How will they rule ??!

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It indicates nothing since women can have Y chromosomes. Tell me you know nothing about biology without telling me you know nothing about biology.
LOL. And women can have 2 heads. That doesnt make it normal or anything but rare. They cannot have children either because of no female reproductive organs. I think we can all agree that the rare condition they did not choose to have at birth or after years participating as a very average or below athlete...that they can participate in whatever class of sports they so choose.
Nice attempt at changing the subject. I am not participating in any of this conversation other than to tell Lecter that Y chromosome doesn't mean male. If I wanted to participate in any of the rest of the conversation, I would have started that participation back in the beginning.
Yes it does. You are not a genetic male without the Y. Why do you hate science?
Yes it does. You are not a genetic male without the Y. Why do you hate science?
And you can be a genetic male without the Y chromosome. While it may be rare, it happens and is possible so you are yet again wrong.

And you can be a genetic male without the Y chromosome. While it may be rare, it happens and is possible so you are yet again wrong.

You continue to trot out mutations. I know, I know... there is a guy in Idaho with 3 arms, and a FB player on UK with 11 fingers. But only a troll would argue againt "humans have 2 arms and 10 fingers" Stop being intellectually dishonest. Do you have aaaaannnny evidence that the trans swimmer is one of the genetic oddities that you trot out to make a strawman argument?
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You continue to trot out mutations. I know, I know... there is a guy in Idaho with 3 arms, and a FB player on UK with 11 fingers. But only a troll would argue againt "humans have 2 arms and 10 fingers" Stop being intellectually dishonest. Do you have aaaaannnny evidence that the trans swimmer is one of the genetic oddities that you trot out to make a strawman argument?
I never said anything about Lia Thomas. I’m simply pointing out that the statements you made sound like absolutes are absolutely wrong. No more no less. The one being dishonest here is you. You can continue to trumpet your lies all you want but that’s all they are is lies. Nothing you have said about chromosomes is factually correct. That is my point and only point whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
I never said anything about Lia Thomas. I’m simply pointing out that the statements you made sound like absolutes are absolutely wrong. No more no less. The one being dishonest here is you. You can continue to trumpet your lies all you want but that’s all they are is lies. Nothing you have said about chromosomes is factually correct. That is my point and only point whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
Your hair spliiting nuanced argument that requires genetic abnormalities to even enter into the debate is dishonest. Trans do not require genetic oddities or abnormalities. Just the desire to switch teams. Lets agree then that the 99.999% who are normal cannot simply change "teams" so as to win medals. Play dressup or "lady-face" if you wish but you are still a man for purpose of law.
Your hair spliiting nuanced argument that requires genetic abnormalities to even enter into the debate is dishonest. Trans do not require genetic oddities or abnormalities. Just the desire to switch teams. Lets agree then that the 99.999% who are normal cannot simply change "teams" so as to win medals. Play dressup or "lady-face" if you wish but you are still a man for purpose of law.
none of that changes the inaccuracies about chromosomes that you portrayed as scientific fact. That is all I’m commenting on. So you can try to sway the focus all you want and I will just bring it back to what I commented on which was the lies you told about chromosomes. You stated something that was factually wrong and now are doing everything you can to dance around it. You were wrong and the statements you made about chromosomes will always be wrong regardless of how you try to justify it.

nothing about my statements is dishonest. You stated definitively that if you have any chromosome then you can’t get pregnant. That’s wrong. You stated definitively that a man has to have a Y chromosome. That is wrong. Call them abnormalities or what ever you want but they exist and they make your statements wrong. That’s not the least bit dishonest. Your statements are the ones that are dishonest.
none of that changes the inaccuracies about chromosomes that you portrayed as scientific fact. That is all I’m commenting on. So you can try to sway the focus all you want and I will just bring it back to what I commented on which was the lies you told about chromosomes. You stated something that was factually wrong and now are doing everything you can to dance around it. You were wrong and the statements you made about chromosomes will always be wrong regardless of how you try to justify it.

nothing about my statements is dishonest. You stated definitively that if you have any chromosome then you can’t get pregnant. That’s wrong. You stated definitively that a man has to have a Y chromosome. That is wrong. Call them abnormalities or what ever you want but they exist and they make your statements wrong. That’s not the least bit dishonest. Your statements are the ones that are dishonest.

