How will they rule ??!

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I openly hoped Obama failed, I just didn't know he could fail hard enough to get someone like Trump elected lmaooooo....especially against fn Hillary Clinton.

Al Roker is happy enough bc Hillary won the popular vote lol.

Netherlands, the country we aspire to be, was thrilled with Trump. So, that's good and progressive. Let's be progressive.

Al and the girls are now mocking the polls.

NBC doing a good job of calmly setting the table for their switch.

They're even putting Obama on blast a bit for his reckless comments about trump.

Just now really sinking in,
  • No more Clintons, they'll move to relative obscurity. And most likely the Bush family will do the same.
  • Obama just got put on the shelf. We won't have to see he and his wife paraded around like former Heavyweight Champions at every political event. He and his policies lost a third term, now go away.
  • The blatant corruption of Lerner, Lynch and the Clinton Global Initiative will not go completely ignored.
  • The Supreme Court is safe. More than anything--this is a huge relief as it really affects this countries long term future.
  • The elitist media just got hammered and may never recover. Might very well have been their last great hurrah of self-importance. (No longer can they manipulate the coverage without the threat of being outed. Their blatant bias was completely exposed thereby minimizing their effectiveness going forward.)
  • Political Correctness run amok. We've had enough. All lives matter, not just certain lives matter.

I've made it very clear, have never been a Trump supporter although I voted for him as the lesser of two evils. But was impressed by his acceptance speech....first thing was about bringing us all together. Would be great if he reached out to leading Democrats, Bernie, even Bill Clinton and did it today--first thing before anyone calls him.
It really is hard to believe, Obama was so successful in doing us sane folks knew he was going to do, that a guy like Donald Trump can get elected to undue it all.

But yeah, I should have hoped Obama succeeded in getting this awesome agenda passed.
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Just now really sinking in,
  • No more Clintons, they'll move to relative obscurity. And most likely the Bush family will do the same.
  • Obama just got put on the shelf. We won't have to see he and his wife paraded around like former Heavyweight Champions at every political event. He and his policies lost a third term, now go away.
  • The blatant corruption of Lerner, Lynch and the Clinton Global Initiative will not go completely ignored.
  • The Supreme Court is safe. More than anything--this is a huge relief as it really affects this countries long term future.
  • The elitist media just got hammered and may never recover. Might very well have been their last great hurrah of self-importance. (No longer can they manipulate the coverage without the threat of being outed. Their blatant bias was completely exposed thereby minimizing their effectiveness going forward.)
  • Political Correctness run amok. We've had enough. All lives matter, not just certain lives matter.

I've made it very clear, have never been a Trump supporter although I voted for him as the lesser of two evils. But was impressed by his acceptance speech....first thing was about bringing us all together. Would be great if he reached out to leading Democrats, Bernie, even Bill Clinton and did it today--first thing before anyone calls him.
I had the epiphany last night realizing EVERYTHING he's withstood in this election as I watched him call for unity. The man is the subject of legend, no matter how big of an ass he is.
I'm not sure why media isn't discussing, but for me, the Wikileaks did her in. As bad as Trump is, she did much worse.

This only mattered to those who took the initiative to read them and had the intellectual capacity and honesty to understand them.

Additionally, it's probably best your average 'plebian' isn't fully aware of their implications.. they were nothing sort of treasonous, but yeah the real issue was that they were anarchists or a Russian infiltration. :rolleyes:
The level of irony cannot be overstated surrounding stories of Canada's immigration website crashing during the election, ostensibly due to Libs seeking to flee the USA and a Trump presidency.

Since when do the Libs subscribe to the notion of seeking legal citizenship when moving to another country?

What they are going to find out once they get the site up is this:

If you don't have a job waiting here or a sponsor, don't bother. You certainly are not welcome to retire here and receive our free health care if you didn't pay into our system your entire working lives.

Mexico has a similar policy.

We won, but I would just like someone say that we will just echo the immigration policies of Canada and Mexico.

Can they argue that Canada and Mexico are doing it wrong?
There could only be 1 "outsider/anti-establishment" candidate in the primary. That was Rand Paul's chance, as the anti-establishment guy. He was polling well early and then Trump jumped in. Trump had the name recognition, and was even more of an outsider than the Senator, and the media couldn't talk about Trump enough. The GOP sent in Trump because they had like 200 candidates running, and many (including Paul) didn't get out until it was too late. Head to head I think Paul would have beaten Trump. The establishment would have preferred him to Trump, and he would have gotten enough of the anti-establishment vote to win. I also think several of the establishment guys would have beaten Trump head-to-head, had it been down to 2 or 3 candidates before March.

