How will they rule ??!

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because it hurts nobody to space them out. In a pandemic you do the most you can to mitigate not the bare minimum. Trumpsters to brain dead to understand that. Its also about setting an example. If Trump had started wearing a mask back in April then his sheep would also be wearing masks and not freaking out right now. People and institutions that exert influence should be smart about what they do and say.
Maybe someone should explain Nordic culture to them.

It is amazing and telling that liberals see committed women and loyal women as white supremist traits. So are whites the only race on earth that has committed and loyal women. I bet Asians have their share and I am thankful they do.

The left has worked so hard to destroy traditional values and women that they can't grasp that everybody is not like them. And we all should be thankful that everybody is not.
I admire how committed you are to your political views, but I can't use any other ketchup other than Heinz. The others can't put Hunt's ketchup on my table I'm going to throw a fit.

I buy three 44 oz bottles at Costco frequently, I could be trapped in my home for a year and not run out of Heinz.

I can tell you from experience that those neck rings are way more expensive & wasteful than shrink wrap to hold them together.
Have you ever actually heard her speak? I've watched her on Tim Pools podcast twice. Over 2 hours of her answering questions and talking about her beliefs. She sounded really normal. The media says she's crazy so we are supposed to throw her out and get the DNC approved republican candidate. How'd Romney do for us?

Unfortunately I have. She's a semi attractive moron who thankfully runs in a gop dominant district. She is mostly the gop aoc in that Dems think calling her dumb will end her career but it's only giving her more name recognition.

She's better than a lib by far, of course, but the gop could do way better imo. Granted...maybe not in that district...but just generally speaking
Joe Biden told us that he had no dealings with Hunter's business deals. Anybody with 2 or more working brain cells knows the reason that Hunter's business partner Eric Schwerin was at the white house at least 19 times when Joe Biden AKA the Big Guy was vice president. He was there to give Joe & the Obama regime their marching orders from China. China gives the Biden crime family $ millions & China gets favors from the white house. Not hard to figure out. Not only is Biden the dumbest & the worst president in history. He is also the most corrupt. He makes Nixon, Clinton & Obama look like choir boys.
Pretty soon we'll need fencing around sporting venues like they do in some European cities.

Have you ever noticed. That anytime you have some lunatic that disrupts a sporting event, that it's always some crazy liberal democrat that's protesting one of their dumb liberal causes. If I were a democrat, I would go & crawl under a rock & hide.
Have you ever noticed. That anytime you have some lunatic that disrupts a sporting event, that it's always some crazy liberal democrat that's protesting one of their dumb liberal causes. If I were a democrat, I would go & crawl under a rock & hide.
Speaking of… here’s a totally normal liberal climate change guy. Seems like this would release carbon into the atmosphere.

The new vikings season on Netflix features a black female jarl. Because you know that is certainly a likely possibility in that time...
Viks ventured into the Med Sea. So not impossible. Besides, cultural appropriation by blacks is just fine. See Hamilton!
Have you ever noticed. That anytime you have some lunatic that disrupts a sporting event, that it's always some crazy liberal democrat that's protesting one of their dumb liberal causes. If I were a democrat, I would go & crawl under a rock & hide.
If you were a democrat, you would try to stifle free speech bc it hurts your feelingz.

Thankfully, you are not a demonrat.
Do you have a link for that? Obviously they tried to raise objections but were gaveled down because they didn't have a Senator join as the Constitution requires. Gore didn't even hear them. But they didn't send alternate electors and try to get the VP(Gore himself) to acknowledge them.

Also if you're comparing 2020 to 2000, Trump was the one trying to win the presidency in 2020, so he would've been Gore in that situation and just acknowledged his own electors, making him president. No need for the Pence middleman.
Yep, i remember when it happened and ive even seen clips from this thread. They dam well did propose alternate electors and have also committed conspiracy to remove an admin from the wh. Idc if you do not want to adnit or agree. It is true.

Save your semen-tics for an argument w someone else.

"I'm very pleased to introduce the man with by far the best chance to defeat the radical Democrat nominee for the U.S. Senate this November," Trump told his Save America rally Saturday night in Delaware, Ohio, as he introduced Vance to his supporters.

"You know what? He's the guy that said some bad s**t about me. But you know what? Every one of the others did also. In fact, if I went by that standard, I don't think I would have ever endorsed anybody in the country."
Wow. I did not know he was capable of honest self-reflecting. W sure cannot barry? L o the fing l, you know that dude cannot honestly self-reflect.
It is amazing and telling that liberals see committed women and loyal women as white supremist traits. So are whites the only race on earth that has committed and loyal women. I bet Asians have their share and I am thankful they do.

The left has worked so hard to destroy traditional values and women that they can't grasp that everybody is not like them. And we all should be thankful that everybody is not.
Reads like another confession.
True and the payments up front assured them of at least breaking even. And if you made the payments, there was a lot of profit built in.
We might have the same guy in common. This man owned a single store for about a decade. I was friends with his daughter and nephew. I worked for him two summers and outside of his business, he was a great mentor.

I parlayed my vast rto knowledge into working for a national chain while at UK.
If you're still talking rentals....back in the day I knew (not close friends) and had lunch a few times with Charlie Laudermilk...founder and owner (at the time) of Aaron Rents. Lots of profit.

The mom and pop as well as the national chain, both had the same formula. Neither bought merch in a significant quantity to buy inventory much cheaper than regular retail. The local had 250 items out on rent. The chain averaged 500 units/store. The store I worked at was the biggest in the chain. It had 1000 units out on rent. A sofa/end tables/lamps would be three units.

The contracts were setup 78 weeks or 18 months. Whatever the company paid for the item, it was marked up 3.5x and divided by 78 to figure the weekly rent.

That sounds like a lot of gravy, right? Well, none of these people have credit, or they wouldn't be living this way. More employee time is spent bill collecting in person than delivering to merchandise to begin a new contract.

The only product that they rented that I didn't feel bad about people getting taken advantage of was washer/dryers. Even though they were paying 3.5x cash, it was still cheaper for a family to rent a set than take their laundry to a laundromat.

I still have a Dwight Schrute like plaque


from December,1991 stating I was the accounts manager(debt collector) of the month for a 37 store chain. I had less deadbeats delinquent than anyone else in the chain for a month. For my efforts I was given a plaque and $250 bonus.

We were allowed to knock on doors up to 8PM any day, but Sunday. Your first angle was the phone call to get a time commitment. If you couldn't reach by phone or they didn't honor the commitment, you went to their home. You had one week to get them to pay or pick up the rental.

I worked the very worst Lexington neighborhoods. Young, dumb and could have very easily ended up dead in a dumpster.
show the data that the US decreased energy production under Biden. Should be easy to do! Trumpsters are all clowns just repeating talking points without knowing any facts.

Take a look at this photo. These are state representatives disrupting the business of a state legislature in session. This picture was taken a few days ago, in 2022 not 1962 in Tallahassee. In the Florida State Legislature. These folks start yelling, screaming and singing Martin Luther King songs when they should be debating the issues and preparing to vote on a bill.

But the thing is: Nobody pays any attention to "We Shall Overcome" any more. Your grandpa sang that enough for all time. Now you represent your district, you debate and you vote. If you don't like the outcome you suck it up. Just like the rest of us do when we do not win the vote or debate. Threats and insults do not work anymore. Not down here they don't.