You brought up a 1 in 20000 or so anomaly where a woman has a Y chromosome. That genetic abnormality manifests itself in having no female reproductive organs. You are not a biologist either. So when you run to The Daily Kos or Dem Undergroung to get your talking points at least research beyond the headline.
I mean if you're actually going to follow white nationalists, can't think of a better one. And sure, WHOEVER did this should get the DP afaic.

Did you really just call an ASIAN dude a 'white supremacists?

My God.


Edit for clarity: 'white nationalists was the claim. And still,

You brought up a 1 in 20000 or so anomaly where a woman has a Y chromosome. That genetic abnormality manifests itself in having no female reproductive organs. You are not a biologist either. So when you run to The Daily Kos or Dem Undergroung to get your talking points at least research beyond the headline.
You are still wrong. A person with a Y chromosome can and has gotten pregnant before. A male can be a male without a Y chromosome. Those are biologically possible and have happened before. I don’t care if it happened only once in history. 1 in 20000 possibility means it can and has happened. Your statements indicate it has 0 chance of happening and that is factually inaccurate. YOUR STATEMENTS WERE WRONG! Nothing you say to justify it will make those statements true. You were wrong when you made them. You are wrong now. You will still be wrong tomorrow. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY WRONG!!!!

The first sentence in my link “Yes, it is possible for someone with a Y chromosome to become pregnant and give birth to a child. But it’s extremely rare.” Rare isn’t impossible and you clearly stated that it is impossible for someone with a Y chromosome to get pregnant.
You are still wrong. A person with a Y chromosome can and has gotten pregnant before. A male can be a male without a Y chromosome. Those are biologically possible and have happened before. I don’t care if it happened only once in history. 1 in 20000 possibility means it can and has happened. Your statements indicate it has 0 chance of happening and that is factually inaccurate. YOUR STATEMENTS WERE WRONG! Nothing you say to justify it will make those statements true. You were wrong when you made them. You are wrong now. You will still be wrong tomorrow. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY WRONG!!!!

The first sentence in my link “Yes, it is possible for someone with a Y chromosome to become pregnant and give birth to a child. But it’s extremely rare.” Rare isn’t impossible and you clearly stated that it is impossible for someone with a Y chromosome to get pregnant.
And its possible for a human to have 2 heads so go ahead and hang your hat on oddities to defend grooming. Can you pretend to be black if cisWhite?
Yes...Catholics, like Joe Biden
Murderers, slave owners pedophiles and rapists have also always existed in past societies.

What a horseshit rationale to justify these fruitcakes. "Past societies had this crap so it makes it OK now."

Every society is responsible for its social mores.

200 years ago right here in Kentucky slavery was OK. I guess we ought to bring that back to because it existed in a past society.

These people are either sick in the head and need help or are disgusting perverts. Either way men have zero business competing in women's sporting events, IDGAF what outfit you put on to convince yourself otherwise.

It is disgusting and it is wrong.
how many jobs did we lose after raising min wage last time? oh thats right, none. We gained millions of jobs for the next 10 years. Its funny that dumb poor white people still fall for the made up fallacy that raising min wage kills jobs. Business adapt and learn how to work with the wages or they didn't deserve to be in business in the 1st place. and someone smarter and less of a greedy asshole will step in and fill the supply void. The average hourly pay in the US is already at $12 so the increase will change very little. We have allowed the middle class to erode away because the GoP has brainwashed its sheep into championing the greed of businesses over the needs of the populace.

So Republicans in Tennessee want to do away with the age of consent for marriage, and now Texas doesn't even have the staffing in place to investigate child sexual assaults because they are all leaving over right wing nut job politics. So why are Republicans pro-child rape and pedophilia?
False. Twitter: nuff said.