical of that party to erase opposing views)
- Apparently our retirements are gone forever. Never coming back. The Dow closes today for good, I guess.
- We will soon turn into Nazi Germany. People still think the President has some dictator like power.
- A few people calling for the voting process to be changed. Nothing like changing the rules after you lose. Apparently what wasn't a problem before, or having 55 EVs be automatically given to Dems by way of California.
- Celebs thinking CNN was totally biased towards Fox, and then continuing to drop a multitude of F-bombs and C-bombs. Nothing like holding the President to a higher standard than you'd ever hold yourselves.
- People claiming to be afraid. Again, going back to dictatorship and what not, like we're REALLY gonna go back to the 50's or something.

What a joy it was to read all of this! Hope everyone is celebrating to the fullest.
I don't read the Dying Courier Journal, haven't in years, so ordinarily I wouldn't know the work of Marc Murphy, the political cartoonist at the CJ. But he's one of those very angry, bitter cartoonists, an honest to goodness political hackshill, everything Dem is wholesome and good, and everything Repub is what's evil in the world. So I've seen his stuff from time to time as it goes viral. Thought I'd check his twitter today.

Absolutely delightful.
I bet Sean Hannity is strutting around big time today and flipping the middle finger to his MSM peers. That dude has been spot on about Trump and this election from Day 1. His ratings have been and will be gold for the distant future.
-The construction company behind Keystone Pipeline releases statement that construction plans are still in play...

-Bring steel back, manufacturing industry will follow. Pretty damned simple.

I don't get why an above ground pipeline is so horrible. Plumbing from 100 years ago is still working in my house without an issue. This isn't the ocean.. it's not nuclear energy. It's an easy to fix pipeline. I'm not even sure how it affects wildlife.. the deer can just walk under it.

I've also heard that almost all pipe breaks are orchestrated.

We all agree that money should be spent to ensure the pipelines is well under control. No cutting corners.. but after that? Who gives AF?
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