How will they rule ??!

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No. I’m obviously not condoning that behavior, but it’s different behavior. She wasn’t trying to overthrow our Constitution. Different legal mechanisms.

They had a detailed plan they tried to execute, my dude. Go read the Eastman memos for yourself.
Exhausting every legal avenue possible to delay certifying a national election, that according to polls more than half of the country felt involved fraud is unconstitutional?
Pence was the one tasked with listening to arguments against certifying state election results. Of which there were expected to be several. I’m pretty sure they were preparing for the first one when the riot occurred. So no he wouldn’t be on the floor at all times.
Pence literally refused to get in the car because they were going to drive him away to prevent him from certifying after he told them he wasn’t going along with it. They were trying to remove him to get someone more receptive, Grassley, to do it.
Pence literally refused to get in the car because they were going to drive him away to prevent him from certifying after he told them he wasn’t going along with it. They were trying to remove him to get someone more receptive, Grassley, to do it.
There's a reason I don't buy Heinz ketchup....or any of their other products.

I admire how committed you are to your political views, but I can't use any other ketchup other than Heinz. The others can't put Hunt's ketchup on my table I'm going to throw a fit.

I buy three 44 oz bottles at Costco frequently, I could be trapped in my home for a year and not run out of Heinz.

Exhausting every legal avenue possible to delay certifying a national election, that according to polls, more than half of the country felt fraud was probably involved is unconstitutional?
Sending alternate electors and getting the Vice President to unilaterally recognize them instead of the ones certified by the governors according to safe harbor standards is unconstitutional. And treasonous. That was their plan.
Pence literally refused to get in the car because they were going to drive him away to prevent him from certifying after he told them he wasn’t going along with it. They were trying to remove him to get someone more receptive, Grassley, to do it.
[roll] [roll]
BS it's different behavior. She was calling for riots and harassment of American citizens. That is the problem here. You and people like you never see the wrongdoings committed by your own party which by the way makes you out to be a liar since you constantly say you always call out the left when they do something wrong.
Whether it’s wrong-doing or not it’s irrelevant to the conversation because it isn’t an insurrection. If someone murders someone you don’t go, “They can’t be prosecuted because this other guy killed people AND ATE THEM and that’s worse!” They’re completely independent events. Like I said file suit if you think Pelosi’s actions meet the standard.
Pence literally refused to get in the car because they were going to drive him away to prevent him from certifying after he told them he wasn’t going along with it. They were trying to remove him to get someone more receptive, Grassley, to do it.
So the United States Secret Service was going to kidnap Mike Pence to prevent him from certifying the election? And not just trying to move him to a safe location away from the riot taking place. Dion, you are batshit crazy.
Whether it’s wrong-doing or not it’s irrelevant to the conversation because it isn’t an insurrection. If someone murders someone you don’t go, “They can’t be prosecuted because this other guy killed people AND ATE THEM and that’s worse!” They’re completely independent events. Like I said file suit if you think Pelosi’s actions meet the standard.
Constitution for thee but not for me. Right Dion?
Whether it’s wrong-doing or not it’s irrelevant to the conversation because it isn’t an insurrection. If someone murders someone you don’t go, “They can’t be prosecuted because this other guy killed people AND ATE THEM and that’s worse!” They’re completely independent events. Like I said file suit if you think Pelosi’s actions meet the standard.
False. Harassing American citizens out and about exercising their freedoms and not allowing them to be free to go about their business is also inciting an insurrection against their constitutional rights of being. You continue to give a free pass to thugs and terrorist who harass Americans citizens (many times physically and called for by people like Waters) if they fit your agenda but not those who have a differing opinion.
A woman not carrying a weapon was murdered by the police and you are good with that yet violent criminals killed by the police is an injustice.
False. Harassing American citizens out and about exercising their freedoms and not allowing them to be free to go about their business is also inciting an insurrection against their constitutional rights of being. You continue to give a free pass to thugs and terrorist who harass Americans citizens (many times physically and called for by people like Waters) if they fit your agenda but not those who have a differing opinion.
A woman not carrying a weapon was murdered by the police and you are good with that yet violent criminals killed by the police is an injustice.
Many federal buildings attacked and firebombed during the BLM riots. Pelosi was declaring her support of that. That’s insurrection.
So the United States Secret Service was going to kidnap Mike Pence to prevent him from certifying the election? And not just trying to move him to a safe location away from the riot taking place. Dion, you are batshit crazy.
Direct from his mouth man.

"I'm not getting in the car, Tim," Pence said. "I trust you, Tim, but you're not driving the car. If I get in that vehicle, you guys are taking off. I'm not getting in the car."
Direct from his mouth man.

