How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Yep, i remember when it happened and ive even seen clips from this thread. They dam well did propose alternate electors and have also committed conspiracy to remove an admin from the wh. Idc if you do not want to adnit or agree. It is true.

Save your semen-tics for an argument w someone else.
Like I said, link it if it happened. I’ve spent way too much time looking and can’t find hide nor hair of Ds sending alternate electors. Don’t think it happened. Like I posted earlier, obviously they legally raised objections and were gaveled down. But no alternate elector coup scheme. Would love to be proven wrong.
Take a look at this photo. These are state representatives disrupting the business of a state legislature in session. This picture was taken a few days ago, in 2022 not 1962 in Tallahassee. In the Florida State Legislature. These folks start yelling, screaming and singing Martin Luther King songs when they should be debating the issues and preparing to vote on a bill.

But the thing is: Nobody pays any attention to "We Shall Overcome" any more. Your grandpa sang that enough for all time. Now you represent your district, you debate and you vote. If you don't like the outcome you suck it up. Just like the rest of us do when we do not win the vote or debate. Threats and insults do not work anymore. Not down here they don't.


We might have the same guy in common. This man owned a single store for about a decade. I was friends with his daughter and nephew. I worked for him two summers and outside of his business, he was a great mentor.

I parlayed my vast rto knowledge into working for a national chain while at UK.

The mom and pop as well as the national chain, both had the same formula. Neither bought merch in a significant quantity to buy inventory much cheaper than regular retail. The local had 250 items out on rent. The chain averaged 500 units/store. The store I worked at was the biggest in the chain. It had 1000 units out on rent. A sofa/end tables/lamps would be three units.

The contracts were setup 78 weeks or 18 months. Whatever the company paid for the item, it was marked up 3.5x and divided by 78 to figure the weekly rent.

That sounds like a lot of gravy, right? Well, none of these people have credit, or they wouldn't be living this way. More employee time is spent bill collecting in person than delivering to merchandise to begin a new contract.

The only product that they rented that I didn't feel bad about people getting taken advantage of was washer/dryers. Even though they were paying 3.5x cash, it was still cheaper for a family to rent a set than take their laundry to a laundromat.

I still have a Dwight Schrute like plaque


from December,1991 stating I was the accounts manager(debt collector) of the month for a 37 store chain. I had less deadbeats delinquent than anyone else in the chain for a month. For my efforts I was given a plaque and $250 bonus.

We were allowed to knock on doors up to 8PM any day, but Sunday. Your first angle was the phone call to get a time commitment. If you couldn't reach by phone or they didn't honor the commitment, you went to their home. You had one week to get them to pay or pick up the rental.

I worked the very worst Lexington neighborhoods. Young, dumb and could have very easily ended up dead in a dumpster.
Before china took over, most lamps and shades came from far western Ky because the clay in the ground was great for ceramic lamps. People here were the manufacturers and people from all over came to buy. Most were middlemen who resold. Pre china, these guys had protected routes, so selling was easy for them. Cryar Lamp out of Alabama was the guy I was talking about, but he's dead now. There was one place from this area that had sales offices in New York, Chicago and Dallas. You had to make an appointment to come to their office if you wanted to buy. I occasionally did a little work for them if they got behind, so I knew the owners. I was told their sales guys made 750 thousand a year and this was in the seventies.
Macron sails to re-election %57-42. Told y’all after the first round, Macron and Melenchon had basically 50% between them. Le Pen had no chance.
From the article.

"POLITICO could not independently verify the photos"

Man, this sounds like something from a couple of years ago.... something that couldnt be verified ... but i think that story was spiked and accounts were removed bc it would be irresponsible to report something that is false.

Anyone remember what that was??
False equivalence and possibly straw man arguments.

There is actual photographic evidence. We have a male conservative Republican in a woman’s night time garb. If there’s an equivalent smoking gun I’m all ears.
No one seriously thought Macron would lose. He has the globopedocrat elite ensuring any counter resistance that would defeat Le Pen’s chance to win

same thing is going to happen here 2022. Maybe patriotic Americans will destroy the drop boxes and damage the Dominion machines this time to save this Republic.
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Politico can’t post these fast enough. Hunter Biden pics after being available for at least a couple of years they won’t even acknowledge. This is why no one considers these people journalists anymore. It’s all just gotcha stuff, on both sides of the spectrum.
Hunter Biden wearing womens clothing surface yet? Figure these gotcha journalists would have exposed your grand conspiracy by now.

“but they are liberal media and that’s why” I assume will be your response. At which I’ll say “how convenient for you not to require actual evidence and base all your beliefs on liberals” so let’s just skip ahead.
Hunter Biden wearing womens clothing surface yet? Figure these gotcha journalists would have exposed your grand conspiracy by now.

“but they are liberal media and that’s why” I assume will be your response. At which I’ll say “how convenient for you not to require actual evidence and base all your beliefs on liberals” so let’s just skip ahead.
Gotta love the left. In the last week alone we've went from:

Corporations are evil and we must make them pay their fair share


"DeSantis did what? Well oligarchy is only bad when it's not good, why would he stop Disney, one of the most powerful corporations on earth from having special benefits. Corporations rule!

And now:

Men are women and women are men and actually no one knows what a woman is.


Madison Cawthorne, who's in his early 20s, wore a dress at what looks the equivalent of a frat party? Omg, clutch my pearls, we are too conservative to see such outlandish things. Before you know it, ppl will get tattoos and such. Prohibition should've never ended either.

