How will they rule ??!

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They literally can't get anything passed in the Senate. And nothing about them is hardly left let alone radical left. The right is just so far right that it looks like the left are crazy left.
Nixon (R) and Eisenhower (R) would be considered a leftist by current GOP standards. Teddy (R) even more left and FDR (D), a commie probably.

Nothing says Ike and Nixon more than open borders, unlimited abortion and cozying up to communism. You really nailed it!
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I’m really shocked no one has liked your post. I mean Republicans have gotten such a fair shake in the debates the past three cycles.
You mean like when Donald Trump got to interrupt and over speak every single time he wanted until they finally cracked down on it?

I don't post for the likes. I don't need a fragile ego in constant need of stroking by yes men and brainwashed sycophants.
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Also, do better Kentucky

A restaurant manager flew a Ukrainian flag. Hateful messages followed.
Ben Ashlock thought he had settled things with a customer complaining about the Ukrainian flag atop the Kentucky steakhouse he manages.

Ashlock had opened up to the man about his personal connection to the war-torn country: He and his wife had adopted a teenage son from Ukraine three years earlier and forged friendships in the process. When Russia invaded, he wanted to show his support.

The 41-year-old general manager of a Colton’s Steak House & Grill franchise figured that was it.

It wasn’t. About a half-hour later, hate started coming from all fronts — the restaurant’s phone, Facebook page and reviews on Google. Over the past week, the firestorm has kept raging in Bardstown, a city of about 13,500 in central Kentucky. Ashlock, describing himself as an uncontroversial person, said he had planned to keep the flag up until Russia left Ukraine.

“I would love to take the flag down … because that would mean that they’re not at war anymore,” he said.

Adopted from Russia, raised in America, now watching a war in Ukraine
Ashlock and his wife of 19 years, Darrci, forged lifelong friendships in Ukraine while there to adopt their son. The 16-year-old is one of the couple’s 13 children — eight biological and five adopted or in the process of being adopted.

When the Russian military attacked on Feb. 24, Ashlock felt helpless. The owner of the steakhouse, who had helped Ashlock raise money for the adoption and paid for all three of the trips he took to Ukraine, sent the country’s blue-and-yellow flag days later. Ashlock decided to fly it outside the restaurant. Once it was up, he took photos and sent them to his friends in Ukraine.

“You just let them know, even in little old Kentucky, we see you, and we’re supporting you,” he said, adding that he didn’t think it would be a problem.

And for more than a month, it wasn’t.

Until April 9 — what Ashlock called “that fateful Saturday.”

That afternoon, Ashlock was working when someone sent the Colton’s Facebook page a direct message: “My family eats at Colton’s steakhouse, but will not eat there again until the Ukrainian flag is replaced with our national Flag.”

Ashlock replied about 30 minutes later, explaining that Ukraine’s flag had not replaced an American one but one of two Texas state flags the steakhouse uses to cultivate the chain’s Wild West, old saloon theme. Ashlock also told the man about adopting his son “whose hometown is now in ruins and under occupation.”

“I am sorry you feel this way, though,” Ashlock wrote. “And I hope you’ll reconsider.”

He thought that, at worst, they ended in an agree-to-disagree stalemate.

His employees soon started noticing Facebook users swarming the restaurant’s page to tar workers as disrespectful and unpatriotic. Some vowed never to eat there again.

Then the phone started ringing. Ashlock took the first call, a man asking why he “took the flag down.” Again, Ashlock explained what had happened before food orders pulled him into the kitchen. He passed off the phone.

But it kept ringing. At one point, one of the restaurant’s hosts came to him crying. “I felt horrible,” he said.

Meanwhile, the negative comments kept coming. Many were removed, but before they disappeared, Ashlock took screenshots, some of which he shared with The Post.

One said: “Take that trash flag down! May Ukraine be leveled to the ground!”

Another read: “It seems the only thing you accomplished flying this foreign flag is to further divide your fellow americans. One can’t even [sit] down to a meal these days without having politics flown in ones face.”

“I hope that Ukrainian flag is gone,” one user said, adding a face-with-monocle emoji. “I prefer my steak without a side of Nazi.”

Over on Google, someone left a one-star review of Colton’s: “food tasted woke, management is a war monger.”

“I hate to say it, because I try to be thick-skinned,” Ashlock told The Post, “but it was hurtful.”

Ashlock said he tried a compromise. After the blowback and misunderstanding that they had replaced an American flag, Ashlock swapped out the other Texas state flag for the Stars and Stripes. He consulted with military friends to make sure he was practicing proper flag etiquette by flying it higher than the Ukrainian one.

Doing that wasn’t a “crisis of conscience” — Ashlock said that’s who he is. Twenty-five years working in the service industry have trained him to be the first to apologize, to defer to customers, and to admit when he or the restaurant has made a mistake.

“I’ve never been in a predicament before where I couldn’t make someone happy and not, like, violate my conscience.”

Until now. While Ashlock said he was happy to fly the American flag, he didn’t think it would be right to cave in to demands to take down Ukraine’s as people there — including his friends — fight for their freedom.

So he hasn’t.

