How will they rule ??!

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You know who I want to give a smooch to this morning? Willy. That mothereffer told me Trump was going to win Florida and by God he did just that. It was rough for a little while, and Willy even wavered a little. But damn it, that man called that state with confidence and it gave me hope.

Fist bumps man.

Only reason I slightly wavered was because Hillary met with the Florida Elections board in Broward County. I'll be honest, that moved me from 100% Trump to 95% Trump. Thankfully Florida and America won in the end.
This election was a big F**K you to the media. We will see if they get the hint. To all the board Libs, including you, Deeefense, take a few days off, lick your wounds, and then disapear.
I think it was for all the establishment. So many wanted to dramatic change and now it's done. Like I said before, I was planning on voting for Trump early, but his actions changed my mind and I voted for Clinton. I truly felt that she would've been a stronger leader than Obama.

I sincerely hope Trump can unite the country and congress to get some things done. The ball is his court now. Let's see if he does what he said he would do or we will see that it was all lies to just get elected.

God Bless America.
My thoughts.

1) Is it even possible for either major party to have sent out a worse candidate? Ok, maybe Weiner, or David Duke, or Pelosi. But 95% of DC policitians could have beaten Clinton or Trump, and it not even be close.

2) How bad is Clinton that she was beaten by a crazy lunatic, who offends most people he speaks to. How bad is Trump that he almost lost to a person with baggage such as Bengazi, e-mail cover-up, DNC fixing, FBI probe, "pay for play", & Clinton Foundation misappropriations.

3) This election wasn't Clinton vs Trump, or Republican vs Democrat, or Evangelical vs Homosexuals. It was Anti-establishment vs Establishment! And had the DNC not rigged their primary we very well could have had 2 Anti-establishment candidates. The GOP is no better, as they changed their convention rules 4 years ago to ensure Romney would win over Ron Paul (when he likely would have anyway). We saw it start with Perrot, and revive somewhat with Paul, and then really take off this year with Trump & Sanders.
Maaaan what a morning

To those who stuck it out(even if you did the engrained kentucky football fan gloom and doom after broward county released early votes) i enjoyed it.

Can @AlbanyWildCat make any correct predictions? albany, who ya got in this weeks football games? im looking for a sure bet
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My thoughts.

1) Is it even possible for either major party to have sent out a worse candidate? Ok, maybe Weiner, or David Duke, or Pelosi. But 95% of DC policitians could have beaten Clinton or Trump, and it not even be close.

2) How bad is Clinton that she was beaten by a crazy lunatic, who offends most people he speaks to. How bad is Trump that he almost lost to a person with baggage such as Bengazi, e-mail cover-up, DNC fixing, FBI probe, "pay for play", & Clinton Foundation misappropriations.

3) This election wasn't Clinton vs Trump, or Republican vs Democrat, or Evangelical vs Homosexuals. It was Anti-establishment vs Establishment! And had the DNC not rigged their primary we very well could have had 2 Anti-establishment candidates. The GOP is no better, as they changed their convention rules 4 years ago to ensure Romney would win over Ron Paul (when he likely would have anyway). We saw it start with Perrot, and revive somewhat with Paul, and then really take off this year with Trump & Sanders.
The best candidate since Ron Paul was his son and you saw what voters thought of that in the Republican Primary.
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I remember 8 years ago, being lambasted for (even though I don't like Rush Limbaugh) trying to defend his "I hope he fails" comment.

Man I can't wait for all the lefties on here to throw their support behind Trump's agenda.
Defending anyone who says they hope the President fail is lunacy. It's the people that hurt when the President is a failure. That just shows you tow the party line.

I didn't vote for Donald, but I hope he's immensely successful.
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Amazing and historical night in the nation and in KY.

Sad that true Conservatism is now in the minority. I doubt it will recover.
Sad that integrity and morals mean very little to Americans anymore.

Happy that Obamacare will die a painful death soon.
Happy that the Clinton regime is finally gone.
Happy that Obama's legacy is this.
Happy that HRC may be the most hated politician ever.

Hoping/praying Trump will be something more than what he has shown and actually lead the nation.
Let's do this.
The only legacy Obama has is one of pure shit..Not sure why he thinks he is so great..Now if people like Pelosi and Harry Reid would just
off themselves, the country will have a start of heading back in the proper direction. This was a great victory for America.
The only legacy Obama has is one of pure shit..Not sure why he thinks he is so great..Now if people like Pelosi and Harry Reid would just
off themselves, the country will have a start of heading back in the proper direction. This was a great victory for America.
If we could get a few Supreme Court justices to finally croak or retire we could be well on our way to making sure the US doesn't suffer the same fate as almost every empire at around the 250+ year mark: collapse.
My thoughts.