Lololololol Lololololol
Hunter Biden wearing womens clothing surface yet? Figure these gotcha journalists would have exposed your grand conspiracy by now.

“but they are liberal media and that’s why” I assume will be your response. At which I’ll say “how convenient for you not to require actual evidence and base all your beliefs on liberals” so let’s just skip ahead.
Not my point at all. Corporate media suppressed REAL images and REAL story.

Not a strawman, not a conspiracy, just facts.
Trump left office down 12million jobs, GDP down 4%, unemployment at 6.5%, inflation already shooting up, stock market hyper inflated, Trumpsters trying to invade the Capital. HE went to NK and sucked off Rocket Boy and got nothing. He went to Helsinki and told the world that Putin had nothing to do with hacking, sucked him off as well, and got nothing. Hadn't gotten a single piece of legislation passed since his 1st year in office. What a great inheritance!

Here’s a look at average GDP growth rates under the last six U.S. presidents:

  • Jimmy Carter (D): 3.25%
  • Ronald Reagan (R): 3.48%
  • George H.W. Bush (R): 2.25%
  • Bill Clinton (D): 3.88%
  • George W. Bush (R): 2.2%
  • Barack Obama (D): 1.62%
  • Donald Trump (R): 0.95%
So he left office with less jobs then he started, higher unemployment then he started, and cratered GDP.
The only thing he accomplished was letting pharma accelerate vaccine research and his brain dead sheep think it was a conspiracy to micro chip and cull the population. LMAO!
Gotta love the left. In the last week alone we've went from:

Corporations are evil and we must make them pay their fair share


"DeSantis did what? Well oligarchy is only bad when it's not good, why would he stop Disney, one of the most powerful corporations on earth from having special benefits. Corporations rule!

And now:

Men are women and women are men and actually no one knows what a woman is.


Madison Cawthorne, who's in his early 20s, wore a dress at what looks the equivalent of a frat party? Omg, clutch my pearls, we are too conservative to see such outlandish things. Before you know it, ppl will get tattoos and such. Prohibition should've never ended either.

Lololololol Lololololol
I think it’s cool he wore women’s clothes. I think it’s bad he has hypocritical views of others doing the same. Not that tough to comprehend or explain in way fewer characters.
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Like I said, link it if it happened. I’ve spent way too much time looking and can’t find hide nor hair of Ds sending alternate electors. Don’t think it happened. Like I posted earlier, obviously they legally raised objections and were gaveled down. But no alternate elector coup scheme. Would love to be proven wrong.
It's total projection, when the GQP itself created fake electors in 7 states declaring Trump won because they wouldn't admit defeat and peacefully declare the transfer of power.
It's total projection when the GQP itself created fake electors in 7 states declaring Trump won because they won't admit defeat.
You know what’s even funnier James? Trump actually won at least 5 of those states. But we live in a country where the department of justice, main stream media and other entities are entirely in the bag for the Democrat party. So the majority of America has to live with a dementia patient who’s most critical decision each day is what type of pudding to have with each meal.
Hunter Biden wearing womens clothing surface yet? Figure these gotcha journalists would have exposed your grand conspiracy by now.

“but they are liberal media and that’s why” I assume will be your response. At which I’ll say “how convenient for you not to require actual evidence and base all your beliefs on liberals” so let’s just skip ahead.
I'm sure they might post some pics of Hunter in women's clothes if he was actually wearing clothes in any of his incriminating pictures. Instead he seems to always be lounging around with his dick in his hand or chatting about national security issues with a prostitute while smoking crack.
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It's total projection, when the GQP itself created fake electors in 7 states declaring Trump won because they wouldn't admit defeat and peacefully declare the transfer of power.
I'm completely willing to reexamine my position if they can produce evidence of that claim. But I don't think it exists. I've always been politically active and followed the situation pretty closely in 2000. Lots of stuff happened, the FL legislature even passed a law saying they'd give their electors to Bush if there wasn't a recount resolution by the deadline, but nowhere in there did Dems try to cheat and send their own fake electors. Maxine Waters and the others in the Black Caucus who objected weren't even from FL, would've had to have worked with FL state legislators to do it.
I'm completely willing to reexamine my position if they can produce evidence of that claim. But I don't think it exists. I've always been politically active and followed the situation pretty closely in 2000. Lots of stuff happened, the FL legislature even passed a law saying they'd give their electors to Bush if there wasn't a recount resolution by the deadline, but nowhere in there did Dems try to cheat and send their own fake electors. Maxine Waters and the others in the Black Caucus who objected weren't even from FL, would've had to have worked with FL state legislators to do it.
I'll say it again, every projection is a confession.
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You know what’s even funnier James? Trump actually won at least 5 of those states. But we live in a country where the department of justice, main stream media and other entities are entirely in the bag for the Democrat party. So the majority of America has to live with a dementia patient who’s most critical decision each day is what type of pudding to have with each meal.
False. The truth is you and your ilk are sore losers.
Low hanging fruit drops first. Wells Fargo is the fourth mortgage company to shrink their workforce in the last couple of months. The fall is coming. The question is, where is the bottom this time?

Low hanging fruit drops first. Wells Fargo is the fourth mortgage company to shrink their workforce in the last couple of months. The fall is coming. The question is, where is the bottom this time?

30-year fixed rates are over 5%. First time in 11 years.