At a steakhouse chain in the middle of Kentucky — more than 5,000 miles away from its mother country — the Ukrainian flag still flies.
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The US doesn't have the oil reserves to sustain hyper production. If we had spent the last 50 years not importing oil we would be dried out. All the oil is in south America and the middle east. Everything left in north America is really ****ing expensive to get to and also destroys the land and poison the water table. The only viable solution for the US is a shitload of nuclear and electric cars. 70% of our oil use is transportation. Cut that in half and oil isn't an issue anymore.
It's absolutely amazing how anyone could use the word democracy & the words more content moderation in the same sentence. Just another example of the hypocrisy of the democrat/marxist party.
But we’re a republic not a democracy! Right guys?!?
It’s taken three decades for gambling and marijuana to still not be passed, trailing such states as Mississippi. But our backwards hick politicians in Frankfort meanwhile ban abortion, ensuring weird religious evangelicals vote for them. Awful people
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Nothing says Ike and Nixon more than open borders, unlimited abortion and cozying up to communism. You really nailed it!
EPA, Healthcare reform including Universal Healthcare (Ted Kennedy with the no), Clean Air Act, Affirmative Action (LBJ, improved under Nixon), OSHA, a tax on the wealthy, minimum income for the poor, improvements to Social Security, all policies supported or created by the Nixon Administration.

Republicans nowadays hate regulations and would oppose any agenda that would create something like the EPA, OSHA or the Clean Air Act.

Eisenhower also favored the New Deal programs created by FDR, strengthening the New Deal through improving Social Security. He also was opposed to tax cuts, preferring to balance the budget instead.

None of that above is considered Conservative by today's standards. Sure, they were conservative back then but present cons would consider them liberal.

Also, Nixon was the president who started diplomatic relations with China, another thing Republicans would be aghast about today.

Both Eisenhower and Nixon were more favorable when it comes to abortion. They favored it in cases of rape, incest, or danger to either party, mother or child.

Modern Republicans are even against that.

So you can keep spewing your talking points: borders, abortions, communism and I'll leave you with the facts above.
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It’s taken three decades for gambling and marijuana to still not be passed, trailing such states as Mississippi. But our backwards hick politicians in Frankfort meanwhile ban abortion, ensuring weird religious evangelicals vote for them. Awful people
But those religious evangelicals will already vote for them anyways so it's a bad use of political capital. It's why the Dems always give the middle finger to the black community and let their neighborhoods burn. They know they're all going to vote Dem anyway no matter what so why waste political capital on that group .
But those religious evangelicals will already vote for them anyways so it's a bad use of political capital. It's why the Dems always give the middle finger to the black community and let their neighborhoods burn. They know they're all going to vote Dem anyway no matter what so why waste political capital on that group .
Because in American politics, virtue signaling wins re-elections. Not substantive legislation that actually benefits the people of the commonwealth.
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They literally can't get anything passed in the Senate. And nothing about them is hardly left let alone radical left. The right is just so far right that it looks like the left are crazy left.
FALSE. One more Dim senator & you'd have seen how far left they are. For starters, Eisenhower & Nixon didn't support open borders & government run health care nor abortion on demand.

Should open them to all kinds of derivative liability. If you get an offer $10 over value, you must take it otherwise face liability to shareholders on their list profits.

Watching the puppet masters rally blackrock to buy all the shares they could is telling. They're literally trying everything to stop this sale, terrified they'll lose their propaganda platforms
EPA, Healthcare reform including Universal Healthcare (Ted Kennedy with the no), Clean Air Act, Affirmative Action (LBJ, improved under Nixon), OSHA, a tax on the wealthy, minimum income for the poor, improvements to Social Security, all policies supported or created by the Nixon Administration.

Republicans nowadays hate regulations and would oppose any agenda that would create something like the EPA, OSHA or the Clean Air Act.

Eisenhower also favored the New Deal programs created by FDR, strengthening the New Deal through improving Social Security. He also was opposed to tax cuts, preferring to balance the budget instead.

None of that above is considered Conservative by today's standards. Sure, they were conservative back then but present cons would consider them liberal.

Also, Nixon was the president who started diplomatic relations with China, another thing Republicans would be aghast about today.

Both Eisenhower and Nixon were more favorable when it comes to abortion. They favored it in cases of rape, incest, or danger to either party, mother or child.

Modern Republicans are even against that.

So you can keep spewing your talking points: borders, abortions, communism and I'll leave you with the facts above.
You can cite all of that you want but to try to hide the dumpster fire that is the Democrat party by pretending that the spectrum has shifted farther right is absolute nonsense. There’s not one poll right now that bears that out. The ass beating that’s coming in November is NOT because Republicans have shifted farther right. That is not disputable.
Dem/libs first support abortion full throttle.
Then the Dem/libs boo God in their national convention.
Then the Dem/libs support every type unmoral deviant behavior known to mankind.
Then the Dem/libs push this behavior on the children of America in the elementary schools.

Now, that bastion of Dem/lib talking points prints this on Good Friday.
From the NY Times.....

Comey soiled his own sheets. He should have to lie in them as he lied before congress and the world. Politics don't belong in the judicial system or in the investigation of criminal activity. He is one of the biggest hypocrites in history if he casts any aspersions on ANYONE else.
Trump demands loyalty 100 to him. That's not how DOJ works Comey is aPatrioty, Trump is a traitor
Did you miss the part where bezos thinks long term. he isnt a short-sighted idiot like most Americans. He knew that if he hemorrhaged cash for a few years he could dominate the market, bleed competition dry, and then swim in mountains of cash. And his plan couldn't have worked out more perfectly. Anyone that invested in his vision is absolutely filthy rich now. His space ventures are behind Musk ATM but I'm sure he'll catch up and dominate that market as well. Bezos understands how to plan a decade out with honest projections.
I knew that Joy Behar was stupid...but not this stooooopid.

“Is homosexuality even mentioned in the Bible? I don’t think it is,” Behar said.
There are scholars who disagree it is mentioned fwiw. But I don’t think you want I argue Bible.