How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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A question the msm needs to be asking themselves: do we connect at all with the average voter? I think the answer is a resounding no.

Does this mean they'll move more toward center?
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Who is this chick saying Hillary needs to work with Trump? Ha, she's unemployed now and he's not going to give her a job.
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Well, twitter went about as expected. Republicans are going to put blacks in chains, hate crimes will go up, Trump will bomb everyone and start deporting all Mexicans and then come for the black community.

I swear to God that was all stuff said in a conversation I tried to have with some black people on my feed.
Largest turnout of Evangelicals in decades & Trump pulled 82% of them.

But #NeverTrump right? Gotta get Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush in there to win it for us.

We got the only guy who was going to win that election.

Dems have been outright hostile toward Christians and they act surprised that Christians came out and rejected their nonsense?

You can't be for total lawlessness, back BLM, support Muslims over Christians, incite riots, get cops killed after you convince blacks they're being targeted, want to flood the nation with a group who kills Christians and then expect Christians to support you.

The left got too crazy when given too much control and the right elected a strong guy who could handle the craziness and get those people out.
I still can't get over what a coward Clinton is and what hypocrites they all are. I knew they were gutter trash and had no ethics but not even coming out to her supporters who were there for hours waiting?

Obama, Hillary, Dems and the media have absolutely destroyed this place and torn it apart with divisive BS through identity politics and painting Trump as a lab bay of Hitler and KKK. It's just pathetic because you have a ton of low informed minorities out there that truly believe that stupidity.

I'm absolutely amazed that we still had that many patriots who rejected the Dems and gave this nation a fighting chance again.
Now watch what happens though folks, Trump is going to be left with a mess. As soon as we stop printing money, Obama care goes up more, the Clinton machine and Soros start to undermine his presidency, you will see a lot more problems. But, hopefully Trump can head that off.
MSNBC said that Hillary won the Latino vote big, the black vote big but, Trump won the election with a majority of white vote who are note college educated. What a bunch of idiots, no wonder they lost.
Although I didn't vite for trump (I voted for johnson) I'd rather have someone in the white house that is a little dangerous but doesn't really know what he's doing vs. someone who is really dangerous and knows exactly what they're doing.

Now off to max out my IRA on an S&P Index.
MSNBC said that Hillary won the Latino vote big, the black vote big but, Trump won the election with a majority of white vote who are note college educated. What a bunch of idiots, no wonder they lost.

I got a kick out of that as well. I watched CBS' coverage and it was all about race and division and they focused on "uneducated whites." Yeah, I'd like to compare the education and the finances of those "uneducated" whites against the education and finances of Latinos and blacks. But we didn't get a column for that, did we?

Dems got KO'd and still don't realize why.
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