How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Elon Musk would probably garner some votes in this survey….
The constitution does apply to companies. You are forgetting that companies also have free speech. Denying you service is their free speech. In citizens united scotus went even further and said their money is part of their speech. It's not a 1 way street for maga morons to do whatever they please. You speak out on twitter, and twitter speaks back with a ban. And nobody gives a **** because it's twitter and not important.
Republicans pulled out of the debates? Such cowards. Running like scared little spoiled crybaby snowflake quitters because they couldn't bully them to get their way.

Guess who didn’t pull out? Ed Buck, Clinton donor, who killed two young black boys with overdoses while engaging in anal rape.

Ed Buck. Your hero of heroes.
Ed Buck, Clinton best friend. 30 years for murder.

Ed Buck.
Anyone know why the Air Force has shut down a four mile stretch of Highway 71 in Nebraska for the last four days? They say it is for a Humvee crash that was loaded with ammo, but residents report seeing helicopters flying in and out of the quarantine area 24/7 and tons of personnel.

Anyone live around that area?
Is that near Offut?
Are you serious? He's from South Africa. It's like reverse birtherism. They accuse a black American of being from Kenya, but want a white South African to be our president. Wonder why...
He’s an African American by definition so don’t be all raysis. I’m guessing the person who posted that wasn’t thinking about that.
What's your favorite Dem economic policy?

Have you taken a look at states with the worst debt?

Here are the 10 states with the highest debt per capita:

  1. Massachusetts ($11,130.02)
  2. Connecticut ($10,927.73)
  3. Rhode Island ($8,406.29)
  4. Alaska ($8,215.89)
  5. New Jersey ($7,426.04)
  6. New York ($7,243.07)
  7. Hawaii ($6,888.93)
  8. Vermont ($5,623.79)
  9. New Hampshire ($5,614.61)
  10. Illinois ($4,938.57)

I don't see a lot of red states on there. HOW COULD THIS BE? Dems are geniuses at everything! Everyone knows if something is bad under Dems it's someone else's fault.

This is stupid. Using this logic would be like looking at the US and saying they're one of the most poorly economic performing countries in the world when by GDP we're #1 by 4 trillion the last time I checked. Per capita, maybe top 10? The US has a per capita debt of 58,000 while Venezuela has one of 7,000, Egypt 2,000, Russia 2,000. Based on your logic you'd rather be in those countries.

Moderate debt is typically an indicator of a powerful economy. Look at the per capita incomes of U.S. states and the per capita GDP and you'll likely see those same states you listed above as well as maybe TX and FL.

Shoot, CA, NY, and TX, if countries, would be top 10 countries per GDP.

Even as an individual we take on debt for all sorts of things: car payments, mortgages, etc. Prices are typically higher in those states you listed compared to poorer states that are typically led by Republicans. On the other hand, the wealthiest states are typically Blue, and no I don't think D's do better than R's or R's do better than D's, the business cycle is cyclical so it's really the luck of the draw in terms of who is in charge.**

Markets recently have performed better under Dems but 30 years ago and prior it really wasn't the case. Even the economy did well under 45 until Covid messed things over.

**minus tax cuts because those have always led to market turmoil

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