1) Is it even possible for either major party to have sent out a worse candidate? Ok, maybe Weiner, or David Duke, or Pelosi. But 95% of DC policitians could have beaten Clinton or Trump, and it not even be close.

2) How bad is Clinton that she was beaten by a crazy lunatic, who offends most people he speaks to. How bad is Trump that he almost lost to a person with baggage such as Bengazi, e-mail cover-up, DNC fixing, FBI probe, "pay for play", & Clinton Foundation misappropriations.

3) This election wasn't Clinton vs Trump, or Republican vs Democrat, or Evangelical vs Homosexuals. It was Anti-establishment vs Establishment! And had the DNC not rigged their primary we very well could have had 2 Anti-establishment candidates. The GOP is no better, as they changed their convention rules 4 years ago to ensure Romney would win over Ron Paul (when he likely would have anyway). We saw it start with Perrot, and revive somewhat with Paul, and then really take off this year with Trump & Sanders.

Bullcrap. People elected Trump b/c he is real and speaks his mind, and it is refreshing to hear.
I think it was for all the establishment. So many wanted to dramatic change and now it's done. Like I said before, I was planning on voting for Trump early, but his actions changed my mind and I voted for Clinton. I truly felt that she would've been a stronger leader than Obama.

I sincerely hope Trump can unite the country and congress to get some things done. The ball is his court now. Let's see if he does what he said he would do or we will see that it was all lies to just get elected.

God Bless America.
A good start will be appointing actual qualified cabinet members from the onset instead of a forming a collection of financial cronies to pull the purse strings like the previous admin. I mean, just a random stab in the dark.
Should we thank Obama for this election? 8 years of "hope and change" that was never delivered to the American people, and the people responded.

This has restored my faith in the American people. They aren't as dumb as I thought they were, and don't buy what the media pushes on them.

It's quite comical and very fitting to see many liberals today doing exactly what they accuse(d) Trump and his "deplorable's" of for the better part of a year.

This may just be a 4 year road block or it could be a turning point. I hope for the latter of the two. I want values, morals, personal accountability and personal responsibility to be the foundation of our Country.
I remember the 1980 election and everyone at my school...teachers (my mother was one), students, etc...were all in on another term of Jimmy Carter. I remember my father (who was divorced from my mother) going on and on about how horrible Carter was, and that a change was needed. My mother (and grandmother...who helped raise me...for that matter) thought Reagan was the antithesis of everything good in the country, and terribly unqualified to be President. I remember my mother picking us up at my father's house on Election Day. They got into a fight on the porch about who they were voting for...and I remember screaming at my father b/c he was voting for Reagan...I was just a child, but that's all I had heard at school and at home. I was usually only with my father on weekends.

This election reminds me of that. I think it will be close, but I think this is the year of the return of the silent majority.

The best candidate since Ron Paul was his son and you saw what voters thought of that in the Republican Primary.

There could only be 1 "outsider/anti-establishment" candidate in the primary. That was Rand Paul's chance, as the anti-establishment guy. He was polling well early and then Trump jumped in. Trump had the name recognition, and was even more of an outsider than the Senator, and the media couldn't talk about Trump enough. The GOP sent in Trump because they had like 200 candidates running, and many (including Paul) didn't get out until it was too late. Head to head I think Paul would have beaten Trump. The establishment would have preferred him to Trump, and he would have gotten enough of the anti-establishment vote to win. I also think several of the establishment guys would have beaten Trump head-to-head, had it been down to 2 or 3 candidates before March.
Defending anyone who says they hope the President fail is lunacy. It's the people that hurt when the President is a failure. That just shows you tow the party line.

I didn't vote for Donald, but I hope he's immensely successful.

Yep, if anything, I've proven I toe the party line.

I wish Obama would have failed at getting his agenda through. Then we wouldn't have had a candidate winning the election by promising to reverse everything that jackass has done.

How do you still not understand it meant I hope he fails to implement his moronic radical leftist agenda?
Bullcrap. People elected Trump b/c he is real and speaks his mind, and it is refreshing to hear.

I heard a polling tidbit last night (take it for what it's worth), that of those who voted for Trump 60% did not like that they were voting for Trump. And of those who voted for Clinton 54% did not like that they were voting for Clinton. If true, or even close to true, those numbers show that more than ever before this election was about voting against someone rather than voting for someone. Sure there are some (less than half) who were voting FOR a candidate, but those are awful low numbers.
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Hopefully she takes a page out of Bud Dwyer's book to avoid prosecution.

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