How will they rule ??!

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I can't imagine Trump has anything more than a single term in mind the way it ages people. Although, what if we just saw the birth of a new political dynasty and will be stuck with a Trump somewhere in office for the next century like the Bush's.
I mean at least they're independently wealthy; that's a start.
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Spotted the guy who has no knowledge of Russia's foreign policy and Syrian actions.
False. If you want to get into the game theory of politics and global power projection I'm down. the fundamental problem with Russia and its constitution is that power is so concentrated with the president that he can do things unchecked. We need to limit Russia's power, not increase it.
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False. If you want to get into the game theory of politics and global power projection I'm down. the fundamental problem with Russia and its constitution is that power is so concentrated with the president that he can do things unchecked. We need to limit Russia's power, not increase it.
And you confirm you have as much geopolitical knowledge as Gary Johnson, I guess. Thanks for Correcting the Record™
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I can't imagine Trump has anything more than a single term in mind the way it ages people. Although, what if we just saw the birth of a new political dynasty and will be stuck with a Trump somewhere in office for the next century like the Bush's.

great point . . . btw, the Kennedy family dynasty and 100 years worth of prohibition-spawned riches, corruption, murder and political prowess says "hi"
That is the hope, but there is a real possibility with an aging Supreme Court, and in all likely hood Trump only serving one term, that we will be fighting to keep it conservative again in 4 years.
The liberals are aging too. Trump has a chance to name 3 or 4 if everything falls into place. A new dawn of conservative legal thought is within reach on the Court.
Took a 3 hour nap and had to be up at 6am because I had 3 projects all needing small amounts of material and I'm just now getting around to checking out the aftermath.

So this may be long winded but it's serious and from the heart.......

1- Our media is as awful as it can be and if people didn't realize that I don't think he would have won last night. Wake up call to everyone not just the left wing biased idiots out there.

2- White people didn't win shit last night. The same voice that needed to be heard by those that elected Obama still needs to be heard. America is sick of the political game. It isn't race, gender or religion that separates us as people it's politics that divide those who are different. Stop playing those games!

3- A lot of bad is about to happen for the next 6 months. As a matter of fact we may come unhinged for awhile before righting the ship. But in order to overcome corruption you have to be willing to take that hit at some point and America decided now is the time. This will not be pretty at first so don't expect your joyous celebration to last.

4- Do not think the fight is over. If you want America to be America the fight just started.

5- All jokes aside for the lefty's in this thread.......most here seem like good dudes and I'm glad we all witnessed this together. I don't talk a lot of politics in my day to day life and this gives me a platform to do so. Thanks for that.

God Bless America
I got a kick out of that as well. I watched CBS' coverage and it was all about race and division and they focused on "uneducated whites." Yeah, I'd like to compare the education and the finances of those "uneducated" whites against the education and finances of Latinos and blacks. But we didn't get a column for that, did we?

Dems got KO'd and still don't realize why.
They got KO's because of that same reason. You are right, they just don't get it.
I hope you're right. I just like to plan for the worst and hope for the best. [winking]
Obama realizes his 8 years in office were a total waste this morning. All his ridiculous executive orders will be repealed and Obamacare is dead in the water. His legacy will be one of total failure and he will go down as one of worst presidents. Deservedly so.
People keep saying this, but you really think this? Trump has identified as a democrat most of his life.

Not demeaning, asking why you think this.

That's a good point.

If he are a true Democrat that's not a problem, because his pick will be middle of the road to slightly conservative. If he is the new democrat (progressive/liberal/socialist), then all who voted for him got played.
Ooooh! How infuriating is it to hear on CNN that Mexicans are upset with US politics b/c they are worried their newfound, stolen economy due to NAFTA is now in danger b/c the new Prez wants HIS economy back! Dammit, boy, that REALLY gets my goat.

like how pissed off? like so pissed off that they will . . . what? just music to my ears
People keep saying this, but you really think this? Trump has identified as a democrat most of his life.

Not demeaning, asking why you think this.
The list of judges he proposed. And with the house and senate being GOP controlled, conservative judge appointments are assured. The true scope of this will be revealed if he can turn the Federal lower court judgeships conservative. If so, liberalism will be an afterthought as far as the judiciary is concerned.
People keep saying this, but you really think this? Trump has identified as a democrat most of his life.

Not demeaning, asking why you think this.
Trump doesn't want to committ political suicide right off the bat. Regardless his nominees will definitely be to the right of Hillary's.
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That's a good point.

If he are a true Democrat that's not a problem, because his pick will be middle of the road to slightly conservative. If he is the new democrat (progressive/liberal/socialist), then all who voted for him got played.
Why on this green earth does anyone think he'd bite the hand that just handed him the highest job on the planet? Same people that can toss him (angrily) in 4 years?
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People keep saying this, but you really think this? Trump has identified as a democrat most of his life.

Not demeaning, asking why you think this.
If you go by his list (which, yeah, trusting him to follow that list is a leap) there were some pretty good originalists on there. Probably end up with a squishy ass deferential dweeb like Roberts, which can be just as bad as an outright leftist in some respects.

Don Willett and Mike Lee are the two and only two he should nominate (assuming Ginsburg kicks the bucket soon). I doubt that happens, though
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Why on this green earth does anyone think he'd bite the hand that just handed him the highest job on the planet? Same people that can toss him (angrily) in 4 years?

No, you took what I said wrong. If you look at the parties from 10 years ago or more, then he would be considered a democrat based on a lot of his views. He has never been an ultra-conservative, and most acknowledge that. Granted that both parties are much different today than what they were 10+ years ago, thus making him appear more conservative than he really is.
Make no mistake, I don't think he is a liberal pretending to be a conservative, but I do think he is more of a Reagan Democrat than he is a Bush Republican...and I could very well be wrong.
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Re: Conservatism is dead.

People who are saying this and that old bastard George Will need to STFU. This is my problem with Rand Paul too. This utopian conservative world with free trade and free movement of people is nonsense, because conservative principles go out the window when a) you lose your job and b) people who come here via immigration want big government.

Donald Trump did more for conservatism than any man since Barry Goldwater. He killed a liberal judiciary. He killed the Clinton machine. He prevented the slow 3rd world takeover of our country.
It really isn't just a matter of pardoning Clinton. He needs to pardon everyone who's ever known and worked with Clinton.

That's a tall order.

I'd be pretty pissed if Clinton got pardoned and I was left to answer for her crimes. I'd sing like a goddam bird to everyone who would listen.