"I'm not getting in the car, Tim," Pence said. "I trust you, Tim, but you're not driving the car. If I get in that vehicle, you guys are taking off. I'm not getting in the car."
What the hell are you trying to say? Of course if he got in the car they were taking off. To try to get him to safety. He decided to stay and see if the certification process would be able to continue. Good on him. There was a riot going on. The most grave and dangerous riot in the history of mankind according to you Pearl clutchers.
What the hell are you trying to say? Of course if he got in the car they were taking off. To try to get him to safety. He decided to stay and see if the certification process would be able to continue. Good on him. There was a riot going on. The most grave and dangerous riot in the history of mankind according to you Pearl clutchers.
He knew the plot. They had just tried to get him to do it. He knew he couldn’t leave because he was literally the only thing standing between them and their goals.
False. Harassing American citizens out and about exercising their freedoms and not allowing them to be free to go about their business is also inciting an insurrection against their constitutional rights of being. You continue to give a free pass to thugs and terrorist who harass Americans citizens (many times physically and called for by people like Waters) if they fit your agenda but not those who have a differing opinion.
A woman not carrying a weapon was murdered by the police and you are good with that yet violent criminals killed by the police is an injustice.
Ashli Babbit was a victim of police brutality just like the others. Reform policing if you have a problem with what happened to her. Oh wait you suck the blue hose at every opportunity…
He was not reading the actual transcript. He made up things that were not said. Period.
He knew exactly who he was dealing with. In his closing statement, he predicted the future actions of the POTUS thereafter with surprising accuracy as it turned out. Bill Maher was another guy who knew Trump just wasn't going to leave. It's a autocratic mindset not unlike other so called strongmen hell bent on retaining power at all costs. That you Qooks are completely blind to it doesn't mean it wasn't a coup.
He knew exactly who he was dealing with. In his closing statement, he predicted the future actions of the POTUS thereafter with surprising accuracy as it turned out. Bill Maher was another guy who knew Trump just wasn't going to leave. It's a autocratic mindset not unlike other so called strongmen hell bent on retaining power at all costs. That you Qooks are completely blind to it doesn't mean it wasn't a coup.
Creating a fake spy dossier. Wire tapping a sitting president. Pretending to be reading from an official transcript during an impeachment trial, but instead you are completely making up things that were not said. All in efforts to have him removed from office. These are all things that might constitute a coup.
He knew exactly who he was dealing with. In his closing statement, he predicted the future actions of the POTUS thereafter with surprising accuracy as it turned out. Bill Maher was another guy who knew Trump just wasn't going to leave. It's a autocratic mindset not unlike other so called strongmen hell bent on retaining power at all costs. That you Qooks are completely blind to it doesn't mean it wasn't a coup.
Did he predict his best friend Ed Buck would die in prison for raping little boys? Did he know with surprising accuracy what he was dealing with with him? If so why didn’t he turn him in?
Pretending to be reading from an official transcript during an impeachment trial, but instead you are completely making up things that were not said.
It wasn't during the impeachment trial. It was before, near the beginning of the brouhaha before the actual transcript was released.
Creating a fake spy dossier. Wire tapping a sitting president. Pretending to be reading from an official transcript during an impeachment trial, but instead you are completely making up things that were not said. All in efforts to have him removed from office. These are all things that might constitute a coup.
Take your meds. That was 6 years ago. Show the American people the evidence. Stop dragging it out like Benghazi. The quid pro quo with Ukraine and the Capitol Coup actually happened within the past 2 years. The latter on live TV. But why? Over 60 judges, many Trump appointed, found no voter fraud. But the text messages by themselves are incriminating for people in Trump's orbit. The Trump phone call to the Georgia SOS is as well. The 14th amendment was designed for this reason. Let those involved suffer the consequences. Even if the criminal element involves no jail time which is what I suspect will happen.
Did he predict his best friend Ed Buck would die in prison for raping little boys? Did he know with surprising accuracy what he was dealing with with him? If so why didn’t he turn him in?
What does Ed Buck have to do with anything? Take your meds.

And yes, anyone raping little boys should die in prison. By lethal injection if young enough to warrant such action.
Take your meds. That was 6 years ago. Show the American people the evidence. Stop dragging it out like Benghazi. The quid pro quo with Ukraine and the Capitol Coup actually happened within the past 2 years. The latter on live TV. But why? Over 60 judges, many Trump appointed, found no voter fraud. But the text messages by themselves are incriminating for people in Trump's orbit. The Trump phone call to the Georgia SOS is as well. The 14th amendment was designed for this reason. Let those involved suffer the consequences. Even if the criminal element involves no jail time which is what I suspect will happen.
2 things. There was no quid pro quo from Trump. That’s been settled. Second, if clips from Independence Day and you thinking MTG walks like the pipe bomber are evidence of a planned coup, then best of luck to you.
2 things. There was no quid pro quo from Trump. That’s been settled. Second, if clips from Independence Day and you thinking MTG walks like the pipe bomber are evidence of a planned coup, then best of luck to you.
Two impeachments also happened. First time in US history. MTG is just the first. If she has nothing to hide, answer the questions truthfully. Perjury or a bad memory isn't the best way to do that.
They, and others, tried to bring forth their electors and contest previous elections.
Do you have a link for that? Obviously they tried to raise objections but were gaveled down because they didn't have a Senator join as the Constitution requires. Gore didn't even hear them. But they didn't send alternate electors and try to get the VP(Gore himself) to acknowledge them.

Also if you're comparing 2020 to 2000, Trump was the one trying to win the presidency in 2020, so he would've been Gore in that situation and just acknowledged his own electors, making him president. No need for the Pence middleman.