Rand Paul is a decent human being. Trump isn't in the same league as him. I really wanted rand to win the republican nomination
I had the epiphany last night realizing EVERYTHING he's withstood in this election as I watched him call for unity. The man is the subject of legend, no matter how big of an ass he is.
Agree, he basically won as an independent and exposed the flaws in our primary + general election system.
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Just now really sinking in,
  • No more Clintons, they'll move to relative obscurity. And most likely the Bush family will do the same.
  • Obama just got put on the shelf. We won't have to see he and his wife paraded around like former Heavyweight Champions at every political event. He and his policies lost a third term, now go away.
  • The blatant corruption of Lerner, Lynch and the Clinton Global Initiative will not go completely ignored.
  • The Supreme Court is safe. More than anything--this is a huge relief as it really affects this countries long term future.
  • The elitist media just got hammered and may never recover. Might very well have been their last great hurrah of self-importance. (No longer can they manipulate the coverage without the threat of being outed. Their blatant bias was completely exposed thereby minimizing their effectiveness going forward.)
  • Political Correctness run amok. We've had enough. All lives matter, not just certain lives matter.

I've made it very clear, have never been a Trump supporter although I voted for him as the lesser of two evils. But was impressed by his acceptance speech....first thing was about bringing us all together. Would be great if he reached out to leading Democrats, Bernie, even Bill Clinton and did it today--first thing before anyone calls him.

Basically everything.
Well said.
Meanwhile, Putin is already congratulating the American constituents and explains that he is hoping for "cooperation in ending the Russian-American crisis relations".

Next January we could have a united coalition against Syrian rebel terrorism and completely bury the threat of nuclear war with Russia. Electing Trump could possibly stop the nuclear apocalypse that surely would have occurred if War Hawk Hilldawg was elected.
Meanwhile, Putin is already congratulating the American constituents and explains that he is hoping for "cooperation in ending the Russian-American crisis relations".

Next January we could have a united coalition against Syrian rebel terrorism and completely bury the threat of nuclear war with Russia. Electing Trump could possibly stop the nuclear apocalypse that surely would have occurred if War Hawk Hilldawg was elected.

Ahahahhaha "cooperation"? The only difference between Putin and Kim Jong is that Putin has a more competent military. We should be very wary of russia
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One of my eternal frustrations is why people (on the left and right) demand to be collectivized. I have more than a few lesbian and gay friends and they all talk about Trump being a huge negative for their community as well as blacks, hispanics, etc.

I then say, "when has Trump ever said anything negative about gay people? And Hillary only started supporting gay marriage less than 5 years ago." Usually nothing in reply.

I mean, Trump has undoubtedly sad and proposed horrible things vis-a-vis Muslims and Hispanics. That said, why and how does that affect gays and blacks, two groups he openly courted as a GD Republican?

Before Heisman or any other jumps in with a ghostwritten Milo piece or "racial realism" youtube video, don't. That's not my argument
I think there is a huge silver lining with this. Both the republicans and democrats are going to put forth qualified candidates next election

That could be a huge problem. If Trump gets things done and things look more positive than they have in what seems like forever, then both parties may not want to field qualified politicians as candidates.
This vote was a very loud voice from the people condemning career politicians, and their do nothing ways.
Will either party be smart enough to recognize that and adjust decades of thinking? Probably not.
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I can't imagine Trump has anything more than a single term in mind the way it ages people. Although, what if we just saw the birth of a new political dynasty and will be stuck with a Trump somewhere in office for the next century like the Bush's.
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That could be a huge problem. If Trump gets things done and things look more positive than they have in what seems like forever, then both parties may not want to field qualified politicians as candidates.
This vote was a very loud voice from the people condemning career politicians, and their do nothing ways.
Will either party be smart enough to recognize that and adjust decades of thinking? Probably not.

I hope not. This was the first election where I truely felt there was no choices I could actually be proud I voted for. At least Gary johnson is ethical, but he's actually bat shit crazy
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I was watching MSNBC last night for comedic value, and they were actually talking about Russia interfering by hacking emails.

It dawned on me, maybe the left is really that dumb and gullible. I mean, I say shit like "Clinton is a Reptilian" obviously joking. But they peddle this made up shit that's been fed to them by the Clinton campaign as if its gospel.

The race was already over, the votes were already cast, but those dumb sons of bitches are still buying the Clinton campaign line that Putin was sitting behind a desktop computer hacking the DNC emails.
I've never understood the logic of Russia rigging this for Trump. Russia ran circles around Obama and Hillary. Why wouldn't they want her in office?
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