How will they rule ??!

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Now watch what happens though folks, Trump is going to be left with a mess. As soon as we stop printing money, Obama care goes up more, the Clinton machine and Soros start to undermine his presidency, you will see a lot more problems. But, hopefully Trump can head that off.
The Donald really should choose some of the baddest-ass leaders this country can produce for his cabinet. I'm talking about drive-them-until-they-drop total assholes who produce results.

Over the next 4 years, he will never benefit from a friendly mainstream media. MSM is too pissed off over this upset. We might prepare ourselves for slanderous hit-pieces focusing on each and every microsecond of his life -- past, present and future -- originating from a hostile, self-serving press.

Hang on for the ride, y'all. Gonna get interesting for sure.
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Trump should put Joe in control of the border.
MSNBC said that Hillary won the Latino vote big, the black vote big but, Trump won the election with a majority of white vote who are note college educated. What a bunch of idiots, no wonder they lost.
Honestly, based on my experiences, I truly believe Trump received a larger share of the Texas male Latino vote than expected. Perhaps even in the 60-65% range.
Not really happy Trump won. But boy am I happy that corrupt criminal thunderc*nt lost.

Hopefully Z can swing by and give his analysis.

And goodness it must suck to be Cardkilla and Albany today.

Can't imagine being conned into supporting her then having it all crash down.
Now watch what happens though folks, Trump is going to be left with a mess. As soon as we stop printing money, Obama care goes up more, the Clinton machine and Soros start to undermine his presidency, you will see a lot more problems. But, hopefully Trump can head that off.

Fed will raise interest rates next month. Obama corrupted every single federal department that is suppose to be independent of politics.
Was following this thread all night, wasn't about to jinx it with a post when Trump got on a roll.

Un'fing believable. Basically the people agreed: its time to drain the swamp.

Will be fascinating to see if/how they pursue charges against Hillary/Clinton machine, will Obama rush a judgement against simply to allow him to pardon them, Obama's administration will be dropping like flies between now and January, Comey/Lerner/Lynch most likely had a sleepless night, the media will remain on their high horse for another 48 hours and then reality will set in and they'll be forced to face the music--those who were outed by wikileaks better be figuring out a sincere way to apologize, Republicans will be rushing to Trump to kiss his ring--hopefully he'll reach out to them first and show civility and a willingness to work together.

And then....once he's President: Republicans have total power at this point, how will the Senate, the House and Trump work together? Or will he become more of an independent to them?

Strange days indeed.....

Have enjoyed the banter, learned a lot from many of you and

God Bless this wonderful country.
The Donald really should choose some of the baddest-ass leaders this country can produce for his cabinet. I'm talking about drive-them-until-they-drop total assholes who produce results.

Over the next 4 years, he will never benefit from a friendly mainstream media. MSM is too pissed off over this upset. We might prepare ourselves for slanderous hit-pieces focusing on each and every microsecond of his life -- past, present and future -- originating from a hostile, self-serving press.

Hang on for the ride, y'all. Gonna get interesting for sure.

Can't be any worse than what they did to W. MSM blamed W for Katrina.
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Actually is was but the birthers kept making excuses as to why it was "fake".
There was a mountain of evidence that proved otherwise. The least of which was the birth announcement in the Honolulu newspaper under births at the local hospital in August, 1961. Yeah, any reasonable person would think that a conspiracy was started at Obama's birth because they knew that 50 years later he would want to run for POTUS. Good grief. Anyone could go to any public library that had the Honolulu paper on microfiche and research it.


A piece in a local newspaper is not the same as a certificate of birth. A birth certificate is a pretty common piece of paper that I would think (hope) the majority of U.S. citizens can provide if asked in a reasonable amount of time.

Where did the birther movement start? Give you a hint, she belongs in jail.
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So pretty much every person you could hate is on twitter freaking out with the #NotMyPresident hashtag. So much for the mocking of Trump for considering not conceding defeat and the "When they go low, we go high" jerk offs.

That's why we hate the left. They're the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth. They're so oblivious to their own BS. Who would have guessed that calling everyone racist, sexist, xenophobic and hanging your hopes on gender...wasn't an actual platform?"

I gotta share you a peer's facebook post who is eat up with his own ego and claims to be Christian but is hard to the left.

Don't let the hate spread. Have the guts to stand up and prove love trumps hate no matter who won overnight. For half of the country, including myself, it's a very scary and sad morning for America. There's a man who won the presidency because people wanted change, however, they looked past the bigotry, hatred, racism and sexism in order to get it. As a Christian, I cannot support anyone who openly displays (proudly) these qualities. As someone marrying (proudly) a beautiful and intelligent Mexican woman, I cannot support anyone waging a war on her culture. That's not what love is. That's not what Jesus Christ is. But what else Jesus is, is forgiving and understanding that we're all children of God. As I pray for my family and my country, I also pray that you pray for me. At the end of the day, love is always more important than who wins the rights to live in a giant White House
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Now watch what happens though folks, Trump is going to be left with a mess. As soon as we stop printing money, Obama care goes up more, the Clinton machine and Soros start to undermine his presidency, you will see a lot more problems. But, hopefully Trump can head that off.
No doubt in my mind interest rates will be raised in December.

It was probably going to happen anyway, but now it's a stone cold lock.
As a Christian, I cannot support anyone who openly displays (proudly) these qualities. As someone marrying (proudly) a beautiful and intelligent Mexican woman, I cannot support anyone waging a war on her culture. That's not what love is. That's not what Jesus Christ is. But what else Jesus is, is forgiving and understanding that we're all children of God. As I pray for my family and my country, I also pray that you pray for me. At the end of the day, love is always more important than who wins the rights to live in a giant White House
"As a Christian".
-Wouldn't lie under oath
-Wouldn't support abortion
-Wouldn't support Gay marriage

Just a few if she's going to pull the "Jesus" card.
So pretty much every person you could hate is on twitter freaking out with the #NotMyPresident hashtag. So much for the mocking of Trump for considering not conceding defeat and the "When they go low, we go high" jerk offs.

That's why we hate the left. They're the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth. They're so oblivious to their own BS. Who would have guessed that calling everyone racist, sexist, xenophobic and hanging your hopes on gender...wasn't an actual platform?"

I gotta share you a peer's facebook post who is eat up with his own ego and claims to be Christian but is hard to the left.

Don't let the hate spread. Have the guts to stand up and prove love trumps hate no matter who won overnight. For half of the country, including myself, it's a very scary and sad morning for America. There's a man who won the presidency because people wanted change, however, they looked past the bigotry, hatred, racism and sexism in order to get it. As a Christian, I cannot support anyone who openly displays (proudly) these qualities. As someone marrying (proudly) a beautiful and intelligent Mexican woman, I cannot support anyone waging a war on her culture. That's not what love is. That's not what Jesus Christ is. But what else Jesus is, is forgiving and understanding that we're all children of God. As I pray for my family and my country, I also pray that you pray for me. At the end of the day, love is always more important than who wins the rights to live in a giant White House
Sweet Georgia Neal Brown!

Nah, couldn't be that he won because the public saw her for what she was, a corruption ridden weasel who sold her soul to the highest bidder to try and have the election handed to her.

Also, don't play the Jesus card when your party is openly against most stances the churches take. Last night happened because evangelicals voted.

Hell, I'm an atheist and voted Trump simply because Hillary scares the hell out of me if we gave her that much power. This much corruption now, just think what she could do as the leader of the nation. No thank you.
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I was watching MSNBC last night for comedic value, and they were actually talking about Russia interfering by hacking emails.

It dawned on me, maybe the left is really that dumb and gullible. I mean, I say shit like "Clinton is a Reptilian" obviously joking. But they peddle this made up shit that's been fed to them by the Clinton campaign as if its gospel.

The race was already over, the votes were already cast, but those dumb sons of bitches are still buying the Clinton campaign line that Putin was sitting behind a desktop computer hacking the DNC emails.
No doubt in my mind interest rates will be raised in December.

It was probably going to happen anyway, but now it's a stone cold lock.

Oh, that artificial sense of stability. Citi bank picked Obama's cabinet. You don't think those whiny corrupt bastards won't throw a financial hissy fit?

Yeah, it's gonna happen because we were living in an artificial bubble anyway.

When the bank picks your GD cabinet. Yeah, shit's gonna mess up on a transition from corruption
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